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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, digibyte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2366960 No.2366960 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2367034

It dropped even lower earlier today.
I hope you aren't a weak handed newfag, OP.

>> No.2367053

> Weak hands
Bro save yourself. It's over. Eat the loss and move on.

>> No.2367076

Come on newfag, try harder.
You have to be completely retarded, as you clearly don't look at the entire chart.
Look at where DGB was a month ago, look at where it is now. Very simple.
When do you think I bought in?

>> No.2367081

Gotta give it up to ARK for keeping my portfolio in the green

>> No.2367092

Hodl, etc etc

>> No.2367108

I bought in at 2100. I'll take these bags to the grave before I sell.

>> No.2367114

Yeah, yeah, it dropped two cents, you probably bought in at 1700 sat.

>> No.2367127

You might be a newfag but at least you're a smart one.
Hold. If you ever feel spooked by a drop, look at the past. In reality, it's barely going down.
Tip to newfags would be to stop looking at 5min, 15min, 30min charts constantly.

>> No.2367132

I sold DGB while I was still in the profit and bought BitShares BTS.

>> No.2367136
File: 356 KB, 816x900, pepe anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why it increased, right?

>> No.2367157

fucking idiot, have you looked at the past 5 days?

>> No.2367179

I always agree, you should hold.

But in this case, "buy the rumor sell the news" was an easy lesson that anyone could have called weeks ago. It was so obvious when to sell this coin and yet people missed it.

That's why they're bagholding when they could have easily sold at the top and bought the bottom on this one.

Follow the golden rule, and hold of course.
Easy trade.

>> No.2367193

sounds like what PoSW fags said...

>> No.2367204

i'm down 50$ and have 6000 digibytes. I don't really have anything else to put the money so idc. We'll see where it is in the morning, and where eth is. Depending on the two, i might just take the loss and put it all on eth and forgeddaboudit

>> No.2367232

The recent jump or what? The increase to 900 wasn't based upon citi, and it wasn't a pump'n'dump either, that's for sure.
This is what I'm talking about. 5 days. That's it. How about looking at the past month? It just reached an ATH and you're surprised at a drop?
Of course newfags shouldn't have bought in now, and if anyone bought at a dip then selling at the 2300 or so point the other day would have been a good idea.
But to everybody that bought in 100-200 sats, there's no reason not to hold. This coin is going up long term.

>> No.2367234
File: 81 KB, 924x571, 1458413938689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $25 in dgb and i care more than you

>> No.2367278

back to 1600 sats

bought at 500 so I still dont care

>> No.2367291

Have 5000 DGB

Not sure if I should hodl and cry as I do so or turn it into ETH or ARK or split it between the 2 and passively get gainz to rebuy DGB later

>> No.2367308

same here, just sent 70% to cold storage. I've been riding the waves, I'm holding 65k right now, I bought in around 700. I've more than quadrupled my investment with the waves. I have an alert for when it breaks 2500, until then they're going to hibernate.

>> No.2367314

When did you buy? Never sell at a loss.

>> No.2367315

Honestly, I know ppl have diff strategies, but I don't get the hold meme. Like if you go into a building , and there's 5 elevators, and you want to go up, and you mistakenly got on one that went down, or was broke, what would you do? Would you stay on it? Me, I would get off it and get on a diff elevator that's going up to the tenth floor

>> No.2367320

yeah im in the same boat, eth and ark are both solid and stable, check out waves too man i bought that at a solid dip and immediately made 17% within an hour

i usually follow this but there are ways to recuperate this money quickly, for those who learned their lesson

>> No.2367332

mix between 1800 and 2200

I know not to sell at a loss but at some point you have to cut your losses no?

I went all in with some saving and am down a lot. Want to buy STRAT, 1ST, ARK, WAVES instead but DGB seemed so promising but these whales or whatever keep fucking it all up

>> No.2367337


>> No.2367350

That's a bad analogy because with elevators, you want to get to a specific place, with crypto you want to get as high as you can. I guess if one of the elevators went to the 10th floor and another one went to the 100th and the goal was to get to the highest floor...

>> No.2367351

smart man. buy high and sell low. good plan

>> No.2367362

>at some point you have to cut your losses no?
If you want to lose money, sure.
DGB will rise at one point and you'll be able to make money off of where you bought. Trust me.
5k isn't even that much, so it's not like I'd worry about potential gains in other coins.

