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23780725 No.23780725 [Reply] [Original]

Biden is going to ban withdrawing from exchanges, which will render anything but Coinbase as illegally held Bitcoin. Liquidity outside of KYC exchanges will be illegal. Investors will panic, price will crash, so will hashrate.

Time to stay in cash. Crypto winter is coming.

>> No.23780748

Biden is more pro-crypto than trump you retard

>> No.23780786

>Pro-regulation, pro-taxes politician is more pro-crypto than low-regulation, low-taxes politician
0 IQ post

>> No.23780806
File: 44 KB, 640x427, 84671B96-CB2E-4793-AFCE-7B56C0BB6113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol ...he thinks Biden is in control, and a new digitized currency from the Fed will tolerate crypto ...how cute ! :3

>> No.23781397

Both Biden and Trump are anti Bitcoin and the war on crypto would come with both, but with Biden is now inminent.

>> No.23781472

>Time to stay in cash
but that will get fucked also lol

>> No.23781601

Not faster than a flash crash from the markets.

>> No.23781670

too bad Biden won't be president.
Trump is a man who is destined to win

>> No.23781729

I dunno anon, I think shiny rocks and gunz are the play here until things are clearer.

>> No.23781760

You are the most retarded person in this board.

>> No.23782040

You can't regulate uniswap.

Crypto won this war on 1980s when the first ideas of cryptocurrencies were described in the criptoanarchist manifesto. It is weird to see we are on 2020 and people still didn't realize this.

>> No.23782173

>you cant regulate uniswap
ciphertrace means they wont have to.

>> No.23782328
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1200, ARPARPAWEWWEWEWEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy coins like ARPA are the way forward.

>> No.23782460


>> No.23782475
File: 112 KB, 904x452, privacychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arpa is trash

>> No.23782529
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Biden is going to suck my dick

>> No.23782554

Kek oh no! The McDonald’s cashier didn’t show up for work!
Go fuck yourself. Cope.

>> No.23782557

nice fud

>> No.23782667

Just to conclude what you are implying will never happen. In contrast, what is there to fear? big shots investors, constitutions, large money does it all LEGALLY. In fact they wouldn't touch it otherwise. Also you do realize people in for instance China can buy US stocks from many different brokerages without KYC, it's as simple as opening a bank account and making a deposit.

>> No.23782719

They are the ones getting fucked over the most, look at XMR.

>> No.23782745

That's retarded. There isn't going to be a lack of demand for the USD, at least not for a while. Crypto winter will last as governments go for a full frontal attack, altcoins will die as they will not be able to deal with the big BTC crash, but BTC will prevail on the long run throught OTC. Eventually governments will want their cut and will bring things back to normal.

>> No.23782774
File: 1.20 MB, 475x6156, normie halving dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ETH retardation, it's unsafe by default. Once BTC crashes into the depth ETH will not survive. Capitulation from dumb ass Youtuber money is coming.

>> No.23782807

There's an huge chunk of money coming from normies, this crash will dump the price and scare miners, which will capitulate. You are insane to not realize how the value proposition of BTC is OTC markets, and they would basically be outlawed, first in the US, then the whole EU, and China once they see the opportunity.

>> No.23782821

Sorry bro the price is already going back up, you didn't fill your bag thats your own fault.

>> No.23782824

Biden will kill crypto. You’re fucked.

>> No.23782831
File: 145 KB, 1114x630, trumpbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucking deeply twisted by politics to you have to be to have your candidate LITERALLY COME OUT AND SAY they're against crypto and interpret that as them secretly being for crypto.

>> No.23782836

Yes, but they can seriously hurt crypto organic growth, which they have already been doing by the way. Can't buy on amazon or most e-commerce with crypto.
Back in 2014, in my country in western europa, some supermaket chain wanted to allow customers to buy with bitcoin. Everything could have been implemented. Guess what, they abandoned the idea. Or more like banks told them to do so. Same happened with fortnite, i remember some news saying that you could buy fortnite items with monero in 2019. It was implemented, but they backed away almost the same day. Probably got a phone call from some power that be.

>> No.23782847

Where did I say Trump is for Bitcoin. Whole thread is to point out that Biden is x1000 worse than Trump and will accelerate the anti crypto agenda.

