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>> No.23704463
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>> No.23704471

rolling for red close

>> No.23704472
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>your biggest holding
>life advice based on personal experiences

>> No.23704480
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>> No.23704484

Which voting ticker does /smg/ long?:

PP(Proportional Voting)
EC(Electoral College)
PPR(Popular Vote)
FPTP(First Past The Post)

>> No.23704485


>> No.23704486

tenQ for baking based holofag

>> No.23704490

No trannies in this one, please.

>> No.23704495
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Fed frens, you can always repent and join us. It’s not like there will be a government to pay you guys after we all go all-in on UVXY

>> No.23704494

Any last minute plays? My body is fucking ready

>> No.23704518
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Alright bros who here got their FAT T dividend today?

>> No.23704525

Too late for NIO? Can it really keep going up?

>> No.23704536
File: 360 KB, 1242x2688, F07210F1-330D-4983-B43B-FD041BAE78C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> All in Tesla
> Don’t ever pay anyone else to do anything for you.

>> No.23704538

Dont buy the top anon..please

>> No.23704540
File: 1.59 MB, 1022x727, 172865379623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont fuck around with too many women, youll look back to see it as a huge waste of time and money. Find and connect with one thats better than most, that can cook and clean and takes care of herself.

>> No.23704550

theres no fucking way we gap up tomorrow AGAIN right?

>> No.23704551

Marry someone who likes to touch your dick. They should show real joy at touching it. That is the most important thing.

>> No.23704553

>buy TLT in my options account
>use it as collateral for short puts
>write calls on TLT as well
How smart is this? I don't see the downside.

>> No.23704556

>Don’t ever pay anyone else to do anything for you
this will never work. i know you dont mean literally but it reads as such

>> No.23704559

Never eat Indian people

>> No.23704563

I thought it was my last chance to buy under $8.40, bro.

>> No.23704564

Does the stock market prefer Biden to win?

>> No.23704573

I regret buying SQQQ CALLS SO MUCH

>> No.23704574

Be careful with rust on 1998 Honda Civics.

>> No.23704577

We warned you not to short the bottom

>> No.23704578

Right now, GME.
After I'm done with that, it'll be KO. I'm a safe pussy that wants to profit off of disgustingly unhealthy Americans.

>> No.23704580

Just wait, anon. The win will be contested and markets will tank

>> No.23704589
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>> No.23704593
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This is such a boring and unstable market. Pump or dump already. It’s been like this for 3 hours now

>> No.23704599
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>> No.23704603

No I mean literally, swim to the Middle East and pump out the oil if you want to drive, and if you want an iPhone mine the components yourself. Seriously though, things like cooking, cleaning, building, gardening, etc. are actually good for thinking, it’s precious time.

>> No.23704613
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I literally pay to have everything done for me. Why would I spend 3.5 hours to mow my lawn when I can pay some poorfag $30 to do it for me?

>> No.23704617
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Okay, what can we expect to scoop up cheaply tomorrow in light of the election results:

If Biden loses:

If Trump loses:

>> No.23704620

Sell it tomorrow when Baba moons.

>> No.23704623

Already priced in.

>> No.23704629

Thank elizabeth warren for that. Also it's not your money you are using a margin account.

>> No.23704631

You have 3 day trades. They each last about a business week (5 days) but if you’re an expert daytrader, you gotta pay $25K. Sorry fren

>> No.23704633

lol. imagine being a day trader. Email the SEC, no one can help you here

>> No.23704638
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And just like that, we'll never be below 335 ever again.

>> No.23704641
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I literally might just sell everything except nio and buy gme. Im getting mad.

>> No.23704646

Why the fuck is RIDE up 25% today?

>> No.23704649

Ah yes, the legend of Robin Hood: Taking money from the poor and putting it into Jewish pockets. How delightful.

>> No.23704651

429 bake it erryday

>> No.23704653

Mowing the lawn is awesome. I get very good time to think on my ride-on mower next to the river. It’s very calming and gives me time to plan and sort out ideas. Not going to invite a Spic onto my property and pay him $30 to relax in my yard.

>> No.23704656

You can't go wrong with SWBI either way. We're about to see some serious shit.

