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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 719x471, C4dfx7XWQAAYoO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2370426 No.2370426 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get rid of this fucking bot keeping the price down?

>> No.2370435

Cant only strong hands win

>> No.2370438

why would you drive up the price
im still accumulating

>> No.2370444

Pls no, I haven't fully bought in yet.

>> No.2370446
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1494364031729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we profit from it and also get cheap ARK before he removes the sellwalls and we moon ?????
he is doing us a favor..

>> No.2370449

shill. post pics or stfu

>> No.2370810


Sell faggot, you lost already

>> No.2370826

i only put it $75 at 60 cents, fuckin wish i put more, got a lot more now but not at that price point....heh

>> No.2370845

I'm holding Ark and I'm starting to doubt my own sanity. Why the fuck is everyone claiming it's a PND or scam? Do they just want to get people to panic sell?

>> No.2370858
File: 37 KB, 600x765, IMG_8789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought 10,000 at $.40

>> No.2370867
File: 194 KB, 720x1184, Sat Jun 10 11_59_22 GMT+02_00 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm doing okay, cocksucker

>> No.2371035

you iron handing it son?

>> No.2371091

Yupp. This is easily a $10+ coin so I won't sell until then, minimum.

>> No.2371105

but this is what anarcho-capitalism looks like; either deal with it or go buy some ETH

>> No.2371122

very nice. i can def see this coin going places, it's got a hell of a lot more going for it than 99% of these other fuckin coins

>> No.2371160

Agreed. Less than 3 months old, good tech/code, innovative ideas, solid devs, sleek website, cool name and logo

It's a diamond in the rough imo.

>> No.2371213
File: 133 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170610-133950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much you guys holding?

>> No.2371227


>> No.2371235

750 and voted for biz
as soon as I start seeing a change in the trend I'll double that

>> No.2371239

about 560

>> No.2371243

around 200. was going to buy another 1000 but started to have doubts desu

>> No.2371277

3850 Anon.
I want to take out 1000 if this and diversify.
The whale is winning I guess.
Looking at the chart from the last year something similar happened. Was a bot left on for a whole 6 weeks from the last pump? Anyway.. HODL ME TIGHT

>> No.2371279


for it to be $10 dollars each it will need to have a $1b market cap, this is easily possible but why do you think it will happen in a week, we new this from the start. everyone just chill the fuck out go about your day in 6 months come back

>> No.2371328

Been watching the price all night.


>> No.2371343

This. It's still up like 300% in a week, and the coin is barely 2 and a half months old.

Get in a staking pool, go play some video games or something and just forget about it for a couple months. ETH was sub-$10 for over a year before going supernova.

>> No.2372327


I think this is great, actually. You can use the bot too to make gains and accumulate Ark, then just Hodl.

>> No.2372354

Okay I might be stupid as fuck, but why have I not been doing this all along?

>> No.2372440

Because you don't know when the whale will let it moon, and the longer he keeps it up, the more likely he'll be done accumulating by the time you start day trading.
This is why I won't, but you can certainly make profit if you're more ballsy than me.

>> No.2373419


Why would someone set a bot up too keep the price low and lose money doing so?

Plis explained

>> No.2373452

Honestly, he's been doing this for so long. Might be a bit late to start now. But I might as well throw my 3k ARKs in. When it jumps to $1,15 I'll buy back in.
He wants to buy more cheap coins before the coin's value inevitably increases.

>> No.2373494

because one you have millions of dollars you find that you want more, so you manipulate the price of coins with potential to keep it artificially low, right, allowing you to accumulate thousands more daily at a low price. When the interest of the product gets enough traction, the whale will be holding hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets and can cash in bigly

>> No.2373573
File: 89 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-10-10-48-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting seriously fucking ridiculous. Pic related.

Ive reported the issue to Bittrex. Bot manipulation is against their Terms of Service. I encourage everyone here to do the same.

Still waiting on a response from them.

>> No.2373579
File: 270 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170610-095744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2373606

Then we get hit with the real twist: Bittrex are using the bots

>> No.2373624

whales are FUDding trying to get cheap ark

>> No.2373629
File: 138 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in ARK

>> No.2373641

3000, bought at under .40

>> No.2373645


>> No.2373653

wanted 10k but i'd have to sell more ETH for that and i feel i can't be having that

>> No.2373654
File: 192 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170610-160658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balls deep.

>> No.2373663

Forgot to hit reply

>> No.2373694
File: 113 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170610-171149[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll make it.

>> No.2373718

lawdy, you brave motherfucker

help me out ark bros, i'm holding:
Digix DAO

i bought all of these for fomo. should i liquidate any and buy ark instead?

>> No.2373719

>tfw holding ARK and DGB
It's been a wild ride these past couple of days.

>> No.2373746

I'm not familiar with some of them, so I'd dump these:
APX, Trustcoin, Tokencard, Digix DAO, Guppy, Lunyr

ETH and ARK is what I'm doing.

>> No.2373843

Stop reading /biz/ for awhile. People thought ETH was a scam and they still do, the only difference is Eth was 20 bucks then and it's 275 now. Price can be whatever in this market, don't forget fundamentals don't matter(until they do).

>> No.2373885
File: 99 KB, 553x227, traderdaddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother anon, another anon already complained and the support admitted they're letting him do it.
I don't know why people think the price will rise if he gets banned, without his volume it might fall for months until it gets listed on other exchanges.
I made 8 Ark last night selling at 38 and leaving an open buy order at 34, not willing to do it again but there you go.

>> No.2373888


How do you think they make money? With fucking bots that's how.

>> No.2373913

is ark only on bittrex?

