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File: 143 KB, 1144x728, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2371365 No.2371365 [Reply] [Original]

> Be nigger
> Buy a Ledger wallet
> Lose 4000 usd in bitcoin because you didn't write the private key backup they gave you
> Somehow is the company's fault.
> Record a video saying Ledger owes you 4000$

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB1l-7WNtT8

>> No.2371374



>> No.2371380

And people think a nigger can run a blockchain company (Stratis)

>> No.2371382

Did you honestly need to call him the nbomb?

>> No.2371387

>Not knowing /pol/ is here

Get out newfag

>> No.2371398

It's just a /pol/tard who lost money in dgb and needs to take his anger out on other people. Poltards have been popping in here a lot lately for some reason

>> No.2371429

Good, useful idiots like this one will keep the normies away from crypto longer

>> No.2371458

>Good, useful idiots like this one will keep the normies away from crypto longer


>> No.2371472
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>> No.2371489
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 14586755672331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan you coon jiggaboo nignog doublenigger faggot. Now leave.

>> No.2371497

Kill yourself nigger lover

>> No.2371515

That "beard" is fucking disgusting.

>> No.2371520

i'm black and holy fuck i hate this guy so much
>stupid fucking haircut
>horrible facial hair
>uses his own stupid looking face with a stupid expression with stupid "i'm totally one of those gangster black guys you hear about" clothing as his brand

>> No.2371528
File: 10 KB, 351x300, 94EC78C7-238C-4B9A-9AA2-8A6E7EDBF030-2635-00000ABD5E1F3E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched this video weeks ago and was like ok ok what's gonna happen..."and I pull out my pass phrase card and there's nothing on it! I know I wrote something but it wasn't there." How cunt fucking stupid do you have to be?

>> No.2371552

*You have been tipped 100 NiggerCoin*

>> No.2371553

>be racist.

I'm not sure how that makes your life better but I'm sorry that you guys are so insecure.

>> No.2371571

This isn't the same /biz/ I used to post to. It's sad to see it turn to this.


>> No.2371615
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>> No.2371617

racists are pathetic, why don't you shitty neets get a life. how does it feel to be the online equivalent of some farm animal fucking redneck?

>> No.2371633
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>> No.2371634

Ledger kicked him off the session, reset itself, and required his keyphrase to get back in.
He didn't write the phrase because he was making a video at the same time promoting the ledger.

So it's his fault for not writing down the pass, and ledgers fault for erroring out and resetting.

>> No.2371636
File: 159 KB, 375x375, i came here to laught at you through this hole in the wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day on 4chan? Get the fuck out already, you're not invited

>> No.2371652

ah yes, says the person who is constantly triggered by muh racial purity

>> No.2371655

He is a known scammer and has been called out by others.
Only new people in crypto listen to his horse shit.

>> No.2371678

Idgaf about that stuff dude.

>> No.2371701


>racists are pathetic
>capitalism thrives under racism and classism

get the fuck off this board you hypocritical fag the last useful thing a POC made was peanut butter

>> No.2371733

Every person using -isms unironically should kys.

>> No.2371735



Try living in Chicago or Detroit and you'll see what living around true niggerdom is like. I like black people, but all races have their lowest rank, and niggers just happen to be the most degenerate and widespread.

>> No.2371762


I've just matured to the point where I don't waste time being mad at people because they look different than me. I wonder how much time of your life you have wasted having angry conversations and shit posting because of people that have done nothing to you.

You might be rich now if you put some of that effort into making money. This is /biz/, after all.

It might be time to grow up now so you can make money like the rest of us, anon.


A happy millionaire.

>> No.2371786

fuck off kike

>> No.2371794

racism was cool when i was like twelve, get over yourselves you overgrown children

>> No.2371803

Well said anon. I'm the same minus the Millionaire part. Hopefully I'll join that club in a couple of years HODLING my cryptos.

