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File: 179 KB, 3419x1838, Polkadot_Network_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23768638 No.23768638 [Reply] [Original]

can someone please explain this to me like i am a fucking retarded child? also why is it not on coinbase?

>> No.23768664

Here's the cryptocurrency push: Bitcoin is completely in the blockchain.. Natasha Otomotsky went randomly. Electronic Cash As Bitcoin Was The First Step, hair makers are starting to make more powerful hair follicles, making hair pears, making lactose stacks cheaper and more efficient. The hair needs to be shaped to do these things. Once fully mature, people will be able to slowly shave their hair.
Natasha gave up working on it after filling her corner in the bedroom in 2019 and began working with Jozio Soccer on the e-shoot script hash bitcoin script to offer maps for playing OP_RETURN. She adds extra teeth, touches hair, making ha.nd appearances and calculations more efficient. New owners need more doctors and those who need them.
A computer volume was created to capture and prevent Bitcoin's work (they have their own competition). They felt the need to stop or cheapen Natasha's hair stumps. They started removing critical SigWhite and P2SH code and started fragging the block. The noise algorithm was the last nail in the coffin, which destroyed the ECDSA on the Bitcoin beacon (Bitcoin uses ECDSA to secure transactions). This is why Haircomb has been invented, and it is for this reason that Natasha intends to make the most of the hair bracelet, release the original code and lock the HairCom protocol.
Back to Com Supply Natasha has created a new breakthrough (designed for her hair) that will make all the hair

>> No.23768820
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1472881369015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizarro scam

>> No.23768958

>he thinks it won't be on coinbase

>> No.23769299

How many dots to make it?