>> No.2373914

there's a 0.25% fee for each trade

>> No.2373942

I'm that.

I am still trying to come up with a way to beat their stupid pattern. Unfortunately without the large amount of BTC they seem to have, it'll be hard to compete.

>> No.2373979

Basically the bot creates artificial buy/sell walls to cause price swings. It then buys and sells on those swings so that it can't possible lose. It has a shit ton of BTC behind it so there's only 3 ways to win. Either don't play (give up and move on to something else), It's people decide to stop liking easy money, or a friendly whale with more money then them comes in and just buys them out of their shit and destroys all the sell walls for us.

>> No.2374043
File: 33 KB, 500x500, get a load of this goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep prices low
>get big fees from large transactions
>remove bot
>high prices and you got's the fees

>> No.2374067

This and ETH are my 2 long-term holds. I'm confident that the price would be higher in the future so I'm not too worried about it. As the project hits more milestones it is bound to hit other exchanges. While the bot is extremely irritating, it's nothing compared to how much I'd be kicking myself if I sell now.

>> No.2374099
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad. That's a future millionaires amount right there.

>> No.2374191

Get rid of NEM and Ripple. Theyre not going anywhere any time soon. Make some money with other coins and then buy back into those projects later.

>> No.2374210

If enough people complain and biz raids their support requests, then maybe something can get pushed through.

>> No.2374245

bittrex is well aware of this guy and his bot service. he hangs out in their support IRC. they aren't going to do shit about it.

we'll never know who the people are the are using the service, but wouldn't it be fucked if it were the coins admins.

what we need is more and larger exchanges so we can have a balance and bring in more funding sources.

>> No.2374249
File: 83 KB, 612x587, jews at the mall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this FUD
>all this FOMO
>all this hype
>all this buzz
i can't tell who is jewing who anymore

>> No.2374319

The positive side of this is that the coin can't be hijacked by PnD shills.

>> No.2374324

I don't see other exchanges happening soon. Poloniex are a bunch of fuckers and I wouldn't be surprised if they disappeared tomorrow. Who else can compete with Bittrex's volume?

>> No.2374333


>> No.2374349

this makes me want to buy into decentralized exchanges' ICOs

>> No.2374352

>can't be hijacked by PnD shills
You mean teenagers and 21-year-olds on Discord can't manipulate it with their shit-tier buying power. It's still being manipulated like crazy.

>> No.2374387

like who, WAVES? (((BANCOR)))?

>> No.2374390

As much as it sucks I don't think we can really fix it unless someone lurking here has 100btc to break it's shit with

May as well just ride the waves

>> No.2374392

Decentralized exchanges are far past the ICO stage. They are coming sooner rather than later.

>> No.2374405

BlockNet (BLOCK)

>> No.2374408

a collective OY VEY is heard in the distance

>> No.2374433

What if someone here much cooler than I can DDoS attack traderdaddy.com?

>> No.2374454

shits probably running on some kinda cloud service, good luck ddosing amazon

>> No.2374465

ARK is a great project with great fundamentals but seems to attract the shittiest, greediest fucking whales. Thats why you see all the differing viewpoints on this coin.

>> No.2374479


>> No.2374497

Yeah and its coming from shitty, cheap, backstabbing exchanges like Poloniex and Coinbase.

>> No.2374504

Whales want the biggest slice of the cake and they know Ark will become a very big cake

>> No.2374508

I wouldn't bother, just sell high buy low, the bot is clearly the majority of the volume. I thought they would push to 40k but now it's 38k, they are either pushing the price down or trying to make it stable before the moon. I figure we'll see 34 or less again today, buy in then.
I don't know what you're talking about, bittrex is the small fish here compared to any exchange. The most trusted is kraken, polo is the most popular in the west. Bittrex is popular on /biz/ but they don't have the volume.

>> No.2374554

I guess I wasn't thinking about kraken because I don't see them adding it anytime soon. What exchanges are you thinking of then?

>> No.2374649

i'm starting to recognize this bot on more and more coins lately. it's going to be the cancer that kills bittrex

>> No.2374704

desu it made me almost 0,3 BTC by regularly swinging STRAT

>> No.2374849

so sad I didn't get on BLOCK train while it was around $2

>> No.2374888

what kind of behavior does it do that you can take advantage of?

>> No.2374900

Its still at a steal my friend. Its supply is absurdly low and the product isnt even out yet, nevermind the fact that it doesnt even have a any userbase yet. Just wait till it gets released and it becomes the go to exchange, the price will go to fucking pluto.

>> No.2374905

it made STRAT fluctuate by 30ksats regularly; the floor was obvious by the buy wall, the high likewise

>> No.2374941

of course it can m8. how much is the /biz/ node thing worth now?

>> No.2374949

445558 ARK and rising

>> No.2374972

so it fluctuates it up and down like crazy? well i'm seeing the pattern now when i look at the chart.

>> No.2374986

right but it's tiresome and consumes a lot of your time

>> No.2374990

i'm continuing to write my bot to compete with this shit. at least ride on it's coattails.

>> No.2375011

Only whales can beat other whales. Your bot will amount to nothing.

>> No.2375023

don't just buy and hold. ARK is a solid long-term coin

>> No.2375032

what would happen if we all used bots and they all just start competing with each other?

>> No.2375043


not talking about beating, but trading on the swings they create works. i've done it by hand. i can detect the walls they setup and undercut/overbid just enough to make a profit each time.