>> No.23704664

he is using a cash account
if he was using margin he would not be under day trade restrictions

>> No.23704667

>buy GME on a pump day
good luck anon

>> No.23704669

When you sign up for margin you sign up for Jewery.

>> No.23704674

You think BABA will ever go over 300 again? I'm up a little now but concerned about holding that call long term

>> No.23704675


trailing stops can fuck you over BOTH ways, set a price target, average in and average out. You don't have to buy all in or sell everything at once

>> No.23704678

stop posting this trying to fish for validation. make your own decisions. jesus christ. and take some profit on pennyshits or get burned like you just did

>> No.23704680

The media is even saying that this may take days or weeks to count. Knowing Trump, he’s gonna short the election while there’s still votes and that’ll create more uncertainty. Right now is the best time to escape this bull trap before it sinks

>> No.23704682

I have 5 acres to mow, fuck that. I'm gonna stay inside and play vidya. I already give 40 hours every week to Jews, not getting anymore of my time.

>> No.23704687

trade options pussy

>> No.23704694

Just sell everything and huff glue faggot

>> No.23704699

get rid of losers, average up on winners

no problem with that

>> No.23704703

Fine. Fuck you. Im doing it.

>> No.23704704

>Opposites don’t attract long-term. Always marry a similar woman to yourself: Race, level of attractiveness, intelligence.

>> No.23704706

Are you joking? If Trump takes it in a land slide, people aren’t going to buy any guns for 3 years.

>> No.23704708

>5 acres to mow
why would you buy and live on that much land just to be a lazy fuck?

>> No.23704721


>> No.23704731

WhErEs ThE dIp

>> No.23704734

>your biggest holding

>life advice based on personal experiences
How is it gay if you fuck a ladyboy? As long as you're the dom that doesn't touch his dick (or insert it somewhere), how is gay? It's not. You're just an alpha male wanting to dominate the beta, happens in the animal kingdom all the time, even the lion does it.. are lions gay? No.

>> No.23704739
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>> No.23704746

Because I love the country and hate people. Also like I said, I'm not poor so paying someone to mow it is literally nothing. You sound like you really like mowing, want to make $30?

>> No.23704749

it already happened, it's crab time now

>> No.23704751

life is all about risk vs. reward. no risk = no reward

>> No.23704755

>are lions gay?

>> No.23704758 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23704761

Not true. I and many other enthusiasts have been holding off purchasing firearms because of the inflated prices.

>> No.23704771

Ivanka's mouth moves like she's a robot

>> No.23704773

nobody is pumping your idiotic calls

>> No.23704779

If this post ends in 3 we dump in power hour

>> No.23704785
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can I get some advice bros?
in my roth IRA I am currently
>+5% on 100 AAPL
>bagholding HYLN (wont sell)
>bagholding PRPO (dont want to sell until next catalyst pumps it, as I believe this is the floor)
i want to use AAPL to generate income via covered calls, but i also dont want to be stuck holding the bag if we really dump. should I sell an ATM covered call for this week? I just really dont want to get bogged if we get a sudden pump for no reason

>> No.23704787



Women are just humans with tiny dicks and swollen chests. Stop thinking of them as mystical and special; that's just consumer culture trying to make you anxious and insecure.

Working towards your goal a little bit every day is ***extremely*** better than nothing, and it will add up over time before you know it.

>> No.23704789

There’s gonna be a massive chimpout if he were to win like in the last election

>> No.23704792
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what is up with america's obsession with manicured lawns
why not just turn that 5 acres into a meadow

>> No.23704802
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if this post ends in 3 Trump wins in a landslide and the election is decided tonight and we have a massive green dildo for the rest of the week

>> No.23704803

Never beat up yourself or take yourself too seriously.

>> No.23704804

>i make a lot of money
>i hire spics for $30 to mow 5acres
sounds like you got a good deal. Maybe Biden will open the borders for more illegals to come in and drive down your cost
I charge $1000/hr fund my flight and hotel. sure ill mow your lawn.