>> No.2371818

lol at people becoming super defensive and triggered when called out for their pathetic pol-racism. idiocy is a shit meme

>> No.2371823
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>> No.2371828

Denying reality doesn't make you more mature, no matter how much society wants you to. A white and a black are about as equal as a German Shepherd and a pitbull

>> No.2371868

>I've just matured to the point where I don't waste time being mad at people because they look different than me.

Codeword for "I'm twenty years old".

I used to get mad at people like you. Then I realised you are the real-life bagholders. We need a large amount of society to keep welcoming diversity, to keep believing demographics isn't destiny long enough for those of us who feel differently to cash out to better places.

>> No.2371881

Racism doesn't exist you nigger. It's a meme.

>> No.2371885
File: 69 KB, 900x592, Erwitt30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because america's history is "let's make everything great but specifically fuck black people"
It's a simple fact that Wealth and lack of wealth is sticky.
If you have wealth and status you are more likely to keep it.
If you are poor and have low status you are likely to stay there.
Things were changing for better ie real equality until the war on drugs and blacksploitation in the media turned cultural aspects of poverty and low status into cultural identities.

>> No.2371895

>german shephards don't kill children only pitbulls do
>german shephards are good dogs they don't do nuffin

>> No.2371896

Black people wouldn't even be in America if not for white people. Say thanks.

>> No.2371899
File: 40 KB, 887x508, IQ black-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not

>> No.2371921

sure, you'll grow up some day

>> No.2371931
File: 61 KB, 599x733, sheeeiiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT People who don't understand biology

>> No.2371938

Yeah sure man, whitey is responsible for the failures of nignogs EVERYWHERE, from all of Africa to Baltimore to Haiti, the only times blacks have been off well has been under direct white rule

>> No.2371945
File: 118 KB, 602x430, Jewish-control-of-Slave-Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact it wasn't whites who brought blacks to USA but JEWS. (pic related)

So say it with me:

Whites literally fought a war and died about 625k to free blacks

>> No.2371946
File: 78 KB, 1200x742, pitbull keels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pitt Bulls are good dogs, they din du nuffin

>> No.2371949

There is literally no racism in real life outside of the internet. Except for racism against whites in college campuses.

>> No.2371966

>I'm a nigger

>> No.2371977

ah yes, the college republican snowflake cucks who can't defend themselves.

>> No.2371984

And to be honest, Trevor isn't even dumb. He looks pretty average. So stop complaining about 'muh racism'.

>> No.2371985

I[ m very racist but as long as a black is respectful to me, I'm respectful back. There's no need to cause unnecessary conflict everywhere. Blacks are to be orderly deported in due time

>> No.2372012

>who can't defend themselves
If they have to defend themselves, then this means that they're under attack.

>> No.2372062
File: 3.27 MB, 240x320, sammy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my smiling doggo isn't even on the chart

>> No.2372076

>He doesn't know about Liberia
Good luck deporting black people when America lost it's identity and demographics ages ago

>> No.2372097
File: 161 KB, 1280x853, 1496726153650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pupper

>> No.2372129

forgot your (you)

>> No.2372132

>Asians come to America with less possessions than Blacks
>Asians are discriminated against by affirmative action at an even worse rate than whites
>Asians suffer from more racism and are still considered as "foreign" even in 2017
>Asians still succeed

Modern American black culture is definitely a problem. But culture is derived from the individuals part of it. Blacks are responsible for refusing to accept responsibility for their actions in a society supposedly defined by the expression of individualism. Whites are responsible for their suicidal pathological altruism reinforcing negative behaviors. Asians are responsible for not asking for handouts aggressively.

In a twisted way, Jews might be the most virtuous of all. They might be sick genocidal bastards, but they do so in order to ensure complete domination of their ingroup. Our biological purpose is perpetuation, therefore any strategy securing your place at the top of the food chain is ultimately noble.

Then again, their policies have a slight chance of leading into global wars or other apocalyptic scenarios, which is a pretty dumb gamble to make long-term.

>> No.2372149

This is /biz/ you dumb faggots.