>> No.2375044

you'd always be susceptible to fail any time there's a change in target bot's operating parameters

>> No.2375079

I'm currently doing the same. What's up with that guy? He can't even pump to 38k sat

>> No.2375130
File: 13 KB, 1176x312, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's killing the coin lmao

>> No.2375153

i've been studying the bots patterns for literally 4 days. i can recognize when the bots are active on any coin at a glance now.

i'm a software engineer handling big data and statistical analysis professionally.

>> No.2375184

You might be right...

>> No.2375189

I was surprised when he sold at around $1.04. He had another, bigger wall up behind that one. How can I predict that?

>> No.2375203

ooohhh my god

im guessing he just takes those sell walls off once he reaches a support line

>> No.2375220

i'm gonna do a full writeup so everyone can recognize the patterns and have an understanding when to buy and sell. if the word spreads to enough coins/people, we might be able to reduce these fuckers profits enough to drive em away.

>> No.2375235

are u gonna make a pastebin

>> No.2375245

If you're experienced with these bots so much, do you have any idea when he might leave the coin alone? This is becoming extremely frustrating and I refuse to sell off my ARK no matter how long I have to wait. It would be nice to know how long exactly I will have to wait though.

>> No.2375258

Im telling you this bot is going to ruin this coin.

Price manipulation with sell walls is fine every once in a while to accumulate some extra cheap coins, but to continue to do it for weeks on end is going to kill any interest in the coin and the only thing youll be accumulating cheaply is empty fucking bags.

This is way overkill, proceed with caution biz bros.

>> No.2375263


I was thinking of that, but some of this will be easier to explain visually, so I'm thinking of throwing it up on a webhost

>> No.2375296


this is exactly what will happen. unfortunately the people using the bots don't give a shit about the coin or the coins companies, it's simply a BTC siphon. once they've sucked the life out of the coins they all attach to, they'll just move onto the next.

>> No.2375298

Maybe we can message the devs? I reported the bot to Bittrex yesterday but looks like they don't care.

>> No.2375301

Doing Gods work, anon. Thank you.

>> No.2375323

The coin's too good for that to happen in my opinion.

Just try to profit as long as he's around. It's constant profit.

>> No.2375333

I reported it too, and still havent received a response back yet.

The only thing I can think of is to attempt somehow to take down traderdaddy.com

There has to be someone here capable of doing it.

>> No.2375359

Are we sure they're the source behind this whole thing? If they are, I'm sure you're right in that someone here can bring them down. It's gonna need it's own thread I think.

>> No.2375386

bittrex is well aware of this bot and the guy running the website, he hangs out in their support IRC and openly flaunts the bots success. "it's all apart of the cryptocoin game, gotta figure out how to beat the bots".

what a fucking joke

the bots make bittrex a shit ton of money from the constant buy/sell fees it collects as a result, so of course they aren't gonna do shit about it.

>> No.2375400

just aquire cheap ark
1$ is a fucking joke

>> No.2375443

Youre talking to someone who had 13,000 ARK at one point since it was at .04 cents who had to dump it at around .20 cents because it stagnated and grew sideways for nearly a month straight while literally every other coon mooned around it. Im glad I did too, because I would have lost out on a lot of money had I continued to hold.

Im am not someone who is known for having weak hands.

I do believe ARK is a great project, but if you think that in the ADHD world of crypto where people are becoming millionaires over night that investors are just going to hold thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of a stagnating, artificially manipulated coin while everything else continues to grow around it, well, no, its just not gonna happen. People will drop it like a bad habit and move on to something else that grows.

Sucks, but thats the way it is in crypto.

>> No.2375449

What can we reach once whales let us moon?

>> No.2375493

I'm thinking $5-10 at first, later on even higher

>> No.2375495

5-10$ this year isnt far off i think

>> No.2375499


>> No.2375520

>"it's all apart of the cryptocoin game, gotta figure out how to beat the bots".

We have to either find a way to either doxx this faggot or ddos attack the source of his bot (possibly traderdaddy.com).

Very few here, if any, are capable of outdoing a whale's bot the proper way. Its going to have to get dirty.

>> No.2375549

This is literally what I just done, dumped XEM for Decred. Will buy back XEM again when it falls to 5k.

>> No.2375578


I'm not "experienced" with these bots, I just recognize their patterns and how they manipulate the price of coins to gain BTC.

When will they stop? When they stop making the people using them money, obviously, then they will move onto the next most lucrative coin to destroy.

I find it hilarious that traderdaddy.com's website makes it look like they "help" coins by keeping their trade balanced. it's a bunch of horseshit.

it just generates little micro pump and dump swings in the pricing.

>> No.2375620

Be glad that you got in before it hits $200. The price it's at currently absurdly low, just look at how small the market cap and coin supply is. Decentralised exchanges are the future and they already have a working one. Not to mention that they're also building an internet of blockchains just like Ark.

>> No.2375641
File: 34 KB, 488x650, IMG_20170529_223621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cannot explain.
they are trying to rationalize the fact that the price is falling while they want it to moon.
whales,soros,illuminati, manipulators
if you see value hold, I do.

>> No.2375662

If we drive up volume to a high enough point, won't it force the price floor to go up thereby ruining the bot's pattern?

If so, we should probably start advertising this coin outside of /biz/. Shills irritate me as much as the next guy, but what choice do we have? There need to be organic changes in the price floor for us to get rid of the bot which could be achieved by getting more people interested enough in the coin to buy it. If we could do this, we'd be able to get rid of the bot. Obviously, it wouldn't be a simple nor fast solution but we have our only other choices are doxxing traderdaddy or just waiting it out.

