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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 315x300, HAIRCOMB SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23674900 No.23674900 [Reply] [Original]

Haircomb token is a scam, using a wallet with a keylogger.

"Dev" getting called out for keylogger in the wallet and creating a fake dev persona.


These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year

https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive

https://yuki.la/search.html?boards=biz&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2020-11-02&sort=ascending&postext=HAIRCOMB#page=1 - More proof of spamming, literally none stop.

They want you to send bitcoin to their address and "hope" you get haircomb back.

They claim it is open source but their github is already compiled, they are hoping low IQ bizlets don't bother checking anything out, send them some btc and download the wallet so they can keylog your metamask or whatever the fuck they normally do.

I know this is obvious, but the amount of spamming and shilling they do, raiding threads ect is so fucking annoying. If I can deprive them of any more victims it will be 100% worth it. Get fucked scammers.

Every time you post one of your pathetic threads I will be there to ruin it for you.

>> No.23674904

Didn't read
Not selling

>> No.23674912

There's no one to buy or sell these tokens retard. You are a complete waste of oxygen you scamming fucks.

>> No.23675204

BUMP Sanjiv is seething

>> No.23675714
File: 45 KB, 830x438, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% SCAM.. Be careful guys, Its a .exe file which is a Malware. Stay Safe and always research before you invest

>> No.23675757

I normally don't give a fuck about scams on here but the non-stop spam and thread raiding triggered me

>> No.23675786

Same here brother

>> No.23675808

biz is dead you faggot, multiple scams are shilled every day on every post

>> No.23675823

Suck my big white cock retard

>> No.23675986



>> No.23675999

>I know this is obvious, but the amount of spamming and shilling they do, raiding threads ect is so fucking annoying. If I can deprive them of any more victims it will be 100% worth it. Get fucked scammers.

>> No.23676043

this scam is so fucking dumb, we literally can take their github down since it contains fucking malware.
Just go to https://github.com/natasha-otomoski, click three dot button and report this account, tell github staff they're distributing malware on https://github.com/natasha-otomoski/haircomb, show virus scan results from https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/fe39f430cb93118326b3417499c77641d6b7e1345573e5dfbbd4681af59c3679/detection
github repos shouldn't contain binary files at all, it's a place to store source code that user should compile. This repo contains zero source code, however, which makes it subject for a removal.

>> No.23676184

Done, thanks anon.

>> No.23676266

The coin is shilled by pajeets
That's more than enough to stay away from it

>> No.23676281


Yeah if anyone falls for it they deserve it, 100%. If you genuinely fall for this scam you should be devestated and leave crypto because if you fell for THIS then you'll find crypto to be impossible

>> No.23676294

but my combies...

>> No.23676344

You are doing gods work anon, these streetshitters don't deserve a single penny from honest biznessmen

>> No.23676422

Amen brother fuck these scammers. If I can stop them getting another dollar it will all be worth it.

>> No.23677669

fucking retard comb will make me rich stay poor

>> No.23677803

imagine how fucking dense you must be to believe anti-comb copy pasting and lose out on the new native token of the bitcoin chain

>> No.23677857
File: 457 KB, 600x636, fren_train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i invested 8k into this
combchads will make it

>> No.23678069


you will be so financially secure

>> No.23678112

Fuck off scammers. Ty for bump this thread was about to die LOL.

>> No.23678115

That “crypto pink pill” pasta they use pisses me off

>> No.23678315

How mad are you pajeets that your entire operation was obliterated by a single autist NEET?

>> No.23678342

he is part of it
i paid him money to fud

>> No.23678364

The links speak for themselves you smelly curry boy

>> No.23678380


im just sad that dolts on here are trying people to persuade people against looking into something that is 100% open source and has a lot of potential upside

its not even an altcoin. its an implementation of something already on the bitcoin chain using math

if people dont like the "natasha" software eventually better clients will exist with more marketable names. and by then of course a lot of people will have missed out

>> No.23678393

it's over retard, your scam is finished

>> No.23678397

very based my brother, we shall make it thanks to math and stuff

>> No.23678402

i feel bad for you

>> No.23678442

You dumbfuck, you just got called out on your retardation. Just accept the fact that no one will download your virus.exe and just fuck off
Before you leave, how much did you make scamming dumbasses here?

