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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23673795 No.23673795 [Reply] [Original]

imagine buying into projects with perspective bank partnerships over and over, then missing out on the project that has one before anyone even knows about it. a project that’s going to bridge traditional banking loans and crypto together and cut out the additional middleman bank fees, and the need to get loans and paying fees for excess cash you don’t need at the time. they have been quietly working on this project since 2018 and have team members with expertise & relationships in all areas of the fintech sector. hope you don’t miss out anon we’re all gonna make it. don’t take my word for it read the white paper, look into it for yourself.

Team behind the project:

Project website:

YouTube Channel with marketplace examples:

Ryan Medlin twitter talking about project in 2018:

Residual token IFEB.bank Press Release:


>> No.23674127

>/biz/ will ignore this and buy Surf instead

>> No.23674410


>> No.23674456

Already bought 70k tokens at .005

>> No.23674548
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We are just starting out my fellow Borgs

>> No.23674585

Oh, yes, the most legit project right now. Severely undervalued, not a pnd, very steady growth

>> No.23675483

delete this now

>> No.23675528

take it until it did x5 anons

>> No.23676000

So AMA is tomorrow? What time?

>> No.23676034

I feel ike this is the one

>> No.23676067

Seems legit, got a small bag. They need to work on their website.

>> No.23676075

I just woke up to massive gains, ive not done buying yet though think itll setll back down

>> No.23676081

there is a website update coming

>> No.23676096

Who cares, this is the long term hold of the year. But devs said the new website is almost done. Everything is working fine, ahead of schedule, good times ahead.

>> No.23676151

yea, im not buying until they redesign their website

>> No.23676194

Where was the AMA confirmed ?

>> No.23676197

t.top20 still buying like crazy cause not a drooling retard who knows the importance of fundamentals before aesthetics. Stay poor nigger. I heard harmony got a nice looking website.

>> No.23676204


TG and Discord

>> No.23676210

On all official channels.

>> No.23676219

Bought the dip. Riding this shit all the way, the growth is based

>> No.23676228

fuck /biz/ unironically.

>> No.23676243

Im no longer in the top 100, some big buys coming in.

Also 734 holders.

>> No.23677489

Dumped. Thanks biz

>> No.23677560

buy the dip and stop thinking short-term faggot

>> No.23677570


Look at the growth over the past few days you retard. Yes it will sometimes dip. Like anything else.

>> No.23677587
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so comfy

>> No.23677590

you deserve to die

>> No.23677592

eRSDL on New Kids On The Blockchain next week show (saturday)

>> No.23677599


Really? Where did they announce that?

>> No.23677651

Ash from NKOTB said that in telegram

>> No.23677711

Are you me?

>> No.23678369

looks like profit selling is done and volume still way up. time for the next leg up soon, hope you got a bag anon.

>> No.23678585

i am financially decimated

>> No.23678925

Hodl and you will be rewarded. It's still very very early.

>> No.23678966

this is a gem. Literally.

>> No.23679060

Smart money buy

biz rather buy meme coins

>> No.23679089

Contemplating dumping an additional $1500 into this, but want it to dip more.
Got in around .005

>> No.23679188


thanks just sold 2m

>> No.23679199

good luck anon. it will bounce soon but who knows when.

>> No.23680001

Thanks for the dip

>> No.23680205

It just bounced off of the support line. Highly doubt it's going lower. It dropped over 50% from last night's ATH. So if you're smart, you get in now.

>> No.23680211

Right I’m out - The number of biz threads plus the calibre of people in the TG is a massive sell signal

>> No.23680226

Too much shill for something barely new

>> No.23680281

I'm already in. I just want more.

>> No.23680286

stay poor biz. i know it must be hard to learn to DYOR and hold good projects. keep buying rugs and losing all your money. never change biz.

>> No.23680361

Then it's time to buy, cause it's not getting any cheaper. The dump has happened now. Now it will consolidate in a triangle at around 0.012-13 for a couple of days to then moon again. Just wait and see. It's text book what's happening now. So easy to see if you know how to do a bit of TA.

>> No.23681238

true, selling my medium stack now, thx

>> No.23681822

How long we talking?

>> No.23681861

6-12 months. It could literally go to 1-2 dollars and beyond if the general crypto market goes nuts.

>> No.23683101

come on dude, there is no such thing as TAing on a coin with such little volume/liquidity. One guy can keep the price low if he chooses to do so for an extended period of time. Two whales can kill it, and the whales have of ERSDL have millions of several millions of tokens, we are at their mercy and not the charts.

>> No.23683137

You'll hate yourself for this. See you fomoing back at $0.5.

>> No.23683147


>> No.23683247


>> No.23684131

As far as I can see, none of the top wallets dumped. Was smaller holders taking profit and the rest panic-dumping. Myself? I'm comfy having bought at $0.003.

>> No.23684216

>. Was smaller holders taking profit
So why the massive 50% gap down? everyone just sold at once? Im a fucking idiot for falling for this shit

>> No.23684228

Don't say you haven't been warned ;)


>> No.23684302

Weak hands were never going to make it

>> No.23684310
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kek stay poor

>> No.23684774


>> No.23684969

I think this will moon nicely once the AMA and podcast come out. It's relatively unknown and not being shilled on twitter, so when it does I expect a short term speculative pop. Long term depends on banks trying it out and seeing real benefits.

>> No.23685294

Other than the multiple 4chan boards those FUD reasons are shit

>> No.23685400

Top 30 here, just bought 100k more, weak hands gtfo, no one is selling before 0.10c.