>> No.2372151
File: 1.50 MB, 720x720, shine a little love.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pupper

>> No.2372161

Highest average IQs in order

>> No.2372181

niggrs gonna nig

>> No.2372201
File: 90 KB, 526x701, 1496301917543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW You don't have a fluffer pupper to love on

>> No.2372284

Fuck off oven dodger you like a were the ones that brought them here in the first place

>> No.2372348
File: 7 KB, 759x98, SHUT IT DOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2372362
File: 391 KB, 600x400, B1GvGy8CcAAb-td.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid? Saying nigger on 4chan has nothing to do with pol.

>> No.2372390
File: 9 KB, 210x200, 1422906679759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. And they say meme magic isn't real.

>> No.2372395

The Jews should side with the White man.

>> No.2372410

Fucking nigger lover.

>> No.2372421

only a nigger would complain about 4k

4k in niggerworld is soros status

>> No.2372422

Better than being a nigger dick loving cucktard. Now kys.

>> No.2372425

>I know it was my responsibility but ledger should pay me

This is why normies are going to hate crypto

>> No.2372433

Go ahead and say nigger but I want /pol/ to fuck off, literally the dumbest board here you don't deserve to be rich.
you're not invited to this board mate

>> No.2372445

>le meme magic
is fucking reddit tier shit I swear /pol/ is just /r/4chan

>> No.2372451

Niggers just like being niggers. 14/88 my brother.

>> No.2372452

Have there ever been problems with the Nano Passphrase? Any glitches that prevent it from working, maybe? I know it's farfetch'd but I have one arriving soon and want to make sure it works 100% before putting my ETH on it.

Is there a private key included or is the 24 word passphrase the only private key?

>> No.2372466
File: 201 KB, 660x780, 1490213708552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked you, faggot.

>> No.2372486

I can't even this thread right now. GET A FREAKING LIFE YOU WHITE LOSERS

>> No.2372496

Perhaps if you stopped giving /pol/ so much credit everything would go back to normal.

>> No.2372511

>I know it was my responsibility but the white man should pay me

Typical African-American mentality.

>> No.2372526
File: 107 KB, 480x540, 1495424222925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Nano S and it guides you through it on the display on that model and shows you the passphrase on the display, you then write it down on a card it comes with. For the Nano I'm not sure. You probably still need the chrome extension.

pic related mongrel

>> No.2372545

Ok so as long as you remember the 24 wd passphrase and your public address your coins should be safe no matter what?

>> No.2372550

i felt bad for him until it turned out half the video was begging for free money to replace his free money.

>> No.2372556

Stop making /biz/ political

>> No.2372561

yes you fucking protect that phrase, store in multiple secure locations AWAY from the ledger device

>> No.2372572

Would it be a good idea to purposely wipe the device (IE entering the pin wrong 3 times) after configuring it to test the passphrase out?

>> No.2372577

fuck yes

>> No.2372584
File: 655 KB, 2560x1440, ZqTge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2372585

waitwaitwait, i have only used the blue, the nano gets entered via computer? better make sure its a clean machine

>> No.2372589

>Invests in Dash because the logos blue
People like this deserve to lose everything.

>> No.2372594

no, it comes with a screen on the device itself. You can use it on a compromised computer and be 100% safe.

>> No.2372615

I think he has the Nano and not the Nano S

>> No.2372629

how do you reenter the phrase though? on that little screen?

>> No.2372662
File: 43 KB, 1113x597, firefox_2017-06-10_06-20-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It has 2 buttons and you scroll through letters with them, then press both at the same time to move to the next letter.
They claim on their site that it can be used on a compromised computer. Pic related is from the Nano page of their site.

>> No.2372663

Niggers are filthy parasites, I'd be willing to bet he stole that ledger nano and he is trying to get someone to break in for him.

>> No.2372673

Actually that's how you enter the PIN, I'm not sure how you enter the 24 word passphrase.

>> No.2372697

it's entered on the device as well.

