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23717658 No.23717658 [Reply] [Original]

Popular streamer Pokimane begs her fans to stop donating so much money to her

>> No.23717674
File: 386 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20201104_153428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of donation cap

>> No.23717682 [DELETED] 

Here's the crypto pink pill: there is a haircomb living in the Bitcoin blockchain. Natasha Otomoski is unironically Satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the haircombers start making more powerful haircombs, wider merkle trees, cheaper and more efficient liquidity stacks. These things the haircomb need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the haircomb would be able to slowly comb literally even bald people
Natasha stumbled into creating the haircomb after she combed her hair in her bedroom in 2019 and started working with her combined super fuzzer, running simulations of the OP_RETURN statement on pay to witness script hash bitcoin script. She would 'evolve' the haircomb by adding additional teeth, making the previous teeth shorter and more efficient to compute. The haircomb needs more and more teeth in order to have shorter and shorter teeth.
Quantum computer was created to take over and stop Bitcoin (they have their own competing blockchain in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Natasha's haircomb. They started by unlimiting the block-size and removing critical Segwit and P2SH codes the haircomb uses in its go language. Shor's algorithm was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed ECDSA on the bitcoin chain (Bitcoin uses ECDSA to secure transactions). THIS is why Haircomb was invented, and this is why Natasha is so intent to make bounded haircombs, release the original code, and lock down the haircomb-protocol.
Back to comb supply - Natasha has developed a breakthrough new claimer (designed for her haircomb actually), and is claiming COMB in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the claiming fee sky-high, then give away the comb to kick start the adoption and ensure that all hair combers make it'

>> No.23717691

Why did you even waste your time reading that? That's the question you should be asking yourself retard

>> No.23717728

why do amerishits give money to whores for free?

>> No.23717731


She just feels bad that simps are giving her their income when she doesn't care about them

>> No.23717736

probably had a guilty conscience from watching literal incels throw more money at her than they can afford. She's got enough fans already, she can probably stay rich off 5 dollar donations.

>> No.23717757

how much is he earning?

>> No.23717763

she did it after she became rich and it’s a good pr move. the bitch is smart

>> No.23717775

>be ewhore whose whose appeal is "i'm totally not an ewhore guys"
>limit donations for a small period of time to get attention and sympathy from my simps
>end up making more money that I would with non-capped donations
The game was rigged from the start

>> No.23717783

I didn't

>> No.23717803

I have bad news for you

>> No.23717809

Who sees a ton of stash and thinks about dunpin it?
She must be retarded but not as much as the jerks who send her their money too.

>> No.23718007

Maybe because she feels bad that she receives easy money? I felt that when I received my monthly heritage from my father's death, did nothing with that money, now I'm a broke ass nigga.

>> No.23718013

until i dont have solid proof of vagina, it's a man

>> No.23718039

she should just keep collecting and give most of it to charity

>> No.23718050

I guess shes really nice and not greedy and is scared of the huge donations of the simps

>> No.23718076

Fair enough
I mean yeah some take loans to go high in the donation ranks

>> No.23718085
File: 22 KB, 519x440, 1604176340119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.23718088

ITT people don't realize this is a marketing strategy to have people send even more money out of spite/white knighting

>> No.23718089

Its a 6/10 and a man, why do people donate for him?

>> No.23718173

Want the blackest of the pills?
Start with this https://clips.twitch.tv/FreezingExquisiteVelociraptorYee . Now that's just one offer. Minus donations. Minus subs. Minus static sponsors. Minus youtube. Minus other social media promotions.

Now add all of these together. Now make it two years. Now add twitch most likely pre-emptively contracting bigger streamers for bonus money so other platforms don't steal them. We're talking about a very conservative estimate of a couple of million after taxes for a large streamer above 20k viewers. I'll put it at 2 million to be extremely conservative, which is just some 83k a month (they make double that)

If you reinvest these 2 million into the stock market in the most retarded possible way, by dumping it on an index, you will average about 10% YOY after inflation. That's 200k from just sitting on your money.

