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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 174 KB, 971x558, Screenshot_20201102-090054_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23680609 No.23680609 [Reply] [Original]

You DO own Linkpool, right anon?

>> No.23680616
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>> No.23680894

Is 0.04LP good?

>> No.23680932

Yes, any amount of LP will allow for priority staking. You essentially have a suicide stack

>> No.23680958

how the fuck do i get in on this linkpool?

>> No.23680971

Matt watches Johnny's horse rimming strategies

>> No.23680990

I bought 0.04 for $300 few months ago and it did a x5

>> No.23681006

And just like that LP will never be under 100 ETH EVER AGAIN

>> No.23681007

wow ousted as a burger, what the fuck

>> No.23681036 [DELETED] 

I’m student and only able to afford that much for my link stack.

>> No.23681073

no, because I’m not retarded. Will stake on coinbase when it goes live.

>> No.23681124

What % of revenue is coinbase sharing with you?

>> No.23681163

That's now how staking works lmfao. You should watch Sergey talk about how staking works instead of inferring that it will be like how your little XLM farm works retarded reddit fuck nigger.

>> No.23681196

why is he in australia rn?

>> No.23681210

1 of 186 here

>> No.23681213

I’d be happy with 5% like tezos

>give me your ETH and maaaaybe I’ll let you stake before anyone else
I dunno, soundscape pretty retarded you faggot

>> No.23681229

Thats not % of revenue you fucking retard, you dont even know what LP does

>> No.23681234

Burgers aren't technically allowed to purchase LP since it is an unregistered security as it is ownership in a contract that your buy with the belief that it will pay out money. Jonny doesn't want to register it as a security in the US because then there are all these SEC bullshit things that you need to do and he is a UK citizen who doesn't care if americans own stake in his company. It only becomes a problem if Jonny turns you in because the IRS contacts Linkpool. There isn't a backdoor in the contract that could erase your ownership as of now, but it could be coded in if he was forced to.

>> No.23681280

>gimmie your ETH
That is a dex where you are purchasing LP tokens you aren't giving jonny your ETH lmfao, you're buying shares in LP. Staking also is different than what you seem to believe retard. You don't understand LP, nor do you understand LINK mechanics so why the fuck are you talking? Go pick up the whitepaper and watch some presentations there exists years worth of content yet you've not seen any.

>> No.23681287

So how does this work out to actual linkpool tokens? Obviously the eth to lp ratios are way off right now compared to this.

>> No.23681335

Just VPN

>> No.23681363

He found a better price for his lady hormones. Penny pinching migratory faggot that he is.

>> No.23681430

Holy moly theres barely even 1 whole lp for sale on the dex

>> No.23681493

Price go up, right?

>> No.23681531
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Current monthly revenue is only about $150k so much lower than chart although it is expected earnings to only go up as the network grows and T-sigs etc are implemented.
The $150k is distributed Evenly among the 4000 shares of LP so 1 share is earning about $37.5 a month or $450 a year.

This means that for a $38.5k investment today you will earn minimum at least 1% a year on that investment. LP also follows similar valuation curve as LINK and has maintained a 1000-3000 LINK per LP valuation since it's inception so it is likely to increase in value, and should LP start gaining $1m a year as relative to that chart you will be earning 6% on your initial investment if you purchase 1 LP today at current price and Link stays at the current value, but again it is likely the price of all of these items go up. It is the only way currently for a 125 IQ midwit to gain exposure to node operation also.

>> No.23681726

>It is the only way currently for a 125 IQ midwit to gain exposure to node operation.

This is what sold me. Linkpool holders are already getting distributions before staking is live, that is only going to increase once we take off. I also plan to run my own node, but this gives me early exposure as well as diversification to their whole network of nodes down the road.

>> No.23681753

0.04 LP will only allow you to stake like 16 link in the beginning and only up to 400 link later

>> No.23681860

How much LP do I need in order to stake 5k link? What will be the revenue if we expect a network earning of 5m? I am just stupid that i bought lots of link but no LPs...

>> No.23681951

0.5LP for 5k LINK

>> No.23681997

Based on which calculation?