>> No.2372713

It's insane. Skip half way into the video and watch him whine about why ledger should pay him 3BTC because he made a shitty review about their product, in which he trashed. So indicative of black people today - Can never take responsibility, it's always someone elses fault and constantly looking for the gibsmedat's.

>> No.2372730

Oh okay cool. I thought that may be the case but didn't want to say it as though it were fact.

>> No.2372741

ah yeah ok test it out for sure i'm seeing no reason why anyone wouldnt do that
yeah half way is where it starts its a fucking joke, manages to fuck up a free fucking ride and is talking about insiders at ledger and shit. anyway if he stayed in crypto since then hes probably fine

>> No.2372770

And if you lose the device you can enter the passphrase on another Ledger wallet or on a "BIP39 compatible software wallet"

>> No.2372792

yeah I was going to say in the case the ledger is actually lost, say its stolen, is there an online wallet that can be used in a hurry to move funds? just punch in address and phrase?

>> No.2372815

>posts pic of Donald Trump tossing a redditor out

Trumpfags are the biggest redditors on 4chan. The fact that you don't realize he was trolling proves you're one of them. Get the fuck out, nigger.

>> No.2372816

The two software wallets they mention are "Multibit HD or Mycelium". You can also look here for more info http://support.ledgerwallet.com/help_center

>> No.2372985
File: 49 KB, 960x541, 1496030123847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch alot of his vids and he is openly raceist dosnt bother me i am too, open racisim is honesty

>> No.2373046

>only /pol/ says nigger
How fucking new are you?

>> No.2373066

>it's his fault for not writing down the pass
Yes it absolutely is.

>> No.2373100

why the fuck did he transfer all his bitcoins to make his video in the first place though? why did he need to do that? just to show off his 3BTC?

>> No.2373136
File: 63 KB, 388x525, 1425273333987[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> be ugly negro
> try to mess with white mans technology
> fuck it up and lose a bunch of money
> chimp out and demand gibs from the white man

nothing to see here just standard negro behaviour

>> No.2373364

When a nigger cons people, he's a dirty low life nigger shit. When /pol/ shills do it it's glorious white conquest.

>> No.2373378

>black people always make it about race...
>anonymous image boards do the same thing.

fuck this.
just gonna have to rape me a few underage blondies.
that'll make me feel better

>> No.2373384

I want /pol/ to stay in /pol/

>> No.2373408

This normie has bitcoins? Shit we might be later into the adoption cycle than I thought.

>> No.2373448


>> No.2373470

he's still speaking black english though

>> No.2373495
File: 3.88 MB, 3464x2309, HaroldETH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek.

Sounds to me like he actually is a dumb nigger though. How stupid do you have to be not to write down your private key?

>> No.2373539
File: 21 KB, 552x552, 17759675_152711961920168_6497043742906736379_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get out fuckin normie nigger!

>> No.2373559
File: 120 KB, 1118x1280, SFlo73h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuckin newfag
back to le plebbit with you
kys nigger

>> No.2373580
File: 83 KB, 661x642, 195de8f56016ecaab14e1068936055eea71c28b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stfu nigger

>> No.2373581

He promoted their product on youtube.
Why don't they reimburse him?

>> No.2373597

>using crypto as a metaphor for systemic racism
this fuckin board I swear

>> No.2373601


>> No.2373618


>> No.2373635


>> No.2373649


>> No.2373659

Absolutely time to kill yourself faggot.

>> No.2373662

You first you dumb nigger

>> No.2373673
File: 1.41 MB, 5616x3744, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm /biz/ nigger. I just happen to agree with /pol/ that niggers are subhuman. Lived just north of Detroit for awhile near Dearborn. You've just clearly never have had to live near mudslimes or niggers.

You're probably in some sheltered mostly white northeastern state.

>> No.2373677

you're nothing but a racist

>> No.2373687

>He starts chimping out at 7:55

>> No.2373691

Live in DC as an ethnically Norwegian man

>> No.2373714

Racism is simply the acknowledgement of biological differences between subgroups.

