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File: 328 KB, 425x419, trumpsweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23769982 No.23769982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do bloompf voters cope with this

>> No.23769995
File: 97 KB, 1140x797, Switzerland-Davos-Forum-7-1568143244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us want the Great Reset

>> No.23770007

>I read this low IQ shitpost on plebbit/twatter so now I'm going to mindlessly regurgitate it

>> No.23770020
File: 410 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201106-213310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga look at the fucking US dollar.
Thats why we're pumping. Kek.

>> No.23770021
File: 89 KB, 1254x404, jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open season in 2 months

>> No.23770026

we're at peak cope levels right now lmao

>> No.23770032

that's a great face

>> No.23770034
File: 152 KB, 1331x722, the feeling of being cummed inside of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no, it's pumping because Republicans won the senate, a la no packed courts, new taxes, etc

>> No.23770036
File: 357 KB, 1440x2049, Screenshot_20201106-211640(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry let me zoom in

>> No.23770052

fraudulent votes

>> No.23770054

Why, your crypto becomes valueless?

>> No.23770076

The market is "pumping" because the dollar is quickly becoming worthless.

>> No.23770086


They just wanted some non-retard who wouldn’t crash the world economy with some dumbass 3am rage tweet. Biden fit that bill.

>> No.23770091

trump called out biden for being in wall street's pocket during the debate, but I guess they hate him now?

>> No.23770099

>barely a 5 day low
oh noez

>> No.23770104

Team MAGA but honestly I'm more interested in the color green than the color red. So long as this dementia fucker makes me money I'm content.

>> No.23770106
File: 130 KB, 1125x747, 1573160292280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The market is rising in expectations of a massive stimulus plan which will require tons of new money. The market pump since March was just from the USD (DXY) tanking.

Market pumping is not from optimism that Biden's leadership will improve the economy.

>> No.23770118

What the fuck are you going to do? You're probably not even in America, chink. Imagine being such an infant you think the potential election of a demented old fart who has been in politics his entire life, where he's done nothing but serve the establishment/elite status quo, is an event worth celebrating as some kind of increase in your own personal power. You're a dipshit peasant and the political elite will dispose of your future as they see fit, as we continue to slide into a more dystopic state of affairs.

>> No.23770129

what's up q? Why give the illusion of fake power to the democrats? Libs are going to be gridlocked the whole time and completely give the house and senate to the republicans because Americans are short sighted and dumb as fuck.

Chess move? Fuck off faggot

>> No.23770131
File: 12 KB, 275x183, 24354576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, fuck off MAGAtard

The only crypto project mentioned in this book was Chainlink.

Chainlink also was literally given green light by the WEF this year. Just connected the dots already you dumb shit

>> No.23770144

im more american than you and i'm up over $100k since biden won
seethe harder

>> No.23770150
File: 306 KB, 1672x2560, 81nxqIbVUuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only crypto project mentioned in this book was Chainlink.

>> No.23770183

I know very little about link. I'm not going to go all in but what would you recommend having as a "just in case" amount?

>> No.23770201

That's what happens when you print trillions hahaha Trump's retarded plan

>> No.23770226

actually just realized that low was from mid November, why is this significant again? lol

>> No.23770229

>I'm not going to go all in but what would you recommend having as a "just in case" amount?

In 2017-2018 it was 10 000 link tokens.

Now, in 2019-2020 it is probably 1000 link tokens.

That is because most people probably don't have the money to get 10k stack anymore or to throw +100k into crypto. 1000 is still attainable and might still give substantial gains.

>> No.23770241

I can't believe I hold 9 thousand barrels of digital oil.

>> No.23770259

massive stimulus plan will never pass :(

>> No.23770315

Im already over it for the most part. Unlike you liberals i dont end up crying and moaning because trump got in office. You didnt see me crying at the top of my lungs and letting obama live rent free in my head for 4 year or believing the msm as if they speak no lies. Ill have a mighty good chuckle if something happens and trump gets the presidency but otherwise i move on with my life.

Was this not the answer you were looking for? Were you wanting us to cry for 4 years. Go to pol they might.

>> No.23770333

Kek does this meam other countries pretty much lost faith in the dollar because biden won!? Is this why market are pumping hard?

Surely it's trump fault, surely it has nothing to do with the moment it became obvious biden won the presidency. Wew lad, ur not from around these parts are ye.