>> No.2367371

Fuck DGB.

>> No.2367373

>1600 BTC to get back previous ATH


>> No.2367377

this is a bot or somebody shilling btw, i've seen this in at least 20 other threads

>> No.2367378

Butthurt newfag detected.

>> No.2367382

You are far too late for any of those.
If you buy now, you would only worsen your losses

>> No.2367387

deluded bagholder: the post

>> No.2367393

>put in like $3000
>down a lot
That's baby money. I've "lost" $3000 a day before. You just need more chart time.

Also I wouldn't have bought, would have sold at 2000 if I had bought, and if I were retarded and had ignored the previous two points I definitely wouldn't sell now.

Wait for it to rebound.

>> No.2367409

You probably put in $25 AFTER it reached an ATH expecting to make thousands in a couple days.
You deserve to have all of that money burned in front of your face. Seriously, grow some balls.

>> No.2367414

New DGB official theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_PQ4fRQ5Kc

>> No.2367422

bought at 1800 if you really want to know

>> No.2367426
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So sit on DGB and try not to kill myself?

>> No.2367428

i also bought in just around 1800 sats...

>> No.2367430

Whoever pumped this coin sucked. This should have gone way harder, I was expected at least $0.30. Where da real whales at?

>> No.2367435

I was sitting on 350k and sold it all to make a $18k profit, thanks dgb

glad I dumped this shitter though

>> No.2367442

>people bitching about DGB
I'm 50% in the red with ZEN.

>> No.2367443

Don't watch the screen or sit at your computer or it will make you feel much worse and possibly sell.

It's a Friday night. Go to the mall or the movies or something.

>> No.2367446

Guys c'mon, behave yourselves. You knew the anti-shills would show up. But lets be honest here, we have been winning a shit load lately. Remember Trump said we were going to win so much you'd get sick of winning? We're there right now. DGB has been constantly winning. If a market did nothing but go up, everybody would put their last red cent in. And you knew once it dipped below 1700 the haters would show up, to make you try to sell. You expected them, so why are you mad they are here? The same thing happened when it went from 900 to 600. And again when it went from 1200 to 800. Now, it's happening again. DGB is going to win again, and many more times to come. We are so lucky to be at the ground level of the dot come boom. Think of all the people who thought of an idea back then but had nowhere to put our money. We have a place to put our money. It's in DGB. Lets think of the good times, and look forward to what's to come. I'm high also.

>> No.2367449

If you think jewbanksters will let you NEETs become the rich, yiu are sorely mistaken.

>> No.2367456

Why in the world are you so upset then? Why would you even be so emotionally invested in $25?
I actually appreciate this fudding, I hope these newfags in the thread actually sell. They don't deserve a penny of gains.

>> No.2367462

It went waaaaaay further than it should have.

Same, it felt pretty good getting out before the crash started this morning. Got out at 2060, right as the winners or should I say losers, were announced. Made it out before everyone else realized what was happening.

>> No.2367466

My hand where getting heavy, thanks brah. We all GONNA M A K E I T

>> No.2367467

Don't sell now you fucking retards. It's going back up right the fuck now.

>> No.2367478
File: 62 KB, 553x569, 1458105579375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i open blockfolio, it's always in the red

>> No.2367482

I was in at 300 sat, so none of this really hurt me too bad. ~2k investment, 18k gains, all is rosy for me.

>> No.2367489

look at the complete lack of buy orders, the coin is dead bro

>> No.2367490

does that chart look like a double bottom?

I want to buy the dip but it seems a little...too perfect

not a big fan of the last 3 horizontal candle sticks either, even if there appears to be a dragonfly doji

>> No.2367499

Yea but if you really want to, you could 'cash out' to ETH and slowly recup your losses

>> No.2367514
File: 89 KB, 1197x483, DGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f it doesnt crash at $300 due to panic or cashing out for cheap gains

>> No.2367523
File: 146 KB, 682x682, 1496561904778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dgb is finished. rip digibros.

>> No.2367542

ah fuck it I bought the dip

hope I didn't get baited by the TA

>> No.2367553

im with u bro

>> No.2367570

I wanted to throw 5BTC in at 1677 just now, but I didn't have the balls. Hopefully it doesn't moon.