>> No.23704815

>post ends in 3 squared

>> No.23704822

If this post ends in 3, you're both massive faggots

>> No.23704823

>i hate people
>but i hire them to do my yard work

>> No.23704824

Long grass attracts ticks and other unwanted pests
I don't hire spics, I hire alcoholic hillbillies.

>> No.23704827


that was a close one

>> No.23704833

If this post ends in dubs the market will crash.

>> No.23704837

BABA will never go over 300 again.

>> No.23704845

don't do that

>> No.23704846
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delete this please

>> No.23704847


Digits will cancel the crash and make the market reach ATH under Trump

>> No.23704852

Cheapies ahead

>> No.23704853


>> No.23704855
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>> No.23704858
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>> No.23704866

guys im bored, do i avg down on more NAK, for the lulz ,before close?

>> No.23704867

>if You think your gf is cheating on you she probably is

>> No.23704871
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please respond, please advise

>> No.23704874

Why are you guys having such a hard time understanding this? I don't even converse with the lawn people, I just send them a check every month.

>> No.23704875
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>> No.23704881

Trump win stonks
whatd i miss

>> No.23704885
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Its a good thing I am hedged with puts

>> No.23704887

Today's client update finally fixed the volume and bar display on ibroken, yay! Too pissed about constant shittery so I'm not going back though.

>> No.23704894
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>> No.23704896

why would you run covered calls ATM when there is another apple event regarding ARM chips in apple devices later this month and with IV so high? are you dumb or just stupid?

>> No.23704898

None of these characters are real anymore, it's all AI generated faces and voices.
We NWO already and you muhfukas don't even know.

>> No.23704899


>> No.23704901


>> No.23704911

>IV that high
it's at 56% for weeklies. have you heard of weeklies?

>> No.23704915
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>The key with always taking responsibility for yourself and your mistakes is you do this with yourself only. Never do this with other people. They will use your vulnerability against you.
>It doesn't matter if you are right when it comes to social situations. What will result only matters what the group or person in power thinks is right which is pretty much arbitrary. Just be prepared for the completely wrong thing to result in the situation and be ready for it. And most people are stupid so they will think whatever satisfies their emotional needs is right anyway.
>how do you have the unhappiest life? Do whatever you want all the time
>never gossip
>delay gratification
>Even people that care about you can be tricked into running their mouths. Tell them nothing damaging and be careful about telling them things that while they may be understanding, their friends will be less so. Never tell anyone anything you don't want repeated.
>do not live in areas that elect black politicians
>never leave empty food containers in a car overnight
>Never give anything away that you only have one of
>never neglect paperwork and mundane administrivia
>never talk about how you make your money or how much you make
>never show up in support of someone just to back out.
>never put people on your level financially. Always keep them as underlings lest they take your kindness for weakness and return it with contempt. This is human nature
>Never sit down on the bus/train with wet clothes on
>manlets never learn

>> No.23704916

High IV is good when selling calls, retard.
Wouldn't do ATM if something big might happen, sure, but learn what you're talking about before shitposting.

>> No.23704927

SBE on a tear now, wow. Just sold half my stack

>> No.23704929


Reporting after hours & BMO tomorrow

Both have over 20% implied upside based on PE multiples, revenue growth, and price declines. (SUPN has 36%, PRGO 20%) while IV is under 80% despite earnings.

Load up and youll make it

Ignore this and continue waging

>> No.23704930

>i dont give a shit about my 5 acres
>i trust drunk hillbillies to do the job
>i just send them check
>if they fuck up i dont call them back
>i hire new drunk hillbilles but i dont talk to them to hire them or show them what to do

>> No.23704938

You didn't say when though, I'm all good

>> No.23704939
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, Nick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My friend.
>Have you ever gone to the sandal store, but they did not have size 50?
>My new venture will help you with that.

>> No.23704943

red pill me NAOW

>> No.23704946

LOL the Jews intervene again with a fake pump.

>> No.23704948
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>> No.23704952

If dubs the market will crash today.

>> No.23704953

Get your votes in!

