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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23660415 No.23660415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 1 ETH into 100?

>> No.23660426

buy as much bitcoin as you can for 1 eth. wait. cashout more eth

>> No.23660437

you multiply it by 100

>> No.23660452
File: 474 KB, 839x768, 1603243414861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think happened after they took this pic

>> No.23660497

All women are whores, race mixers are disgusting

>> No.23660528


>> No.23660530

They are porn stars , you can find what happened next in 4k

>> No.23660541

Good thing they didnt have sex with aliens then

>> No.23660543
File: 18 KB, 739x568, 103921-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all white women love BBC so much?

>> No.23660556 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 659x1024, 1598270968723m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before muh BBC

>> No.23660566

why cant i see her tits?

>> No.23660570

unironically this

>> No.23660582

Just play ethercra... oh wait never mind.

>> No.23660585

Aliens aren't a race, nigger

>> No.23660587
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>> No.23660593

is there a video?

>> No.23660595

They killed those women, because they're based.

>> No.23660657
File: 237 KB, 634x677, 1599625715396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 10-10 how retarded are you?

>> No.23661075

Kill yourself OP, seriously fuck you

>> No.23661167

why cant you just go to your dumb fetish forums

>> No.23661191

Sex. Little surprise, pussies get wet when they see sixpacks.

>> No.23661216

Imagine being so insecure about your manhood that you create a collage with dozens of black penises on it.

>> No.23661263

why is the average burger so obsessed with black dick and interracial sex?

>> No.23661276

>What do you think happened after they took this pic
Probably sex.
That's a pretty stupid question.
Unless the whole photo was staged and they just said "okay have a nice day" and went home, but this doesn't look much like a staged photoshoot, just some people snapping a pic during foreplay.

Christ, I can't get over how insanely envious some of you get when you realize people actually have sex with each other (and sex is not just this imaginary, vicarious thing that you experience).

>> No.23661286

We’re not there’s like 2 black incels on here that force the BBC meme everywhere.

>> No.23661310
File: 153 KB, 1002x1002, Asset 1-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this project Anons! Hayden Adams even gave PenguinParty.eth their own channel in the official Uniswap discord and their founder has made headline news lately in Yahoo! Finance and Coindesk for his role in defeating Dharma's attempted takeover of Uniswap.

You can see there are only 200k coins minted, everything happens in off-chain governance so no expensive stupid gas to make decisions.
The team's founders are easy to approach and the community fully runs the token: Discord: gg/m3Fz65A

Anyone is free to submit ideas for devs to work on or hop on to work on the project as a dev by contributing to their Github repos. Everything is open-source.

Dare I say it, is this anonymous as an investment/software development collective? Is this OUR coin, anons?! We need to get in on this! It's totally community-run..

Only 200k tokens minted..Get in at the bottom..
Here's their dapp that's coming out:
Here's where to find more about the company:
You can buy it here:
Check the LP stats here:

They have over $500,000 of voting power on Uniswap, yet only a marketcap of $70k, this coin is extremely undervalued 'cause it's so new..

>> No.23661331

race mixing, amerimutt spawn, me, brown goblin, weird smells. bigbang

>> No.23661335

Have sex incel

>> No.23661353

Imagine being a nigger

>> No.23661439

Imagine deleting your public humiliation.

>> No.23661447

Exactly this. I'm not racist because there is only one race: the white race.

>> No.23661448

Cope. Looks like he just right clicked and saved. The only person it made feel insecure was Tyrone and faggots who care what other men's dicks look like.

>> No.23661549
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6 months later

>> No.23661773

You're thinking species you fucking cretin. Whites and blacks are different races.