>> No.23678448

i feel bad for your mother that she doesnt even know how to buy comb token!

>> No.23678460


you really are a brilliant mind

>> No.23678477

Alright pajeet, don't you both have to go take a bath in cow shit again?

>> No.23678485

before i go

>> No.23678487

one joke
one idea
no combs
no future

>> No.23678488

That’s funny, it’s literally me that counterspammed you all day yesterday. Where’s my money then bitch?

>> No.23678504

No one is clicking any links you post dumbass.

>> No.23678506

Why do pajeets always ruin everything?

>> No.23678508

this board is full of literally worthless "defi" nonsense and its comb you choose to spam against

>> No.23678512

HAHAHA Spamming & scamming pajeets on suicide watch. NOOOOOOOO I WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO FEED MY FAMILY :((((

>> No.23678514

its a youtube link kek

>> No.23678533 [DELETED] 

being into cryptocurrency means not reading about encryption and understanding anything. it means buying into digital ponzi schemes amirite

>> No.23678546

It’s because you used an anime girl. You pissed me off. I don’t give a fuck if they choose to get rug pulled, but you worthless retards are actively scamming using anime as your avatar. That cannot be allowed.

>> No.23678558

are you the guy who said
"stop using my waifu to shill"

>> No.23678569

yeah i thought it would something as braindead as that

being into cryptocurrency means not reading about encryption or understanding anything. it means buying into digital ponzi schemes amirite

>> No.23678579


>> No.23678590

Keep replying and keeping the thread alive retard lmfao

>> No.23678597

Share some of your liked videos on YouTube pajeet

>> No.23678607


>> No.23678717

You guys are soo bad at scamming ... kek. the dev's picture can easily be googled(that poor dental clinic). I see what you guys posted... a fucking long essay.. kek.. your fucked up orgy group stayed up all night butt fucking each other to make this shit up. AMATURES ....

>> No.23678758

ironic, to me it looks like you're the amature..
im just larping for fun, don't actually have any idea what comb even is, but its fun seeing you seethe

>> No.23678779

to add to that, if anyone is retarded enough to buy such an obvious scam, they SHOULD suffer the consequences
fuck them

>> No.23678915

congrats on making haircomb a meme

>> No.23679032

one last time for good measure

These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year
https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive
They want you to send btc to their address and they will send you some useless token back in advance that has a keylogging wallet push you to install.

early adopter to keylogger coin
this coin has a keylogger in the wallet
I'm going to counterspam you losers all day, dont underestimate a NEET
I don't give a fuck about your telegram group, I can already tell counterspamming your shit has many innocent bizitizens aware your shit is a virus
the github is already compiled nigger, thats not open source.

>> No.23679135

>the github is already compiled

not true the code is there for anyone to read
please do not use slurs in a thread about haircomb our community looks down on that

thanks for meming haircomb anyway

>> No.23679168

>calling out a scam is meming
huge cope

>> No.23679179

don't care keep posting

>> No.23679314

wait you weren't larping, i thought we were memeing together

>> No.23679367

don't care bump thread
everyone claim the combs

>> No.23679467

I honestly thought this was an ironic scam. It's so obvious, I always found it quite funny.

>> No.23679514

I have had it up to here with the constant spamming (5+ threads in the catalog, copy pasta posts in unrelated threads)

>> No.23679560

Indians don't deserve to breathe.

>> No.23679754


what a terrible thing to say

>> No.23679789


its not a scam its a new quantum resistant token on the bitcoin chain that is being distributed for a one time micropayment of 330 sat

>> No.23679828

Do Malwarebytes Anti-Rookit detect it?

>> No.23679829

that's great, go shill it to your fellow street shitters, no one here is interested.

>> No.23679887

haircomb is not found on the street but on the bitcoin blockchain

>> No.23679921


nothing detects anything because there is no keylogger in the haircomb code, which is available for anyone to read on github

>> No.23680033

A scam that never links to anywhere to purchase anything, that only links to information about the how the project works. Ok. How exactly are combposters profiting?

Haircomb is one of the greatest projects in blockchain history. Natasha has effectively hidden a token within the Bitcoin blockchain. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?