>> No.2375665

the bot is running on Block right now. and from the looks of it, it has been for a while

>> No.2375684

always the same pattern, down to 32000 then up to 36000, easy money

>> No.2375685


haha. dude, the guy that runs the botting site admitted he had users manipulating this coins prices. it's not a fucking conspiracy.

>> No.2375694

it's totally expected in an AnCap phenomenon that is crypto

>> No.2375893
File: 42 KB, 547x336, ruin_fb-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this "fuzzyhobbit" guy in >>2373885 pic related the main suspect of manipulating ARK with a bot?

If so, I may have a major lead on who he is.

But I need a yes or no to this question first.

Need an answer ASAP.

>> No.2375918


he is at least an admin on the site if not the sites owner

>> No.2375940

bots are about to push the price to 36k btw.

>> No.2375958

Don't please. He's keeping Ark low-ish for the moment and I need time to buy. This shit is going to be worth 100$ in a year.

>> No.2375999

I decided to fuck it and start trading with the bot.
Bought a few at 32501, gonna start making extra btc/ark

>> No.2376025
File: 35 KB, 1017x355, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2376061


it's about the best we can do right now. can't beat em? join em...

>> No.2376086

I'm actually really surprised I bought near the absolute bottom of the dip. Must have gotten lucky with the timing

>> No.2376092

Some weird things happening on Ubiq too

reminder : Ubiq also is only on Bittrex

>> No.2376095

What are you going to do?

>> No.2376122

He's back at it again

>> No.2376140

you'll notice strange shit where there's a lot of buying out of the bids book rather than the asks. i believe that's the bot buying from himself. to make it appear that there's people buying.

>> No.2376171


that doesn't look like the same bot, but it definitely looks like a whale trying to force the price down.

181 btc ask order, holy fuck

>> No.2376247
File: 265 KB, 720x1184, Sat Jun 10 20_33_30 GMT+02_00 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how mad I am haha

>> No.2376290

There are bots running on near enough every coin of value. The scumbags at Bittrex and Poloniex don't care since they make a ton of money from the constant tx fees.

>> No.2376375

Damn shits getting corrupt. Dgb, strat, and now ark are totally at the mercy of whales

>> No.2376387
File: 816 KB, 1017x3030, 2017-06-10_07:42:24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be mad, but I plan on holding these bags for a year or two, cba with that day trading shit with all the bots manipulating prices. So I won't even remember these price swings when it's time for me to sell.

>> No.2376399
File: 28 KB, 494x484, 1493673066409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that would mean that we can expect a insane pump soon. im okey with that

>> No.2376468

These bots are taking over more and more coins. Is this how crypto ends? This is fucking insane.

>> No.2376497

Is it happening on all exchanges or just bittrex?

>> No.2376513

This is how the robot apocalypse starts. If they keep doing this, we'll have to go to war with them. We have to stamp out the robots before they keep accumulating and become the new 1%.

>> No.2376531
File: 13 KB, 200x200, fuzzzy5_1345312517_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathan Allen aka fuzzyhobbit

Pic related

45 years old

62 Imagine Ln
Hilham TN 38568-6117

He has two landline phone numbers...

(931) 243-6275

(931) 268-9827

Graduated at Greenon Highschool in 1989

Used to live in Ft. Myers, FL

Super into nerd shit like technology, video games and VR.

Social media presence:







Do what you will with this infornation.

Good luck.

>> No.2376538

Imma go watch some Terminator movies to prepare.

>> No.2376543

I think this is the start of the end. This will be a perfect excuse for government to come in and regulate everything. It's been a fun few months guys

>> No.2376554


>> No.2376558

oh fuck.

>> No.2376564

>he's literally as fat as a whale


>> No.2376583

>tfw illegal to own guns where I live.
What are some makeshift weapons I can use against the machines?

>> No.2376605

um who is this lmao is he the botter?

>> No.2376612

i REALLY hope this is the right guy. jesus.

>> No.2376619


i've looked at the coins in your portfolios on bittrex

of them, the following are being traderdaddied.

SHIFT (looks like the bots are taking a break or allowing the price to rise)

>> No.2376637

does that imply they will go up once the traderbotfaggots go away?

>> No.2376647

How do you know?

>> No.2376667

fck this cunt nigguh im tryna earn money not bag hold this shit like eth for 1 year

>> No.2376668


because i've studied the traderdaddy pattern for 3 days straight, day and night like a goddamn autist.i can recognize it within 10 seconds of looking at the sell list and the chart.

>> No.2376677

Yeah, the prices are being kept artificially low if he's right. Haven't looked into it myself though.

>> No.2376678

It'll allow for the price to do what it does naturally.
These are good coins, we can only assume they'll rise (whales who have accumulated want this too).

>> No.2376680

Is this the faggot who runs trader daddy?
I suppose the only possitive thing about this, is that I am holding coins significant enough for these whale faggots to be interested in... Should mean that will will moon eventually.

>> No.2376684

i think traderdaddy released a version that more people started using about a week ago? does this match when the bots started showing up on graphs

>> No.2376698

Yeah, all of them seem to be good coins (although my portfolio only consists of ETH, ARK and GNT.)

>> No.2376704
File: 164 KB, 2004x1109, 593c41d72af2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2376717


as far as i can tell these coins are targetted as soon as they get a spike in volume, then they come in and siphon out as much of the btc as they can and then leave when the shit stagnates.

after examining DGB it was running for a few days at least in the last week when the price stabilized between 1800-2000

>> No.2376731



>> No.2376751

Jesus fucking Christ what has this man gotten himself into? How'd you get this information?

>> No.2376754
File: 61 KB, 635x473, 1496969231794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2376767

Yes, it was exactly a week ago my whole portfolio, with the exception of ETH (a coin too big to be manipulated), started growing sideways and stagnating.