>> No.2367577

Reminder that one single wallet holds 20% of the circulating supply of DGB and there's MASSIVE bagholders of DGB here on /biz/ that will dump everything they have on you once it goes up.

>> No.2367582

this coin has 27k volume, wtf is biz going to do lmao

>> No.2367583

>hopefully there was no potential for me to make money
Do you understand how stupid that sounds? Come on.

>> No.2367590

Yes fuck dgb man piece of shit coin.
What should I buy instead of it now?

>> No.2367598


>> No.2367600

forget about /biz/ there's many people bagholding this shit since the 30 sats mark.

>> No.2367601

You should buy 1st or 1337,real alternatives to gaming community, I have heard that they have some negotiations with LCS, and rumors that 1st will be implemented in ROBLOX

>> No.2367604

I'm assuming most people bought higher

if this thing drops past 1630 I got baited rip

>> No.2367606


>> No.2367612
File: 427 KB, 650x592, 1337_coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on cryptopia

>> No.2367620

There's also the potential to lose money if it tanks to the 1500's.

>> No.2367623

Same. Bought the dip around 1700.

>> No.2367626

the bean

>> No.2367629

>if this thing drops past 1630 I got baited rip
Just like it did earlier this week?
If you're gonna hold, just hold. Don't be a pussy about it. There's no "point of no return" for a coin.
True, there's a risk in investing. It's just your conclusion as to why you didn't invest that's a little silly.

>> No.2367639

no, 1630 is the point of the double bottom. If it goes past that then I'm actually bagholding for a while.

Not ruling out a market stop loss sweep, but if it drops then it isn't a double bottom and I got fucked

>> No.2367642
File: 177 KB, 302x434, IMG_3480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any chance of DGB mooning this weekend or will it just crash further?

Should I sell now and just put it in ETH or BTC?

I don't see a future for DGB. The next 'news' isn't even until mid July. People will forget about this shitcoin and it'll probably just plummet

>> No.2367651

Not him but nothing silly about it, pretty understandable actually. Imagine someone that had a chance to put money on BTC in 2012 but decided not to for example, how do you think that person will feel now that BTC is at $2800? Exactly, like shit.

>> No.2367659


>> No.2367671

Oh right, you just bought back in.
It's kind of hovering right now, it even got back up to 1700.
This is true, but I just see it as an even better reason to put some money in. Even if it's just a little.

>> No.2367673

I don't feel sorry for a goddamn one of you. 3 fucking minutes on Google would have shown all this DGB hype to be complete bullshit. Stop investing in memes you fucking tards.

>> No.2367683

Ok, enough fudding gentlemen, i filled my bags.
Minecraft server incoming in one hour.
More news from CEO incoming later today.

>> No.2367697


post source or gtfo

>> No.2367699

>This is true, but I just see it as an even better reason to put some money in. Even if it's just a little.
Problem is that sometimes people have to make compromises. For example, there's around 30 coins that I want to put money on now, but I don't like to diversify my portofolio that much as I feel that small investments bring small profits, so I have a golden rule of putting money on a maximum of 5 coins, which in turn makes me miss a bunch of potentially good coins and opportunities, but also gives me higher returns once my coins go up.

>> No.2367702

DGB in a fucking free fall holy shit

>> No.2367712

Will be up in a few

>> No.2367724

I seriously tried so hard to find ANY redeeming qualities about this coin in order to join the moon missions but there was absolutely nothing out there. I can't believe it had the run that it did, but I sure am glad all of this shit DGB shit is over.

>> No.2367725

I disagree. If this breaks support and dips to the 1500s, then it's dropping to hell. I'm holding out on the possibility that that's the case. Then I'd buy the dip.

In the meantime, I'm betting on much more conservative assets like XVG. Things that I know will make me gains.

>> No.2367727

kek I got xD'd

here's hoping this is a market sweep

>> No.2367742

Uh-oh goy, I hope you can hold on.
How much did you buy?

>> No.2367745

>There are people who are still holding
HAHAHAHAHAHA, sure maybe it'll go up again in 2 weeks but you are a fucking idiot for not selling at above 1800 sat.

>> No.2367747

Heh speak of the devil. Guess I wasn't so silly ater all.

>> No.2367750
File: 2 KB, 141x90, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'm still not holding

>> No.2367756

DGBchan is worth investing in anon.
I bought in again around 1700 after dumping up at the very top last night.