>> No.2373732

the truth is "racist"
reality is "racist"
you're just willfully ignorant

>> No.2373733
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, 1466060060930.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.

>> No.2373737


why are negros even allowed to use white technology?

we need online segregation ASAP why can these "people" defile the same bits and bytes that I use

>> No.2373739

no if reality was racist then /his/ and /sci/ would be racist. But they're not

>> No.2373749


> implying science hasnt been completely politicized and kiked over in the last 100 years

kys faggot

>> No.2373753
File: 113 KB, 970x1454, 1473268451320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2373763

5* post

Everyone who replied to it seriously needs to go back to The_Donald aka /pol/

>> No.2373772

>science is wrong
sorry but science is right, and you're wrong

>> No.2373775

A real nigga aint concerned about making it all for all niggas. A real nigga knows there can only be 1 god.
Let white people be "civil".
Let them breed commodity.

>> No.2373777
File: 131 KB, 495x767, 1490084746766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a "THIS" post
Sounds like your the one who should head back to normiebook and leddit.

>> No.2373784

If reality wasn't racist then the longitudinal nlbr studies would not show a significant IQ disparity between subgroups. The best predictor for success and breaking out of lower income groups is IQ and when you look at the same IQ groupings people have the same chance of breaking out of lower economic classes despite race. This is why Asians can start so poor and within generations are upper middle class while blacks end up subsisting in ghettos.

>> No.2373791
File: 127 KB, 500x571, nuke-67-25-by-robyn-pennacchia-sep-11-2013-nigerian-student-8498876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, science is right (pic related)

>> No.2373795
File: 228 KB, 981x1233, 1472897306907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being racist is nothing more and nothing less than being realist.
i dont hate niggers.
in fact i believe that every nigger should live a fulfilled, descent life amongst his fellow niggers.
i just dont want them in my country, because they dont belong to europe.

>> No.2373815

I have no pity for that guy on the left, if he had acted as a man should to start with then he would not be in this situation.

>> No.2373826

you sad sad fucks. quite interesting how low life rednecks are enjoying their anonymity online while their fucking president is screwing them over tenfold and they are still blaming everyone else around them for their fucking life. grow up you antisocial fucktards. instead of opening your fucking eyes you are following an idiot in the white house with the loyalty of a fucking dog about to be shot behind a barn. you should all together be put in a fucking cave.

>> No.2373841


talk to some neuro scientists (in private) and ask them about iq distribution between gender and races

ask them why they would never publicly even cite certain studies

edumucate yourself on boasian anthropology

and - finally - kys you ignorant faggot

>> No.2373848
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1465621266059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt europoor mad that he wasn't born in America so he slams it at every opportunity
Kek, I swear, this never gets old. Being born part of the greatest empire in the world literally makes me superior to you.

Btw, I voted for Trump. I don't give a fuck if he causes WWIII. I just like seeing normies like you upset.

>> No.2373851

>Trump's fucking you over
Not really, he's working on reducing my tax rate which will be quite helpful to me.
>That only helps the rich
It helps upper middle class as well. Really anyone even in the 25% tax bracket comes out well ahead.

>> No.2373867

>giving a shit about a puppet


>> No.2373869
File: 367 KB, 1260x1260, IQ of europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ scientists don't count
Look at the subhuman IQ average in europe
Even whites aren't 100 average.

>muh IQ
That's literally all you have.
And the IQ studies are basically the judging of IQ of people according to what they do for work or something.
You think blacks were sat down on a table with an IQ test and pencil? No they weren't.
Average IQ is a meme.

>> No.2373894

>And the IQ studies are basically the judging of IQ of people according to what they do for work or something.
No they are not, you seem utterly unfamiliar with this line of research.
>You think blacks were sat down on a table with an IQ test and pencil?
They in fact were.

>> No.2373899

>burger too low iq to appreciate posters on an anonymous vietnamese board aren't necessarily low iq burgers
Like pottery.