>> No.23682069

If LP is earning 5m per month you can expect $1250 a month given to you per LP. This would be $15,000 a year per LP or about 38% of your initial investment per year paid out in chainlink.
If LP is earning $5m a year you can expect $104 per month per LP. This would be 3% of your initial investment paid out in Chainlink each year.

It is important to note that if chainlink does a 10x in price then LP will be earning 10x what it currently does nominally.

>> No.23682073

1lp gives up to 10k link to begin with. There's a lp medium article somewhere which sets out limits

>> No.23682117


>> No.23682130

Thanks, man!!! Much appreciated!

>> No.23682163

Thanks Anon. I somehow missed all this...

>> No.23682179

If LP is earning $83,000,000 per month. The highest anticipated on this chart. 1 LP share will grant you $20,750 per month. Or $249,000 per year. This is 638% of your initial investment paid out yearly in chainlink if you purchased 1LP right now. Typing this out made me shake realizing the magnitude of LP's potential earnings

>> No.23682209

as an American and also a virtual retard who has accepted that I won't be owning any link pool will any of you guys be letting people stake link on your pool for a piece of the pie?

If that didn't make any sense excuse me but I'd like to passive income pls

>> No.23682219

link to tweet fucker

>> No.23682232

Anon pls I'm scared I'm going to od on this hopium

>> No.23682311
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Me too, feels good.

>> No.23682328

this would make a good idea for a smart contract

>> No.23682355

>$83,000,000 per month.
are you retarded? Thats never gonna happen

>> No.23682389

he has to sensationalize it so new fags will pick up his order on the dex

>> No.23682392
File: 88 KB, 931x668, lgbtbbqmat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. 10k is a year+ away.

>> No.23682413
File: 20 KB, 409x409, 1581426768483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.23682434

Assuming chain-link oracles are securing 4 Quadrillion dollars and has smart-contracts have captured the entire derivatives and LP is providing data for 10% of that I think $83m a month is possible this would be just under $1B yearly revenue which seems reasonable for one of the most valuable nodes on the network when put into this context/.

>> No.23682482

Linkpool team have talked about a system for this. Nothing concrete obviously but it has been brought to their attention

>> No.23682561

Here, now go fuck off.


>> No.23682591

Start a new wallet, move some eth into it an buy that way. No way to tie direct ownership to that wallet. Keep your main wallet and just use that one for linkpool stuff. Done and done.

>> No.23682612

We have officially passed the 700 Holders mark.

>> No.23682700

>starts thread with out source

im not the dickhead here dickhead

>> No.23682706

I am only sensationalizing in that the original chart was as that is the number at the bottom of the chart. Currently you are only earning 1% of your initial investment back per year on LP, it is pretty guaranteed as 1% minimum since it is paid out in LINK which we all expect to rise in price.

>> No.23682792

im happy with my purchase regardless. Got lucky to buy 1lp at 9k before shit took off.

>> No.23682845

I'm not OP and didnt call you a dickhead, just trying to be helpful and follow the tone you set in your previous response.
Hope your day gets a little better fren.

>> No.23682935

Imagine being such an incel, have sex manlet

>> No.23683120

I would suggest not having sexual relations until you're married as it is unlikely that two people who engage in sex so frivolously as to do so outside of a committed relationship will be able to maintain a stable married life that lasts even as long as it takes to raise a child let alone until death.

>> No.23683143 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23683168

>which seems reasonable for one of the most valuable nodes on the network when put into this contex

Linkpool will gain revenue from several other operations beside their node. Their progress has been great and they keep expanding.

>> No.23683214
File: 56 KB, 633x360, truism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10k chainlink and 3 LP even if I did look like your picture my choice in abstinence would still be better than your ape instincts in terms of creating a successful dynastic line and without this owning LP doesn't matter since I wouldn't have anyone to give it to when I die.

>> No.23683386


>It is the only way currently for a 125 IQ midwit to gain exposure to node operation also.

This. So many retards think Link staking is just passively collecting interest. So you want to stake yourself, what data do you have to offer to smart contracts? If you can offer nothing, your node will never be used. That's why I will stake my link with Linkpool because I am a retard and will never know how to do it myself. Also Linkpool will not be open to non LP holders for at least 1 year after staking release (if I'm correct), so good luck on putting your linkies to work.

t. 80k link and 1 LP holder.

