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23766234 No.23766234 [Reply] [Original]

how do you expect this to realistically happen? i here "flip of a switch" but even you must know that this sounds ridiculous and more of a meme than anything...

so tell me, without memes, how will xrp go from .25 cents to 2000 dollars in less than 2 months..?

>> No.23766282

by eoy? doubtful. eventually? maybe. it's not expensive. i can afford to lose it if xrp does not succeed.

>> No.23766284

They have hope. Truth is only jews at the top know

>> No.23766311

I don't know about 2k
I just know that it mooned harder in 2017
I have a bag just in case

>> No.23766343

Retards will lose their money if they only
Think of selling at 2k even at 20$ or 200$ its a major profit

>> No.23766346


people underestimate the amount of a-priori knowledge they can access if they really use their minds.

>> No.23766366

they're too busy paying attention to what others do.

>> No.23766407
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will xrp go from .25 cents to 2000 dollars in less than 2 months..?

See, SWIFT is outdated, so banks will therefore transfer trillions of dollars of liquidity into XRP, a third-party shitcoin of which most of the supply is held by the developer. I guess they'll lose a ton of it as all the instant XRP millionaires and billionaires cash out but whatever. Also they will enjoy trying to wire funds using a volatile token, so that nobody will really know what actual exact amount of funds will arrive due to fluctuations in XRP value.

What else could they do? Since it's actually no longer 2015, are they supposed to just hire a team of developers to create their own stablecoin solution that they would own 100% of?

That's just crazy talk.

>> No.23766573


by that logic, nobody would buy bitcoin either. satoshi owns tons of it. there are probably a dozen people who own over half the supply of bitcoin

the xrp developers are practically giving away xrp, and they have to. there's no other way to distribute it.

your concerns are valid but they also apply to any other crypto in reality if not in principal.

>> No.23766608 [DELETED] 

I just made a discord because I want to be able to talk cwypto with biz anons..


>> No.23766663
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.25 to 2000 is absurd unless they're referring to hyper inflation.
.25 to 2 in one month is more realistic since XRP has done that once during the ATH.

>> No.23766694

secondary markets get bought up

>> No.23766725


No. Bitcoin is generated by proof of work. It is a real store of value because it is subject to the laws of supply and demand. It is therefore defensible as a store of value.

XRP is a premine with more than half of the supply held by the owning company. It doesn't do anything any other coin does except inflate. The scummy marketing moves Ripple's made since then, like buying the bankrupt husk of a failed Western Union competitor and then declaring itself to be top-tier international payment processor, doesn't inspire confidence either.

There was an argument to be made for XRP when blockchain stuff was still brand-new, so it was fairly unique as a solution, and its valuation at the time reflected that. Now, it's a dead shitcoin, and its valuation reflects that.

>> No.23766831


people have used all sorts of things as currency. every coin is a premine because the dev team can mine when it's easiest. effectively a premine, it's no different at all. mining is a silly metaphor. i'm not saying xrp is going to moon. i think it's not very likely, at least not anytime soon. but it could, that's the sense i get. i bought long before i ever read about it on this site because i was impressed with the project.

>> No.23766983


and another thing, i never really felt compelled to sell except during its ath. don't remember if i got rid of any of it. i may have. but in any case i've always had the sense that i should own some, and i can't say the same about bitcoin.

>> No.23767022

what is currency besides a contrivance for the sake of convenient transaction?

>> No.23767105

>but in any case i've always had the sense that i should own some, and i can't say the same about bitcoin.

You should probably consider doing the 180 degree opposite of whatever that sense tells you, because it's cost you a fortune

>every coin is a premine because the dev team can mine when it's easiest. effectively a premine, it's no different at all. mining is a silly metaphor.

oh my god, I wish you best of luck and I hope you're not investing serious money

>what is currency besides a contrivance for the sake of convenient transaction?

Yes, exactly. But if you like making money instead of losing it, you ask this question:

"What is unique about this particular asset? How is it intrinsically superior to its alternatives?" With XRP it's "absolutely nothing, except terrifyingly awful tokenomics for literally everyone but the developers"

>> No.23767209

>more than half of the supply held by company
Serious where do you keep coming up with this retarded claim. You don’t understand the XRPL and you’re STILL reciting some goy shit written by Dr. Goldberg.