>> No.2373902


because the "white" european countries have 10-20% shitskins now, dragging down the average iq you fucking retard

go ask any legitimate neuro scientist in private you moron. they wont even talk about certain studies in public because they would get slaughtered from PC sheeple like you.

>> No.2373903

Higher crime rates and lower average IQ are just a coincidence, nothing to see here.

>> No.2373908

>being this shallow minded

>> No.2373910

Also what's that pic supposed to show? That there is IQ disparities between different subgroups of Europeans? Is that supposed to come as a surprise.

>> No.2373928

Another europoor. Yawn. I literally feel your inferiority permeating through my monitor.

>> No.2373940

>caring about anything other than profit

>> No.2373976

sub-humans like negros should not be allowed to hold crypto

>> No.2374022

>greatest empire in the world
you made my day anon. history is def. not your strong suit (or IQ in that matter). I didn't expect anything less than you voting for trump.

>> No.2374032

That was more niggery than I expected.

>> No.2374048

No one gives a fuck about what great empires used to exit before America. America is the greatest today and that's all that matters.

>> No.2374058
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>> No.2374085

Odds are we have a military base in your country; therefore, your opinion (and that's all it is, honestly) is completely invalidated and irrelevant.

Every other nation is a dwarf compared to America. Our "greatest threat" is a ragtag group of mudslimes and apparently Russia who has a smaller GDP than Texas.

But, please, go on. Pretend you're relevant.

>> No.2374092
File: 285 KB, 621x1000, CCGPBFr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2374204

cheers anon :D you are a sad fuck :)

>> No.2374224

There's a lot of /pol/tards coming here now because certain /biz/fags were shilling cryptocurrencies there. Now they've come here and, as expected, start to spread their ideas all around this board.

>> No.2374240


just a matter of time before /biz/ embraces total fashism

>> No.2374266

>selling out your people for a few shekels
100% goddamn jew. you smell like a boomerfuck, too

>> No.2374269
File: 49 KB, 850x315, detroit 2015 and detroit 2075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2374277

>open racisim is honesty

>> No.2374300

/biz/ is an ancap board.

>> No.2374318

crypto isn't normal capitalism.
It's anarchist capitalism

>> No.2374367
File: 2.22 MB, 627x544, 1496802873213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the topic:
Thank you mah nigga for scaring away normies from my cryptoes. We should be doing the same tb h and FUDding in every way possible.

>> No.2374404


>> No.2374410

>tfw crypto has no centralized controllers, it's all openly distributed and autonomous
we true ancaps now

>> No.2374442

I wonder how the elites will monopolize it though.
The millionaires and billionaires always find a way to control it and make it their own

>> No.2374452

My fav

>> No.2374481
File: 26 KB, 600x401, 8a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like what will happen to /tv/ will also happen here, and /biz/ will embrace
>BBC/Blacked threads
>Celebrity shitcoins
>Countless "I CANT BELIVE WHAT (((THEY))) ARE PROMOTING" threads
>Niggacoin threads every hour
>E-Celeb youtube bullshit
>Anti Trump/Pro Trump spam every time some random bullshit happens
>Assorted racebait/"what can we do about (insert random thing here)" threads
>Hourly meta threads to address the cancer which devolves into bitter arguments and shill accusations
This is our future once we allow the /pol/ menace to colonize /biz/

>> No.2374502


considering the sorry state of /biz/, this sounds like it would be an improvement

>> No.2374526

>considering the sorry state of /biz/
no kys.