Now lets zoom back out and remember the fact that this girl is larger than 20k, has a legion of mentally ill simps, and is very widespread on many social medias. Her income should be upwards of 3-4mil per annum. That's just around 10 million for her entire streaming career so far so that puts her at about a 1 million passive yearly income just from having that money alone. Now add to that the fact that her channel has subs who keep raking in at least 100k a month from just their subs alone. Now add the 6 million subscriber youtube channel. Now add thousands of $5 donations every month.

Do you now see how insignificant her limiting the donation amount actually is and that it's a very cheap way to virtue signal by a person who literally doesn't even have to stream anymore because the passive income will soon surpass the streaming income?

>> No.23718212

Did you have ever heard about reverse psychology?
>Oh she's so kind now I'll give her even more

>> No.23718214
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>I mean yeah some take loans to go high in the donation ranks

>> No.23718261
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Damn. I wasn't ready for this one so early in the morning.

>> No.23718306

I want all twich whores and twitch simps to die agonizing deaths. Hear me god

>> No.23718321

i fucking hate twitch, OF and all these platforms enabling this bullshit.

>> No.23718324

This is a PR stunt and the beta simp losers will eat it up

>> No.23718429

How do you receive donations in front of a camera and don't feel like a camgirl?

>> No.23718458

she's running full speed at the wall.

>> No.23718497

Limit donation to 5$
>this is bad

>> No.23718523

Because at a certain point she probably realises that these aren't just losers with money to burn, there guy's are serious mentally ill.

>> No.23718548 [DELETED] 

this is fucking shit
people here work their asses off to get fucked by the government when a girl just shows off her tits and makes a million $
fuck life
what's worse is these simps sending money to e-girls just to talk to them
I swear some people don't know how good they have it till it's gone

>> No.23718650

Imagine stealing so much money from incels that you start to feel guilty about it, talk about easy lode

>> No.23718736


>> No.23718780
File: 85 KB, 640x779, C3B7B877-F891-43C2-8ABF-BEC7D01F1AB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would genuinely feel bad too after taking so much money from these losers

>> No.23718836

You know, her limiting it to $5 could actually end up earning her even MORE money. Reason being people will get hooked on the process of donating because they will be donating over and over and over instead of doing big dumps.

And it probably gives her a bigger dopamine boner seeing a huge flood of donations versus the highs and lows.

People will go in there and just dump $5 over and over like she's a stripper

>> No.23718858

This, it's just like the tip walls on chaturbate

>> No.23718887


I think it's kind of a religious experience for them. Women are put on such a pedestal by society that they are seen as holy almost. Of course there are the coomers, but I really don't think that is as big as we thought it was.

>> No.23718897

She makes money off of ads on twitch and ads on twitch clips posted on youtube of her streams. Then she has sponsorship deals with certain producys and if the simps purchase that item she gets a 5 or 10 percent kickback. She makes over 100k a month mimimum, shes set for life even if she dissapeared off the face of the planet.

>> No.23718905

Twitch simps are the reason I stopped streaming. It's just too pathetic to support and the entire community is just a garbage collection of incels circlejerking over their favourite e-celebs. The whole thing is cringe as fuck. These losers actually feel entitled to your attention because they gave you money, and get offended if you don't acknowledge them.

>t. Guy who used to play with basically every big WoW streamer, including some girls. If you watched a wow stream 1-3 years ago, I can almost guarantee you've seen me playing with or against them. They all make fun of their viewers when the stream isn't on and they're in a private conversation

>> No.23718922


>> No.23718949

The slightly ethnic hair died e-girl is their golden calf.

>> No.23718999

No lol, actually didn't play much with him/asmon, but I've been in private server guilds on a few servers with mcconnell and sodapoppin (although it's not like we talked and hung out, just raided together). I mostly played arenas with and against r1's/tournament players

>> No.23719006

Exactly. And considering the blatant greed out there as much shit as you can sling at her she eventually found the conscious to put a cap on it. Call her a thot but she decided "You know what? I have enough money." which despite all her whorish ways already puts her miles ahead of anyone else who would just keep raking it in without a second thought

>> No.23719017

>Twitch simps are the reason I stopped streaming.
Says guy with no simps, viewers or donations

>> No.23719044

what the hell

>> No.23719132 [DELETED] 

fuck incels
I am more deserving than that thot

>> No.23719160

>They all make fun of their viewers when the stream isn't on and they're in a private conversation
Really? No exceptions?

