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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20201030_213044_684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23659882 No.23659882 [Reply] [Original]

Next week gonna be HUGE!
Screencap this. We are still so early.

>> No.23659935
File: 104 KB, 540x704, 1604240360810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im strapped in and ready to go

>> No.23659949
File: 791 KB, 800x530, Moon mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. We're in orbit now. Next stop: the moon.

>> No.23659960

jews as always with their connections

>> No.23659969

then mars and beyond

>> No.23660070

after all the rugpulls its refreshing to see a project with non anonymous devs, and with real banking experience

>> No.23660115

You can say a lot of things about Jews, but they do know how to procure shekels. Gotta give them that. That's how it is, might as well take advantage of it. Cryptos + jews = win.

>> No.23660898

Based and kriegpilled

>> No.23661981


>> No.23662005

Borgs about to colonise the moon

>> No.23662445

Yeah I'm bout ready for liftoff,maybe one more purchase but shit 1.00 here we come ,I'm never climbing a ladder again

>> No.23662484

Not jewish. Remember kids, with jews you lose.

>> No.23662587

Comments like this scream attempted coordinated Discord thread. I don't think anybody really needs to be told this is bullshit. People bought Luigiscam though so who knows.

>> No.23662640

>I don’t think anyone needs to be told this is bullshit.
why are you unfed fudders so incapable of giving a reason?

>> No.23662860

still early, no need to fud
buy and be happy

>> No.23663118

I sold yesterday trying to flip. Why the fuck is it up 100%

>> No.23663172
File: 59 KB, 800x780, iu-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we merchant banks now

>> No.23663227
File: 104 KB, 540x704, Der Krieger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to use your brain. Now you won't get rich. Why didn't you listen, dear human?

>> No.23663235
File: 836 KB, 837x715, 1599618897675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still get a comfy stack on the 5th?
t. Wagie waiting for his wage

>> No.23663347

>Human! We used to be exactly like them. Flawed. Weak. Organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours.

>> No.23663381

Honestly, I doubt it. Could be 5-10x from here by then. Things are ramping up. More and more people are learning about it. Soon it'll be all over twitter and youtube.

>> No.23663408
File: 706 KB, 1152x648, MeRSDL small.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23663743

Think there might be a dip today or should I just buy now?

>> No.23663783

also people like AC are watching this project

>> No.23663855

Hard to tell. I don't want to be your financial advisor on the short term, cause there might or might not be another dut. However, I can tell you that whether or whether not you buy now, you'll be happy for that decision quicker than you think.

>> No.23663875

Dump, lmao.

>> No.23663974
File: 932 KB, 825x991, 1603334663734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, I'll be glad even with a 10k stack if it went to $0.5 max, managed to get some emergency 0.5 ETH to put into this. I will admit I am very sore for not buying it earlier last week when I first got interested in the project and 0.5 ETH would have gotten me 64k tokens but I didn't really push for because I thought it wouldn't start pumping until my wagie came in. What a shame.

>> No.23664063

>>thought it wouldn't start pumping until my wagie came in. What a shame.
Me every month. Kek

>> No.23664169

>be Howard
>wear my dapper boomer suit and take my boomer suitcase
>take my black boomer lexus to my boomer NY office
>stop to get a black coffee and grab a fresh newspaper
>of course I read the newspaper, like all my boomer friends
>pick up my iPhone 5 to chat with my zoomer team on discord
>why buy a new phone when mine is perfectly fine
>I talk with a stern and reassuring voice, and tell everyone they're doing a good job
>go to close a deal over launch with my good friend Jack Boomer Jr
>we joke about or wives while enjoying our 150$ lobster.

a bizlet passes by the window of the restaurant on his way to another 10 hour shift wagecucking..
but the bizlet feels comfy inside.
he bought eRSDL

>> No.23664242


>> No.23664360

Find it hilarious that you guys used the SLS in OP's image which is hilariously overpriced, been delayed for years and was supposed to launch in 2019

>> No.23664444
File: 178 KB, 363x530, eRSDL laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally lmfao. Based.

>> No.23664461
File: 479 KB, 800x532, spacewalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hear you here in outer space.