>> No.23683415

Money will never cure your autism incel, you will ALWAYS be alone.

>> No.23683445

Hmmmm,,, unlikely considering that my value is already quite high and only increases as I age.

>> No.23683481

here's a good LP thread for those who don't get it: >>23497466

>> No.23683516

when will they convert lp shares to erc20?
are there any chances that it will be listed on, let's say, binance?

>> No.23683600

seriously what did they mean by strategies

>> No.23683649
File: 40 KB, 688x244, staking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully not but yes, anyone will be able to list it. Team has said that DEX will be discontinued in time.
From what I understand, staking for non-LP holders won't open until LP holders have staked all they want.

>> No.23683721

Says the virgin

>> No.23683737

American here...

What is the best way for me to buy two or three Linkpool shares?

I'll buy 3 for $100k right now if anyone wants to sell...

>> No.23683769

I don't know why this triggers me but it does.
Anyone who owns this sack of shit instead of increasing their position in LINK is a fucking twat.

>> No.23683832

This would be about 260ETH for 3 LP or 86 ETH each. If you put that offer up someone might bite and sell it to you. Alternatively you can buy up the sell orders on the DEX there is 1 for 107 ETH, then you can get a second for about 107 overall, but after that it would cost about 115 ETH for a third right now

>> No.23683852

“The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).”
Hitler rarely had sex, the unchaste are unable to reach pinnacles of power.

>> No.23683859

Horse rimming perv is going to make my crypto welfare dream come true. This is it, finally I can leave my mothers basement.

>> No.23683863

Is there some kind of telegram or somewhere where LP holders congregate where I can put up that offer? Or do I just put up a buy offer on the DEX?

Also, do I absolutely have to use a VPN for it? I just clicked "I'm not a US citizen" and went to the site...

>> No.23683918

You're more likely to find a seller in this thread than anywhere else. You can just click not an american and purchase as you are interacting with a smartcontract, but the Linkpool team will have the IP address that is US based linked to that order on the dex so if you got investigated by the IRS they might turn you in when asked. A VPN and a fresh coldwallet is better, but not necessary.

>> No.23683992

Any woman you talk to will have their vagina dry up like the sahara. You will never make it

>> No.23683998

Doing separate orders might be better than one enormous order as it is sort of unlikely that someone will sell 3 whole LP

>> No.23684009

No I don’t want normie to buy LP

>> No.23684036

I have likely broken more hearts in my short 22 years on this planet than will in your entire life, yet I'm a virgin and you're not so good luck to you. Hope you find someone that makes you happy and you manage to be in the 30% that doesn't get divorced after 4 years. I'll take my chances with the 10% divorce rate virgin women tyvm

>> No.23684102

I found my wife here just aboot three months ago. Don't give up hope, bro.

>> No.23684244

of course I do fren, I believe owning some LP is my sole purpose in this damned world

>> No.23684382
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Right I meant within the first phases

>> No.23684703

Those that end up really making it will have to be ready for a marathon.

>> No.23684719

Is it even worthwhile for someone with only 500 Linkies?

>> No.23684734

With only 500 LINKies you probably can't even afford .04 LP

>> No.23684778

Lmao cope through larp, you will kys

>> No.23684804

I gave up on trying to buy.
After my buy order sitting for a couple days, I finally bit the bullet and decided to market buy the lowest sell order. As soon as I put in my market buy, the bot pulls the sell order.
I instantly cancelled it and just put it all into link.

>> No.23684850

What bot?

>> No.23684900

Whatever bot they had managing their sell.
I'm sure it just gets out before my buy goes through by putting in a greater gas price.
But I was fuming at this point and didn't feel like trying anymore.

>> No.23685034

I'm pretty sure there isn't a bot. There's a whale that manipulates things but other than that it's pretty slow moving.

>> No.23685039
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He who is prepared for suicide has the initiative. Also not an argument and you seem to be seething pretty heavily either you're an angry roastie upset that her value is 0 due to her disgusting fetish of single motherhood from the propaganda she was exposed to since birth or else more likely you're a manlet that has struggled to get women to pay attention to him his whole life and is upset that the roasties that engage with him have no value. always using contraception when having sex with you since they don't see you as valuable in terms of reproduction and view you only as a toy.

tl;dr you're either a dildo or a fleshlight and no value as anything but a toy and are unlikely to reproduce.