>> No.23704956
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>> No.23704974

If dubs, the market CRASHES TODAY

>> No.23704977

kek you're just fucking with me now. I've been using the same drunk hillbilly for 2 years. He does a good job. I'm sorry this information doesn't fit your narrative. I'm not entirely sure why you care how I handle my lawn

>> No.23705006


>> No.23705018

Final squeeze before the dump

>> No.23705036

slow day while we are all waiting for election results i guess.

>> No.23705039
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>tfw i dont have to FUDpost GME today because it's green

>> No.23705048
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>> No.23705060

The opposite is true: always get a wife who is absolutely disgusted by touching dick, just like you would be. I mean, you don’t want a gay wife, right anon?

>> No.23705067

Long on lawn mower stocks

>> No.23705068

January 1st, 2021.

>> No.23705070

I am just fucking with you. But you still deal with people. Whether you like it or not, its an arms length transaction.

>> No.23705074

if dubs the market never crashse and we golden bull

>> No.23705078

Standard Life Aberdeen
Friends are good, treat them well.

>> No.23705081

There’s riots all over the world wherever the virus is breaking out. In the us yes it will happen in urban areas. Unironically the riots reinforce systemic racism by disincentivizing investment in those communities.

Humans can be very self destructive. But whatever if you have to deal with human sacrifice it means you get to build sick temples. Cost:benefit

>> No.23705082
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>> No.23705093
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Bull run commences tomorrow

>> No.23705097

Bullish for GME?

>GameStop Is Having A TikTok Competition For Its Employees And One Of The Prizes Is 10 Extra Labor Hours



>> No.23705101
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Where's that anon who said he was gonna sell GME this week?

>> No.23705108

Sell signal

>> No.23705112
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I voted for Trump.

>> No.23705113
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*rolls up on your market*

>> No.23705117

Some people are addicted to and need drama. Ignore them, and cut them out if your life they'll just hold you back.

>> No.23705118


>> No.23705123


>> No.23705124

go away

>> No.23705126

Opinions on NILSY
Future tech will need loads of raw materials

>> No.23705127

>bus/train with wet clothes on
What about the shuttle from my gym? My ass is soaked through with sweat.

>how do you have the unhappiest life? Do whatever you want all the time

>> No.23705134

I hope hookeranon returns for papa johns earnings.

>> No.23705138

I'm surprised TSLA is already going up even though ((predictions)) still say Trump loses.

>> No.23705142


>> No.23705146

I’m so fucking sick of voooooters

Yeah man

>> No.23705151


>> No.23705157


>> No.23705161

Green EV boost I guess

>> No.23705163

How do you figure? Fintech and megacap tech and crazy P/E tech?
AAPL should be a Biden stock.

>> No.23705165

>I love the country
>proceeds to create a barren ecological wasteland

>> No.23705171

Trump wins

>> No.23705172

take a shower at the gym or change out of your sweaty as clothes

>> No.23705177

Imagine how fucking hard all the kikes are at shoving money around so the market doesn't collapse. Right at 2 PM today, exactly the same as yesterday. Zero buyers all day, they sniff it out, panic, and call in the funds to prop up the market.

>> No.23705181

Classic bulltrap

>> No.23705182

Cacao you mean?
Nestle rocks but I’m more interested in like rare earths and battery tech. Maybe even plug.

>> No.23705186
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>Future tech will need loads of raw materials
then buy TSM
i wouldnt touch miners unless you actually understand the sector, but then you wouldn't be asking strangers in an anime board

>> No.23705190


Holy shit the wagie in a cagie/ Walmart stomp dance meme keeps getting better.
On a side note, went to the Costco with my gf. As we were walking out, the guy checking receipts was literally in a plastic box with only a small square cut out to check the receipts. Imagine walking up and literally sitting into a plastic wage cage for 8 hours.
Fucken clown world.

>> No.23705192


>> No.23705193
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Fuck niggers, fuck trannies, and fuck commies
Donald Trump 2020 !!!
Start the pooooomp

>> No.23705197

>>bus/train with wet clothes on
I was mostly thinking like in the rain. Had a situation 5 years or so ago where I got on the bus soaking wet and sat down for the whole ride then realized had I just stood up I would have been mostly dry by the time I got where I was going.
>>how do you have the unhappiest life? Do whatever you want all the time
Ties in with the other thing about delaying gratification. Too many anons waste their lives never accomplishing things that could actually make them happy but will waste manyears in front of the computer all day and eating unhealthy tendies then wonder why they're depressed all the time

>> No.23705199

I just noticed the same thing. SQQQ shares peaked yesterday at 2pm. DESU, I don't think the jews are going to keep the market from tanking today. But I have too much money riding on it tanking to be unbiased.

