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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23744003 No.23744003 [Reply] [Original]

>Uniswap v2 ported onto Arbitrum
>Sergey's talk about composability basically saying "it's happening next year"
>ETH2.0 deposit contract goes live
>/biz/ barely talking about any of it
What the FUCK has happened to this place? Explain yourselves!

>> No.23744057

I thought it was supposed to happen this year :(

>> No.23744086
File: 55 KB, 1126x216, Screen Shot 2020-11-06 at 9.10.14 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You demoralised fuck PAY ATTENTION. Where is everyone? Goddamnit /biz/ i've been here since early 2017 don't die on me now

>> No.23744095
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>Sergey's talk about composability basically saying "it's happening next year"
More time to accumulate

>> No.23744121


>> No.23744159

This is reddit now, didn't you get the note? But unironically, there's no money to be made anymore here

>> No.23744183

I'm going to bury this in my own thread that nobody seems to give a fuck about, just for whatever few people are left here who appreciate what "Uniswap on Arbitrum" means:
I wish I knew where all the oldfags have gone, i've never considered leaving /biz/ before.

>> No.23744193


Swapping tokens on Layer 1 Uniswap costs about 109,500 gas; at 10 million gas per block and roughly 1 block per 13 seconds. This means Ethereum layer 1 can handle, at absolute most, 7 Uniswap-swaps per second.

Enter Arbiswap: with the Arbiswap Rollup chain at full-capacity, the Layer 1 gas cost reduces to 1965 gas per swap; this means L1 can handle up to 390 swaps per second, a 55x gain in gas efficiency for the base layer!

But we’re not done yet. In the next Arbitrum testnet release, we’ll add support for BLS signatures, and additional compression features, that will reduce the gas usage by an additional factor of two or so.

>> No.23744386

Its dead fren, 3 years of oldfags digging right and left and we got nothing... swift digital asset isda asx microsoft ... staking.... fucking nothing not a single major development not a single major announcement...so what do you expect ? Be crazy about some fucking arbitrum ? Shit is dead... look at the fucking price action

>> No.23744420
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>trying to fud an ICOfag

>> No.23744459

shut up idiot
OP it’s cool as fuck, everyone’s just bound up in the gay ass election. Once it’s being shoved in their faces that they can use uni at a fraction of the cost they’ll jizz themselves

>> No.23744476

>next year
>still waiting for Oracle integration in Q3

>> No.23744529

Yep anon you are correct, we're in a lul period right now for a few months but shit will go parabolic at some point during this run - too risky to not hold a lot but hard not to FOMO into BTC and ETH when institutions are now in. I'm accumulating after losing my stack but back at 7k so nearing something decent for this bullrun. When it happens it will blow everyones faces off some smart bastards will make gains on BTC and ETH before it blows and trade back into link at the correct time. I won't as I'm just accumulating.

>> No.23744585

Not trying to fud, you asked for oldfags so what the fuck do you want ? Talk how awesome that is ? Like we did for the last 3 years about everything when at the end of the day everything is basically a fucking nothing and all Link could do in 3 years was an overleveraged defi pump to $20 ?

>> No.23745051

Graph is fucking huge, /biz/ severely sleeping on this beside a few threads that pop up once in a week

>> No.23745115

everybody got off the computer because of election concern shills

>> No.23745189
File: 547 KB, 2344x1492, Bella.fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not getting those final Bella gibs with ARPA.

We're still meme farming before depositing our ETH to the new contract sir.

>> No.23745441

So what does this mean for Uniswap's price?