>> No.23685095

>Money will never cure your autism incel, you will ALWAYS be alone.
So you are.

>> No.23685100

There's absolutely no way any human would be able to recognize my buy order going through and pull it before it's in, and then put up the sell order again after I pull my buy.

>> No.23685101

So Burgers still can't purchase Linkpool tokens, correct? I thought we were only disbarred from the initial sale back a year or two. We'll only be able to stake with Linkpool in the future, but never actually own the token? Fuck the jews at the SEC

>> No.23685137

You're talking about the LP dex here right?

>> No.23685154

I could afford .04 at most but with only 500 LINK is that eth better spent on low marketcap gems

>> No.23685172

Yes. I have no reason to be making this up.

>> No.23685176

The SEC guidelines say that LP would be a security and thus it is illegal to purchase or sell them in the United States. You can just do it anyway and buy the tokens, but it will be difficult to report your LINK earnings from the node and it would be highly illegal to sell them.

>> No.23685233

Holy fuck you are mad. You are the one writing out paragraphs. I would bet 1000 link on the fact that you have never touched a woman, let alone 'broke hearts'.

>> No.23685284

I threw 1 eth at it back at the ico as a burger. Ill have over 1000000 networth by the time ill have to worry about the IRS so it doesnt matter. For those that dont know, you need 1 mil in net worth to hold shit like this legally

>> No.23685319

Thanks, anon. I have a comfy Link stack already, so I'll probably just stick with that unless I somehow get citizenship somewhere else in the next two years. I'm so glad the SEC is out there protecting me from making money!

>> No.23685342

Weird, I mean I wouldn't discount the possibility, I don't get what the point of it would be though

>> No.23685349


>> No.23685365

Based. I should have done the same back at ico. Oh well, it is what it is.

>> No.23685399

>You write many words so you're dumb.
Seems you're illiterate. I take it your a woman whose had sex and regrets it so now your vagina is seething?
>I'll be an accredited investor before they realize I own unregistered securities wah wah
yeah good luck with that chief. If you commit a crime in 2016 and it is no longer a crime in 2025 you're still a criminal. It would be up to the IRS whether or not they punish you.

>> No.23685405

As a 4k stacklet poorfag, I still managed to grab .04 lp when it was around $300 and will be using it to stack for dear life

>> No.23685413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23685449

Each of hitler's sexual acquaintances he was effectively married to. and in the book which has all his spontaneous talks at dinner tables during the third Reich he regularly talks about his disgust towards homosexuals and the unchaste, he also talks about how he rarely had sex and never masturbated.

>> No.23685513
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ID xOD5uqT5 seems like an obvious virgin and incel in denial whose projecting. He has a certain "genetic" writing style for these type of people.

Any advice he gave on this thread MUST be ignored.

>> No.23685726
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5 LP chad reporting in. Wanted to get to 10, but I am priced out right now.

>> No.23685792

Is there any competitor to linkpool?

>> No.23685843

LP will never be under 100eth again, will it?

>> No.23685848

>5 LP

Top kek

>> No.23685860
File: 870 KB, 1440x1434, DMG_Burd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on DMG sir.

>> No.23685864

Not that you can buy ownership in. Their competitors are other Link node operators such as SDL and T-Systems

>> No.23685866

many. Linkpool is currently fifth or lower. I don't see the service making it

>> No.23685922

It's really not about their node though. It's about their broader business.

>> No.23686011

only retard here is you thinking theres gunna be no competition for linkpool LOL!

>> No.23686042

I see what you mean, but once the market catches on, and the market always catches on, Johnny will go back to rimming horses

>> No.23686095

It's at top 0 point something holders, retard.

>> No.23686222

Sure but how many people will be using their managed nodes. You need 100k LINK to even get in the room with them at the moment. We get a cut of all of that.
Then there's NaaS, cut from that. The staking pool contracts, cut from that. The Market too.

>> No.23686248

The current price is (give or take) $37.5k per LP.
So the 4k LP tokens add up to $150m.
That's 25% of the revenue.