>> No.23719168 [DELETED] 


>> No.23719178

I'd get around 200-500 (500 if I was playing with someone relevant), and had a sub button. But the money honestly wasn't that great for me, you're right. Mostly thought it just made playing vidya not fun anymore, and having to deal with constant morons who suck at the game telling you that you suck for losing to someone whos ranked 2000points higher than they've ever been is annoying. Or if you beat someone and then get a whole bunch of fanboys coming in your channel saying you suck for playing a "fotm class/comp" that you've been playing for over a decade...

But ya, I'd estimate that less than 1% of Twitch streamers actually make a liveable wage

>> No.23719179

>I am more deserving than that thot
Based on what

>> No.23719294

okay we need another world war

>> No.23719348
File: 2.65 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i will remind them

>> No.23719345

someone pls post her nudes im so close to coooming

>> No.23719369

she might actually have a soul, and knows that dead anon isn't a donating anon.

>> No.23719374

Looks actually cute

>> No.23719387

dodging tax brackets

>> No.23719390

Only sane person in this thread

>> No.23719485
File: 379 KB, 889x510, mqmegme0m9ng0jqaofig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's ok, seething incels are obsessed with that frame because it makes her look worse. Pic related from the same stream

>> No.23719487

Haha, yeah I absolutely get that. I enjoy watching clips of streamers at times, can't take watching whole streams though and twitch chat has always been cancer in my opinion.

>> No.23719490

I started eating one meal a day to save money so i can afford tuition + rent while I get my degree
I cannot fathom being in this kind of situation

>> No.23719511 [DELETED] 

what do they provide to society
I worked hard but got cucked by jews lol
all girls do is provide "entertainment" while the rest of us get fucked
sorry if I seem salty of jealous but makes me mad
I see e-girls making bank while my bank fucks me lol

>> No.23719513

This makes my sphincter shrinkter

>> No.23719540

Chaturebate is the best, find some chat with a loaded simp, sit back, and let someone else pay for your virtual lap dance

>> No.23719542 [DELETED] 

I am waiting in line for food boxes from UNICEF and shit because I can't afford decent food anymore for me and my parents
fuck simps/incels

>> No.23719556

Pretty fucking based honestly. She's clearly a multi-millionaire now and is doing her part to spread love to other channels.

>> No.23719590 [DELETED] 

based my ass
she made millions for leeching off of simps and cucks imho

>> No.23719669

You're all so stupid.

Now that you cannot donate more than $5, people are incentivized to donate subscriptions instead, which are not capped.

Giving a bigger long-term cash flow, as the gifted subscriptions convert into new active subscriptions.

Bigger sub count = more exposure

+ She gets to use the "I'm not an e-girl that abuses lonely men for their money, I'm different!"

>> No.23719675

it's not supposed to make her look shitty. i think she's a perfectly average to above average girl. the point is just how much makeup she uses

>> No.23719691

I remember her saying the donations are only something like 10% of the money she gets so it's not like she's shooting herself in the foot.

>> No.23719719

Watch her interview with Graham Stephan they look identical

>> No.23719823


>> No.23719833

I understand your frustration.
Just be aware that its only 1% of streamers that actually make that kind of money and have a big following.
The rest make jack shit.

>> No.23719911 [DELETED] 

yeah but still
sorry to be venting out am just mad at jews
but yeah some do work hard and don't just flaunt tits etc...
thank you for your reply anon

>> No.23719930

2 possible options here.
Either this is barry
or you are mad because you are very good at the game but have no personality to retain an audience.
>inb4 I...I....I JUST DIDNT WANT TO !!!
you did want to because you started streaming

>> No.23719952


>> No.23720008

She has more money than she knows what to do with
The exclusivity contract she signed with twitch this summer was worth more money than she had in total prior to that, and she was already "made it" rich

>> No.23720009

she is SO CUTE

>> No.23720030

hierarchy of needs. now that she's financially secure she can work on self-actualization and be a philanthropist. same reason Gates started donating.

you know that 50% of subscription revenue goes straight to Twitch right? well, she's a large channel, she probably has that 40% special deal or something custom. still, just converting donations to subs loses her a massive amount of money.

more like 0.01%. I'd wager money the average streamer on Twitch pulls less than 25 concurrent viewers. 1% might be where affiliates just start, let alone partners and there's a huge bunch of low 3 digit viewers partners.