>> No.23767225
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>> No.23767316


And you're still holding a dead shitcoin that hasn't had an argument for its existence in 2 years, reflected in its price

Seriously, the main differentiator between this and literally any other token is the entertainment of watching Jed dump on you and tell you it's bullish

>> No.23767321
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Every anti-xrp point made in this thread has been thoroughly debunked at this point despite the best efforts of the most diligent schizos. C'mon man, it's 2020, it's time to wake up.

>> No.23767344

and yet it spreads despite the best effort*

>> No.23767386
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>> No.23767397
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Your fud makes sense but I’m too stupid to sell and my bag is big enough where I’ll hold until I get what I want or die trying.

>> No.23767459

>C'mon man, it's 2020
>bagholding a shitcoin that died in 2018


>> No.23767475

XRP schizos are all newfags that dont comprehend the meaning of marketcap.

>> No.23767482

>oh my god, I wish you best of luck and I hope you're not investing serious money

satoshi probably has a million bitcoin or more. eth devs probably have tons of it. there was nobody else mining those coins at the moment they were released. ergo, it's the same as a premine. spare me your feigned indignation. bitcoin might go up, it might go down. i have no way of knowing except try my best to evaluate its merits and its shortcomings, and it comes up short by every measure. do you perhaps think i'm an idiot?

>> No.23767609

>he thinks XRP is like any other digital asset
Its called a bridge asset buddy

>> No.23767620

>there was nobody else mining those coins at the moment they were released

and i'm sure you know what this means but i'll clarify this point: they never had to compete with other miners and probably comprised the majority of hashpower for at least several months if not years. you have to assume they got at least half of all block rewards for a long time, and at the time when the block reward was highest. a bitcoin is mined every ten minutes regardless of how many people are mining, its DAA is designed to keep the difficulty down when there's little hashpower available.

so yes, it's exactly the same as a "premine". the only difference is that the huge cost of performing a transaction in btc and eth, approximately the same amount of energy to run an average household for three weeks, is subsidized with block rewards. what happens when that's gets halved again? and again?

>> No.23767654


>> No.23767655

>do you perhaps think i'm an idiot?

I do, honestly. I wish you best of luck though


Another word for that is "shitcoin"

>somehow manages to look at proof of work and come to the literal opposite understanding of how it actually works

I feel like I should be applauding this

>> No.23767676


meanwhile you can still buy xrp for .25c. so who's really getting ripped off? the "premine" that's still available for a quarter or the POW coin that satoshi & friends mined with relatively little competition for a good length of time after its release and now sell for fifteen grand?

>> No.23767683

shitcoin is a cute buzzword for erc20 coins, XRP is in a league of its own

its cool if you dont care about the facts, dont buy xrp then

>> No.23767713

but i like seeing good ideas succeed, and i don't like seeing people get ripped off. bitcoin is a ripoff at 15 grand. it could be 150,000 next year and it would still be a ripoff compared to xrp.

>> No.23767781
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>dont buy xrp then

Since I like making money, I most certainly won't. Thank you for your advice

>BTC is a ripoff at $150k
>this stone-dead shitcoin is wealth beyond measure, except in literally every metric it's possible to measure an asset by

I almost want to get your email, so you can send me crypto advice, and I, by doing the diametric opposite of what you think is best, will get even more obscenely rich than I've already gotten this year

>> No.23767791

>I almost want to get your email, so you can send me crypto advice, and I, by doing the diametric opposite of what you think is best, will get even more obscenely rich than I've already gotten this year


>> No.23767881

and yes, i know that there are more xrp than btc, but it's still a bargain compared to btc.

>> No.23767891


Do you really not understand the difference?