So indirectly, Linkpool is valued at around 4*150 = $600m.
Link's mkt cap is $4.2b

Is LP REALLY worth 1/7th of the whole chainlink network? For that to be sustainable, LP has to ptetty much dominate the node operator market, and it's waaaay to early to bet that it will. Unless you're into gambling.

t. OG LPer... But it's a very (less than 0.5%) small pct of my portfolio.

>> No.23686258

Yes I’m so glad to have paid $800 so that I can finally have gained one WHOLE Link in two years.

What a fucking steal

>> No.23686308

No that 4000 is the entire revenue it is just that LP owns 3000 of the tokens. 25% of the revenue is 1000 LP which is all that is available to purchase.

>> No.23686343

So, reading thr FAQ I could stake 400 Link with 0.04 LP. Who in their right mind would pay 4 ETH for that? Am I missing something?

>> No.23686390

It will be 10x faster then the anticipated 1yr. I can’t say much more. Ive left crumbs.

>> No.23686396

That's incorrect. The LP tokens represent is all of their income. 150m is the cap.

>> No.23686417

.04 LP will also give you about .1 LINK per month as well as many future things
see >>23681531

>> No.23686444

Crumbs of hay you horse rimmer

>> No.23686508

>1 post by this ID

>> No.23686571

Currently you get roughly 1.3 to 1.5 Link per whole LP. So no you dont get 0.1 Link for a 0.04 share

>> No.23686577

Hi Matt

>> No.23686661

1.3-1.5 is biweekly you get 2 distributions per month. so yes you do get about .01 per month

>> No.23686696

Whatever amount you put in right now expect that you will earn about 1% of that amount in link per year at current rates.

>> No.23686700

>You can stake up to 400 million dollars

>> No.23686819

We have been talking LP and nodes for 3 years anon.

At 100k you can apply to have your own node under LINKPOOL managed by the LinkPool team. You pay up front (about $2k) to create your node. You pay $200 or so a month for management fees
You manually manage your eth wallet for transactions.
Your wallet gets the total rewarded link for the job. You will manually send the (12% anticipated rewards rate due to LP) LINK rewards from the job to LP.

So 100k link
A start up fee
A monthly charge
Roughly 11-12 % rewards fee
Team has expressed to me and my fellow whale pals that it won’t be profitable right away. The profit was made holding the token from ICO.
Non LP holders/stakers will be charged 25% rewards fee and the process will be automated. No LP will be allowed to stake much sooner then anticipated.

Basically we are all gonna make it.
Even the no LP holders.

>> No.23686893

Hi whale anon - I’m really trying to weight my options here. I have 11k link and want to stake them through the decade - would buying 1LP be my best choice? Or wait until something like Coinbase offers it? I really trust and want to use LinkPool, but I’m afraid the yield will be dramatically less than the other players. Can you please enlighten me fren

>> No.23686925

I expect the
Thing to be that they allow just about anyone to stake LINK and they make a new node for ever 100k LINK and rewards are distributed back to the stakers with a portion (11-12%) given to the LP contract.

>> No.23686961


Anon... can you even read? The link you posted contradicts you, and backs my point.

>6.25% Is split between crowdsale participants (25% of 25%)

1000 LP (crowdsale) is 6.25% of revenues.
1/4 of 1/4.
i.e. The 4000 LP tokens represent 25% of revenues.

>> No.23686981
File: 123 KB, 922x647, Wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. NoLPers won't be staking for the foreseeable future.

>> No.23687050

>Stakers are still earning 75% of all profits LinkPool generates for putting their Tokens into a smart contract. Tokens are only held within contracts where you retain ownership, like any decentralised exchange. And they are withdraw-able anytime. For free.
>Remember this is not 25% of everything LinkPool earns, but 25% of everything Jonny and I would earn, what we reffer to as the “Makers fee”.
>75% is given to stakers
>18.75% is given to jonny and myself (3000 tokens)
>6.25% is split between crowdsale (1000 tokens)
Staking doesn't exist so the article isn't the actual state of reality, but either way you're a fucking brainlet and unable to comprehend what you're reading.