Nothing fundamental has changed about the coin and it's on Poloniex ffs so I should see at least some profit out of this within 48 hours. That's my goal.

>> No.2367757

eh 20k coins

still have some hope for a market sweep though it's fading quickly lol

I've joined the bagholders rip

>> No.2367761

>xvg buy my bags from when I got in at 222 Satoshi

>> No.2367766

>DGB down to 1450
Jesus christ...

>> No.2367768

now THIS is a dip lol

fuck me I knew that chart looked too perfect for a double bottom

>> No.2367771

oh jesus christ its a blood bath

>> No.2367772


>> No.2367773

XVG will go up. I bought at 173 in any case.

>> No.2367782

On Bittrex? Damn...

>> No.2367785

FUCK I BOUGHT IN AGAIN AT 1700 and even that was too high!!

Whatever, bought in even more at 1500 just now.

Please don't fuck me too hard guys.....

>> No.2367791

I'm fucking out, if anyone else is holding from sub 100 it's time to exit.

>> No.2367792

Yes nothing fundamental has changed, and this coin never belonged in the top20 market cap in the first place. There's literally nothing solid backing it apart from maybes and could be's, it's could be news got busted yesterday so it'll correct to where it belongs until more rumors fuel another run.

>> No.2367793

>tfw bought 30k dgb at 2050
fuck, should i just sell now and recoup what i can fuck

>> No.2367795

its lost 30% in 24hrs

>> No.2367797

yeah "hodl" is starting to sound a lot less heroic guys

>> No.2367798


no wtf just wait that massive drop is obviously going to rebound

>> No.2367800
File: 28 KB, 585x342, dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stupid ass meme-coiners. Learn a fucking lesson this time.

>> No.2367802

>15x gains
>time to exit

>> No.2367803

Bear trap pays off
All weak handed below the board

>> No.2367809

Why are the drops turning me on? Usually this only happens when I'm making money.
It's almost as if I can smell the pump after this.

>> No.2367811

I feel like I have the strongest hands out of everyone right now

>> No.2367812

I don't even give a shit anymore. I'm not selling this now. It's hodl or die trying

>> No.2367816

Going below 1600 is a bad sign indeed but I'm still holding.

Sometimes it's better to take a small loss and make gains elsewhere... You don't have to recoup your losses on the same coin. That being said you're generally better off holding. If for example you bought DGB at 150 sats, you could sell this dip and still have made more than 10x profits. That's the power of accumulating and holding... less sensitive to peaks and dips.

>> No.2367817
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Who cares, anyone with a brain got out above 2k.

I really shouldn't laugh, but fuck this is just too funny. Oh well, I've been warning you guys since 1950 this morning. The won NOTHING, therefore there is NOTHING to keep the price up.

>> No.2367821

I'm getting flashbacks to the night before the BTC crash 2 weeks ago

ETH spiked, I cashed out and bought a -30% XRP, went up to +20 the next morning then bitcoin took a shit

>> No.2367828
File: 85 KB, 232x197, 1461222384634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to sell yesterday but said nah ill hold for a little longer

>> No.2367831

And if they win what would happen after wards? THE SAME FUCKING SELLOFF BECAUSE SELL THE NEWS LAWL XDD
fuck in amateurs

>> No.2367834

I bought in around 1500 just now and have bags from rebuyign in around 1700.

I think I'm gonna be ok within like 48 hours. It'll even out.

>> No.2367845

"buy the rumor sell the news" isn't a fucking joke, its how ALL the whales trade. ALWAYS.

>> No.2367848

My sell order didn't get filled at peak so I decided to cancel and HODL

>> No.2367850

Welcome to the club :) fak it

>> No.2367859
File: 23 KB, 1398x328, dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at 1400s.

>> No.2367869


>> No.2367876

Good, even cheaper coins.

>> No.2367878

Already pumped as of 7th june

>> No.2367885
File: 206 KB, 968x733, 1492864441960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at 500.