You can read the whitepaper here:

You can view the UNCOMPILED code here:

>> No.23680057

These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year
https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive
They want you to send btc to their address and they will send you some useless token back in advance that has a keylogging wallet push you to install.

early adopter to keylogger coin
this coin has a keylogger in the wallet
I'm going to counterspam you losers all day, dont underestimate a NEET
I don't give a fuck about your telegram group, I can already tell counterspamming your shit has many innocent bizitizens aware your shit is a virus
the github is already compiled nigger, thats not open source.

>> No.23680067

Nice change of ID. Read all the links provided in the op.

>> No.23680118

Ofc it must be an ID change, can't possibly be that more than one person recognizes a revolutionary project.

I've read the thread. I've also read the whitepaper and the main haircomb thread on bitcointalk. Have you?

>> No.23680141

Fuck off. The more you reply the longer this thread stays alive exposing your scam

>> No.23680201

The longer any thread about haircomb stays alive, the more people look into it. That's how I got into it, the weird ass combposting, and then people like you flipping out about it.

Your idea that this'll hurt haircomb relies on it being an illegitimate project, or that people will be unable to do their own reading, and will blindly trust you. I don't believe either of those things are true.

>> No.23680230

>That's how I got into it, the weird ass combposting
lol, people ACTUALLY fell for it? thats the most bizarre things I've heard thus far in all of biz

>> No.23680252

Keep bumping ranjesh

>> No.23680274

If people are talking about something then there's a reason for it, good or bad. If "falling for it" means trying to understand the reason, then sure, but by that definition so has everybody posting negatively about haircomb.

>> No.23680292

how old are you and how much profit have you made

>> No.23680300


the sun shines on this man

>> No.23680317

Haircomb isn't about profit, and I'm not trying to profit off of it, that's my point. Haircomb's tech is the draw of the project.

>> No.23680330

just answer the question please

>> No.23680346

The only way they are making profit is by people sending btc to them. There is literally ZERO methods of selling these pointless token, making them completely worthless

>> No.23680358

Why? If you wanna ask random people about their success in crypto, do it in a thread about that topic, not a thread about one specific project. That makes no sense.

>> No.23680366


this isn't sent anywhere but proveably burned

>> No.23680375

i want to ask YOU, not random people
just be honest and tell us your age and profit with crpyto, if you do, i'll post mine too

>> No.23680381
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually disgust me

>> No.23680385

There was 0 method of selling bitcoin in 2009.

>> No.23680402



>> No.23680425

threads like this one is how the wall eventually comes down

good job everyone

good job

>> No.23680435

You guys are beyond pathetic, same curryboy on his $50 chinese smartphone and $100 laptop

>> No.23680459


one racist joke is all you have
you can't even tell if code is compiled or not and you're talking about cryptocurrency

>> No.23680460

>you guys
>same person

Get your own ideas straight before posting lol.

>> No.23680477
File: 73 KB, 946x900, 1589646832244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680544
File: 598 KB, 635x785, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680635

answer the question

>> No.23680674

No. That's the entire point. I'm not talking about haircomb because I'm interested in profits. I'm talking about haircomb because the tech is fascinating. That's it.

>> No.23680690

fuck comb for a minute
just tell us how much profit you made in crypto and how old you are if you want

>> No.23680701

>fuck comb for a minute

>> No.23680706

While you're at it post a picture of your village goat, timestamp only please.

>> No.23680754

just answer the question, are you scared to tell you how you actually LOST money and that you are 39yo

>> No.23680794

Answering the question is a validation of your line of thought, no matter what the answer, so there's no reason for me to do it. The answer is irrelevant haircomb.

>> No.23680815

claim haircomb

>> No.23680874

>no matter what the answer,
if you said you made a lot of profit I'd even belive you with comb
but you didn't now did you.. kek

>> No.23680893

comb hairclaim

>> No.23680919

this is how they get your youtube password to run giveaway scams on.

>> No.23680935


no its how you find out about the new default token of the bitcoin chain

>> No.23680979

And that's the unfortunate problem with crypto these days. I was once like you, a baldy with a head so shiny that I couldn't see passed what I could take. Haircomb isn't about what it can do for you, haircomb is about what it can do for EVERYBODY. The idea that you'd trust a random person online because they told you a number over a Mongolian basket weaving forum, rather than doing your own research, would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Did you also purchase Tai Lopez's programs?