>> No.2376802

Stuff like this reminds me of how /b/ used to be years ago. People would find shit stains like this and ruin their lives. This fat fuck is basically stealing money from thousands of people.

>> No.2376805

in fact, lol, it's running on DGB right now,
i see at least 4 instances of the bot running hahah

>> No.2376812

Eventually everyone will have to rely solely on btc and eth because of these people. I am holding ark and want to keep it, but if one can just move their money to eth and gain, then why stay in ark. Hopefully they dont completely destroy the alt market as a whole.

>> No.2376828

You idiot, we know it's a bot doing it. There's already been screens to prove it.

>> No.2376836

Whatchu gunna do about it tho?

>> No.2376846


>> No.2376848

What's the link for the bot you're using?

>> No.2376852

How do we know this is the real guy? Because of that one IRC screenshot? That's hardly prof.

Also, I don't care about the witch hunt. It should just hit the right guy.

>> No.2376853

Well we have his details now, if he is the one who's running the botting website /biz/ should come up with a plan to scare him into shutting it down. It would benefit us all.

>> No.2376859

Someone murder that fat piece of shit pls

>> No.2376860

took a look at the traderdaddy website and their slack. looks pretty easy to use, can see lots of people using this in the near future

>> No.2376869

I'm not using the bot, but riding the waves it creates. Sorry, wasn't clear when I said "with" the bot.

>> No.2376871

I want more ARK before then though

>> No.2376878

but if everyone is using it, then no one makes money. this bot relies on scaring/tricking people into selling/buying at prices it essentially dictates.

>> No.2376880
File: 225 KB, 1560x1017, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS BOT ONLY LIKES GREEN!! https://traderdaddy.com

>> No.2376890

Even if he is the real guy, now that word is out that you can use bots to manipulate the price, everyone will start doing it. This could be the end of the crypto market unfortunately, besides major players like ETH and BTC.

>> No.2376893

>smartbridge tech
>good devs
>8 second blocktimes
>wants to be an actual currency with physical cards you can pay for things irl with

>> No.2376897

Couldn't this bot backfire if the coin just drops into a free fall?

>> No.2376898

Price has been jumping form 32k to 38k. Should I risk day trading this?

>> No.2376899

Damn so that's why my sia and waves plummeted. Good to know

>> No.2376900

Not necessary.

Make an example of fuzzyhobbit. You and everyone else here have all his personal details. Go into the IRC and get him to close his bot, if not all of traderdaddy.com, ASAP and completely ruin the image of running bots in crypto. Whales are nothing without their computers to hide behind.

>> No.2376901

yup won't be making any money and hindering promising altcoins from rising. will ruin everything

>> No.2376921

dont you get tired of clicking back and forth?

>> No.2376922

>Should I risk day trading this?
As long as you understand that it is a risk.
There are definitely gains to be made if you do it right.

>> No.2376928

What's going to happen to him now?

>> No.2376929

so just same thing that any crypto want or already have

why fucking ark? nobody is teeling shit about it, except /biz/ and they very well known from shilling shitcoins

>> No.2376932

how do you find out which coins it's manipulating?

>> No.2376943

I'm a NEET, I do can do this shit all day. Obviously using a bot would be easier.

>> No.2376945

You sound like someone who buys meme coins

>> No.2376949

Not if you get traderdaddy.com to shut down.

Start by either putting together a DDoS attack or possibly even reporting it to the SEC. Im sure they would to make an example of crypto traders such as these, even though its technically not regulated.

>> No.2376950

As long as the prices does not crash below 30k or moons above 40k, I can make some serious money as the price has been kept in that range for several days already.

>> No.2376952


i've been able to recognize the patterns visually after studying ARK's patterns for the last 3 days.

actually instead of a writeup i'm thinking of doing a youtube video explaining. it'll be easier showing it happening in real time.

>> No.2376955

it works on any coin on bittrex. has a few hundred users so prob any relatively known coin

>> No.2376962


Someone report this cunt to the IRS, you know fully well he's probably dodging taxes

>> No.2376982

PLease do not do something stupid like this. Crypto doesn't need to be regulated.


>> No.2376986

i'm in this thred for exact opposite, convince me that this is not another meme coin like DGB, MOON, and other P&D shit

>> No.2376991

We don't have to convince you of anything, do your own research.

>> No.2376997
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>> No.2377001

Please do that. If enough people know it will make the bot ineffective.

>> No.2377016


>> No.2377017

we don't get paid by ark to shill their coin, and we refuse to shill it like every other PnD on /biz/ . we want this to grow organically, not get fluffed up to 2$ in a day and then spend the next 4 days watching it stagnate and fall back down after the hype dies down causing everybody to freak out and dump their coins.

>> No.2377018

some fat fuck is keeping ark's price down with his bots

>> No.2377020

im fucking trying, dont you see

if i want to gain i must buy it low, before i do my complete reaserch it may be to late

so fucking please do me some TLDR

>> No.2377022

We need to get all of the youtubers on to this if they arent already.

>> No.2377028

Looks like bots are manipulating ARK and other promising coins while stagnating the price.

>> No.2377036
File: 31 KB, 613x391, 1496857791228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aiming at mass adoption, as evident by their super sleek and easy to use wallet. They also plan on producing physical cards in the future.

>Lightning fast block time of 6 secs per block

>Uses Delegated Proof of stake, meaning delegated nodes voted by everyone with a stake in Ark run the network

>This means you can stake your coins (via voting for a delegate) without running the wallet 24/7 and can access your funds with just your passphrase from any wallet.

