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23692838 No.23692838 [Reply] [Original]

TA fag here lads. Chainlink is going to dump to around 9.40 due to the election and then truly begin its run beyond its all time high. good night and good luck.

>> No.23692884

Interdesting. I've noticed municipal Mumbai elections have no apparent correlation to price action.

>> No.23692898

wait until the Delhi elections Pajeet, poo wil not be the only thing in the streets

>> No.23692913

Don't threaten me with a good time!

>> No.23692932

Years of a drain attack by the team.

>> No.23692945
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you're the angel I needed to visit tonight

>> No.23692985

all jokes aside. the us election will without a doubt have a negative impact on the global economy, regardless of the winner. after the dust settles LINK will fly. honestly anon look into Etherisc (DIP) too. i have insider info that it will be shilled on 4chan and twitter by all the link "OG's". thanks for responding to my thread fren.

>> No.23693010

oh stop it you

>> No.23693063
File: 67 KB, 320x512, sergey 4d chess relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is actually what is about to play out
based TA fag
>find support at 10.00 like last time
>my linkies stay stinky

>> No.23693089

That’s assuming that bastard trump loses. He hates btc that piece of shit

>> No.23693097

Thanks for the shout fren. appreciate it. glad to know some other anons are going to take advantage of this along with me.

>> No.23693106
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>> No.23693132
File: 146 KB, 788x650, shessocutebrosvitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw we are in anger and otw to a micro depression before the disbelief pump that takes us to ATH

>> No.23693205

Unironically check the link/btc log chart and just plan to short until it hits the straight line trend it s been following for 2 years. Only chart that matters. You won’t though because you’re lazy and stupid.

>> No.23693244

I sure am depressed

>> No.23693273

lol youre a nigger bro. you got me tho i dont chart link/btc. heres a 30 second draw. what do you think?

>> No.23693291
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pic related. my bad

>> No.23693294

thanks ta anon price potential eoy?

>> No.23693347

eoy? we will be cracking new ATH's. my target for LINK at the end of the bull run is $450, with possible over performance to the mythical 1k. you do believe in meme magic right anon?

>> No.23693381

Jesus anon come on. There’s a massive linear trend starting from bottom left. I’ll give you another chance

>> No.23693411

please show me what you mean on a chart pajeet

>> No.23693426

Have we touched the bottom yet?

>> No.23693444

so you're aiming for ~60k sats?

>> No.23693460

>and then truly begin its run beyond its all time high


>> No.23693494
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, sadapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-whats so funny anon?

>> No.23693502

the link rises

>> No.23693518
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>> No.23693526

Yea but what happens when there's no clear winner and each side tries to claim the presidency?

>> No.23693549

fuuuk we hab some huweis to go then, huck me

>> No.23693574
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (76).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, assuming you believe something like my draw in red will occur? if so my question is arent you better off buying the dip and trying to long the bottom rather than shorting in a bull market? if you believe we arent in a bull your hypothesis makes more sense. if not i just cant see a reason to be that bearish on Chainlink. especially with Tsigs so close.

>> No.23693576

US and Europe are on the verge of a civil war.
Everything will crash massively for months. And then NWO + vaccines will happen.

>> No.23693595

>be you
>old scam coin
>brainwashed for 3 years to believe its actually worth something
>team selling 1 million link every week
>refuse to admit its real
>keep holding and watching his money go down the drain
>wake up from the delusion at sub $2
>still hold to 50 cents
>sell everything
>go to free food line
>buy rope
>kill self

"the facts tell him nothing, even if i shower him with information, authentic proof, he will refuse to believe it. Thats the tragedy of the situation of demoralization" - yuri bezmenov

>> No.23693596

I'm just high and staring at this link chart and it truly does look beautiful. Like impressive mountains

>> No.23693598

haha chill out schizo, this isnt a 17 year old anarchists wet dream quite yet

>> No.23693621

I'm a degen trader so i don't mind shorting. If you're long link long term then yeah might as well hold. I only hold 1k for the memes

>> No.23693636

take your quote and apply it to a nolinker ignoring the golden trail of breadcrumbs left for them. im sure you love the XSG threads.
thanks fren, i think its rather beautiful as well. see you at the yacht party

>> No.23693640
File: 458 KB, 2688x1242, 8F7C8B28-34C0-4F54-923D-8FD85F3229E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden wins = blue line holds
Drumpf steals the election = dump to red

You know what to do /biz.

>> No.23693657

gotcha, godspeed and good luck swinglinking bro, have seen too many swingies get the rope to ever risk a single link.

>> No.23693713

best of luck anon

>> No.23693848

take your meds please

>> No.23693922

Den we gonna war.
-Tony M.

>> No.23693949
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>> No.23694207
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based anon every exciting times of course I believe

>> No.23694960

So we're all going to make millions. Nice.

>> No.23695395

Anyone follow Benjamin Cowen on YouTube? Last week he did some TA on LINK and the data suggests that LINK could realistically be 1k IF the current trend against bitcoin continues.

>> No.23695430
File: 84 KB, 1024x657, 1601666624011m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one wants to watch your little TA crypto channel Benjamin