>launch PoW protocol
>anyone can mine it
>mining it is initially very easy
>the tokens themselves are conversely practically worthless
>still, some people throw flops and wattage at it
here's where most PoW projects die and everyone involved nets zero. However:
>this one token, however, has a use case, and thus starts to see more demand, which causes more miners to add hashpower
>difficulty increases and rewards reductions gradually reduce flow of supply, miners sell tokens into the market to realize profit.
>if demand keeps increasing, the price rises, and more people start mining it, adding hashpower


>Jed clicks a button and suddenly there's 1,000,000,000,000,000 SHT
>but he's only giving himself 20,000,000 at a time!

>> No.23767902

posting fake memes and other bullshit has rotted your mind clean through.

>> No.23767937

i could drink a fifth of jack every day until the next halving and i still wouldn't be as dense as some of you fuckers.

>> No.23768087

scam artists, every one of you.

>> No.23768097

it's the standard, you dumb fuck

>> No.23768102

u ok?

>> No.23768151

>oh my god just because the market price is X currently means that it will never be different in the future!
the state of retards

>> No.23768158


Right? Imagine thinking this stone-dead shitcoin is going to do anything but bleed out until the final capitulation

>> No.23768335
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Actually now that major institutions have partnered with Ripple and benefited from their solutions they will have more incentive to move to full fledged XRP utilization.

>he thinks all the central banks will just use xrp in one day

>> No.23768360


it's not even the news about banks. i don't put much stock in the news. it's that xrp is based on better social and technical fundamentals.

>> No.23768386

>Actually now that major institutions have partnered with Ripple and benefited from their solutions they will have more incentive to move to full fledged XRP utilization.

Or, in the world of non-retards, since it is no longer 2013, they can just develop their own blockchain which will be stable and 100% controlled by them. This would give them the same functionality, but not involve evaporating a huge amount of their assets by donating them to delusional shitcoin bagholders.


lel I am beginning to appreciate you as a legitimate master trole 2020

>> No.23768405

>lel I am beginning to appreciate you as a legitimate master trole 2020

this is the extent of your counterargument. it's disappointing, but most things are.

>> No.23768406

thanks just sold all my xrp back to btc

>> No.23768414

>wah theyll just make their own blockchain
Too bad people like Brian Brooks said they are going to go with private sector technology

True but you cant leave out the bullish moves ripple has been making last couple months

>> No.23768523
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>with private sector technology

Yes, did you actually know that there aren't state blockchain developers? Anyone they hire is private sector.

Wait, have you people been hinging all your delusional hopes and dreams on a guy saying "we won't be using government blockchain devs for this" and then deciding that of course means "we're gonna make XRP bagholders instant millionaires by dumping the entire world's financial liquidity into this ancient shitcoin?"

Is that the XRP investment thesis?

>it's disappointing, but most things are.

lmao with your investment acumen, I'll bet you do indeed have plenty of disappointments!

>> No.23768559
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Idk I just like the digits kek

>> No.23768571


i don't even know what to make of this fud.

>> No.23768611

>dunning-kruger: the post

>> No.23768643

The economy is based on a fiat market that we all know is propped up by trust. We all know public trust is eroded, but the guns keep things propped up. They've always fallen apart on schedule before, and will fall apart on schedule again. We think XRP stands a good chance due to various breadcrumbs we've seen leaked on the periphery of global events, which provide a consistent trail of evidence indicating that XRP is the chosen coin of the nationalist wave on the international scene.

>> No.23768691

>i never really felt compelled to sell except during its ath
so if you're holding it as if its fiat, why not spend it the same way? its clearly not an asset to you...

>> No.23768697

>Wait, have you people been hinging all your delusional hopes and dreams on a guy saying
No, we have just noticed that state legislators and elected officials have been giving off Ripple talking points while discussing cryptocurrency regulation without name dropping Ripple. Keep rubbing your two brain cells together and maybe you'll figure it out.

>> No.23768700

cRipplefags are hilarious with their denial and cope.

>> No.23768724

I'm only going to post this once and will not reply to this thread or ever mention it again:
The XRP schizo posting is a psyop by link holding discord fags who want to create a fake meme to catch newfags. It is paid for by discord linkies and run by the crypto equivalent of Fiverr pajeets. None of them hold XRP and it's basically just internet bullying of "newfags". Do with that what you will. Bye.