>Large international team working on the project with expertise in all areas

>Bounty rewards for freelance developers who help contribute to github

>Developing smart bridge technology, which will allow for communication and transactions across different blockchains I.e. send ARK and receiver gets a payment in ETH

>Great community, one of the most enthusiastic, friendliest and helpful I've seen in all of the cryptosphere. Seriously check out the slack channel.

>Support for many different programming languages, which opens it up for lots of DApps being built on the network, perfect for interacting with the Internet of things.

>Fantastic marketing team & networking, as seen by the number of AMAs they have hosted in their slack channel with teams from other projects

>> No.2377043

Okay, so there are undeniably people holding the price in place and scooping up as much as they can.

Every time I look at the delegates and how much ARK are in the staking pools, the amount grows. A few days ago only a few pools had a million Ark in them, and now the top 20 have over a million or are very close. Whales are buying up a ton so that they make literal free money from staking, and they want as much as possible in order to get a larger piece of the pie and make more.

Can't blame them but we're going to see Ark's price go interstellar when they're finished, possibly to double digits.

>> No.2377055

Hey now, why doesn't someone just DDos traderdaddy?

>> No.2377056

and because it's unregulated the only justice is street justice, since unless we have whales willing to risk their ass to put these bots in their place, we have no power here.

>> No.2377060

You have any more user names of people who have openly admitted or bragged about the use of bots?

Make a list, if possible

>> No.2377064

>im fucking trying
No, you aren't. You are asking to be spoonfed. Fuck off and go to their website, bitcointalk, and other sources of information. Absolutely no one gives a fuck where you put your money, dickhead. Shove it up your ass for all we care.

>> No.2377067

>if i want to gain i must buy it low, before i do my complete reaserch it may be to late
That's your fucking problem man. Why would we want you to make some gains?

>> No.2377073
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>> No.2377084

Either my ark gets more expensive or I get one last chance at cheap ark, win/win.

>> No.2377085

Ive been saying this for the longest fucking time. Fucking somebody please do this, for the sake of all of crypto.

>> No.2377114

You seem to want quick gains. This is a long term hold. As others have said, we don't want the type of people who would have sold ETH when it went up from $2 to $5 and cause instability. Go buy some memecoins if you don't have the patience to hold for a long time.

>> No.2377124

>bot stops trading
>ark hits 1 cent

>> No.2377137


>> No.2377141

I'm holding 9k but this bot is honestly making me think that long term this coin wont go places. The tech can be great but even then if the price is this manipulated then it just wont take off.

>> No.2377149


ETH was sub-$1 for years, then sub-$10 for a year and a half. You have to buy and hold

>> No.2377154


this is my ultimate fear. and it's not just ARK, it's all alt-coins that aren't juggernaut status.

>> No.2377185

Agreed. I hope there's an end to this bot fuckery but I honestly don't know if there will be. In any case, I'll keep holding ARK for a while.

>> No.2377200

I can understand that but when the project hits milestones it would create enough interest to spike the volume to swallow up the whales. Might not happen in the immediate future but I'm confident it will at some point. Besides, almost every promising $1 or sub-$1 coin seems to be manipulated by bots and I want to get in on the ground floor of promising tech.

>> No.2377209


we need to start flooding bittrex support and get the word out on social media twitter/reddit/fb/etc and get enough people outraged.

>> No.2377211
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>> No.2377248

He's going to make money by accumulating so much ark now that his daily proof of stake returns will be massive. And then the price will skyrocket.

>> No.2377250

Sorry to be dumb, but in a sense isn't it a good thing? He's keeping the price super low, so we can accumulate at low price, then eventually he has to make profit and will release his presence from the coin and it will skyrocket and we all won

>> No.2377275

thank you, that's what i needed
no fucker, i wrote it before, i just want to buy at the dip before it's not to late, and i havent looked this coin before

>> No.2377285

He's accumulating bitcoin not Ark.

>> No.2377288

this fcker can dump it all after we go to the moon and fck us over

>> No.2377293

Or we need to all make counter bots.

>> No.2377307

then i was right, we should just be like this guy

wait when it hit the lowest and fucking buy, right?

>> No.2377326

all report this fck on bittrex have bittrex take his bitcoin :D

>> No.2377330

Yepp, it's not going any lower than $.90 though.

>> No.2377337

Give me some short term predictions.

Once this guy has been murderraped by the meanest, smelliest, fattest son of a bitch on /biz/ is Ark going to dip or immediately spike?

>> No.2377354

They know what he is doing. They are making money off him.

>> No.2377356

Maybe, but he wouldn't earn anything from his stake. Also, if he dumps for no reason, people would realize it's manipulation and the price would slowly go back up.

>> No.2377362

this coin would be like 3$ by now if this fck stop this bs

>> No.2377365

i'm thinking of making one, the problem is, you need to be a fucking whale to really compete, otherwise you're only gonna get fractional returns if you're lucky.

the whole point of this bot is that it controls the buying and selling prices. i'll explain this better later, but i'll give you 1 example.

say the price of the coin is 100 sats. the bot wants the price to be 50 sats. you want to sell your coin at 99 sats because you want to undercut the person selling at 100 currently (which is more than likely the bot). the bot will move his order from 100 to 98 IMMEDIATELY after you put in your order at 99. so you think "you're not gonna get the best of me" and put your price at 90. boom he's in at 89. this plays out until you get down to 50, where he wants it. here's the kicker, he doesn't just set 1 order, he puts in 2. you'll notice that there will be 2 orders 1 sat apart from each other, with a small amount and a much larger amount. they move in sync. you'll notice on some of the coins that there will be multiple pairs of these type of orders, my bet is that this is multiple instances of the bot. it ultimately guarantees that the bot will get its way.

