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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23782352 No.23782352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All niggers had to do was elect this man for a second term and you all would be rich. This is on you and there’s nobody to blame but yourself. We are about to see a Great Depression like never before

>> No.23782377

We avoided a Great Depression by ditching this fat retarded fuck-up.

>> No.23782385

Higher taxes 40% on capital gains. lmao good luck trading you thought Coinbase fees were bad. Welcome to socialist Russia mother fuckers. I hope every who voted for Biden has fun waiting for food stamps to come in the mail. You realize we were on the cusp of a GOLDEN BULLRUN and you FUCKED IT UP

>> No.23782403

>t. poor hick that got psyop'd into voting against his own self interest
don't worry, that least the smarter people saved your dumbass

>> No.23782413

You’ll get what you deserve. Fucking rations. You’re about to see what it like on animal farm bitch

>> No.23782432
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I am actually going to get rich by shorting white pepo

You had an good run euros, but it's time to get blacked

>> No.23782440

Our educational system has failed. Your post is evidence.

>> No.23782512

Kek, no. Rich people don’t pay capital gains...only the poor and uneducated to.

>> No.23782542

Exactly, how did they fuck up so badly to elect someone who straight-up promised to tax them into oblivion and fill the country with illegal immigrants specifically to destroy the white race.

>> No.23782548
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Holy shit what happened to him kek

>> No.23782580

>All niggers had to do was elect this man for a second term
The people did. The media didnt want that though.

>> No.23782652

The media had no preference you idiot.

>> No.23782662

Yes they do. All taxes will be raised. Let them try and buy property. They’ll be broke in 5 years as the property rate on a million dollar lot is going to 20% per year. It’s called socialism.

>> No.23782756
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>how did they fuck up so badly to elect someone who straight-up promised to tax them into oblivion

Step one manufacture a fake crisis
Step two destroy the economy
Step three send the country in to great depression and chaos
Step four blame everything on him

To be honest this is all his fault, he should of plow through the whole fake virus shit sweden style and say fuck it whoever dies fucking dies.

Are the end of the day it was the fucking dinosaurs in nursing homes who gave em the judas kiss because the new corpse president promised he was going to keep the economy dead to give them another 2 perhaps 3 more months of decrepit life holding their oxygen tanks.

And I can go on and on how letting Mitch the turtle hold payments to niggers was even not stupid but that's a different story.

He bungle the covid response but not in ways the fake news media wants you to believe

>> No.23782778

Horse. Shit.

>> No.23782792
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>CNN All negative Trump posts
>Fox News All Positive Trump posts
The media had no preference

>> No.23782795
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>> No.23782797

He's provoking you, don't give em yous, we know who did this and they'll hang from lamp post once the boogaloo starts

>> No.23782805

I own 6 homes...my property taxes are high but they are off set by all my other business. I haven’t payed taxes in years...and Biden won’t change that, kek...”Muh Kamala”. Trust me....if you do it right your taxes can always be offset, and if you don’t like it buy bitcoin and then no one can touch your assets.

>> No.23782812

yeah well no need to tell us which camp you're in you fucking retard it's blatantly fucking obvious with knowledge bombs like that

>> No.23782814

Does this mean burger liberals are going to all buy blue hats and start their own cult of personality, or was that just a weird conservative thing?

>> No.23782826

After a while if you really want you can take your bags of btc and go anywhere in the world that is crypto friendly.

>> No.23782832

All trump had to do is turn on hitler mode that's it...

>> No.23782839
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>> No.23782841

Red vs blue hats kek...”camps”...the worl already picked a direction, we can either take the highway or the side rods but the world picked a destination way before you and I were ever born.

>> No.23782845

Nice larp, faggot.

>> No.23782871

>my literally who Twatter news

>> No.23782876

Ah yes, all the important world powers. The goulash embargo would be terrible.

>> No.23782904
File: 121 KB, 728x546, 3C089851-A4AA-42A1-818B-92CFFAC5AB9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s just relaxing with a game of golf while the media tries to get everyone to get used to the Biden “victory”
While they pretend the legal team didn’t announce that the court hearings are on monday

>> No.23782907

Got me, Anon. Kek.

>> No.23782919
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he lost
get over it poorfag

>> No.23782936

lol, what ?

>> No.23782947

I’ve read some of the stupidest shit I ever thought I would see on the internet, but you sir, wow.

Media aside though, the Biden campaign cheated and I think everyone knows that by now.

>> No.23782948
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the media declares the winner?? is that in the constitution?

>> No.23782968

Yeah, the constitution now sponsored by Bud light.

>> No.23782983

we did vote for him. We should have just instated the Trump Monarchy

>> No.23783057

You sound exactly like the Hillary shills did 4 years ago. God retards who buy into shlomos “democracy” scam are so fucking annoying.

>> No.23783162

I hope its the porn version and not the book.

>> No.23783192
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>brought to you by Carl's Jr

>> No.23783199

It's only fitting when you have a gameshow host as president

>> No.23783202
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Trumptards BTFO

>> No.23783245

Are you still going to be calling everyone else "poorfag" when the pod guards give you two scoops of bugs instead of one?

>> No.23783271
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>> No.23783299
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>> No.23783321
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>> No.23783375
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If the corporations thought they had this then they wouldn't be running so much propaganda about a victory. There is no announced winner. Claiming that Biden won is desperation. There is a backup plan they have in place when Trump is declared the victor. They are trying to create a narrative of a stolen election.

Trump spoke about this months ago. He said they knew this was coming and that it would be a few weeks before they could declare victory. There is a big difference between President Trump's first and second term. Now, we know that all of the corporate system is against the people.

You bet your ass they're terrified. There will be no popular support to protect them. Look at their footsoldiers and then go look at ours.

Ask yourself why they chose to raid /biz/ as well as /pol/.

>/biz/ is a pro-Trump board by far