>> No.23768734


because i can't predict when it will peak or dip, or reach a new ath and stay there. that could happen very quickly, since some of ripple's clients are big organizations that can write big checks. you can call it fomo i guess, but i'm not about to play chicken with them and miss out just to make a quick buck. i just know it's a good coin.

>> No.23768736
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>have been giving off Ripple talking points while discussing cryptocurrency regulation without name dropping Ripple.





>> No.23768821

since XRPs creation (in what 2012) what real potential for gains have their been (bar the golden bullrun)? Quick buck? you'd have been better off in a government bond than holding it from then til now...

>> No.23768859

>you'd have been better off in a government bond than holding it from then til now...

you can't look at it in hindsight though. that's the wrong way to think about this.

>> No.23768884

no the metric for any investment is comparing it to a risk free rate, thats basic finance. sure you can't look in hindsight, but a centralised coin which has become ridiculously outdated has proven over the last 8 years to have no intrinsic value.

>> No.23768918
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Why do you think we're called schizos?

You've been debunked

>> No.23768931

>centralized coin
Objectively false
>ridiculously outdated
It has the fastest transfer times, low fees and less energy usage

XRP was not made for the retail market

>> No.23768943


i believe it has intrinsic value, and a huge amount of unrealized utility.

>no the metric for any investment is comparing it to a risk free rate, thats basic finance.

wouldn't know, i never took basic finance.

>> No.23768944


If you read back through the thread, this guy is almost a perfect Bizarro World version of a successful crypto investor. Like, on every basic concept he is nearly 180 degrees from what's correct. It's astonishing.

>> No.23768960

>XRP was not made for the retail market

they usually don't make heavy-duty equipment for amateurs.

>> No.23768969
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> Mah boi killing dreams right there. xD
If it ever pumps above 35 cents again and you dont sell you deserve your money getting burned.
I cant believe you guys think that old money would ever let something like that happen.
You guys do know the could simply buy the tech, mint another token and your XRuPies would be totally worthless. I mean you guys do know that, right?
Just to make sure you guys know that. right?

>> No.23768999

>XRP was not made for the retail market

lmfao it sure as hell was, you're the only guys gullible enough to give Jed your money

>> No.23769008


if my hunch is correct, old money already has them. they're going to make a killing too.

>> No.23769019

>I believe, therefore it has
Not quite true anon, unfortunately lots of firms have tested the tech to no avail. Amex for one used the tech, never the token, and still didn't bother adopting it. Even if firms do take a shot at ripple, why would they want your bags? Why would they want XRP?

>never took basic finance
Well if you had a slight understanding of finance, you would see why this overvalued token has no real use.

>> No.23769037

And you think this coin will do well, on a hunch? and the bitcoin maximalists are crazy? damn anon, do some basic research into your investment rather than practising voodoo.

>> No.23769067

>Not quite true anon, unfortunately lots of firms have tested the tech to no avail. Amex for one used the tech, never the token, and still didn't bother adopting it. Even if firms do take a shot at ripple, why would they want your bags? Why would they want XRP?

well it would be very silly for me to invest in something i don't believe has value.

>Even if firms do take a shot at ripple, why would they want your bags?


old money already has what they need, and they're not going to be paying me jack shit, sadly.

if you believe in crypto then you have to appreciate xrp at least a little.

>> No.23769074
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I cant believe how these IDIOTS watch ETH and BTC going parabolic, ignoring it and buying that shitcoin XRP, that has made legendary losses for anyone ever buying above 25 cents. The fucking GUY sells milllions of them regulary. There are officials news out there that nobody is adpoting this shit. Why in the fuck are ypu putting your hopes and dreams into this one? Let me tell you a real fucking secret. Buy XLM, you retards. That shit will blow up surely because it has some actual real world use-case.
Say it with me:

>> No.23769088

>if my hunch is correct

I will again suggest to you that you use your intuition as the 100% opposite of what you should do when it comes to anything finance-related

>> No.23769130

Your entire argument is based on your "hunch" so theres no point debating with you.
>hurr durr i believe it has value, old money will buy my bags

>> No.23769140


obviously i can't do that. and i'm sure bitcoin will do okay for a while longer but i don't know how much longer. i don't really have that much xrp or any crypto, but the small amount of money i do have is mostly split between high marketcap coins. i just think xrp stands the best chance of being used for something important.