Claim haircomb.

>> No.23680993


everyone should claim haircomb

even baldy babies

>> No.23681066
File: 89 KB, 225x211, 1512498933795s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not like me, you are a joke
I'm able to tell if a coin is a shitcoin or not in less time than it takes for you to lose all your money in a rugpull
last few months I was up 17,000.00%
how fucking retarded do you feel right now, bet you even are in the negatives

and all that "muh im not here for profits" talk is fucking hilarious
couldn't even believe if you were serious or not

>> No.23681128

If the day ever comes that your bald head becomes less shiny, and you can finally see passed your own obstruction, know that you can still claim haircomb.

Haircomb is for EVERYBODY. The only thing keeping you from haircomb is yourself.

>> No.23681144
File: 74 KB, 807x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681157

Holy fuck do the world a massive favor and never use the internet ever again. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.23681179

Do everybody a favour and claim haircomb :)

>> No.23681189


how can he claim haircomb without the internet?
you make no sense at all

>> No.23681190
File: 621 KB, 380x332, 1505681530976.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post age and profits sirs
please i need to laugh

>> No.23681202

claim haircomb sir
please i need to smile

>> No.23681209

age: ten hundred comb hours
profit: as many megacombs as i can claim with my quad-natasha powered cpu

>> No.23681243

You think you are funny but really every time you reply more and more people realise how much of a scam this is.

>> No.23681248

i think he's just larping, but the green fuck is interesting i want to know his numbers

>> No.23681264


>> No.23681266

yes read more about comb and discover if it is a scam or not

>> No.23681273

I don't care either way to be honest kek, i've got nothing to do all week except watch charts. I just keep this thread open on my other monitors.

>> No.23681297

claim comb on one your hundred monitors then mr blofeld

>> No.23681300

a whole thread for your monitor, for me its just a tab


>> No.23681322

if only one or two people a day see the light of comb it is worth it

big numbers aren't needed right now

>> No.23681333
File: 72 KB, 1132x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681378


false positive the code is open for you to read

>> No.23681385


This link is all you need to see to be honest. 70+ pages of spam

>> No.23681386
File: 127 KB, 932x663, 1592562661239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false positive

>> No.23681418
File: 117 KB, 1917x963, githubpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Claim haircomb.

>> No.23681442

>initial commit
you have no idea how anything works stop pretending

>> No.23681452

anyone can read the code

claim haircomb

>> No.23681467

can you read the code? no
wow thought so, just because someone can read the codes does not mean its good and or can be trusted

>> No.23681495

She hasn't made any developments since making the code open source. She uploaded and left it for the community to develop.

>> No.23681499


>> No.23681523

the whole system is open for anyone to see

>> No.23681526

By she you mean Sanjiv

>> No.23681579

This is a very good point. People should learn for themselves, or take proper precaution.

If a person is concerned about the code and are unable to confirm it themselves, there are ways to claim haircomb without putting yourself at risk. For example, run it on a Virtual Machine, or a completely clean computer you have lying around.

I'm not asking people to trust anything. That's the point of blockchain technology, to empower the user.

>> No.23681589

is that really it

ignore these woodheaded dummies, check out comb for yourself and claim if you can

you will see how different it is and how it relates to the bitcoin chain. not an altcoin or a token on a different chain. it is bitcoin purified.

>> No.23681637
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1520894698452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681639

would you want to have missed out on bitcoin in 2009 because someone didn't like anime girls or because some brain genius thought every .exe was a virus based on one thread from six months ago?

how much would you risk for bitcoin in 2009?
would you mine looking stupid to a bunch of hicks for being into bitcoin in 2010?

these are the appropriate questions to ask yourself about claiming comb

>> No.23681645

mods need to get rid of these fags

>> No.23681659


yes, they're stopping everyone from claiming haircomb

>> No.23681677

Please don't use slurs in haircomb threads, it's rude.

>> No.23681693


i agree

>> No.23681718

bald nocombers seething in hate

>> No.23681756
File: 79 KB, 700x638, 908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone shop this to make it an indian shilling vishnucomb.