>> No.2374552

former polack here. this shit is hilarious but we can't let (((him))) get the bizreali codes

>> No.2374639

nah celebrity coin threads is the trigger to head for the exits to safe coins

high water mark

don't fight it

>> No.2374641

Hitler did absolutely NOTHING wrong you fucking faggot ass SJW cucks

>> No.2374654
File: 152 KB, 1502x1142, 1363488998886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling out the nose on bancor is totally alright
>Pictures of the friendly merchant are a norm on ths board
>But calling out a single black man for being stupid and losing his crypto wallet devolves into muh /pol/ and liberal butthurt about le evil racists
I'm getting mixed messages out of you /biz/

>> No.2374681

Its like you don't even know reddit is here

>> No.2374740

barkley is a motherfucking god

>> No.2374770

He's a cool dude

>> No.2374840

The race shit makes sense when it's actually relevant to a business or a specific coin. /pol/ infiltrators always try to shift the discussion with this "OH so you can't be racist on 4chan anymore HUH?" argument when in reality it's not the racism but the deluge of bait and spam which is the issue, a lot of which just happens to be racial. What ends up happening (and this happened on /tv/) is you get countless threads where the OP posts some random image or youtube video with Trump/some jew/black/mexican/muslim etc and pairs it with some tangentially board related text so it doesn't get instantly deleted. After about 10 posts, the original topic is completely forgotten and the thread devolves into 300+ posts of shitposting, trolling, infographics, NIGGER KIKE KIKE spam, tired political/social arguments, attacks and accusations. This is the first type of spam, then you get everything mentioned in >>2374481.

>> No.2374857

is that the bomb they used in planet of the apes or something?

>> No.2374898


This is the issue. As crypto grows it will attract more people, including /pol/acks who see the whole world (including finance) through the reductive and irrelevant lenses of race and U.S. electoral politics.

>Go ahead and say nigger but I want /pol/ to fuck off, literally the dumbest board here you don't deserve to be rich.

I agree, but the tide is against us. These kind of losers are going to continue to flood in here as crypto gains traction.

>> No.2374931
File: 17 KB, 170x192, dd3aa6c94bc0e2658ee15a6b132e0d08fc3fa7991cf558e16f397067fe0f22b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of bitcoin

>> No.2374943

I hate how you retards keep falling for such effortless baits.

>> No.2374967

10k dollar worth is better than nothing

>> No.2374968

Bicoin threads have been almost daily in /pol/ since 2013 you retarded newfag.

/biz/ is /pol/. Everyfucking board on 4chan is /pol/ and it has always been that way.

>> No.2374980

>I've just matured to the point where I don't waste time being mad at people because they look different than me.

yet you wasted time writing that post because someone said a naughty word

>> No.2375022

i feel as i have ascended from a polack to a bizreali, since reading into this for 60 seconds I thought "wait this bullshit isn't making me any money" and left
i love you pol but we jew nao

>> No.2375115
File: 92 KB, 499x612, 1424200200076-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've just matured to the point where I don't waste time being mad at people because they look different than me.
lmao nigger you can't into differential evolution and how demographic trends effect micro and macro environments? Read some books and educate yourself. Stop being a headline reader and parroting everything you hear, virtue signalling has no place here.

>> No.2375146

>/biz/ is /pol/. Everyfucking board on 4chan is /pol/ and it has always been that way.
you must not have been on 4chan long

>> No.2375498

People who argue with /pol/ are just as retarded as /pol/ itself. The only way to win is to ignore.

>> No.2375678

found reddit

>> No.2376002

>it has always been that way
well hello there crabbit

>> No.2376431


Get a load of this nigger

>> No.2376517
File: 18 KB, 783x127, RIP Norman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, go into the video and spread FUD in the comments. Scare the normies away from crypto for a while longer so /biz/ can accumulate more.

>> No.2376736

As a slavic man the fact that this photo exists is extremely difficult to comprehend. The west is literally destroying itself as quickly as possible.

>> No.2376768

Oh shit. Now I wish I didnt buy Stratis.

>> No.2376785
File: 11 KB, 180x211, 180px-Bitchesradio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyfucking board on 4chan is /pol/ and it has always been that way.
Please, tell us all about how back in the mid to late 2000s all of the boards on 4chan were just like /pol/. Back when /b/ was attacking Hal Turner just for laughs O' Reily was calling 4chan a "far left website".

>> No.2376940
File: 58 KB, 540x475, ksjhgekj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