>> No.23769197

>obviously i can't do that.

True, and it's not fair of me to insult you like that, so I apologize. I wish you best luck

>> No.23769239

Look, I understand your point. If you are not already fucking rich you wont make it with crypto anyway. That ship has sailed years ago.
BUT if you think old money (The power structure that controls the world) would EVER allow simpletons like us to buy some shitcoin for a couple of bucks and become millionaires through it: You are baldy mistaken. You had 2 shots at that actually. BTC and ETH. Thats it. If you missed those two you are already too late. You wont make it. So even if you double your fucking 500 bucks its still nice and you should be grateful.
if you ever think one useless XRP shitcoin will be worth 2000 and above USD you will be disappointed.
Im telling you in all honesty, within the fabric of my existence.

>> No.23769359


did you buy google or apple when their stocks were cheap?

hope in 2k eoy will only set someone up for disappointment. that is not what i expect. maybe a 10x in the next couple years. it feels safer than btc.

>> No.23769554

pure and concentrated delusion + hopium

> "We sell XRP as soon as we receive it," a MoneyGram spokesperson

the christian larp that started the xrp threads have been debunked, all his dates have been nothing burgers and all his predictions wrong.
>putin will die
>gold will be 3k
>trump will win by landslide

>> No.23769794
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>yfw you realize XRP bagholders are the QAnon of crypto

>> No.23769977

Is it filling up?

>> No.23770071

Yeah, and I wish you the best of luck. But if you can even get a 2x with this shitcoin please SELL bro. You can speculate that the price will pump up because of FLARE.
And if you want my honest opinion:
FLARE has much more potential then this. So buy XRP to get the airdrop and dump them ASAP afterwards. You can keep the SPARK tokens. They indeed have potential. BUT XRP is totally worthless.

>> No.23770102

Bought some XRP because I love the memes and the surrounding autism and schizophrenia. Hope you guys are right

>> No.23770296

could you srsly counter it? no BS

>> No.23770337

I think this anon speaks for most of us.

>> No.23770903


Honestly It's probably dead in the water if this man gets appointed by biden

>> No.23770958


must i? does it seem at all credible with lines like

>"There's a reason BTC and ETH are so valuable. They are a natural resource. They can't be synthetically made/printed. You either own it or you don't"

> Decentralized crypto is a way out. It is impossible to be a parasite with Bitcoin/Eth

> Why not just BUY all the bitcoin and own it?

>> No.23771022

i'm not giving advice though. just saying that i'm not personally going to buy any more btc. i have a small (< 1 btc) amount of btc and xrp and i probably won't get rid of all of either.

>> No.23771038

! billion worth of BTC seized by the governent used to boost xrp and other essential crypo infrastructures

>> No.23771114

Ooooh you're holding XLM. Sorry for your loss bro.

>> No.23771865

>banks will therefore transfer trillions of dollars of liquidity into XRP, a third-party shitcoin of which most of the supply is held by the developer.

This is not XRP's use, read more carefully. XRP is not a one dimensional crypto.

>> No.23772348

Old money has more than anyone ever could. That's the point. Centralizing all of the wealth into them.

>> No.23772981
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i might be dumb, but at least the way I'm being dumb is backed up by people like Yoshitaka Kitao, economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan, CEO of SBI bank (pic related) and member of the Ripple Board of Directors

tell me OP, which other cryptocurrencies did the Rothshilds invest in during their early stages? Cite your source.

>> No.23773002
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who does your favorite shitcoin have on its Board of Directors, OP?

>> No.23773038

Stinky Linkies have GOOGLE and SWIFT !
Ah yes, no, that was a fucking lie all along.

>> No.23773177

It's over. They're just getting like $5 in XRP a month to shill because they're indians.

Bestswap is the next Antshares. Screencap this.

>> No.23773535

Lame duck, nigga!