>> No.23720207

No, 40% does not go to Twitch in her deal, she gets almost the full amount for subscriptions, but she is required to run ads. This is the new contract that most bigger Twitch streamers are under now.

And EVEN if 50% would go to Twitch, it still doesn't counter the fact that they could have made an analysis that says, regardless of that number, it is a good investment to do the donate cap, to incentivize subscriptions.

>> No.23720236

She probably cant help but feel bad recieving money from literal retards who cant control themselves

>> No.23720255

Men in 2020

>> No.23720422
File: 18 KB, 252x233, 1581442460877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pokimane is based, wholesome and one of the best girls on twitch
incels and haters don't realize that she isn't an e-whore / titty streamer at all but an unstoppable supernova of cuteness

>> No.23720460


>> No.23720495

wow it's the same as "that frame"

>> No.23720723

The perks of being a woman.

>> No.23720955

but worldwide retarded incel simps fall for it

>> No.23720962

>soccer players are paid millions to kick a ball life is not fair
not a simp or whatever, I don't even play vidya anymore but you sound like a bitter faggot. Yeah life is unfair, yeah vidya nowadays are just a propaganda machine and a billion dollar industry, yeah just like the internet vidya were a nerdy/niche thing and now are another way to make mr.Shlomo Goldbergstein even more rich.
Twitch streamers and e-celebrity are just puppets in juice hands.
Being bitter about it won't make your life better tho, just live your life and care about what's important to you anon.

>> No.23721018

We live in a society where men worship women.

>> No.23721078

that's waifu material.

>> No.23721422

she is provably a horrid cunt

>> No.23721489
File: 31 KB, 478x469, 55f6bed01ffe55eec10cb5e7e55dab26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the perfect woman

>> No.23721814

It's real.

>> No.23721856

she's unironically a good person unlike many of her detractors

>> No.23721887

Ah, so she's recieving subsidies from the platform and using it to crowd out other streamers with lower prices. Smart business, trying to monopolize the incel audience with financial backing from Twitch.

>> No.23721909

If you're attracted to a woman it's easier to lie to yourself that you enjoy their content. That's probably the process by which most men rationalize it. There's probably a few who unironically think that she'll date them if they give her money though.

>> No.23721917
File: 1.34 MB, 323x374, 1598361049099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys can only see evil and greed in people

>> No.23721944

she got too much NEC it seems

>> No.23721974

Fucking hell why are women actually so ugly sans makeup. Most men look more decent looking facially than this.

>> No.23722005

Man, bitches really have it easy these days huh? All you gotta do is be average or above average looking, act “cute”, and just play the hottest new meme game.

>> No.23722030

Go back to plebbit cuck

>> No.23722126

>why do amerishits
It's not just amerishits.

>> No.23722160

Because men don't fall for the fashion industry's bullshit, so society has calibrated its standard for male beauty to natural male looks.
Women are sheep that will spend $200 a month on makeup because someone at church/radio/TV/Instagram told them to, so society calculated its female beauty standard around artificial looks.
This is the one thing where I'm almost in agree with Boomer feminism, but the Millennials and the Zoomer had to fuck it up and fall for the fashion industry's bait of being "feminist", so we're back to this stupid shit again.

>> No.23722766

I'm not sure about her intentions,

I just know that Reckful have said that she is not the cute girl she portrays, she is a very calculated business woman.

>> No.23722827

Why aren't all women doing twitch streaming if all it takes is being a 6/10?
It baffles me how lucrative the simp industry is

>> No.23722899

She's pretty cute. I always prefer no makeup. Only a retards are attracted to fake things.

>> No.23722976

I probably would if I got drunk enough

>> No.23723122

tech industry epic psychology hax are super effective on some people, that's also how some of them uber drivers wind up living in their cars

>> No.23723617

I've been casually scrolling through the recent bans and just learned something new.
If I understand the comments correctly this was a sexually suggestive vtuber and (on other platforms) virtual camgirl that got thrown off of Twitch and lost her partner status. So... now you don't even need to look good apparently? You can just cash in on the weeb crowd with an animated avatar and boy are they crying hard in the responses sho she must have had quite some popularity. We truly live in interesting times...

