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23786960 No.23786960 [Reply] [Original]

With Joe being elected the next president there’s a good chance some new war will happen in the next 4 years. With that said, what defense stocks are you looking at picking up?

>> No.23786973

All in Lockheed Martin let’s gooo

>> No.23787038

Why lockheed specifically?

>> No.23787086

my brother unironically works at raytheon and has some secret clearance
maybe i can get some sweet insider info

>> No.23787126
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>With Joe being elected the next president

>> No.23787209


>> No.23787498

Trump will win by november 30. And the civil war will start .

>> No.23787586

So you’re saying definitely buy defense stocks

>> No.23787978

buy Smith & Wesson

>> No.23788047

>there’s a good chance some new war will happen
Based on what, your stupidity?

This actually. Morons always think dems are going to steal their guns. I remember when Obama was elected and their was a run on guns and ammo. Same thing happens with major school shootings. You can expect these morons to pump the stock anytime they get a whiff of their "freedom" being tampered with. It's a really old story.

>> No.23788149

Obama dropped so many bombs in a month that they ran out of bombs, and now his VP is president. Seems like it would be good for defense business to me.

>> No.23788160

>t-this time Q will be right!

Neck yourself schizo.

On topic ITA is a really good long term hold.

>> No.23788204

Your an idiot, I have secret clearance and that's not how it works.

>> No.23788214

* You're

>> No.23788236

thats awesome i just learned something about Obomba today thank you

>> No.23788257

It's happening regardless of the next president. The military has constantly been shrinking. The issue is the collapse of Bretton Woods. Also, we no longer need foreign oil and the "terrorism" narrative has become jaded. I don't see Biden starting any new wars, same with Trump. They're both terrible, but personally in war scenario's I'd rather have Biden as Trump seems like he has an itchy trigger finger.

>> No.23788420
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>itchy trigger finger

>> No.23788444
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Good choice, haliburton, lockheed martin and other similar choices too.
Way to go Joe!

>> No.23788461

>collapse of Bretton Woods
Hello fellow Peter Puffer.

Yeah, I'm not buying the whole 'Biden-Harris is going to start a war with Iran!/China!' bit. We're pulling out of the middle east and leaving everyone there with the horrible realization that they get to handle their own shit now, which is why so many gulf states are cozying up to Israel, the only competent military in the region. If anything pops off with Iran, the Sauds will just nuke them.

With China, its going to be them starting it. The famine and shortages are already starting to set in over there, and with so much open dissension in the CCP ranks, Xi will either kill his rivals and invade Taiwan, or be assassinated, and the country falls to pieces organically.
>Its like romance of the 3 kingdoms, but with nukes

I'm curious to see if the dems' big industrial backers allow him to gut internal energy development. There's a lot of very powerful money not only into fracking but turning that free natural gas into a petrochem revolution.

>> No.23788504

Nuclear action is probably the #1 factor in voting for a president. If you think about it, everything else is white noise compared to a global apocalypse.

No one has a "nuclear" policy per se, so you have to shoot from the hip and judge yourself as for the character of the guy. Trump seems more likely to beget some sort of nuclear scenario. I admit how unlikely this is however, as I think everyone understand a nuclear scenario is a lose-lose situation. So, all I can do is point to Trumps attitude, seems like the type of person that wouldn't be able to completely intellectualize the gravity of such an event, perhaps treating it like a business deal rather than a complete disaster. I don't like Biden, but I don't get the same vibe. Again, I think this is an unlikely scenario but Trump scares me in this regard and it's an underrated topic.

>> No.23788593

>I'm curious to see if the dems' big industrial backers allow him to gut internal energy development. There's a lot of very powerful money not only into fracking but turning that free natural gas into a petrochem revolution.

Yeah. I think the US has the luxury to invest in solar/wind, even at our own expense. Point is we can frack if we need to and are no longer foreign dependent. I actually believe in the science behind global warming, for me it's a risk/reward issue, so want to push for more action in this regard, the fact we still use fossil fuels seems a bit absurd. But these things take time and with a lot of kicking and screaming.

>> No.23788611

If you invest in war your soul is absolutely fucked.

>> No.23788631

>china will collapse!
Their GDP is growing and they control global manufacturing, brainlet.

>> No.23788696
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The problem with solar/wind is that even in the US, where there are considerable swaths of land that get sufficient year round solar radiation and consistent winds, those places rarely coincide with places people actually live. There are only a handful major metros within 100 miles of zones where current solar/wind generation makes sense, and most are in Texas. You can't just will-to-power a nation wide renewable energy grid, its as geography dependent as hydroelectricity. Even in areas where its viable to invest in major solar and wind projects, they're still not able to replace the base load generation of fossil fuels.

Actually trying the Green New Deal retardation is going to end up like Germany. They spent billions on solar investment only to realize that it doesn't generate nearly enough power being in fucking central Europe. Now they're expanding their capacity for lignite burning plants, because its between that and de-industrializing.

>> No.23788708

go back to red dit faggot

>> No.23788727

The fact that we hadnt tried to make any throium reactors is criminal.

>> No.23788733

Completely wrong. Trump would never have the balls to drop nukes. He is factually the most peaceful president in decades. Biden would be more likely to rationalize it "with a heavy heart".

