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File: 371 KB, 2048x1152, celebrity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23773786 No.23773786 [Reply] [Original]

Why are celebrities predominantly left-leaning? Shouldn't they be conservative because they are rich and the conservatives promise lower taxes for the rich?

>> No.23773812

they are left leaning, because they would not get any jobs, roles or bisuness deals in jew hollywood or california, otherwise

>> No.23773825

Based and jewpilled

>> No.23773854

It's the western liberal syndrome. They romanticize bolshevism and depravity as they are rootless cosmopolitan elites.

>> No.23773858

they're left leaning because nearly all of their interactions with other people are positive, so they form the impression that nearly everyone is good, and therefore deserving of protection, opportunity and care.

>> No.23773860

wtf does "bolshevism" even mean in 2020?

>> No.23773927


Good take

>> No.23773947

This... Why are most of the peps in silicone valley and big tech left leaning?

>> No.23773952

Because none of them have to pay tax anyway. They have armies of accountants that figure out loopholes for them

>> No.23773965

they are left leaning because they sold their soles and suck who lotta dick to get jobs in the industry.

>> No.23774028

Virtue signalling

>> No.23774037


>> No.23774114

Yeah of course, just like every time they leave there house they have 40 parasite paparazzi following them, journalists constantly bothering them and asking them the same questions and then the Hollywood elite who treat people like shit and assault them.

>> No.23774139
File: 196 KB, 498x498, unnsoexcitedforyew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Union will be the next Chainlink style market dominance and they want all the best insurance premiums to themselves.

That's a gift, just for you.

>> No.23774167

Celebrities tend to have somewhat higher IQs which leads to their success in fields like acting, comedy, music, etc. Higher IQ people tend to be less socially conservative.

>In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology.

>A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.


>> No.23774177

because jews exert enormous influence over the entire Media industry and anyone who doesn't conform to the standards they set has no chance of working in the industry.

>> No.23774178

DYOR and make up your mind, don't get spoonfed soviet ideas by pedo milliionaires you dumb faggots. watching movies and tv series died in the 1990s you bitch ass niggers.

>> No.23774180

This, their /masters/ push them they don’t believe half of what they say they’re actors after all. Jews own Hollywood, the porn industry and the media

>> No.23774326


High IQ people also don't have to live in ghettos or high crime neighbourhoods.
They are unaffected by the policies they encourage.

>> No.23774380
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, elllieB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans think rich celebrities are left-leaning
>mfw americans have no fucking clue about class consciousness
this is why your elections are like getting sent to the electric chair and being asked if you want AC or DC.

>> No.23774425

You're basically telling me that ghetto niggers are racists and homophobic.

>> No.23774433

What begins w/ J & ends with EW?

>> No.23774453

God, I wish some actresses were selling their soles

>> No.23774519

Luxury beliefs.

Gold chains and sports cars are an indicator of low class wealth. The best way to signal that you're part of the extravegantly rich elite is with opinions and beliefs that only those completely detached from the average person's lifestyle could hold.

If a poor person is naive enough to believe that all black people are innocent victims of oppression just waiting to be treated with kindness, they are quickly corrected on their next trip on public transport. A multi-billionaire meanwhile can safely believe in these things from their megayacht and never have to face reality. Same with refugees, multiculturalism, welfare, pro-single parenthood and other leftist beliefs.

In terms of economic policies they follow a very self-srving leftism. Mass immigration for cheaper labourers, globalism and free trade for even cheaper workers and eaiser ways to move money around, etc.

>> No.23774530
File: 67 KB, 1200x800, greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774541

This is also why you see so many hardcore leftists amongst art students and similar fields. These are poorer people who are trying very hard to access a higher status by not only imitating these luxury beliefs, but pushing them to their extremes in a desperate bid for upward mobility. These are fields which are heavily dependent on having the right network and access for success, so to be successful you need to fit in with the right crowd and prove you belong.

>> No.23774557


>> No.23774570

They know that the paparazzi and the consumers of their media are probably right leaning.

>> No.23774600 [DELETED] 

you have absolutely no idea about the life of someone like that, stay poor faggot

>> No.23774631

And these three will poison your mind.
Specially porn.

>> No.23774677
File: 250 KB, 1045x1598, 4D9CC3AB-9186-4AA3-B260-826C7C6BAAE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and pornpilled

>> No.23774696

they ARE rich conservatives, but they are using their acting skills to make liberals look like retards so people will run to conservatism.

notice how many movies about the military and cia come out of hollywood. you think real liberal hippies would promote the cia?

>> No.23774709

Same shit with the new borat, he just wants more movie roles and to break into Hollywood so he made it super left leaning, it's like scoring point for the team when you make lefty points and you get rewarded with hollywood opportunities by impressing them

>> No.23774752

for those of you who are too young to remember, george w bush was officially against fags getting married and ellen is of course gay. it's all fake shit. the left pretends to be antiwar, the right pretends to be antigay. but actually they're all prowar and largely faggots (look up bohemian grove gay party).

>> No.23774770

Right wing brains aren't able to be creative or funny. That's why there are so few good right wing comedians.

>> No.23774786

Celebs don't pay jack shit in taxes, taxes are for rednecks and wagies.

>> No.23774811


Left wing brains can't into logic that's why they are in creative fields and that's also why they dont understand politics.

>> No.23774840

>right wing brains are not creative
On the other hand, racist trolls in a mongolian basket waving anime forum are able to triangulate a fucking flag in 9 million square miles of country and conduct any kind of psyops... well at least before being replaced by retarded redditors after the 2016 elections.

>> No.23774874

Absolutely. This is why right wing brains fail horribly in certain sectors. You see some come along every so often but they rarely get the media figures as the content they make is low grade and are dropped.

>> No.23774974


>> No.23775046

Midwits tend to flock to and parade what's socially en vogue. They are actually very good at this. Actual geniuses on the far end of the bell curve have little regard for social acceptance or political trends (see exiled scientists throughout history).

People on the low end of the curve tend to be staunch in their beliefs, in-group preferences, and are very hard to persuade or manipulate otherwise. This is why you often hear about "strong family values" from rural areas. Not so much from wealthy, educated folks.

Rich people pay the vast majority of taxes in the US, despite all the tax evasion and avoidance schemes they like to do (and all the trillions in tax havens)

>> No.23775106


This. >>23774326

As you leftists say whenever we present you with statistics about certain people (13/50)

"Correlation is not causation"

as he said high iq people dont have to live in shitty neighbourhoods around minorities or crime.

>> No.23775114


>> No.23775358


>> No.23775614

They are "left leaning". In reality most of them are conservative and vote conservative, but only appear left leaning in public.

>> No.23776291

Because they are not greedy fuck?

>> No.23776563

Ding ding ding