>> No.23782867

Nigger you had 11 years.

>> No.23782903

BTC was designed by (((them))) only the most low IQ Pajeet doesn't realise that every fucking aspect of their life is rigged. Food, Water, Entertainment, Government, Media, Money supply and on and on. LINK marines were also priced in to the eventual success of LINK which is integral to the coming slave system. Do not hodl they will fuck you, take profits and move them around so your money is always going in the right direction, at least that is my method this bullrun which is still very much on.

>> No.23782906

if you made a genetic chimera of hitler stalin mao and osama amdraised it to be the most vile and repulsive dictator under the sun it would be a better president than trump

>> No.23782982

Democrats don't have the house & senate & Supreme Court, keep coping

>> No.23782999

Its a hell of a fud when a coin doesn't even have a github

>> No.23783017

Left wing or right wing, its all part of the same bird.

>> No.23783075

I don't think uniswap will be unsafe, however this was just an example. Better and safer dexes will eventually exist.

Fair enough. They can hurt crypto very hard in short term.

Compared to crypto, cash is a big piece of shit but people doesn't seem to notice. I don't know what the price reaction will be.

In the long term regulations in crypto are like trying to stop a colander with a finger.

>> No.23783338

Biden doesn't know what day of the week it is or who the president is. I doubt he has formed his own opinion on crypto.

>> No.23783377

Shutting down the economy is part of their plan anyway.

>> No.23783483

doubtful...the reason why its doubtful is because ((they)) push crypto on all their tv show dramas. Even the great reset by that bald headed german guy talks about crypo and blockchain being used.
You might be right they might try to freak the markets out to enforce KYC/AML but i suspect that will be when its too late

>> No.23783541

i hate biden as much as the next fuck but how will biden kill crypto.

>> No.23783555

yes because the president makes all the decisions. I hate joe but that said it will be biden admin not him running the shit show

>> No.23783560

who the fuck comes up with this shit. do you think your clever or something ORANGE MAN BAD. we fucking get it, you don't like him. its not relevant to the discussion.

>> No.23783598

>Biden doesn't know what day of the week it is or who the president is.
Perfect president.

>> No.23783602

Hey, Osama is a good guy, he used to watch animes. He was like luke skywalker fighting the Empire.

>> No.23783663

They can't have any discussion about the Orange Man without doing this. Over emotional, fragile people.

>> No.23783831

it's mostly because such a creature would be reasonably intelligent and not a drooling imbecile that trump is.
that's one way to look at it.

>> No.23783937
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, mockup-6255a32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's mostly because such a creature would be reasonably intelligent and not a drooling imbecile that trump is.
Disliking Trump isn't a personality type. The man lives rent-free inside your skull. Yikes.

>> No.23783961

It great that the white house is a literal old folks home, none of them even have bitcoin on the radar. How much do you think the white house smells of that "crinkly diaper" smell?

>> No.23783973

Exactly fuck that bastard trump he came out against bitcoin explicitly

>> No.23783982

biden literally doesnt even know what bitcoin is

>> No.23783992

I kind of wonder how long people are going to cling to orange man bad. Are they going to be telling their grandkids they survived some kind of holocaust? Truely millennials are delicate. I guess the entire genre of "late night comedy news shows" is now defunct.

>> No.23784001

it's not about disliking as much as objectively assessing his abilities

>> No.23784040

like i said trump is not bad he is an idiot plain and simple. he is incapable to tell the difference between truth and lies he will always respond favorably to flattery and ignore facts as naturally like other people take breath. and the cumulative damage he managed to pile up with his incompetence is truly something.

>> No.23784048

Bro a citizen of a democracy, should care about the president, since it's your democratic rights that give them power. Things fall apart when the government isn't scrutinized.

Trump was actually a really good thing, and I'm saying this as someone who didn't think he was very competent. People are going to put Biden under a total microscope and now we have an idea of what sort of impact (debilitating or otherwise) social media has on the democratic process.

Take a step back, and you'll see things are just fine (in some respects lul).

>> No.23784067

>People are going to put Biden under a total microscope

>> No.23784073

Name two policies you disliked in the Trump admin without using the words covid or racist

>> No.23784083

So at least a year of Biden being able to cop out with "I am fixed orange mans mistakes!" anytime he fucks up?

