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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23647238 No.23647238 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sure some of you have heard that core is absorbing encore and will be adding an additional 9,100 eth that was originally locked up in encore into the next DAI/core LGE.

However, what I’m sure you haven’t heard is that they will only be valuing each encore LP at .5 eth each, even though the locked value backing each LP is 1 eth. One of the devs even said yesterday they would be worth 1 eth each, but have now arbitrarily changed this to .5 eth.

So they’ll escsentially be pocketing 4,500 eth (40-50%) as a dev cut, which will either be held in one of their wallets or added as liquidity, and then they’ll hold the created LPs.

A little shady imo. Encore holders, which were promised 1 eth per LP in locked value, are getting fucked. You can find out more about this on the encore vault telegram.

>> No.23647290
File: 39 KB, 536x425, hellraiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power move right here, teaching shit-forks that they're worthless scum and should be grateful to get 50% back. I hope for kore they take a 90% cut.

>> No.23647324
File: 586 KB, 937x412, encored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus they have to go through the trouble of fixing encore's shitty code and memory errors. And have had to put up with copy-paste clones of CORE rugging left and right. Encore holders should be licking our boots.

>> No.23647331

Yeah, that’s a really great way to absorb another community and create good will lmao. Let’s make sure they know they’re worthless scum

>> No.23647353

They deserve a dev cut for sure, but 40-50% is ridiculous. No way riding the shitty code is worth 4500 eth.

>> No.23647374

Fixing* the shitty code

>> No.23647379
File: 3.45 MB, 320x136, core_fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is money, not a charity. We don't need your good will. If something is profitable, people will invest. It's not our fault you bought into an obvious scam.

>> No.23647425

I actually didn’t invest into encore. But I did buy the encore LPs yesterday on balancer when the dev first said they would be valued at 1 eth each since they were underneath that. And then they arbitrarily changed it to .5 eth each

>> No.23647428
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>Yeah, that’s a really great way to absorb another community and create good will lmao. Let’s make sure they know they’re worthless scum

>> No.23647439

lmao you should be glad your fucking scam fork is worth anything at all

>> No.23647460

Well nah I mean it had a literal price floor just like core. So there was no luck involved lol

>> No.23647509

>Trusting code written by a leaf kid
You're right, it wasn't a matter of luck. It was a matter of intelligence. But if you want to be butthurt, take your encore out of the pool and get nothing for it. Or accept the offer from the CORE devs.

>> No.23647596

Like I said, I didn’t invest in encore. I’m actually a huge holder of core, prob have more LPs than you. But I did buy the encore LPs yesterday when they were under .6 eth since the dev said they’d be worth 1 eth each. And then today they said it’ll be worth .5 eth each due to a dev cut.

So yeah, I’m admittedly salty because they mislead, and told people one thing knowing people would react to it. And then arbitrarily changed their minds

>> No.23647673

That's fair, but I got the same news as you and saw the same balancer pool, but wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole regardless.
On the flip side, if encore was valued at 100%, OG core holders would have reason to be salty. As they HODL'd through all the fud and scam-forks and wouldn't want to see encore getting a favorable deal. This way encore holders gets better than what they had, and core holders benefit, having all the leverage.

>> No.23647701

Are you retarded? It's .5 eth per LP because each LP was bought for 1 eth, but half of that value was tied up in worthless encore

>> No.23647716

Lol, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.23648216

Some insider bought 30 eth worth of Encore LP BEFORE the absorbing was announced. Though the liquidity was low, so he bought at 0.4 eth. He probably thought it would cost 1 eth per LP, and surely knew something as no one would buy 30 eth of worthless LPs.

>> No.23648228

core will be dead in 3-4 months, not sustainable.

>> No.23648259

> is literally going to $90k in 03/21
Stay poor

>> No.23648267

lol 30 eth is nothing

>> No.23648270

As for now, each LP contains 1 Encore and 1 Eth. The price for one LP was 1 eth, and so was content of 1 LP at the start (and is now, as price is near the floor).

>> No.23648303

Hahaha you don’t even understand uniswap liquidity, retard.

That’s not why it’s .5 eth each. 94% of all encore is sitting in the uniswap pool and there is still 9700 eth in the pool. When all encore is in the pool there is still 9000 eth remaining. Learn about uniswap, dummy.

>> No.23648307

The daily volume was some $2-3k at the moment.

>> No.23648382

Yes, 1 LP contains 1.03 ETH and 1 ENCORE. So, CORE gets 4500 locked ETH in their pool for free.

>> No.23648451

It’s a fucking sham. It would have been way better to just unlock the liquidity and give everyone the eth back.

>> No.23648519

The ENCORE team wrote that there is no such possibility in the contract.

>> No.23648567

Ok so how is the liquidity being moved from encore to core? There is a way they’re pulling it out of the LP tokens.

>> No.23648583

Regardless of what you feel you were promised, you bought garbage and are whining about your bad decisions.
Trusting people at their word is a sure way to lose money in DeFi. The only thing you can trust is the contract. There's no community, or fair play, or handjobs for rug victims.

>> No.23648632

Why should they give it to you? There's no reason for them to. Core holders benefit from this, the devs themselves benefit from this, and there's nothing to be gained from reimbursing anyone who bought into a copy-paste ripoff that had no extra work put in.

>> No.23648664
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But they told me it was unruggable! Locked liquidity and sheet!

>> No.23648717

we will see it in the LGE. Maybe they lied because CORE at least paid them some money and in case of unlocking liquidity they wouldn't get anything.

>> No.23648749

core devs are shady faggots

>> No.23648832
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Your fud is getting weaker by the day. For every project that has rugged Core has been going strong.
Obviously trusting any dev is dumb, but even they know that. That's why there's a dev fee on every tx, so that it's not in their best interests to rug.

>> No.23648948

umm its actually pretty trivial to unlock.
the fee contract is proxied. so all you need to do is upgrade the fee contract.
fee contract is the one that blacklists the unipool.
upgrade to a new fee contract that doesnt block uni pool.
and all liquidity is unlocked.
thats how they are going to send it to core.
they will upgrade the fee contract to a contract that will send the liq to core for dai/core lge

honestly its much better that it goes to core. it would help the ecosystem. unlocking liq would be unfair since everyone assumed it would be locked. so better to just give them dai/core lge lp then to just stay worthless.

btw core can also unlock their liquidity in the same way.
i talked to the devs about this, and they said they will put the owner for fee contract to timelock after battle testing it.

also if you read the audits. it points out that the fee contract should be put on a governance ASAP.

that shows the audit also knows that the fee contract can unlock all liquidity if upgraded to one that doesnt block

btw just buy some axion (hex2t) and stake it. you will make much more gains then these scams