>> No.23788772
File: 229 KB, 1142x1500, Peter Zeihan thinking about the great plains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks China exists outside of the US naval security apparatus.
>He thinks China, a nation that imports over half its calories and 85% of its energy needs can exist in a world where a blue water navy (which they don't have) fucks up their oil and gas shipments in the Indian ocean.
>He thinks the Chinese aren't cooking the fuck out of every single economic indicator
>He thinks GDP actually measures anything
>He thinks the Chinese real estate sector isn't literally imploding as we speak
>He thinks China isn't full of ghost cities that only exist to consume the tons of shit-tier concrete and pig-iron Chinese industry produces
>He thinks granaries haven't been mysteriously catching fire every time they're supposed to be audited.
>He thinks the Chinese actually maintained a strategic reserve of grains instead of selling it for pennies
>He thinks the Chinese haven't become increasingly insistent to their people about not wasting food
>He thinks they haven't been tearing down orchards and forcing them to plant rice
>He thinks they don't literally have Red Guards tending fields so at least the army can eat this winter.
>He thinks they didn't lose two harvests to the worst flooding in 100 years
>He thinks mass herd and flock culls due to disease didn't happen
>He thinks biblical locust swarms didn't fuck up China this year.


>> No.23788786

Yes I know the current economics aren't great. But to me it's like the "Hey the rest of the world won't get off oil so why should we?". It's such a frustrating argument because should we then just do nothing? Ever? It's an argument based on futility, which is short sighted and deterministic.

Tesla became what it is today because its founder was a strict believer in first principles thinking. As alternatives to oil are continuously and methodically tested, the technologies will become cheaper and better. I think in a 100 years people will think of gas powered machines as quirky relics of the past.

>> No.23788830

I'm a little worried about HK as I have some crypto on an exchange there, c'est la vie.

>> No.23788840

>buy a bunch of war-related stocks for a 4 year long hold on the off chance we go to war and possibly require their services
>instead of just putting it into Defi or something
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.23788887

I’ve never heard of defi

>> No.23788925

where can i read more on these?

>> No.23788971

True, either way I think we make money though, DeFi much more money though. I'm waiting for a dip in real estate from boomer deaths and mortgage defaults.

>> No.23789087
File: 308 KB, 1570x872, Peter Zeihan posts on pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the name of my pic rel? Go forth and google. Also consider lurking in the /TGD/ general on /pol/; lots of bullshit but some pretty good leaks that suggest hunger is coming to the world's most populous country.

Well, whether we get to see another failed invasion of Taiwan first or not, the CCP isn't long for the world and they all know it. Expect HK and Guan Dong and all those other southern coastal cities to due what they historically do. Act like outward facing city states with more loyalty to local thassalocracies than to Beijing.

>> No.23789148

i want this shit to happen real bad
reactor design is on gen 4, while all standing reactors are gen 1 designs
we need low pressure slow breed reactors

>> No.23790288

>Trump will win by november 30. And the civil war will start .
we need the Kleros courts to figure this out

>> No.23790418

Wow schizo ravings I'm so convinced

>> No.23790447


>> No.23790512


>> No.23790658

It would be so funny if the bombs dropped during a biden presidency. I bet you'd feel real stupid lol

>> No.23790720

Nope. Defense budgets are going to be flat for the next few years because Trump already increased defense spending by a huge amount.

>> No.23790746
File: 855 KB, 698x2636, China preparing orchard lands for rice cultivation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is the TLDR of an hour long presentation, pretend you're white and read it.

Well if its all bullshit I'm sure you'd like to explain how some CIA spook must have tricked the CCP into seizing orchards and planting rice (that in true Mao fashion won't provide a harvest this year, so they get no rice AND no fruit). And if I'm so full of shit I'm sure you won't find any articles about their historic culls of pigs, duck, and chicken. Vietnam is already bragging about charging the Chinese 4x the going rate for food imports.

Taiwan is number one, Taiwan is real China.
This is the part where you reveal yourself as a Chink living in the Anglophone world and start sperging out over hypersonic missiles and your "super successful interior cycle economy" despite the Russians not being able to work out the kinks on the former, and the latter being just as much of a joke as the Chinese middle class. I went ahead and wrote it out for you so you don't have to bother with it all, I'm just sick of seeing Zhangposting everywhere and I can't wait until Cantonese is the only spoken Chinese left.

>> No.23790829

I'm balls deep in rtx. Not because a war could happen but because it's a great company. The market treats it as if it was beaten down airline stock while it's basically a defense high tech company. I know a guy who works there.

>> No.23790894

Raytheon is a good company due to its strong missile technology business but the stock will likely retrace back to the years before Trump drastically increased the defense budget. The stock price is already back to 2016 levels and it could see further weakness if defense budgets stay flat.

>> No.23790901 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 781x379, Screenshot_20201108-094804~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETF chad here. I hold VWCE , 2B76 , L0CK
Picking stocks is a suckers game

>> No.23790904

>Morons always think dems are going to steal their guns.

Democrats have enacted gun control legislation all over the country and it gets worse and worse. The left has confiscated weapons by government mandate in several other countries, notably Australia.

Why do you persist in claiming that the left does not and will not take guns, when there is precedent and evidence that they intend to? Is the concept of self defense so abhorrent to you?