>> No.2367886


shits going down to <100 sats lmao

>> No.2367897

Jesus christ it's going DOWN

>> No.2367919


>> No.2367925

That was a possibility and I spent a great amount of time thinking about whether it would happen or not.
I think the hype was too high for it to fall on good news. We have people buying in now as it's in freefall on bad news, for goodness sake, good news would have made the current holders invest more, and give people not holding very good reason to invest. The "community behind this was too fervent to sell on good news. Even this drop is taking longer than expected, but all the shilling in the world can't compete with facts, and this farce had to end.
DGB in it's current state is NOT a 2000 sat coin.

>> No.2367926

hahahahaha i am fucking laughing in real life, i have 6000 of these fucks and watching it drop down like this is just too damn funny

>> No.2367932


>> No.2367938

Not sure what you expected.

DGB lost, they announced the winner. Its iProov


>> No.2367949

the only mistake I made was not shorting

>> No.2367975

>rode it up from ~1800 to ~2100 a few trades, made bank
>idiot for getting in at 1800 again
lel im going to be stuck in this shitcoin for a while now maybe anyway because retard couldnt make a decent powerpoint tho so fuck dgb when this trade goes green im buying the bean

>> No.2367977



>> No.2367978
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>> No.2367982


You can't short DGB.

>> No.2367986

Wait what's the bad news?

That they lost the competition? That's it?

Or is there worse bad news?

>> No.2368013
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>tfw can't decide between buying more DGB during the dip or buying more vodka to deal with the HODL

>> No.2368021

Both man. 30 days I guarantee you it goes above 2000 sats again. Easy 25%.

>> No.2368023

Whales moving in again

>> No.2368024

I'm wondering myself. They just weren't in the 3 that won a shitty prize was all. Isn't like their company folded or their tech is crap.

Heck they apparently made a lot of contacts, even some government ones, ya know, the point of all these trade shows and shitty contests.

All they have to do is keep devving, prove their tech, continue network, attract investment and we'll be up to the moon. Such fucking wimps on here selling so early.

>> No.2368027

dbg is going down to 200 sats

>> No.2368035

It's a fucking sinking ship retard

>> No.2368038

>30 days
It's fucking dgb it'll be back by tomorrow

>> No.2368041

all the technology was a scam and a lie posted here by multiple discord shill groups.

the coin has literally nothing behind it

>> No.2368042

cut loss you fag

>> No.2368045

I really hope everyone here is out of this for the time being. Even if you believe in it, the correction is large enough to be out by now.

>> No.2368047

I wish, I'd be able to buy even more.

People that freak out over this predictable correction deserve to be poor.

>> No.2368050

I'll rebuy at 30 sats after I sold 3 million of them at 33 sats

>> No.2368054

I lost 0.6 BTC to this trying to catch the knife.

From 1960.

Capitulated at about 1790.

>> No.2368055

Ok good.
Because a dump without news is just as stupid and dangerous as a pump without news, and I think that's what this is.

This is just buy the rumor, sell the news is all. Which means it's bound to oversell the first day or 2.

But if there's bad news, that's a completely different game.

If there's bad news, I'll sell it all right now because bad news means it's not a dip.

This is why I only buy coins that I know have strong upcoming news or developments and only trust pumps when good news has just come out. Otherwise it's just whales playing games.

So if there is bad news here, tell us. Because right now I think it's just overselling the news, which means a rebound is expected.

>> No.2368058

I just made 0.5BTC. Saw that inverse head and shoulders pattern from a mile away.

>> No.2368065

just wait for the jump when autists figure out they can mine dgb playing minecraft
stay strong boys, we goin to mars

>> No.2368073

Next support at 1580.

>> No.2368074
File: 85 KB, 312x332, nolongerflavortown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fucking out, i was going to wait until the morning but fuck it, i cut my losses tbqh. Had i just put that money in eth, ark and waves i'd be sitting pretty

>> No.2368077
File: 91 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-09-22-50-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, is that my favorite shampoo forming?

>> No.2368082


>> No.2368085

That's it. They lost. The odds were COMPLETELY in their favor. 3 of the previous winners were blockchain companies. A company with the EXACT same business venture as them won the last section in Buenos Aires, and got a fucking partnership like 5 days later.
Here check it out.
https://signatura.co/ ( good company that wins competitions and has people trying to partner with them in less than a week)
http://digusign.com/ (bad company that doesn't update their site, doesn't have a working product, doesn't give updates on what they're working on, and doesn't actually have anyone using it)

But they fucked it up, and that garbage looking presentation didn't help either.