>> No.23770375
File: 90 KB, 845x474, docs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were you wanting us to cry for 4 years
Yes actually, and the majority of you are still crying on pol, reddit and facebook.
There are people literally speaking in tounges, holding prayer vigils for the vote and shitposting 100 conspiracies an hour about the election.
Oh and 99% of you still think Trump won and will unironically be president for another 4 years, peak delusion.
Kek don't pretend the majority of you retards aren't holding out for more dick picks to get Biden arrested

>> No.23770924

once dems take the senate in 2022 it will

>> No.23771001

didnt you see the markets crash every time trump started a tariff war with china? markets know biden will open his ass to china, which is good for big corp and big tech, not the american people

>> No.23771024

Executive orders.

>> No.23771049

>the dollar is quickly becoming worthless
top kek there’s always a steady number of econ 101 retards who think they have it figured out

>> No.23771073


This, this has always been the case. Biden will open the floodgates back up and let the SP500 rob the country. Short term gain for long term pain for the US.

>> No.23771123

huh? Trump esd the one dickriding the stock market every press conference, fuck outta here retards

>> No.23771159

Dollar is dropping because of a contested election. Dumps will happen after everything is sorted out.

>> No.23771265

The "markets" been pumping through this entire shutdown.
there is no sound reasoning of fundamentals behind any of it
at this point having Krusty the Clown for president would look the same

>> No.23771290


>> No.23771459


>> No.23771484
File: 836 KB, 866x938, 1563413654164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rlc is a scam

>> No.23771519

its not. its fucking cope. That bond rally since republicans kept the senate was something though. My AGQ position loved it
>Were you wanting us to cry for 4 years. Go to pol they might
Pol is still in denial and so are faggots on biz. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. I thought 2016 lib meltdown was bad

>> No.23771528

the markets, like every other rational and intelligent entity, already know that trump won

>> No.23771537

>Pol is still in denial and so are faggots on biz. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. I thought 2016 lib meltdown was bad

A few groaning anons on a dark corner of the internet are comparable to a mass freakout by the entire MSM and women around the nation? You're going to be sorely disappointed anon. Trump will always be the underdog due to not being an establishment cocksucker.

>> No.23771542

By buying puts on oil because it won't recover until at least 2 years into biden's term

>> No.23771551

This is what peak retardation looks like, it has nothing to do with who is president it has everything to do with monetary and fiscal policy. Printing trillions will make your dollar drop economics 101 you've increased supply with no increase in demand

>> No.23771564
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, and i thought 2016 had cope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh they're groaning in public too. Wait till we get out of denial and into anger. That shits gonna be funny

>> No.23771570


>you will never have a candidate that inspires religious devotion

>> No.23771577

>mfw i wait until three days after the election is held to bet on the election and put $150 on trump on predictit.org at 8cents a share, giving me 1800+ shares when the courts inevitably find voter fraud and rule in his favor

lmao easy fucking money

>> No.23771612

In my life i've voted for both R and D and getting evangelicals on your side as a conservative is as easy as dems getting joggers. That said, evangelical christcucks trying to pray their way to victory is funny.

>> No.23771675

>evangelical christcucks trying to pray their way to victory is funny.
Why? low IQ people almost always fall to the supernatural when things dont go their way

>> No.23771808

...and thats a good thing!

>> No.23771823
File: 38 KB, 1026x197, ec1c33472dbd06209d211b30ce6b09e7-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, what?

>> No.23771825
File: 186 KB, 730x1594, 1604702593905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just having a slice of pizza

>> No.23771862

but seriously, why does he put his dick on everything? How can you even be that horny if youre not literally 14

>> No.23771872

no you're not no you aren't

>> No.23771902


hunter bro that's a perfectly good slice of pizza wtf

>> No.23771915

seriously what is hunters problem why does he take pictures of everything?

>> No.23771929
File: 60 KB, 668x680, csv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek newfag ive been in link since before you knew what blockchain meant
cope harder. Let me guess you voted trump and youre all in BSV KEK. Flyover retards always fall for low IQ charlatans, trump, craig, god, etc

>> No.23771966
File: 21 KB, 739x415, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23772006

>you can’t win if your enemies are losers

Daily reminder that shills are in massive debt, no friends, no social approval, worthless empty minded simpletons.

Always focus on improving your individual circumstances

>> No.23772039
File: 236 KB, 1100x1300, 1566693627194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ charlatans, trump, craig, god, etc
include sirgay in there

>> No.23772078
File: 100 KB, 508x679, 1518161579096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>include sirgay in there
take that back