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23786614 No.23786614 [Reply] [Original]

>fucking nigger murricans are gonna start bombing the middle east again
>europeans have to clean up their mess again with taking in even more refugees

god fucking damn you nigger americans I hate you all so fucking much

>> No.23786636

chill bro, trump won

>> No.23786648
File: 332 KB, 1280x1920, 1597496892739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re going to post the exact same thing when Trump wins

>> No.23786650

You should be blaming Israel but don’t worry Trump will win in the Supreme Court faggot

>> No.23786659

why you retard
trump is the only president not to do that in like fucking 20 years you dumb fucking dick sucking nigger shill
the democrats want fucking Dick Cheney back again

>> No.23786661

I've heard this being said by my normie friend
why do they think biden wants war?

>> No.23786683

Dick Cheney will be advising him on foreign policy

>> No.23786694
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Because you’ll take every opportunity to chastize the United States even if it isn’t substantiated

>> No.23786700

>why do you think the career politician who presided over countless wars and has enriched himself and his family incredibly through the military industrial complex will start a war?

>> No.23786708

Because Biden is an establishment puppet you stupid fuck. Trump told the war mongers to fuck off and did a gas ass bombing of Syria while trying to get us out of Iraq and Astan. Say hello to war with Iran with China expands in the east

Fortunately none of this will happen though because Trump will win and everyone is going to get gulaged and hopefully you will be too

>> No.23786711

Trump won the election.

>> No.23786713

he can just say no if he says something stupid, right?

>> No.23786714

Remember when Obama started bombing the shit out of Lybia turning it into a failed state ?

>> No.23786729

moreover, just like every other president in recent memory sans Trump, Biden/Harris would be the eager puppet of the typical warmongering suspects. but luckily trump won

>> No.23786733

You do know that you can station a flakpanzer gepard at the end of any american airfield in Europe and give the ultimatum "start bombing the middle east we statt shooting" right? Americans are cowards and will give in.

>> No.23786738

i don't even know who this dick guy is

>> No.23786745

he cannot, and he will die anyway and kamala will defiantly not say no

>> No.23786749
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>> No.23786754

and have you considered that what seems "stupid" to you might not seem "stupid" to somebody else?
have you considered that your incentives do not align with these people?
these people are the political class, you are not like these people. they don't think about you.

>> No.23786755
File: 27 KB, 137x165, 1A781465-A9CE-47BB-ADE0-3195550DCF67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t know who dick Cheney is you are either 12 or a fucking nigger

Kill yourself you know nothing about this world

>> No.23786763

source? I cant find any thing saying this except some tweet.

>> No.23786768

I really hope you're trolling that you don't know who Cheney is or Americans are even dumber than previously known

>> No.23786779

Dick was endorsing Biden since 2015 saying he should go for presidency
They are good friends, you can search for Dick Cheney Biden and find loads of stuff

>> No.23786812

this gotta be bait

>> No.23786819

I'm 18, don't like to hear about intrinsically bad/worthless people, that's the rent free meme I guess

also is there any officials confirmations or is that just shizo info

not bait sirs

>> No.23786864
File: 526 KB, 759x792, B2A19ACE-B5CC-44EC-ABF3-C745249C8362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so your a dumb shit that doesn’t know anything about history or politics. Go read up about Dick Cheney you stupid faggot

The Founding Fathers were right young landless faggots, women and non whites should never be able to vote in this country. I hate you

>> No.23786865

go play fornite or something leave the politics to actual adults

>> No.23786913
File: 741 KB, 1024x1195, 1601009541718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you I've been right with literally every pice of advice I've ever given on this board
percentage wise i probably made more profit than most of those so called "adults" itt

cope and

>> No.23786915

there's literally no proof of any of that

>> No.23786925

Maybe you have but you still don’t know shit about your own country which is pathetic. I’m glad you made a lot of money and I hope that continues for you but for fucks sake read a book man

>> No.23786933

are we talking profits and shitcoins here? no, so stfu

>> No.23786937

I'm also an eu chad
check em

>> No.23786946

Alright that’s a legitimate excuse. Don’t go your entire life being a retarded liberal

>> No.23786947

good point, i should fuck off right now

>> No.23786956

Hey I voted for Trump! Not my fault niggers and carpetbagger turned the state.

>> No.23787106

in these situations, no, the "advisor" is advising him what he’d better fucking do or else. don’t you remember when cheney was "vice" president?

>> No.23787981

ITT: "I voted trump because people on 4chan did and now Im asshurt"

now THATS funny

>> No.23788194

>I'm 18
Dude dick cheney is the reason your country spent 3.8 trillion committing genocide in the middle east. A conservative estimate of the death toll of by the wars cheney helped bring about is 10 million. Seriously he's bad news.

>> No.23788228

>trump is the only president not to do that in like fucking 20 years
I think its actually around 70.
and while I'm not his biggest fan, that at least was an achievement. Burgers really were developing a worldwide rep for being meddlesome warmungers otherwise.