>> No.23681772


that would make comb look really cool

>> No.23681790

okay buddy. you really should have let this thread die hours ago if you want what was best for your scam

>> No.23681792

a hundred arms and a hundred smartphones

a comb in each hand being granted to the faithful

>> No.23681836

hair comb isn't anything to me
i just like it and fair distribution would be cool

we know a ticker name and exchange listing will happen eventually so might as well make it fair before then

especially cos early claimers were getting HUNDREDS of combs. lots of people getting ten or so would make it better in the long run i think

>> No.23681872
File: 519 KB, 700x516, DD0D9586-FCC8-4419-ACEF-7815085547B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exchange listing will happen eventually

>> No.23681919
File: 2.03 MB, 1839x6677, haircomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay.. now look at this DEV Natasha

>> No.23681948
File: 60 KB, 167x184, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look even closer

>> No.23681992
File: 122 KB, 1577x932, gotcha bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha Bitch scamming whore ...

Use the below link to find YOUR NATASHA


>> No.23682014
File: 1006 KB, 750x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see there is one thing i don't get but if i were to say it someone would take the idea and run with it

alright im just gonna say it
there is NO reason to use a fake image of someone in 2020
we literally have the ability to create 100 billion uniquely AI generated faces with just a single button click

anyone, and i really do mean anyone who is doing this >>23681992
and not using free AI to do it
HAS UNDOUBTEDLY brain damage
and i really really really mean that

>> No.23682045

well this is awkward lol
poo in loo on suicide watch

>> No.23682066

yeah tell me about it. Why ruin this girls image.. Fucking Hair Comb scam shit

>> No.23682102
File: 23 KB, 474x317, 25258905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes Sanjay good picture use that one

>> No.23682109

i really don't get it, its like they are children
they could
A. pick a random girls pic and risk getting called out for scamming
B. pick an AI pic which will literally never be found out for already existing on the internet

and they picked A.
its like they don't care

>> No.23682133

They literally could have just gone on facebook/twitter and picked someone who would never know and not be traceable. But they pick a stockpicture bitch. LOW IQ POOS KEK

>> No.23682230

Rookie Mistake. Oh well..

>> No.23682395


remember that this was your reaction

>> No.23682417

Remember that you've already used this line

>> No.23682694


i want everyone to remember where they were when they heard about haircomb and what their reaction to it was

>> No.23682707

that's why we look at DUNE

>> No.23682719


>> No.23682732

keep bumping bucko
more people will learn and claim

>> No.23682765

Low IQ streetshitter. bumping only hinders your degenerate scam.

>> No.23682766

not how it works, its really not

>> No.23682787

don't care

>> No.23682807

code is open source.
you can compile it yourself though.
sirs please dont use slurs about our community

>> No.23682823

comb will go away for a while soon
you might not recognize it when it returns
so claim now so you don't buy later

>> No.23682841

How about go away now you retard

>> No.23682847

in 2023 this board will be full of people buying comb
without knowing that what they're buying was once comb

>> No.23682853


>> No.23682866

don't care combposting

>> No.23682874

Mumbai police will be combing the local rivers looking for your body when your scam falls through and you commit.

>> No.23682877
File: 729 KB, 3088x2320, 1601661065856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682931


the young lady has rather basic taste in movies

>> No.23682950

>Implying women are capable of complex thoughts.
Now I KNOW you're indian kek

>> No.23682955

don't care

>> No.23682994


quiet hick i'm combposting

>> No.23683100

>young lady
dont call her that, its too respectful
she is a slut

>> No.23683163


hick go away

>> No.23683222
File: 320 KB, 960x697, 1585546865491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's the air in india anon?
if it were me, i'd take my stolen bike and some food and just fucked off to a better country

>> No.23683262

now is the perfect time to claim haircomb because it is the only platform that has not seen an significant hack or any major infrastructural issue that would endanger the network and thus the entire haircomb community. So technically there is no reason to be buying alts, their value is rapidly collapsing as you read this.