>> No.23705203



Despise the free lunch and pay the full price.

>> No.23705205
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The madman

>> No.23705210
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Ideally yeah I usually do. But what’s the harm. It sounds like he’s warning about something specific like leaving a stain or getting a rash?

How about MU? They should benefit from an economic recovery especially under lockdown especially if we’re friendly with the chinese.

And hedge with NAK.

>> No.23705221

Is it a thing to sell naked calls that are secretly covered, i.e. you have the shares but you don’t put them up as collateral so you can sell them if the stock dumps?

>> No.23705224

Where can I get one of these free lunches?

>> No.23705232

all I know is that they mine nickel and a few other big money makers that supply larger tech. Its one of the few companies that do, also its russian, Putin ftw

>> No.23705233


There’s certainly that. But also realize that stuff is not what one truly want to do, at least for me. It often is just less risky.

Most of us probably don’t even know what we want to do.

>> No.23705241
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>> No.23705242
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>> No.23705245

god i wish that were me

>> No.23705246
File: 70 KB, 600x600, Trumpbabes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 1lb ribeye, mahi tuna, and a nice tenderloin. I also have a 6 pack of bock beer and a nice bottle of white wine. What should I eat to celebrate the Trump win tonight?

>> No.23705250

>already came twice today
how many times to I have to fap to make sure Trump wins

also buy Gamestop stock

>> No.23705255

>sell bottom
>stock rises
>you now have an expensive naked call to cover

>> No.23705258

Damn..I didn't read a word of your post. I just wish that were me.

>> No.23705260

2 more times before the polls close

>> No.23705263
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>> No.23705264

MU is a great company but they're probably one of the most cyclical of the semiconductor companies

irrc, they got fucked hard by lower demand for RAM due to pandemic (specifically smart phones) even though they're top of the pack with GDDR6 RAM which is very relevant right now with AMD's growing dominance
Biggest problem with AMD's chiplet design is the latency issue so there is a significant performance boost with faster RAM

i'd just buy TSM instead though because they're not at the mercy of fluctuating demand. Just don't go all in because geopolitics risk

>> No.23705265

Going long on XOM. Make me or break me.

>> No.23705267

Why the fuck did RIDE take off without me bros?
Why today?

>> No.23705269

How much will NAK rally if Trump wins?

>> No.23705272

im thinking that in the next 4 years the ECO war is going to spark up in USA, and Tesla vs (insert oil car here) war is on its way.

>> No.23705274

Sounds pretty gay. Like going nuts when your sports team wins but you just sat there and added to your beer belly.

Nah. I’m going to celebrate that I’m not a retard politi-cuck. And I’m going to do that with charred organic grass fed beef burgers. Just the patties, until I’m full.

And I’m going to go to bed before the polls close.

>> No.23705277

Twice more. Do it for Trump

>> No.23705279
File: 674 KB, 645x1147, Why MU is having lower growth and lower profits and thus the share price is tanking - Seeking Alpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705282

Keep going until you’re shooting blood

>> No.23705285

yeah but what are the margins even like on a miner? what about growth?
it's one thing for something to be vital but it doesn't always translate to massive gain for you

Will buying into the miner outperform just buying tech-heavy QQQ?

>> No.23705286

I already own tsm and need them to crash so I can add. I sold a pump but it’s hard to buy a dip when it’s still 50% above your basis.

>> No.23705289
File: 1.87 MB, 1282x722, 1604430176766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705295

those two girls pussy. maybe ass for dessert

>> No.23705297

what's the biggest bearish/bullish play to make boys

>> No.23705300

Beta as fuck

>> No.23705301



>> No.23705303

ATM SPY puts/ATM SPY calls

>> No.23705309

i feel asleep reading your boring post

>> No.23705310
File: 843 KB, 1437x960, Trump Hamburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden doesn't have an equivalent picture to this, therefore he can't win. Trump wins by default.