>> No.23784095

what trading platform will let me leverage a short of bitcoin, (and will actually payout) when Biden forces the governments cyrpto dollar to be the only legal means of exchange.

because this short is now the only thing which will get "moon" yields

>> No.23784096

go ahead and try banning crypto
it worked wonders for india
now there's almost no Indians on crypto!

>> No.23784149

i don't even know a fucking thing about biden aside that he likes to caress kiss and lick little girls altho he likes older women too... that's about it. i still think he will be a 100 times better president than trump. but then again almost anyone would be.

>> No.23784182

you know who i would make president of us if i could? melania trump she looks like a cheaper madison ivy and a genius compared to her husband.

>> No.23784251

This is your brain on CNN boys.

>> No.23784276 [DELETED] 

did biden tell you so personally?

>> No.23784358

What's wrong with criticizing his response on covid? He was a pretty spectacular failure on that front.

He didn't do that well with China. For all his tough guy rhetoric, China is as aggressive as it has ever been, having basically annexed Hong Kong, creating an international network of debt-trap infrastructure without opposition, and getting EXTREMELY hawkish in the South China sea. He facilitated this with his polarizing demeanour while not being aggressive enough.

Chinese companies are policing the free speech of American consumers and executives, and nobody seems to give a fuck. Its been Munich the past 4 years between Trump and Xi.

>> No.23784378

i couldn't tell you 2 i liked
altho fucking with china was based but the end result was painful for murricans that voted for trump

>> No.23784571

Tell that to Jack Dorsey, the Winklevoss twins, and every institutional tier investor accumulating BTC, FUD nigger

>> No.23784738


>> No.23784760

Sigh, Sam from ftx was literally Biden’s second largest donor during his run idiot, says it all

>> No.23784875

This is shit tier fud, we had a multi year bear market where crypto was heavily attacked, were on the other end of that and the usd will be getting weaker under Biden, not stronger . It’s gonna take a lot of stimulus to “recover” . Bitcoin and to a lesser degree gold will be big winners in the next four years, these tech giants are backing Biden for a reason, sam from ftx and jack dorsey who owns square that sells a b bitcoin + a year

>> No.23784958


It really is amazing how many people don't get this. The government will move against Bitcoin when they have Fedcoin lined up.

They will launch Fedcoin, lock your crypto in coinbase/paypal wallets, suspend/outlaw conversion of USD to BTC, suspend/outlaw businesses accepting BTC as legal tender, and the only option you will be presented with is: "Press Accept to convert to your funds to Fedcoin".

Of course there will be nothing "crypto" about Fedcoin. Influencer thots will make videos "wow! its so much easier to use!". Normies will eat that shit up with a smile. They don't understand or care what crypto actually is or why it got popular to begin with, they just follow fads.

Non-gov currency is a black market thing, always will be. Buy accordingly.

>> No.23785080

Correct, however, BTC will survive OTC (not alts because they don't have the resources to do so)

There will always be jurisdictions willing to accept BTC. After some years of a bear market, there will be another bull run while BTC is still banned, this will render the ban to keep the price suppressed useless and they will finally allow it again so all these millions don't remain untaxed on jurisdictions that ban it.

So the point is to buy during the crypto winter, not in this retarded euphoria. We may see 1k before $1million as Tyler Jenks predicted after all.

>> No.23785089
File: 184 KB, 1447x953, 44E88867-E3B5-47EB-AB0D-7425C9E6FC73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden doesn’t know what day of the week it is or who the president is.

This. Biden / Kamala’s make their own judgements as much a K-POP group writes their own songs. Completely corporate project. He clearly doesn’t have his own opinion about a single thing.

>> No.23785104

Is that gonna be me on the right once I make it?

>> No.23785115

cock ball ass

>> No.23785140

The fact that they talk about crypto and not bitcoin is telling. They don't want the real decentralized one with actual liquidity. Shitcoins are irrelevant. TV shows show price action because it's trendy with normies now and gets ad revenue clicks.

It will never be too late, banning wallets that aren't KYC exchanges will always be a panic sell scenario.

>> No.23785290

Im thinking cz for world emperor is based too.

>> No.23785618

biden will regret he didnt get into TOMO before 2021 lol