>> No.23685571

it’s actually pretty surprising if you look through a lot of the top 50 wallets how many of the wallets either sold all or most of their other alts to buy into this, or hold projects that have done really well and show that smart people & money are buying

>> No.23685657

>no one is selling before 0.10c.
>no one is selling

that explains that 50% drop huh

>> No.23686054

i sold all my kp3r to buy this gem

>> No.23686423


>> No.23686435

Yeah, I think we're back

>> No.23686664

Too soon. I wanted buy more tomorrow... Ath incoming before the ama.

>> No.23686686

I was able to sneak in another 20k around .085

>> No.23686711

And this is bullshit.
1) i can confirm myself that 1 and 2 isnt true
2) if you dont like Howard thats your problem. If you hate Howard, you hate money. Stay poor.

>> No.23686904

little worried. chart looks exactly like that "return to normal" one

>> No.23687022

ohh shit, I think I'm selling my 300k.
yes, it does. It's over

>> No.23687088

Don't pay attention to weak fud and relax. If you don't see this as a long term hold, there's no hope for you

>> No.23687211

volume rising a bit kind of steady. fuck i'm not sure. at this point i gained almost all my losses back. don't know what to do

>> No.23687331

Holding for 6-12 months? fucking retards...

>> No.23687367
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>> No.23687440

kek bought in at .003 dumped at .014 thanks for your money gusy

yeah guys keep hodling alts lol

btc, eth, link = hold

alts = pump and dump

you guys are doing it wrong

>> No.23687446

This is not a fucking rugpull pump and dump shitcoin so if thats what you want - then go invest elsewhere

>> No.23687498

im happy to have gotten 95% of my losses back. i sold before this current dip. i don't trust the chart. clearly manipulated

enjoy my hundred bucks. i have to find an alt before it pumps

maybe it goes to 10 cents, but too risky for my poor self

>> No.23687560

this shit gonna be massive...its so obvious

>> No.23687570

crypto isn't for you bud

weak hands don't deserve to make it

>> No.23687635
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maybe. but maybe it drops to 0.005

>> No.23687660

same here bro made 4k and dumped that shit

jion any new project

first week hodl guys mooning

second week yeah guys whale just cashing out

third week whales are gonna miss out

fourht week cope replies and hodl faggets

>> No.23687698
File: 19 KB, 592x436, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought PRIA at $4 but sold at the bull trap at $21. that hurt.

those red dildos though. it always ends in pain if i think i can hold after it returns. i don't care. new shit coin shilled out of no where on /biz/. not worth the risk.

>> No.23687714

You do realise how new this coin is right?

>> No.23687731

and? doesn't stop that pattern from forming

>> No.23687786

It will form these curves on a micro scale as it has been, but it will still increase over time.

In the grand scheme of things this is still in the stealth phase.

>> No.23687822

well if it dips down a lot, i'll do more research and perhaps buy back in. good luck fren

>> No.23687863

I'm at their webpage and looks retarded, getting odd vibes desu

>> No.23687898

They're making a new website, check out the staking page, it's more modern.

>> No.23687906

The website is getting redone this week. People should really check the devs credentials before fudding this thing

>> No.23687974

I'm holding for a year out. Seems like a lot will be coming in the later half of 2021. According to the road map. And will accumulate as the months go on

>> No.23687979

Based. AMA live stream is tomorrow, should bring more confidence in the coin

Thanks fren

>> No.23687996


>> No.23688014
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pic related

>> No.23688029

ok I'll wait for the new webpage, the current one crashes suddenly
also wasn't trying to fud lol

>> No.23688711
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wow who could have seen that coming

>> No.23688750

b-buy the dip

>> No.23688873

I'm not getting put off by one whale.

>> No.23688919


That whole candle was dude. He's been buying up millions of eRSDL for 23 days and dumping them.

>> No.23689017

seems hes out of eRSDL, unless he has other wallets

>> No.23689043
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, 66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought the dip - proud 1m+ holder

>> No.23689046

I fucking hate myself I posted last night asking for advice thinking this was gonna have a massive correction soon, and like an idiot I didnt sell. NEVER listen to shills telling you to just hodl they are here to get you to provide liquidity so when they dump you are there to absorb.

How low do you guys think this goes to? back to .005 which is another 50% from here?

>> No.23689061

Yeah looks like he took his profit and is now all in ETH.

>> No.23689083

Dude this thing is just getting started, selling / buying a couple thousand dollars worth has huge swings on the price. If you're looking for a quick buck at least have the risk tolerance to wait for the outcome of the AMA and interview and new website before panic dumping.

>> No.23689208

That wallet got lucky and has been the only "whale" dumping. The rest adding more on his dumps. Idiot was buying encore before eRSDL

>> No.23689286

>How low do you guys think this goes to? back to .005 which is another 50% from here?

who knows, but i'm betting on around .005. i sold right before that dildo

>> No.23689307

Yep. That fucker had been my biggest worry about going all in on this ever since I bought in at 0.005, but now he’s cashed out and we’re still going strong, I’m feeling comfy as fuck.

>> No.23689363

thought about selling my initial yesterday, didn't do it, happy i didn't. i'm training my hands to never let this go until the price is right :)

>> No.23689380

I sold half and rebought. whenever stuff is parabolic like this just swing trade

>> No.23690368


>> No.23690384

this shit is gonna be undervalued till 50M usd MC.
the potential here is yuge

>> No.23690440

>whale uses bodyslam
>it's ineffective!

>> No.23690676

every time it pumps people are gonna think its their chance to sell at a local high and it inevitably goes to mean

>> No.23691098


>> No.23691478

ahah thanks for your money retard