>> No.23664484

What I'm in for?

>> No.23664494

this shit gonna be massive.

>> No.23664832

64k for.5 eth?
man you we're late. i bought 134000 for .5 eth. allready licking off the profits lol happy you're with us tho. LETS GOOOO!!!

>> No.23664872

Borg colony on the moon, next stop mars. Leave your fragile earthling organs and mortal concerns behind

>> No.23665059

No one cares faggot.you were late also, see, no one cares.

>> No.23665089
File: 163 KB, 644x712, goldenbull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stake like 140$ in a couple months ago
fucking comfy +500%
just staked about 5grand worth of equity last night
if this shit hits a dollar I'm taking a few years off

>> No.23665476

lol the cope lol

>> No.23666044
File: 174 KB, 355x378, 1600686352149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up only managing 10k, hope this pays off. First time I've ever dabbled in crypto.

>> No.23666573

Oh yes sir, the cope of being top 20 of the next moon mission. Fuck off with your late bs, everything under 0.10c is early as fuck retard.

>> No.23667012

Yep,70k ready to go

>> No.23667049

It will,just dont sell till Thanksgiving

>> No.23667407

most of biz will buy in once it’s in the top 100

>> No.23667873

>almost at ATH
fuggg. should I cash out my initial investment and wait and see if the price dumps tomorrow to try and score more, or should I just hodl?

>> No.23667936

I thought this was a scam and was calling out anon for posting all these shill threads, and after an hour of arguing I bought 100k at less than half a cent. Doing well so far, thanks for convincing me based anon.

>> No.23667946

I sold 1.4 million at .0007.

Ask me anything.

>> No.23668089

just hold imo. not worth getting a few thousand extra vs. missing a few cent increase when someone on twitter with followers shills this.

>> No.23668123

Getting early BUIDL vibes

>> No.23668406

people already 10x and more. seems risky at this point

>> No.23668454

same shit peeps said 5 days ago.

>> No.23668784

This. Market cap is ridiculously low. 10x is nothing with the prospects of this gem.

>> No.23668903

it keeps going at a steady climb. we'll see 0.05c soon desu

>> No.23669082

People said that at .005
This isn't some PnD. Long term hold, real ground level networking and connections. You can just join the TG and discord and speak to the (non-anon) devs if you're curious where this ship is going. And it's past the moon.

>> No.23669222

borgs, are we hitting .02 tonight?

>> No.23669246

Looks like it brother

>> No.23669283
File: 56 KB, 419x610, 168702562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit. the power of meme magic wills it

>> No.23669287
File: 141 KB, 1180x779, iu-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borg bros, I...

>> No.23669301

checked. as soon as the word gets out about this it’s probably going to go to 10 cents.

>> No.23669358

damn and i allready did a x10. fels gud, fes rul gud

>> No.23669392

Hahah I did the exact same thing literally evey single word of your sentence relates to me as well. we should fuck

>> No.23669435

Marketcap is at 4m, its fine for a starting project and it shouldnt go up any longer without further annoucement, dont buy the top, wait the retrace and all in

>> No.23669544

can someone spoonfeed me this? their website looks like shit. i could have bought at 0.003.

why is this a good hold?

>> No.23669560

DYOR. And don't judge a book by its cover

>> No.23669587
File: 35 KB, 640x838, 1594245597189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoonfeeedd mee!! pleaseeeeeeee

>> No.23669637


>> No.23670095

I bought 50k at like .004
did I do good, bros?

>> No.23670110

biz will buy this gem at 10c. They prefer scams like kore kper etc.

>> No.23670174

Sounds like you're gonna make it fren

>> No.23670231

Ok, maybe I was wrong. I put in like 7 eth.

>> No.23670501

Fuck, it feels good knowing how much wealth is gonna come into my life soon!

>> No.23670624
File: 6 KB, 250x140, worldonersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wrong before too. I missed the getting in sub .006 because I fell for some FUD. Went in discord and talked to Ryan and mind was changed.

>> No.23671244

lmao. howard is a badman. i'm already up 2500% on this. not even joking.

>> No.23671259


>> No.23671448

under collateralized loans basically?