>> No.23705314
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 1585779646689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should of listened anon
>tfw bought 80 stocks in ride during the initial drop to $14

>> No.23705315

I mean yeah of course but why are we fully clothed then?

>> No.23705318
File: 40 KB, 532x960, 1589306904604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705320

>held GME down to 10.50
>finally sold it yesterday at 10.72 to get back in at a lower price point
>it fucking goes up immediatly

>> No.23705325

trips and all stocks will hit 5000 EOY

>> No.23705326

I'd guess about 30% on the first day.
Don't wait too long to cash out, that mine is never going to be built no matter the administration...

>> No.23705328


>> No.23705329

We’re men. We eat sleep and fuck[ing cry ourselves to sleep]. You can intuit the rest.

>> No.23705331
File: 9 KB, 276x182, 1604425652783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips and market tanks immediately

>> No.23705335

Is this GME or Chainlink

>> No.23705336


>> No.23705339

She won't let you take anything off until you've licked the bottom of her shoes clean.

>> No.23705347

Yeah maybe you can tell them that when you’re begging them to let you sniff their brawlers.

Unironically not arousing in the least...

>> No.23705350

Uncle Adolf cull these jewish tricks

>> No.23705351

This is the point where you realize your employer is just fucking with you.

>> No.23705354
File: 609 KB, 964x898, 1598830382390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest holding (only holding right now): Sturm Ruger & Co.

Life advice: Make as much money as you can as fast as you can. Selling a good is easier, usually more profitable and more easily scaleable, than selling a service. Meaning either resale stuff or make stuff and sell it. Selling a service, meaning selling your labor, is not as good. Selling your labor means a lot of work for not necessarily great pay, legal problems when your clients try to stiff you on the bill, and you cannot easily scale your business up in this model as you would have to hire additional people to be able to take on more jobs. Now you're managing people and that is expensive and not enjoyable.


>> No.23705358

YEAH? Well YOU'RE not arousing in the least!

>> No.23705364

Power hour dump or pump?

>> No.23705365

it's weird how i already made a 25% gain on GME (sold half at 50% gain from 10 to 15, holding the other half with a stop loss at break even) and hope to make way more on the second half (it got close around 10.50 but now is comfortably above 11 which is nice, still praying for the infinity squeeze some day), yet at the same time i recognize how dystopian their business model is and how awfully they treat their employees.

it's kinda hilarious how well the stock is doing despite how fucked up they are lmao. remember to go to college for STEM so you don't end up in a dead end hellhole like that, kids! being an engineering technician doing soldering and programming is actually really sweet and chill, pays well, and only requires an associates. highly recommended assuming you can handle differential equations (basically calc IV)

>> No.23705366

is there going to be a fucking sour hour or what
Do I just sell for a loss

>> No.23705371

>i can do whatever what i want
>fuck what women want
keep showing your virgin incel

>> No.23705374
File: 316 KB, 900x900, 1598827676560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705376


>> No.23705377

i agree with that but i don't like how it doesn't actually look at the fundamentals of MU itself

fuck the bean counting bullshit where "analysts" don't even look at the underlying tech
This is one of the few sectors where being tech-literate (even just lurking /g/ every now and then) will actually put you ahead of the pack, i.e. knowing enough not buy into Intel just because it has a "low" PE ratio and solid financials (for now)

>> No.23705382


There’s no low too low for the wagie.

>> No.23705383

oh oh we got too cocky bullbros...

>> No.23705384

Grandpa Biden cull my uncle's dick

>> No.23705388

I can see that. There's a double bottom there.

>> No.23705393

Oh shit its dumping

>> No.23705403

Good i missed the dip.

>> No.23705404



Can you explain this in more detail?

>> No.23705405
File: 440 KB, 319x358, 1507145841_1456367651721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ride keeps going up

>> No.23705407
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, 1604003280949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Hello, didn't see you there. It appears some bulls got out of control and need to be humbled straight down for an entire hour.

>> No.23705411
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>> No.23705417

is there a difference?

