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2370422 No.2370422 [Reply] [Original]

Why are retards saying BTC is going to be worth $100,000-$1,000,000 one day? How the fuck would this even be possible?

21,000,000 x 1,000,000 = 21,000,000,000,000

The entire world would have to be using fucking BITCOIN for this to be a reality, or even close to it, fucking half and we need about 10 trillion USD worth market cap, or half of the entire fucking population.

>> No.2370451


gold (the fucking metal that hasn't been relevant for 100+ years) has a 7 trillion dollar market cap

you vastly underestimate the amount of wealth in the world

>> No.2370468
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>> No.2370470
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make believe money based on something called a blockchain because some algorithm is mined and solved and reveals another block creates wealth vs my fucking 10 gold ingots I have in my hand is going to pay for goods 5 years from now.

BTFO NIGGER. One EMP bomb and your shit blockchain faggot bit wallet is done.

Get rekt.

>> No.2370475

>solar flare knocks out power grid
>asteroid impact
>country fails
>would war
>emp strike

Gold is still relevant and will always be. Just because you're too poor or stupid to hold any doesn't give any credence to your idiotic statement.

>> No.2370487
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>> No.2370489

>your money is make believe
>not mine it has real value

dem 110 IQs

>> No.2370532
File: 127 KB, 1280x800, KYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gold is make believe
>Seriously go kys, I have 10 fucking 100oz ingots in my hand right now and you fucking think I or any rational person would trade them in for jewshekels online?


>> No.2370546

have fun trading it for bullets and food when the world ends and you'll finally see some appreciation out of it, friend!

>> No.2370561

>money is all relative

Shells -> Beads -> Gold -> Paper -> Fed Balance Sheet Computer -> Crypto

Once I'm in lambo land I intend to buy 15% physical gold/silver annually

>> No.2370647

Well, all bank account will be destroyed too. Most people live only with what they have.

In a post-apo world, your gold will be stolen, your head crack open and your wife beaten by thousands of dicks.

>> No.2370657

The world won't be using BTC in the future. It's far too slow. Something else will come up that could possibly reach the millions.

>> No.2370674

You realize a EMP would knock off the regular banks too right? Everything is already digital

>> No.2371258
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>> No.2371312


"the entire world would have to own shiny rock and i have none, shiny rock is worthless"

>> No.2372301

The relative value of a dollar in 1900 would be about $80 today.

It would take less of half this inflation for Bitcoin to rise to $100,000, and that's if it stops growing right now.

One Bitcoin for $100,000 or even $1,000,000 isn't so ludicrous if you take a higher view of things. There is nothing sacred about the value of an American dollar.

Of course, Bitcoin can also go to close to 0 if further technological disruptions provide a compelling enough incentive to displace it as the reserve cryptocurrency.

>> No.2372321

>he doesn't know about the lightning network

>> No.2372458

>“Most of the people who are on the sidelines not buying bitcoins today will start to buy when it gets over $1,000, and then a greater percentage of people will definitely plow into bitcoin once it trades over a $10,000,” once said financial analyst Max Keiser on his RT show The Keiser Report.
>The irreverent Mr. Keiser, a longtime proponent of buying silver, is one of the many leading Bitcoin voices who believe that bitcoin won’t only reach it’s all-time highs of approximately $1,200 USD, but will then increase to $10,000, and even $1,000,000 per bitcoin. Some of them are included in a video which feature those who believe Bitcoin could reach $10,000 to $1,000,000.
nocoiner cope strong

>> No.2373523


Most people who hoard gold also hoard guns and ammo

>> No.2373781

>the dollar won't inflate


>> No.2374280

this, gold is just one part of a preppers stash

>> No.2374309

>The entire world would have to be using fucking BITCOIN for this to be a reality
that's the fucking point

>> No.2374331

if you have gold and grub and no guns, the guy with the guns will thank you for making a pretty stash for him

(but srsly niggers if you're prepping buy silver too that shit will be so easier to barter with than having to take a knife out and shave slivers of gold off to buy food)

>> No.2374340

>the dollar is designed to inflate ~3% per year
>worth half as much ever X years
fuck fiat

>> No.2374355

But ask yourself, would you even want to live in a word without the internet? Most people on this board would kill themselves immediately if the internet went down and wasn't coming back. So there's really no point in being wealthy in your hypothetical post apocalyptic world.

>> No.2374359

Implying all 21 million coins are in the supply.

>> No.2374374

>The entire world would have to be using fucking BITCOIN for this to be a reality


>> No.2374394

>implying anything will ever happen
We wish for a slow death, but in reality the US is turning into a third world country complete with shitskins doing shitskin things. Invest smart and GTFO. I'm looking at new zealand

>> No.2374461

>implying other western countries aren't also turning into shitskin central

There's no where to run, anon. Stay and fight.

>> No.2374468

south island is the best place I've ever been

still getting overrun with chinese though

auckland's lost already mate

>> No.2374487

this don't give up any ground

>> No.2374534

havent seen that copypasta in a while

>> No.2374536

also global value of derivatives is a quadrillion plus


let's talk about crypto when it hits $1T - reminder that apple could buy out literally all crypto two and a half times over with cash on hand

>> No.2374567

>he doesnt know that the people supporting segwit no longer see bitcoin as a currency, but as digital gold, and think high fees are acceptable because of this

bitcoin cannot progress with segwit

>> No.2374571


>solar flare knocks out power grid
>asteroid impact
>country fails
>would war
>emp strike

So your BEST case scenario for you gold fags is you live in a literal hell on earth. LOL Implying it wouldn't be better to just kill yourself.

>> No.2374587


BTC has more development going into it than any other coin. Extra layers will be built on top. BTC is the equivalent of tcp/ip. Every other coin is essentially worthless since btc can just incorporate their tech. Maybe eth has some use cases but really im not going to leave my money on a hackable platform run by a 13 year old autistic kid.

>> No.2374762

Tasmania will probably be the last white island on earth to go MFW

>> No.2374872

BItcoiners are politically divided and getting any development approved by both the Chink miners and the Libertarian nutjobs is impossible.

Go all in on ETH, it's actually going places

>> No.2374901

>investing in a post-apocalyptic future instead of a technological one

>> No.2375540


>> No.2375580

>Why are retards saying BTC is going to be worth $100,000-$1,000,000 one day?

You answered it yourself - they are retards.