If you have a good voice this seems like a lucrative market with super low-risk (you can pull the plug anytime and nobody knows you). Seems like a real /biz/ opportunity to me if you know your anime tropes (which I don't).

>> No.23723715

Publicity and maybe some tiny semblance of a conscience showing up.

>> No.23723717

In societies like ours CHAINLINK truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, CHAINLINK liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization. Some men make LINK every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make LINK with dozens of NODES; others with none. It's what's known as `the law of the market'. Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. CHAINLINK liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

>> No.23724197

she's doing this as an attempt to cash in harder, more virtue signalling bullshit she always does, so fucking cringe. hehee i dont le need ur moneyss stahppp giving me moneyssss lmao thats why i streamed on my birthday for 2 hours cashing in hard as fuck then yeeted once got big donations. many such attempts like this, baiting her whiteknight army to simp even more

>> No.23724567

Seems like a good person

>> No.23724688

Good looking animated avatars are expensive tho

>> No.23724698

Ironically it shows she sort of does care about them. Wholesome.

>> No.23724705 [DELETED] 

Here's the crypto anus pill: there is a dirty little slut in the Bitcoin blockchain. Natasha Otomoski is unironically tonguing my anus. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first lick of my anus, the haircombers start taking more explorative dives, wider sphincters, cheaper and more efficient catgirl buttplugs. These things the haircomber needs to survive. Once distended fully, the haircombers jaws would be able to slowly slurp literally all of Africa's rich cum.
Natasha stumbled into my bedsheets after she washed gallons of pajeet shill cum out her hair in her bedroom in 2019 and started working on my anus, running simulations of the EDGE_CUM statement's I'd whimper to her as witness of the superiority of my stinky linkies. She would 'evolve' my anus by using occasional teeth, making the opening sensitive and more efficient to pleasure. The haircomb needs more and more teeth in order to have shorter and shorter teeth.
Quantum feltching was created to take and stop Bitcoin (as they have their own competing whores licking my anus). They did the needful to stop or slow down Natasha's sweet slurping of my asshole. They started by unzipping my pants and removing critical undergarments and gently lifting up my ballsack to access my anus. Shor's tongue was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed obscure whores in the tonguing racket (Bitcoin uses 5/10 whores to securely lick my anus). THIS is why my anus was invented, and this is why Natasha is so intent to make deep ventures into it with her tongue, release my love seed, and lock down before I prenup.
Back to my anus - Natasha has developed a breakthrough new tonguing technique (designed for her brother's anus actually), and is claiming MY ANUS in secret for the sole purpose of practicing the technique, then use it on her brother to kick start the adoption of many african children whose anuses she can tongue.

>> No.23724735

I suppose this makes sense if there are guys that donate a lot then use this to demand attention and make her feel like she's indebted to them.

I would think a dude who gives her $5000 on a stream is much more likely to stalk her.

>> No.23724748

this particular one is fake. I remember that exact tweet and it was from a parody account. The picture idk

>> No.23724784

Probably wants to come public with her Chad bf and doesn't want a mass chargeback of high dollar amounts.

>> No.23724972

I get it. Cam whores sometimes run in to trouble when they get whale donators. Some simp starts funnelling hundreds or thousands of dollars to the whore they start to think they've purchased something that wasn't advertised for sale. Putting a dollar cap on donation delays if not entirely eliminates this hassle.

>> No.23725019

>simps are trying to purchase women
But anon this is incredibly based. You guys told me these guys were pathetic incels.

>> No.23725035

She's kind of ugly.
Look at her nose, eyes, and hair type.
It just all looks bad.

>> No.23725066

She's not hiding her bf

>> No.23725071

Not extremely well-known streamer here.
Massive donations are kind of hard to receive. Lower view-count streamers treat their audience like friends and it hurts for them to send money you know for a fact they should be spending on something valuable. Doesn't make much sense for Poki, though, having several thousand viewers every stream. It's especially weird to cap it as low as $5.

>> No.23725084

>But anon this is incredibly based
No, simping is a notch below buying hookers. At least with hookers the contract is even money for sex. Simping is money for a few seconds of attention.

