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23711911 No.23711911 [Reply] [Original]

I bet 5k dollars on Cali

am I fucking retarded?

>> No.23711916


>> No.23711924

Si senor

>> No.23711926

>buy high sell low in betting
biz never changes

>> No.23711938


>> No.23711947

Sorry for your 5k, pick reasonable next time, blue states vote blue, red states vote red. It's the swing states like Florida that you'll get the most money on

>> No.23711950

it’s a communist state if you didn’t notice

>> No.23711956
File: 94 KB, 676x556, 1604437809836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>betting on orange dufus at all

>> No.23711974

It's possible. They are hatin' it here.

>> No.23711985

depends on how many meth addicts in the central valley go to vote

>> No.23712027

Yes you are, but i've been saying all week as a Californian, I won't be surprised if trump pulls 43-45% as opposed to the 36% he pulled in 2016. Californian's are sick of the liberal commie shit. What odds did you get if you don't mind me asking? hopefully atleast 20 to 1?

>> No.23712037

>betting on hippies...

>> No.23712054

honestly with the the way the night is going... you might be right

>> No.23712062

What are the returns if he flips it?

>> No.23712086

uhhh, maybe

>> No.23712087

Almost 10x lmao

>> No.23712126
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>make the only impossible bet

>> No.23712158
File: 38 KB, 1169x651, 1604369471478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early numbers for Trump were very good.

>> No.23712189

You got balls anon, not a bet i'd make considering the shithole that is CA.

>> No.23712268

You’ll probably lose bigly but I respect the sheer conviction. High T even if low IQ. I’m of course hoping you win.

>> No.23712298

10x would be a little light for me. If someone offered me 20x i'd take it for like 1k tops with my 1.2 million net worth. All that being said it is a very weird year. Californians have been flooding out of the state into places like Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida the last 3 or so years, and contrary to popular beliefs, as a Californian I can say the ones i see leaving are middle class voting republicans.

>> No.23712328

so how much do you win if cali actually flips?

>> No.23712349


>> No.23712370

bruh lmao
I didn't even bother to vote because I live in the bay area

>> No.23712393

be proud that you have the means to make a risky bet like that. poor fags that don't understand exponential growth will mock you for your bet. I live here and California would be a paradise if it were red and fiscally responsible. I admire your balls anon. You will be a rich and powerful man one day.

>> No.23712417
File: 1.86 MB, 279x235, 1600629836144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cummiefornia is Full Libtard, Anon! WTF!!

>> No.23712421

Shoulda used PlotX. Gain ETH, go again.

>> No.23712440


>> No.23712449

California is filled with illegals and people who sympathize with illegals.
It's also the home of silicon valley which has an inherently left leaning attitude.
None of that has changed.
The only thing that could lead to a Trump victory in California is if not enough liberals vote, and a historic percentage of conservatives go out to vote.

>> No.23712472

California just marked itself blue there was no need to count the votes lol

>> No.23712483
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well, slap me in the ass and call me bitch

I got dun goof'd

>> No.23712506

cute rabbite

>> No.23712511

5k down the drain, thanks for playing

>> No.23712513

(i think)

>> No.23712514

You call California a commi when Tennessee vote Putin for state rep.????

>> No.23712660
File: 92 KB, 1024x825, 1604400308818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
KEK, autobloo mode. Also, Iowa just flipped Red

>> No.23713973

Listen bro, even if Trump legitimately won California, there are zero republicans to count the votes so you wouldn't have a chance anyway. It would be impossible to overcome voter fraud in that state with such entrenched liberal corruption and illegal voting.

Bad bet imo, New York would have been a better bet unironically.

>> No.23713987

I bet 10k on new york! New yorkers love trump!

>> No.23714000


Spotted the flyover

>> No.23714096

why the fuck wouldn't you have bet trump for the popular vote for +400~

>> No.23714174

A bet as safe as DUN

>> No.23715118

>The pay is high therefore the bet is good
You are one of those people who buy after a green dildo, aren't you?

>> No.23715255

stupid as fucking hell. yeah just like hilly thought she would win.

You stupid libs didn't learn shit.

>> No.23715271