>> No.23683293

real testimonial from last year:

are you smart? this is on bitcoin. its proof of work is the bitcoin blockchain. its just nobody is claiming it. every single bitcoin block has potential to be a claimed haircomb tx inside it. only 1 haircom claim can be done per bitcoin block.

this is pow inside of bitcoin blockchain. its not a 2nd layer, its not a side layer, its not anything other then bitcoin itself.

this is a coin that live INSIDE bitcoin. its not a stupid ass coin because there has never been anything done like this before.

theres no lucking out, its not about a 17yr pump and dump, this has no listing anywhere.
by the time an exchange lists it you will NOT BE ABLE TO CLAIM, because the exchange has an advantage and will be claiming it themselves.

the only way to get this is by USING BITCOIN LIKE YOU NORMALLY DO, and just include a single p2wsh tx into your bitcoin transactions.

the distribution could be very fair since anyone can do it. and the inflation rate is extremely fair too because it will be for 100's of years.

i appreciate ppl coming here and saying negative remarks. but atleast try to bring some kind of proof.

i myself have no idea what this is more then anyone else that can take some time to research it.

i have some concerns about this, but nobody even brought up anything that would be close to my real concerns.

this will forever be inside bitcoin transactions, if you like it or not doesnt matter. if you run a full node you are essentially holding the data of all haircombs in existence and will continue to help propagate the haircomb commits.

imagine giving yourself a point if you were the first segwit transaction in a block. and adding up those points and being able to transfer those points between others privately and anonymously. thats more or less my understanding of how this works.

you make a segwit transaction, and if your transaction was the first one in the block then you automatically get a point. thats all this is.

>> No.23683348
File: 421 KB, 830x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683630

haircomb token? Interesting

what is the supply?

>> No.23683691 [DELETED] 


total theoretical maximum of COMB is 12423823.18141419

but it will take hundreds of years to reach that realistically

right now it is estimated only 2000-6000 are in circulation, after full of claiming

>> No.23683723

total theoretical maximum of COMB is 12423823.18141419

but it will take hundreds of years to reach that realistically

right now it is estimated only 2000-6000 are in circulation, after almost a full year of claiming

>> No.23683773

Based on how they ripoff memes I'm sure they ripped off everything else, and will rip off your seed lol

>> No.23683842

I am usually not the one crying for it, but why aren't the jannies doing anything about this spam? they're in every thread, that's not a normal pajeet scam but some serious spamming effort here on biz. fucking jannies are getting paid by them, i tell you.

>> No.23683880


no rip off only claim for only 330 sats plus fee

>> No.23683904


no payment
they're just seeing haircomb and thinking it is something intriguing that everyone who likes crypto markets should be informed about

>> No.23683933

when trump loses i want the first thing you hicks think about to be HAIRCOMB THE QUANTUM RESISTANT ANONYMITY TOKEN ON THE BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN

>> No.23683956

biden will get AT LEAST 330

just like haircomb is AT LEAST 330 sats in participate in fee competition

>> No.23684426

Trump winning... and your scaming is losing Sir.... go back and make sure this time to not fuck up NATASHA's image... use an AI instead.. and create a relevant website.... which actually is connected to different social media... you guys cannot pull the CBDAO..... lame ass bitches

>> No.23684610

your shilling just scaring people away, all your technobabble and quantum combs is so low-tier it's unbearable to read
it's like you niggers came straight from 2011 shilling useless bitcoin forks with meme ideas on bitcointalk.
oh wait you're literally from bitcointalk

>> No.23684686

it's actually effective

>> No.23684758


its not our fault if you're blind to the combposting spirit

a lot of people understand

>> No.23684834

that's kinda ogre for /biz/ then

>> No.23684844


only a few new combers a day to make it all worth while :-)

>> No.23684877

I'm convinced it's legit now
will give comb a chance

>> No.23684882

>61 posts by this id
I hope they're not paying you because you are a terrible shill

>> No.23684892
File: 582 KB, 1417x2960, Cancer_to_your_family_members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I genuinely hope your family members suffer from late stage cancer and you remain healthy to watch them perish in the hospital bed

I also pray that whatever god you believe in will render your offspring physically disabled, preferably in a car accident without them dying

I curse you and spit on your family's grave

>> No.23684907


please make yourself 100% sure that it is right for you
comb encourages precaution as TRUST is against the spirit of a TRUSTLESS store of value

good luck if you decide to claim :-) remember the check the mempool info for a better chance!