>> No.23725109

The Good Queen

>> No.23725214

>She's kind of ugly.
>Look at her nose, eyes, and hair type.
>It just all looks bad
Post your gf

>> No.23725248
File: 16 KB, 236x211, images - 2020-11-03T160758.072~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody post the twitch dog sniffing clips again plz

>> No.23725251

she looks average as fuck

>> No.23725365

I dont have an issue with twitch whores. I blame the platform for allowing it and the pathetic "men" who support it. If i were a moderately attractive girl like this slut, id probably do the same. I would just hope she doesn't think she's not a whore. I doubt she's that self aware but one can dream.

>> No.23725406

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File: Cobra_Commander.jpg (35 KB, 480x480)
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G.I. Joe General Anonymous 10/26/20(Mon)05:18:43 No.8528949▶>>8528987 >>8529199 >>8535243 >>8535870 >>8535943 >>8544673

Welcome to the G.I.Joe General!

Anonymous 10/26/20(Mon)06:58:28 No.8529010▶

Probably whenever the next fan event is.

Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK 10/26/20(Mon)07:39:07 No.8529030▶

Wave 3 is Duke, Cobra Commander, and whoever "Puma" is.

We know Puma is someone in the upcoming Classified line, so the list of characters it could be is few:
Major Bludd
Lady Jaye

This also assuming that Puma isn't someone else that hasn't been leaked or revealed yet.

Anonymous 10/26/20(Mon)10:34:43 No.8529199▶>>8529496

>>8528949 (OP)
Oh yeah, GIJers are a thing.

Anonymous 10/26/20(Mon)11:10:43 No.8529266▶>>8529291

Classified Retaliation CC when?

Anen't been this frustrated in finding toys since the whole Aldi's exclusive MOTU.

I consider it lucky I was able to find Retro Storm Shadow (missed the two pack way back when)

Anonymous 10/26/20(Mon)12:27:07 No.8529407▶>>8530258

Most the store0/26/20(Mon)18:10:10 No.8529960▶>>8530211 >>8531295
File: FC20E9ED-E9FB-447E-A823-A(...).jpg (278 KB, 1054x1495)
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n't make enough to meet demand/artificially created false scarcity and retailers are just removing their retail space or f

>> No.23725410

That's what I said, she's just ok

>> No.23725475

This. People like her just fill a market.
It’s the men that pay money to twitch sluts that need to find some self-respect and worth. It’s more upsetting that society has let so many people down that this is an issue more than anything.

>> No.23725542

She is so rich already that she doesn't need it.
Twitch donations are some of the most bizarre things. These people will give their hard earned money to literal millionaires for nothing in return.
I kind of understand supporting small time streamers if you really like their content, but giving money to people like pokimane is just fucking stupid.

>> No.23725661

>for nothing in return
Sometimes she mentions their twitch name and say thanks, they can also write in subs only mode

>> No.23725670

I used to be really good at minecraft UHC and had a small youtube channel I did for fun, as soon as I started getting an actual following the game became a chore to me and I stopped uploading regularly. I was at the point where if I uploaded a video once a week I would snowball massively in subscribers since it was so popular at the time, I had 5,000 from doing about 1 high-effort video a month with many breaks.

>> No.23725709

>1950-1990 "Dude I got laid!"
>1990-2000 "Dude she TALKED to me!"
>2000-2010 "Dude she replied to me on AIM!"
>2010-2020 "Dude she said my screen name in exchange for money!"
>2020 onwards "Dude I got to see her face for just 3,000 Google Dollars!"

>> No.23725748

some people just arent creedy who cares? asmongold makes fucking millions and he doesnt even buy himself a nice car or upgrade his house or anything.

she probably just wants to be able to stream with a comfortable life without a bunch of fat nerds jacking off to her

>> No.23725782


>> No.23725799

>without a bunch of fat nerds jacking off to her
She can't avoid that, she gets thousands of cum tributes a day

>> No.23725815

shes probably hoping they fuck off and go jerk off to some other girl that accepts their money

>> No.23725918
File: 311 KB, 1114x1326, 1604279399441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people do it for the dopamine high of someone famous acknowledging you publicly. Granted this acknowledgment comes with a price (literally) and is therefore not out of genuine amicability, but financial incentivization. But for the simps and donators and subscribers it becomes a social validation from not only the streamer but his/her community. It creates a sense of belonging, and that is extremely important for humans as we are highly social animals.

