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File: 313 KB, 2688x1792, ba6bede5-abb7-4142-adf5-e0b2db8a7a82-AP_Election_2020_DNC_Biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23780784 No.23780784 [Reply] [Original]

>kills the Golden Bull Run
heh... nothing personal, cornpop

>> No.23780805

the larger problem is a wider economic collapse but ok focus on the beetcoins

>> No.23780828

kys tranny

>> No.23780832
File: 10 KB, 224x224, CD934B91-869B-4B3D-A19C-CEBAE4EA8185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23780834

Shut up faggot

>> No.23780859

Dilate faggot I only care about my bitbeans

>> No.23780907
File: 75 KB, 523x468, 1600425752275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the larger problem is a wider economic collapse but ok focus on the beetcoins

>> No.23780908

Isn't this a good thing in the long term for those that HODL? Shouldn't this be the time to put all disposable income in while goldfish attention-span-having frens sell at a loss?

>> No.23780954

The economy? If you haven't been aware that the economy is fake and based on how much banks feel they can profit since the 08 crash you're too retarded to live. Enjoy getting anal annihilated by bankers every debt cycle while seething about my fat Eth/LINK stack.

>> No.23781100

tranny faggot kek

>> No.23781145

Ya, you're right. The "sell everything" fags are either memeing or psy-op'ing. Honestly though I'm cool with tons of morons tethering out of crypto, makes the firesale even cheaper

>> No.23781277

>oligarchs being forced to distribute even a single percentage point of their wealth to the working class will cause an economic collapse
never change jews

>> No.23781294

cope harder, you have no idea how low this can go, i wouldn't buy back until monday

>> No.23781301
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based and informed

>> No.23781310

well will we see 6k btc ?

>> No.23781488

How far down are we going because I want to buy more

>> No.23781508

bobo said there is 3.5 k gap or something like that
We're going to get some cheap corns boys

>> No.23781509
File: 287 KB, 1080x942, 1583585977427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the larger problem is a wider economic collapse but ok focus on the beetcoins

>> No.23781511


>> No.23781531


>> No.23781552
File: 25 KB, 607x441, Captura-de-Tela-2019-07-11-a%CC%80s-21.39.50[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you dumb op?

>> No.23781554

who fucking cares about niggers

>> No.23781565

The retards who voted for this deserve to have their gains wiped out.

>> No.23781582

What did he mean

>> No.23781615
File: 3.64 MB, 317x178, jabroni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt trumptards

>> No.23782516

I actually am racist now. Before it was fine bc I was making money but now those niggers voted this cunt into office and will tax everyone 60% fuck niggers. You see when kuckamala said “I WILL RAISE YOUR TAXES” and the entire crowd cheered. That’s the state of IQ in America and it’s all your fault. You voted for this fucking low IQ scumrag

>> No.23782579

Don't care, not selling, buying more.

The house & senate is divided and velocity of money is still collapsing, there won't be any regulatory change anytime soon.

>> No.23782600

No she is telling she will raise your taxes, not theirs.
That's why they are cheering

>> No.23782602

Cope, republicuck.

>> No.23782658
File: 65 KB, 1081x486, KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Crypto is a white construct
50% tax
> The middle class is racist.
Forces reparations.

>> No.23782665

The elite are in the lowest tax brackets. It's how the system is set up. Notice how no democrat has ever attempted to fix this. You could raise taxes on billionaires to 99% and they'd still pay less than you every year.

>> No.23782744

You’re right. How do people stand for such tyranny and just keep getting fucked up the ass and do nothing. I had no idea the government just robs you in broad daylight like this until I had to file my own taxes. I’m saddened by the fact there hasn’t been a civil war. Men have died for a lot less

>> No.23783022

Yes current tax levels in most nations are already 3x the ammount feudal serfs paid.
CryptoCurrency is the last chance to revert course peacefully otherwise it's over

>> No.23783082

really? it wasn't niggers shooting children, burning down cities with leftists, harassing people, and being overall savages on civil society? it was them voting for joe biden that did it; and Kamala DMV Harris lol..?

that being said, there's no tax hike coming. repub senate will block, plus now that joe won he has no reason to appease his radical lib base; he "defeated" trump. they're happy with that and butthurt magatards. no big taxes; just more gayshit though

>> No.23783138

Why not sell collect profit and then buy back in?

>> No.23783168

This is actually good if it happens, he's gonna ruin the bull run and we gonna buy low, wait 4 years and vote for MAGA 2024 and have another bull run.

>> No.23783191

>that being said, there's no tax hike coming. repub senate will block
republicans only block democrat tax hikes if Donald Trump is in office, retard.
Have you forgotten the entire recent history of this country already? Republicans are total cuckolds too. Nobody will stop shit anymore if Biden assumes office. You people are so stupid.

>> No.23783219

lol you think there will be a USA in 2024?
your only hope is that Trump is able to win in the courts.
otherwise you can say goodbye to everything you ever owned and you can forget about any dreams of making bank. so many people think this is just 'another election'.

>> No.23783249

>sells america to china
>dies next day
your president

>> No.23783280

Im personally sitting on too many usd shitcoins, am hoping for a crash would like to pick up at least pick up 3 bc

>> No.23783877

taxes are the only thing they'll fight for. war with iran upcoming, massive LEGAL immigration, amnesty, and more online censorship they'll cave to

>> No.23783940

>republican senate
brainlet moment

>> No.23784041

tanking the economny and the dollar is the objective.
so the government can release its own crypto, to give "welfare" to all the unemployed, but is also tracking every tansaction for automated taxation, and pefect knowledge of the assets of every citizen.
which as a side effect of no trading in a currency other than the governments crypto, will delete the entire value of bitcoin.

>> No.23784663

>being for the people
>being for the people after the people demonstrate votes are literally completely irrelevant and they won't do anything about it if you blatantly demonstrate fraud
yeah man these two massive establishment parties will have your back more than ever now