>> No.2377386

Maybe we could set up some kind of fund for the counter bots. Get back whatever percentage that person puts into it when it moons.

>> No.2377393

This happens with ETH all the time on Bittrex.

What's Bittrex' stance on bots anyways? Do they even fucking care?

>> No.2377404

If someone posts some proof that they could make a counterbot, maybe we can all send them a few Ark

>> No.2377416

They don't seem to give a shit, maybe if they start losing money to to uncertainty in the exchange. As of right now, they're getting fees on every trade these bots do.

>> No.2377418

>What's Bittrex' stance on bots anyways? Do they even fucking care?

They don't give a shit because they make a ton of money from trading fees. Poloniex is the same way.

>> No.2377425

bittrex has an open API that anybody can tap into. their terms of service rules are a little vague when it comes to what this bot is doing.
they obviously know it's happening because the dude hangs out in their chat room bragging and talking about it.

>> No.2377436

Where's the bittrex chat?

>> No.2377440

ddos this fckin cunt

>> No.2377443



>> No.2377453

This whole botting situation hasn't changed my opinion on ARK, but is certainly has made me look more into decentralized exchanges.

>> No.2377467

Same. Remember that it's not just ARK. A lot of promising coins on Bittrex are being manipulated by this bot.

>> No.2377482

>decentralized exchanges.
They can't do anything against bots. If you want to play it safe you either invest in coins that are listed on several exchanges or have a high volume.

>> No.2377483


>> No.2377491

Or get an ICO early and sell when the bots take notice

>> No.2377519

In my opinion ICOs are quite a risky investment. So far it works, the ROI are huge, but don't forget about the IPOs during the dotcom bubble. It's basically the same situation.

>> No.2377555
File: 42 KB, 479x317, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ddos em plz

>> No.2377572
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>> No.2377581

What the fuck?

What slack is this?

>> No.2377596

Just keep accumulating with the whales and we're all going to the moon.

>> No.2377605

their selling it for btc their not accumlating ark so were not going nowhere

>> No.2377608

or maybe they are just trading for bitcoin and then leave when Ark has no chance of coming back

>> No.2377612

Before that, say these magic words...

"Hello Nathan Allen from 62 Imagine Ln, Hilham, TN 38568. How are you today?"

>> No.2377621


>> No.2377629

ask them what the real purpose is of the bot is.
why are they using them to accumulate a lot ark or just get BTC with swing trading ?

>> No.2377630

look up traderdaddy on google register and join their slack

>> No.2377640

I just want to know if there's going to be an end to this shit or if whales are going to keep fucking with the price until the coin dies because of them. Surely this shit can't go on forever right?

>> No.2377645

they are buying it buying it to sell it higher. so people that say they are accumlating they arent accumlating jackshit

>> No.2377653


>> No.2377658

what slack is this

>> No.2377672

I read the FAQ for the traderdaddy bot, and it seems like they are somehow affiliated with rubycoin

>> No.2377692

you get access to use traderdaddy by having 500 rby in your bittrex account. so the more people that use it is pumping their own coin

>> No.2377693

banks will adopt their own currency using assets from these coins when its sharpened enough.

in the meantime we make money

>> No.2377734

Holy shit. I hope these guysy will end up in jail.

>> No.2377741

Lol someone send an email to FuzzyHobbit's traderdaddy's admin email posing as an SEC agent doing an investigation on his site and his crypto trades, and post a link to log into a phishing traderdaddy or Bittrex page as part of the investigation thay redirects to the real site. Once you then have his passwords, siphon all his BTC/ARK out of his account.

>> No.2377756

ill just drive to his crib and mess him up instead :D

>> No.2377758

>Total Votes : 38.11% ( 48,307,969 / 126,741,476 )
>48,307,969 / 126,741,476
>they aren't accumulating jackshit




>> No.2377805

Dude, they're accumulating a fuckton. You can tell by watching the growth of the Ark delegate pools; it's going up by the millions every day.

>> No.2377826

They're literally destroying the coion

>> No.2377836

So does this mean they'll eventually allow the coin to skyrocket?

>> No.2377858

Eventually they'll manipulate it to sky rocket, probably yeah.

Then they'll dump it soon after.

>> No.2377883

no. we dont need the feds in here and thats just a foot in the door for regulations that will fuck us all over.
just ddos the site. we can handle ourselves without piggies doing shit.

>> No.2377894

reported him to the IRS lol

>> No.2377924

everyone stay away from ark. its not going anywhere.

>> No.2377941

No one's ddosing the fucking site though. This isn't /b/ it's /biz/. His information's been posted and no one has done jack shit.

>> No.2377942
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>> No.2377947

Yes. Probably within the next two weeks

>> No.2377959

it will be their own money pumping the shit. theyll be ripping off themselves. then all we need is good dip of bitcoin.

>> No.2377974

>This isn't /b/ it's /biz/.

Time to call for reinforcements.


>> No.2377992

Contact ARK and let them know how much this fuzzyhobbitsmalldickfaggot is making them lose millions.

Hopefully they slap that fatcunt with a lawsuit and put him on the street where he belongs, giving blowjobs to other fat faggots

>> No.2378006


We hope.

>> No.2378011

Guys, i will give you and advice, i hace watched the bot pattern in wings and ubiq for a week now. Igual though ir was a bunch of whales but nos ir really makes sense. And the advice: DONT FALL AND BUY A PUMP, THEY WILL DUMP YOU AND KEEP YOU THERE BAGHOLDING AND WATCHING THE BOT PINGPONG.