>> No.23687128
File: 152 KB, 1170x1041, E37F2A27-D2B0-4417-BE34-DA8AF4CAC8B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this anon

>> No.23687164

Ok anon. your 300 LINK is gonna make u a dividend superstar in your village outside of Bengal

>> No.23687198

Whale anon will you answer my question

>> No.23687317

>he thinks coinbase will ever offer chainlink staking
>he thinks staking means the same thing in the context of chainlink as it does Tezos

>> No.23687408 [DELETED] 
File: 1015 KB, 1600x1200, Yin-Yang Linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You DO own Linkpool, right anon?
I do

>> No.23687413

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.23687442

Anon, I know over 20 whales from my group in the current que to be on the node waiting list. We’ve been warned already, non LP holders will be able to stake sooner then anticipated.

Buy more LINK. It won’t take long to stake without LP. others will offer NaaS , not just LP.

>> No.23687455

Nobody cares about your toaster anon

>> No.23687468

So what jobs are these nodes doing? Or going to be doing?
Just price feeds in the short term?

>> No.23687659

>We’ve been warned already, non LP holders will be able to stake sooner then anticipated.
Could you elaborate on this?

>> No.23687674

The team is literally telling you you wont be able to stake for the foreseeable future, I dont know who you're trying to convince but you're gonna get cucked. Also if you use NAAS, you have to find your own data sources, did you calculate to see if it's still profitable? BTW if you use NAAS, all LP holders get a cut, so we win no matter what lmao

>> No.23687947

This is the truth you may not link it but this is what peak performance looks like.

There is so much to look forward to. It’s going to be great. I’ve ran the numbers. I know how much people have. There’s far less than 712 holders because some people have split them up over different addresses. So many anons are priced out already but when the erc20 LP token comes it’s going to explode upwards.

>> No.23688168

hes an og linker that is part of the twitter cliq that pump and dump other shitcoin. They have their little pow wows

>> No.23688196

im so glad i just said fuck it and took a bite of of the shit sandwich and purchased 1 token at a premium

>> No.23688247

>I’ve ran the numbers. I know how much people have. There’s far less than 712 holders because some people have split them up over different addresses.
I miss CryptoSpong3 and his stats. Could you share those numbers?

>> No.23688295

When's the erc coming out?

>> No.23688299


>> No.23688463

Will do soon anon just working on making it presentable.

No date on the ERC20 as of yet but you should check out the telegram and Linkpools Twitter account as well as the founders posts. They are bullish. My guess would be November but honestly it could be longer.

>> No.23688720

An ERC20 token is coming for LP?
That's certainly going to be a good thing because I have to manually record all my actions on LP because I have no way of finding out easily what I do with it currently.

Where do you get your news?
From Telegram?

>> No.23688741

I wanted to but stupid american laws prevented me.

>> No.23688794

>Where do you get your news?
>From Telegram?
Yes, Telegram + Twitter

>> No.23689547
File: 252 KB, 805x919, noobapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 stack linklet here, is it worth buying in or do I keep stacking?

>> No.23689710

I put a sell order in at 88 eth last week. and it went through and was up for a few hours before it got magically removed and my .04 LP returned to my wallet. guess it was a good thing tho because LP mooned a bit after that. still v fishy stinky tho

>> No.23689759

how the fuck do you guys chart this, am i supposed to just ape, fuck this post and anyone that keeps reposting it

>> No.23690487

Charts aren't real you fucking mong. Purchasing tokens because of their charts is low lowest brain take possible you're literally just gambling. Using the stars is no less valid.

>> No.23691229

>t. Fundamentalfag

>> No.23691278
File: 441 KB, 1125x2436, 1F22809C-49EA-4A7A-8472-6A3376E458E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This flag looks pretty close to breaking. If that happens well not really sure what to say

>> No.23691398

man i'm not buying no token someone bought for 1/10th of the price a week ago, even without a chart i just need a price history of some sort, you're an utter moron if you think otherwise

>> No.23691421

Then look at the dex everyday for a week or don't buy lmfao LP has hovered between 2000-3000 LINK per LP since it's inception

>> No.23692282


Kys new fag

>> No.23692307

mmmm bitch got that clean white shirt got them red monkey jeans