>> No.23684926

man you are talking about something called haircomb LMAO
I know you are just a scammer trying to get a couple bucks so you can feed your 13 kids and have a little less shit on your street but your character right now is attempting to make something called HAIRCOMB serious ROFL

>> No.23684929


this makes 63 :-)
combposting is its own reward
no one is shilling anything

>> No.23684935

Hahahahah fucking based, what a legend

>> No.23684951


it is called haircomb now when the pioneers claim it
it will be called something more PR-friendly when end users like you BUY it

ty and good luck with your haircomb claim if you choose to :-)

>> No.23684980

You are literally never going to trick anyone here into downloading the keylogger idiot.

These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year
https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive
They want you to send btc to their address and they will send you some useless token back in advance that has a keylogging wallet push you to install.

early adopter to keylogger coin
this coin has a keylogger in the wallet
I'm going to counterspam you losers all day, dont underestimate a NEET
I don't give a fuck about your telegram group, I can already tell counterspamming your shit has many innocent bizitizens aware your shit is a virus
the github is already compiled nigger, thats not open source.

>> No.23685072


>> No.23685093


we don't trick people
they choose to investigate
if they run the software or read the code its their choice

little by little, this wall is coming down

>> No.23685126

100% verifiably based

>> No.23685142

I know i've already replied but you have seriously made my day. PAJEETS BTFO

>> No.23685268

don't care

>> No.23685311

I just went through the ANN thread, holy SHIT this coin is such an obvious fucking scam its HILARIOUS
you fucking pajeets have the EXACT SAME PEOPLE posting who created accounts SOLELY to post on your shitty haircomb ANN.

Why did you pajeets choose to have people pretend they are new, and then have those SAME PEOPLE defend this scam coin on that ANN like their life depended on it? LMAO

The pajeet on the last page says he just got into crypto and the IMMEDIATELY start shilling for this coin telling people to go through the already compiled github rofl
You pajeets are fucking so stupid covered in shit

>> No.23685327

explain why it is a scam

>> No.23685334

These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year
https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive
They want you to send btc to their address and they will send you some useless token back in advance that has a keylogging wallet push you to install.

early adopter to keylogger coin
this coin has a keylogger in the wallet
I'm going to counterspam you losers all day, dont underestimate a NEET
I don't give a fuck about your telegram group, I can already tell counterspamming your shit has many innocent bizitizens aware your shit is a virus
the github is already compiled nigger, thats not open source.

>> No.23685366

same spam
no explanation
you have already admitted you don't think comb is a scam you're just doing it because you hate anime girls

>> No.23685375

I fucking love how the dev is too lazy to change accounts and literally just stays on the account he just created for someone claiming to be new to comb saying "natasha just wanted me to communicate xxx"
the laziest fucking pajeet scam ever

>> No.23685397

No, I know its a scam. You asked me why I picked haircomb out of all the scams out there, and I told you it's because you pajeets used anime girls.
YOU are the one who admitted its a scam by asking me why I picked haircomb to destroy vs all the other defi trash.

>> No.23685401

i doubt you are truly rolling on the floor laughing as you claim to be

if you are seek dementia medication or consider running for US senate

>> No.23685420


haircomb is not a defi project
its a quantum resistant and anonymous store of value on the bitcoin chain using the revolutionary liquidity stack system

>> No.23685431

no defense, take this L
fucking moronic pajeets, next time dont have 5 "new" accounts all suddenly have direct access to the dev and then immediately start coaching each other how to buy haircomb and start "explaining" the whitepaper when they themselves were asking how to download it not even one post ago

>> No.23685460

i am sorry you are jealous of the helpful spirit of the combmunity

>> No.23685490

I have a PhD in Applied Shilling and graduated Summatra Laude with Econometrics from Haircomb Business School. You sir are a fraud and a retard

>> No.23685499

I know its not defi you fucking retard pajeet, you cant even make a proper wallet and expect people to download your trojan while claiming its quantum resistant LMAO . You are the one who compared it to defi earlier you fucking retard nigger, you already admitted its a scam

you're so fucking stupid pajeet, how does it feel to be cover in shit? No matter how long you post, no matter how long you cry, know that your shitty scam project was completely obliterated in a single day by an autist counterspamming your pajeet discord because of anime

>> No.23685641


don't care

>> No.23685798


>> No.23686863

this thread is /biz greatest achievement
the leaning tower of combpost

>> No.23686930


>> No.23686955

i agree there is a lot of c o p e p o s t in this thread