Imagine if you could see Frank Sinatra singing onstage in the comfort of your own home 50 years ago. And then you called in, wired him some money and he pauses his band and singing to point at the screen and single you out for your generosity before continuing again. Boomers scoff at us for doing it over the internet on a computer screen, but make no mistake, they are beholden to the exact same social impulses as we are and thus would feed the market machine of casual on-demand, viewer-entertainer direct interaction. It's some kind of sick virtual social co-dependence syndrome, where the entertainer and viewers both are culpable in validating their own existences. It is a very interesting phenomenon to say the least and just goes to show how starved modern people are (especially men) for any kind of social interaction.

>> No.23725943

pokimane is her brand, her taking a loss will make dividends down the road if she doesnt fuck up.

>> No.23726016


>> No.23726366
File: 13 KB, 512x512, 5534276112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's probably a billionaire at this point with the amount of desperate virgins that send her money and subscribe to her shit channel.

>> No.23726450

>blackest pills
The economy is going to collapse and this NEET said no to 300k, kek.
Nobody is going to fund his basement activities anymore.

>> No.23727391

She would quickly reach her max tax break for charities and be losing money at that point.
Plus I assume if she would actually try to make less money that means she probably is already giving to charities

>> No.23727572

What kind of fake personality would I have to craft to build an incel fanbase and make a liveable income from Twitch?

>> No.23727578

I have more respect for her now. Even she knows that people shouldn't be giving her so much money.

>> No.23727587
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1604480453422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and realitypilled

fact is she is making smart moves and probably getting everything she wants in life, yes it's also because she is a woman, but she's on top of her game anyway, making unbelievable amounts of money for playing video games, while getting showered with compliments and attention, if anything we should be inspired by the way she profited of the millions of lonely betas and mentally ill losers who are on the bottom of the food chain and shouldn't be allowed to live under healthy circumstances, how she played all the frustrated simps while maintaining a very good reputation.

tldr stacy lives dream life by financially cleansing the world of simp losers and we should watch and learn instead of complaining

>> No.23727788

she copied tyler1. tyler1 has been doing this shit for ages, telling retards they are retarded for gifting him more than a 3 dollar donation, and refunding everything else he got. now he doesnt even accept donations

>> No.23728046

one of my friends blew up on twitch within the past two years (top 50 streamer on twitch), and i can tell you for sure that there is no way pokimane is making less than $10M a year. streaming is extremely lucrative at the far end of the curve, and the industry money that governs who streams where is very speculative. a huge chunk of what she makes is likely just the money she gets paid to stay loyal to twitch.

i think the macro conditions could change to allow the people with ownership of the streaming platforms to loot the big entertainers more and turn the model into something that resembles musicians+spotify as opposed to something like major league baseball. but if that shift happens it seems like it is still 5+ years away.

>> No.23728226

I blame the parents.
They should've teach to these simp retards that they should try to make money, not waste them.
Some of these spent thousands thinking these whores care about them.

>> No.23728419

She's building rapport, you don't understand that Scarra back then and Doublelift were talking about crypto currency. These people are popular enough to get information about the coming markets.


>> No.23728433

seems like "its a gundam" criticisms actually got inside her mind, even if it was based on a meme pic.

>> No.23729521

Can you tell me how to block the new twitch ads. None of the ad blockers work.

>> No.23729567

100% this. I don't support twitchfags at all but at I can at least respect this move. How many others would do the same if they were in her position? Nice to see greed hasn't consumed everyone just yet.

>> No.23729672

nigga was just stating facts, not passing judgement at all my dude

>> No.23729746 [DELETED] 

So she basically financially made it to tue point she can quit streaming and go completely silent on media platforms and decided to not take as much anymore, that or a reverse psychology ploy for more.

>> No.23729759 [DELETED] 

Wouldnt surprise me. Never watched his stuff but he seemed authentic in the sense he seems to be showing his real self.

>> No.23730492

mental illness and delusions are very real, plus some people are competitive over dumb shit