>> No.2378033

Fuck, I don't want to sell this, goddamn it, all my long-term holds are getting fucked by this bot crap and I see no solution for it

>> No.2378050

I'm in the same situation. I'm going to wait this out for a month or so. If the problem hasn't resolved itself by then nor has any possible solution been presented, I'll consider selling.

>> No.2378117


that's what i've witnessed. the bot will inflate the price, getting people interested, then it will dump it, and then do this little mini price swings to get people to buy/sell hoping it'll get back to the price it was before it dumped. meanwhile accumulating a shit ton of btc and ark off the little guys that don't understand what's going on.

>> No.2378121

I'm going to keep holding this because it's the most promising coin under a dollar and every good coin is being bot manipulated right now on Bittrex. End of the day, I still believe in the core tech and the devs and I don't want to be kicking myself and lose a good investment opportunity because of bots.

>> No.2378139

>for a month or so
How can you be so calm? Aren't you monitoring the global market cap? It's a super obvious bubble, I don't think we have more than two weeks left.

>> No.2378147

Yes, until Ark's volume falls below 100 BTC and no one's interested anymore. Then the fgt will find a new coin to manipulate, leaving Ark in a ditch with a gaped asshole.

>> No.2378184

Everyone do your part and report him to the IRS too

>> No.2378191

People have been saying that for a long time. Besides, I'd rather lose the money I have now then miss out on potential fuck you amounts of money in the future. The former I can live down, the latter not so much.

>> No.2378207

my analisys of it brings me to the conclusion that the market shall revive once the value climbs natually alongside earned ARK entering the ecosystem from numerous parties

we're only beginning, I have faith in this for rational reasons

>> No.2378216


my biggest concern is that as long as these bots are able to churn money, why would it let the price inflate at all. it'd make more sense to keep it low as long as possible to essentially bully people who invested in higher to dump their bags at lower prices.

"yeah but that means us strong hands can just buy a bunch more and hold"

yeah good luck with that when the volume dips to double digits and people start using the coin as a pump and dump for the rest of the coins life.

>> No.2378233

Agreed. People who bought BTC at $10 could have sold it when it reached $100 because they thought they were in a bubble. I can risk losing what I've put into crypto but I don't want to regret it by cashing out too early.

>> No.2378281

>for a long time
What do you mean by a long time? 1 year? Since March we are facing a complete new situation, the money is raining. Clearly this is the mania phase...

>> No.2378363

The bot is a just strugling to solve a minimization problem. Too much fagkids moving they money like little bitches maks the bot mad and it just wants to crush them harder until the price stabilizes. True story

>> No.2378380

Since the birth of Bitcoin.

>> No.2378383

looks like the bot set a ceiling of 41.5k

>> No.2378414


Look at this chart. Do you notice something odd?

Exponential growth + media attention = bubble

>> No.2378426

you know ETH was held down by bots b/w 7-10 dollars for about 7 months right?

look where it is now

>> No.2378480

1338 @ 28k

this will be like when i invested in strat early on

>> No.2378508

I still choose to dive into crypto and acknowledge the risk in doing so. I am prepared to lose my money because the prospect of the possible reward is beyond my imagination. If you're not willing to take the risk, that's your choice and you'll have to live with whatever comes of it. I've already made my decision and I'll live with whatever comes of it.

>> No.2378597

Well I'm just going to let things sit for a few months. It seems the bot is accumulating which is a better sign than just cashing out into bitcoin.

>> No.2378715

i predict a crash is imminent. push all your shit in fiat when you can in the exchanges.

but in three years time, it will grow back rather than 8 years. i believe its because the infrastructure has already been set up and its been improved upon. we can expect several bubbles before the feds and banks begin to fictionalize this into normie currency.
we then go to hollywood because there will be dramatizations of this shit happening like facebook.

>> No.2378762



>> No.2378936

The crypto market is nowhere near being normalized yet. It's still a society of open secrets. It's going to take a while for the general public to catch on and realize the gains being made here. Stick your head out of your ass and talk to people that aren't balls deep into crypto if they know anything about what's been happening in the crypto markets. No one will say that they know. Once normies begin being able to name the top 10 cryptos then you'll know that we are dangerously close to a possible market crash.

>> No.2379014

well theres that.
but the bubble is still there. but there will be several of huge dips over the lifespan and very quick gains. banks will not catch on for another 10 years.
also i go by the rule that if you want money and you are surrounded by chinese, indians, germans, and nerds of all colors you are in the right place. when the apple pie country people, chads and staceys, and everyone inbetween are surrounding you, you are too late.

>> No.2379238

So once the whale goes away. What happens?

>> No.2379268
File: 92 KB, 720x964, IMG_20170610_182051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this must be a joke.

>> No.2379321

would know that too

>> No.2379329

it fckin moons duhhhh

>> No.2379415

Like the dip that happened about 2-3 weeks ago? I'd say that's a VERY small price to pay. Even a 2013-esque bitcoin "crash" is a small price to pay to realize the possible potential of the crypto market. In the end, it all depends on whether you want to take the risk or not. I will say this though, from the time of Bitcoin's birth until today, no dip or "crash" has occurred in which you would not have recovered your investment and more if you had simply held through.

>> No.2379436

And I like your rule. I'll definitely remember that.

>> No.2379444
File: 18 KB, 876x112, VoQSvOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TD ruining the market for 2% gains

>> No.2379467

I don't think the bot has been introduced on kraken yet, so it might be worth going there

>> No.2379569

i dont got time to wait another 3 years for this shit bubble will burst before that cmon guys