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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23734590 No.23734590 [Reply] [Original]

relax faggots
as soon as dollar starts rising again,
its over.

>> No.23734613

Ok sirs, maybe you've heard of the haircomb token computer project? A crypto currency built in the 2019 that relied on complicated 'liquidity stacks' (read: simplified machine code) cryptography to prevent any of its data from being intercepted and read by someone else. These days, thanks to the threat of quantum computing, it's hard to imagine a practical crypto currency built in the past worth investing that isn't quantum resistant.

now is the perfect time to claim haircomb because it is the only platform that has not seen an significant hack or any major infrastructural issue that would endanger the network and thus the entire haircomb community. So technically there is no reason to be buying cash, its value is rapidly collapsing as you read this..

>> No.23734929

no thanks pajeet

>> No.23734949


>> No.23735096
File: 137 KB, 420x420, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you brows biz and every thread is invested with pajeets scams. Try to ignore it. Phone rings.

> Ello dis is Alex from windows tech sapport sirs we have detected that there is a virus on your computer Sirs. is very dangerous sirs.

I swear to god i will come to your village and rape and kill every one of you dirty curryniggers (in minecraft)

>> No.23735209

Based, i will send you some eths for guns

>> No.23735249

Only in your dreams the dollar will recover.

USA just elected a socialist president, the usd will only go down from now.

>> No.23735302

Why is America’s overton window so fucked? Biden is peak neoliberal.

Besides, the market knows he’s not gonna get any of his tax raises passed through the senate, so it’s not like he poses any more of a threat than trump to them anyway.