>> No.23705418
File: 60 KB, 960x665, 1603058785567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thought it would pump into zee election??
doomp et

>> No.23705423


>> No.23705425

Shit like this makes me enjoy not being a fucking wagie. Clack clack wagie, stay safe faggot!

>> No.23705430

Play SPPI instead.

>> No.23705434

>Can you explain this in more detail?
Learn how to trade or learn how to invest.

>> No.23705441


What are some good resources? I appreciate it.

>> No.23705451
File: 230 KB, 636x392, 1603907327671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rule nr. 1:
never bet against chyna

>> No.23705454
File: 775 KB, 4695x2925, 1603058785568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

activate phase 2

>> No.23705455



>> No.23705461

long term the answer is yes anon. will it drop short term yh prob bcos everyone likes taking profits

>> No.23705468

based and trumppilled

>> No.23705469

Do I buy? Says price target is 50

>> No.23705471
File: 757 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20201103-140636_Google News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May be i underestimated how bullish GME really is desu

>> No.23705476


>> No.23705477

>4th Industrial Revolution
>Ticket to financial independence
>Swingers get the rope
None that I can see

>> No.23705479

Investopedia is the best place to start. Use it every time you run across a term or strategy you're unfamiliar with.

>> No.23705485


Come on anon...

>> No.23705487

There are seminars and learning videos for every broker all over youtube and also investmentpedia as well as the resources in the OP. You cant expect people to spoon feed your ass from a 4 figure portfolio to a 6 figure figure portfolio.

>> No.23705491

Wtf I thought today was going to be fun with wild swings up and down
Instead it’s snips snips crab

>> No.23705494

wait is this why GME is up +7%

>> No.23705496

>10 extra
They couldn't do 8 or 16? Fuckers.

>> No.23705506


>> No.23705507

no that's because it was down 20% and had to have a green day at some point

>> No.23705509

Fine, here's the google drive link to the books:


Also, Steven Van Metre on Youtube is pretty based, albeit an autist.

>> No.23705514
File: 120 KB, 720x1280, 1587713506828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost feel bad for wagies sometimes.

>> No.23705517

My Governor is putting the kung flu restrictions back in place because he's a cock sucking asshole.

>> No.23705519
File: 57 KB, 854x719, DRIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With lockdowns and a biden administration will this repeat its magic?

>> No.23705524

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in /smg/,and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Bear-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed stonks.
I am trained ingorilla warfareand I’m the top trader in the entire US NEET /biz/forces.You are nothing to me but just another Bobo. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?Think again, fucker.As we speakI am contacting my secret network of COOMER Cats across the 4channel and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your portfolio. You’re fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in meme stonks, but I have access to the entire capital of the United States Central Bankand I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo

>> No.23705528

Don't know I just hedged my bets on something that would thrive regardless who won the election

>> No.23705531

That's when you use the shares you secretly had all along to cover.

>> No.23705538

>RIDE and WKHS move at the same price range
like pottery

>> No.23705539

sweetest sour hour i've had in a while

>> No.23705543

Uh oh. Gamestop is using a sony brand to promote microsoft business? Clown Market

>> No.23705548

My sides
I can’t breevffff

>> No.23705557

Not if Biden passes stimulus

>> No.23705558

How do I short the fuck out of the pollster sector?

>> No.23705560
File: 249 KB, 1298x727, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit. A Gamecube is only $19.99 nowadays?

>> No.23705561

Careful. He lurks here.

>> No.23705571

what's he gonna do? call him a faggot?

>> No.23705572

who else been stocking up on WKHS and RIDE for cheapie?

>> No.23705577
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1626, IMG_20201023_171715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Jew haters are destined to lose (yes this includes the Democrat party)

>> No.23705578


The only advice that's gonna really make cent's on /biz/

>> No.23705582

Or nigger. Or both

>> No.23705585

what is this trash

>> No.23705586


wtf how did you guess the size of my portfolio

>> No.23705590


>> No.23705593

Trumps children all say "my father" in a quite special way. As if they used this phrase many many times to get what they want.

>> No.23705594
File: 192 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20200828_035835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705600

74% chance there's peanut butter stuck in one of the controller ports and the disc reader is scratched.