Also stop saying the 3 awards given now were shitty. Because they totally weren't. Besides under your logic, if you can't win a shitty award how can you be expected to win a real one?
>Heck they apparently made a lot of contacts, even some government ones, ya know, the point of all these trade shows and shitty contests
This also isn't really true. Digibytes went to a presentation last year, claimed they were talking with big companies behind the scenes, what came of it? Nothing.

>> No.2368086
File: 77 KB, 850x400, Patience faggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB goes from 1c to 5c in a week and people freaking out when it finally drops 30% saying its the end of this coin. lolol Hodl and buy the dip retards

>> No.2368089

Thanks for the profits smelly ATH buying pajeets.

Please continue to dump and I'll buy back at the bottom.

>> No.2368094

thanks for your money.

>> No.2368097
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>buy the dip
>hold ;)

>> No.2368099
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>> No.2368102
File: 79 KB, 716x768, ciaguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i'll buy back in when it likely bottoms out, but i have to cut my losses. I thought it would stabilize at 2k sats and now look at this shit.

your welcome :^)

>> No.2368103

delusional, the same devs are on other projects and they are dumping their +70% coins like no tomorrow

>> No.2368131

Able to sell and buy on dips and highs and increased form 4k DGB to 5.6k

Hope this goes back to ATH

>> No.2368143

DGB is a good trade right now. I just made $1500 in the last few minutes buying and selling the dips. Now I'm waiting for another price target.

>> No.2368147


The fucking website is DDoSed....

Holy fuck it was actually all a pump and dump...

>> No.2368148


>> No.2368150

well this won't be the last time that DGB gets pumped and dumped, if that's what you're asking. you'll probably only hear about something around ATH again though.

>> No.2368154

i want to be that confident, im just gonna hold and buy dips

>> No.2368158

Sounds like you're right about the floor too.
Ganbatte, brave day trader.

>> No.2368161

bought in at 1472 sat

wish me luck guys

>> No.2368180

need one with those volumes and prices?

>> No.2368192

Sell everything at 1200 and cut losses. Good luck tho.

>> No.2368211
File: 75 KB, 500x484, 1414963278117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this, I knew I should have shorted the news last night

>tfw reasoned that it would take too long to transfer my btc to polo

>> No.2368265

Just buy fucking ETH... HODL your Digi bags and learn something for once you stupid cuck fucks.

>> No.2368285

Also don't put money you can't afford to lose into anything you dumb fucks. If you have jello hands it's because you can't afford to lose what you put in it. Unless your plan is to learn to daytrade, you should never be cashing out at less than 2x, and should wait to at least 10x on established coins (1000x on new coins, 100x on late-ride good-looking coins) before doing so anyway.

>> No.2368287

t. discord shill team

>> No.2368324

Not this. ETH is a pumped to the max shitcoin. There are so many other coins you can make way better profits on. Stop giving ETH holders more of your money you dumbshits.

>> No.2368345

Listen to this anon you flip floppy fucks. THIS TOO SHALL PASS

>> No.2369103
File: 203 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-06-09-22-53-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you bought DGB at 500-600 and you're still up almost 300%

>> No.2369118

* 200% (or 3x)


Anyways, all you fools need to learn how to HODL!

>> No.2369128

Hard to fill pity when it is an obvious pump and dump

>> No.2369129


are there people in the world that honestly believe ETH is pumped.. or is this just sarcasm?

>> No.2369411
File: 152 KB, 1251x615, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the 2 week chart

you're joking right

>> No.2369713

Wow man, that's almost $10 in profit!!!

>> No.2369823

Buy bitshares to cover your losses, it made into the top 10 and it's not stopping anytime soon.

>> No.2369829
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1496918196969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has no future anymore, the DigiByte PR team is extremely unprofessional and will fucking kill DGB regardless of how good the technology is.

Sell now and diversify into SIA and ETH. (Although i think ETH is a scam. Hold it anyways and sell it when you think it becomes too unstable. SIA has real world uses so it can basically only go up.)

Just a honest tip.

>> No.2369863
File: 288 KB, 940x705, harper facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SIA has real uses
>ETH is a scam

>> No.2370380

For the regional victory
Not the Citibank finals.

>> No.2370417

Still sitting at 110% up on my modest DGB holding.

Probably just gonna hold for the lols.