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23745273 No.23745273 [Reply] [Original]

Trump to speak in 20 minutes.

Is he going to shit on our gains and cause a monumental dump with some absolute retarded statements?

I think Trump is going to go full Samson Option.


>> No.23745383

link? Buy it

>> No.23746443

Lmao, he's finally realized that he lost. Crying the whole press conference. Watching Trump and his minions fall apart crying 'fraud' is without contest the best thing to happen in 2020.

>> No.23746454

based linkfag

>> No.23746461

He already spoke. He sounds like a fucking loser

>> No.23746471

What a pathetic sack of shit lol

>> No.23746492

marked ballots

>> No.23746496

Samson was based as fuck, unlike president orange cuck

>> No.23746523

Trump has become a conspiracy theorist. As such, his opinions should be disregarded. I'm surprised he's not banned from twitter this very second. Unbelievable.

>> No.23746584

His tears were delicious

>> No.23747038 [DELETED] 

Just say the word, Mr. Don. Plates are ready on my desk, rifle loaded and plenty of extra mags to go with the plates. Gas mask, knife, baton, Mapp torch, and three buddies who feel the same who I'd trust with my life. We ain't the only ones either. It's apparent that law and order don't matter and citizens can riot and burn cities with impunity. I won't just be targeting Apple and shoes stores though. We are chomping at the bit to launch against the journalists. Msnbc, CNN, fox, I don't give a fuck they'll all drop the same way.

>> No.23747074

>Anon claimed this post was a joke.

>> No.23747166


Okay answer me this guys...how much damage could Agent Orange actually do to the markets as a FUCK YOU move? He has too much power in a single tweet and he has all the makings of a spiteful little nigger who will fuck shit up before January comes around.

>> No.23747239

Your plan seems a bit unrealistic to me. You'd need to be able to lift your 450 lbs of lard off the chair first.

>> No.23747292

Don's a winner, he's not going to take a loss.
People who are obsessed with "Democracy" are gay.

>> No.23747340
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Seethe and don't forget to dilate

>> No.23747385 [DELETED] 

I can diddly 5 pl8, put the lard on a bar and it's gg ez. Not the strongest guy by any means but cardio is more important in these things. 10km runs thrice a week so I'm not worried about a short march and final stand.
It's implied we're talking about SWIM's minecraft server right ;) *wink wink* Just watering the tree if you know what I mean.

>> No.23747391

What are the plates for?
You having dinner?

>> No.23748021 [DELETED] 

Good source of iron I guess but I've never been brave enough to try. I imagine they'd be quite dry.

>> No.23748086

Hes promoting a coup.
As soon as Biden gets 270 the military is going in and taking him out calling it.

>> No.23748150

Voter fraud but w/e. Too much going against him. Still got bills to pay and work to do. Life goes on...

>> No.23748184

the us military hates trump m8
he shat all over them multiple times and sucked putins cock on live television a few times too many

>> No.23748696

nah the military always votes republican. and i never met anyone in the military who cares about putin. murica only shoots sandniggers now. and maybe gooks eventually.

not saying the military would coup though, they're pretty cucked desu

>> No.23748724

kek delusional

>> No.23748764

Did he already talk? im in Spain and it's 3:40 AM. This man is on the verge of starting a civil war in the US. Not even BTC is going to last this euphoric bullrun.

>> No.23748778

delusional spanish nigga
get some sleep pedro

>> No.23748802

Have you sold your Link yet, John?

>> No.23748816

Yeah like i said hes in the process of triggering a constitutional crisis. The media cut away because he was implying all votes against him were fake. I'm pretty sure you CAN'T do that as a standing President and get away with it. The military officially says that they aren't going to do anything but I know for fact they war game and train for this shit so if it gets to that point I think the military will be obligated to exercise their oath to the constitution and remove him from office.

>> No.23748823

never, am even buying more

>> No.23748851

This post violates United States law.

>> No.23748904

Oi fuckers I made this thread I demand you answer my question >>23747166

>> No.23748917

There it is! the chainlink bags accumulator.

>> No.23748943

It doesn't matter. He's already fucking it up. And when Biden gets elected expect a big corona lockdown crash. Cant win.

>> No.23748960

even if only 1/3 of his supporters were ready to ride or die that's still 20 million. What's the largest standing army? Plus he commands the military. Civil war is a go!

>> No.23749040

It is insanity. Can't he just see the consequences?

AFAIK he is allowed to go to court and ask for an investigation isn't it? Why can't he do this without triggering a civil war? my fucking god.

>> No.23749051

demagogues always try to take the entire nation down with them

>> No.23749134
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>> No.23749239

let's hope not anon. we are the ones with all of the guns but we are also the ones with hearts.

>> No.23749298

>if we create millions of fake votes you're bound by the constitution to accept it
>those are just the rules bro, you have to let us cheat

>> No.23749312

fuck off fascist garbage

>> No.23749359
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>fuck off fascist garbage

>> No.23749404


well actually yeah those are the rules... there has never been a presidential election decided by a legitimate popular vote. That would be even more clown timeline than what we have now. Have you SEEN the popular narrative?

>> No.23749430

Well if Trump has proof of that he can go to court and demand recounting of all balots isnt it? What he can't do is troll on twitter and trigger the autists into a civil war.

>> No.23749467

Wow, maybe the left can meme...

>> No.23750100
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>> No.23750405
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lol wtf? The military fucking loves him.

>> No.23750435
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Why should he concede an election that he won legitimately? The obviously fake votes for Biden will be thrown out.

>> No.23750482

>if we create fake votes
>still has not provided a single shred of evidence that any of them are fake

>Trump’a “big lawsuit” in nevada he night is about one crazy old women who said she tried to vote twice (that the NV courts have already looked into days ago and said they turned her away when she did)

>> No.23750674


>> No.23751132


>> No.23751799

It isn't nearly over yet. This is just starting.

>> No.23751812
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