>> No.23705599

XOM at 33.33
Check em

>> No.23705608
File: 225 KB, 1000x1000, 6453643564356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the SEDG dip

>> No.23705612
File: 338 KB, 1334x577, SUPERSMASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao the Smash Box costs less than the game it was created to play.

>> No.23705615
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>> No.23705617

Communisticut, fucking King Ned waits until everybody voted before putting us back in chains. Can you please explain why we need to roll this shit back?

>> No.23705619


Holy shit

>> No.23705622

GME 10.70

>> No.23705629

kek of course theres a /smg/ version

>> No.23705630
File: 213 KB, 1296x613, saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place bets on how long it will take for this to be bought by a buyfag degenerate

>> No.23705635

I was you 7 years ago and I still uses these resources.

>> No.23705638


>> No.23705639
File: 109 KB, 658x662, 1519270927080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23705642

fuck you lol that freaked me out

>> No.23705644


>gameplay guarantee

Who pays for this shit

>> No.23705649

>fomo into GME earlier
>Already up 3%

>> No.23705653

Go ahead tranny, make a new thread

>> No.23705660

Fuck you nigger I've already made 4 today

>> No.23705669

>> Don’t ever pay anyone else to do anything for you.
based. the obvious exceptions being when they have equipment that you dont that wouldnt make sense for you to purchase, or when the opportunity cost to do it yourself is higher than the price and isnt offset by acquired knowledge from doing it yourself

>> No.23705675

They shove that $2 fee on your receipt in person when you don't look.

>> No.23705679


>> No.23705680

i felt so much pain watching GME go back up but after i fomoed back in it has all gone away

>> No.23705682
File: 48 KB, 562x562, c59174633119e605018c8e2e3ac0d35eb9d205cce161a8b4c70f88df271d1638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get everyone used to the feeling of a boot on their neck

>> No.23705683

Charlie Baker just gave us all a 9:30pm curfew here in MA

fuck this faggot

>> No.23705685

again with another fake pump. kikes becoming more and more desperate

>> No.23705692

do i buy in now, i thought it was gonna drop to 9

>> No.23705695


>> No.23705705

Trump better fucking win. If I can't go out for booze I better be able to salt mine.

>> No.23705709

if the election is an uncontestable landslide in either direction, it probably will. with either candidate, line goes up. if its contested, line goes down until it goes up again

>> No.23705710


>> No.23705711

i dunno man, this shit goes down +10% or -10% on low volume because of its liquidity
i wouldn't celebrate yet

DDS up almost +7% today too just on ~135K volume. That one the liquidity/float really is fucked, borrow rates still over 50%

>> No.23705714

>the tranny slaves aren't baking
why do we even have tranny slaves then

>> No.23705726

did you buy back in at a lower price than you sold for though? that's a win

>> No.23705727


If you want to salt mine, wait until all the meatball brain retards start screeching about how the election was STOLEN!!!! by the MAIL IN VOTES!!! and sobbing and crying.

>> No.23705731

same lmao , i just bought a small position to ease the pain for whenever it inevitably dumps again, i’m averaging down

>> No.23705733

I'm watching it closely.

It has to go to 15+ for console release right?? At least

>> No.23705752

Fuck connecticut.

>> No.23705753


When I was younger and I wasn’t aware of GameStop’s shady businesses practices I bought MW2 from them.

Somehow a $59.99 ended up costing $74+. I assumed it was all the city and state taxes CA shoves up your ass. Those assholes probably scammed me for a warranty and I didn’t notice.


>> No.23705794

buy XRP

>> No.23705866
File: 19 KB, 376x438, 1603026873494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sold GME

Let this be a lesson for all you paper handed fucks, commit to your thesis or you WILL get fucked

>> No.23706128
File: 424 KB, 1586x1084, 1602794391783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how they get you to buy games.

>> No.23706142

where is this? I'm in CA and I havent seen anything like that, just masks

>> No.23706350

this is the first oc image I've ever posted on 4chan that I routinely see other people reposting

>> No.23706493

>I can bankrupt you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my call options

>> No.23706934

Good one