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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23659950 No.23659950 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to haircomb? was it a scam?

how many victims got rugged this time?

>> No.23659988

I don't think anyone gave them any money lol

>> No.23660042

i thought its just shitposting
you want to tell me this scam is actually real?

>> No.23660066

You really think someone spammed every thread and made multiple posts per day if it wasn't a real scam?

>> No.23660090

I made 4x with my comb , while you fags spend your time making frog memes I was hustling claiming my combies, also Natasha is satoshi

>> No.23660108

post timestamped picture of your little brown hands

>> No.23660121

>was it a scam?
it's a trojan

>> No.23660164

let's keep this civil


no racism please

>> No.23660251


this kind of thing is not welcome in the haircomb community

>> No.23660287

>no racism in a ultra-right-wing-white-nationalist-pepe-board
10/10 quality bait

>> No.23660308

I am not siding with you but this entire haircomb drama got me thinking. we need more common standards for judging fraud everywhere. if a scammer posts on the forum i know it's a scammer and not a legit user or an investor. why not on haircomb too? everyone can talk about the blockchain, crypto-ecosystem, claiming, liquidity stacks and protocols.. but everyone knows what's a kleros court? why does anyone care about what api it connects to? it's for writing media, why would anyone care about it's underlying oracle? (if it doesn't run link in the first place)

>> No.23660342

Have sex

>> No.23660388

i copulate with my kleros tokens daily, so even if i didn't have a thirteenth eye, i could "still" get results that way.

it was that way for a long time.

the thing is that even though these thirteenth eyes were working for me, when the daemon hit it, i was powerless.

nothing happened.

it started out with him giving me a hug and calling me his "sweet little girl" and i reacted as i was taught.

i started to panic, so he patted me, talked to me, told me it was going to be erotic

>> No.23660392


yes the famous ultra right wing nationalist board that is exclusively about liberal financial institutions and investment cycles in western democracies

>> No.23661405


this doesn't make any sense

>> No.23662231
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>> No.23662311

