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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23645747 No.23645747 [Reply] [Original]

Getting a gf was the worst financial decision of my life.

>> No.23645781
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>> No.23645795

it was the best in mine

>> No.23645801



>> No.23645823

what happened

>> No.23645886


>> No.23645915

what do you spend money on

>> No.23645961

its the worst decision every fucking time my friend
I am in third long term relationship and I want to shoot myself in head for failing for it every fucking time
Family is a meme and relationships a chore.
Fucking kill me already how do I escape this shit.

>> No.23645993



>> No.23646011
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>mfw I just fuck literal (literal) whores 1-2 times a month

>> No.23646014

Anon ,cucumber is a fruit ...if it has visible seeds fruit,no seeds vegetable

>> No.23646056

then youre just a retard that doesnt know how to get a gf thats contributing nicely. I save so much money and someone does all the chores.

>> No.23646073

best decision imo

>> No.23646100

we split everything even the chores

>> No.23646108

FWB is the most economic way of getting pussy

>> No.23646138

Yea same wasted so much money for nothing. Most women are just dead weight.

>> No.23646188
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>Buying an expensive dog that runs away after 2-5 years

>> No.23646218

mine was cucumber too

>> No.23646228

just break up? you don't have kids do you?

>> No.23646249

How do I get a gf bros?
I'm in my 30s, have a high-paying career, and decent-looking.
My family and coworkers are starting to think I'm gay or autistic :(

>> No.23646294
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Have you ever considered that maybe you ARE gay or autistic?

>> No.23646298
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are you saying that you fuck dogs?

>> No.23646349

nah but its fucking hard since I managed to pull the ultimate fuckup dating a girl from my work
Gotta wait till corona ease down a little so I can get a new job first.

>> No.23646353

You don't know how to talk to women properly. Women have a sixth sense for desperation. You need a I dont give a fuck mindset like chad.

>> No.23646409

newfags cant even triforce LMAO

>> No.23646426
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>> No.23646450

>shitting where you eat

>> No.23646460


>> No.23646474
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i couldn't think of a vegetable fast enough but got all the maths right so prolly still passed

>> No.23646477

>not having your gf buy you food and pay for your vacations

Ngmi. Learn how to sling good dick.

>> No.23646479

Hate to break it to you guys, but a cucumber is a fruit.
I picked broccoli.

>> No.23646493

I have kids, what do??

>> No.23646495

this is just survivor bias lmao

>hur dur post in this thread if you're male
WOW the image knew my gender

>> No.23646513

dont do it fags

>> No.23646547

wtf my answer was carrot

>> No.23646566



>> No.23646573
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a woman is the number 1 way for a man to go broke

>> No.23646578

Nah girlfriends are so worth it. If you're a coombrain who just wants steady vagina yeah it sucks, but if you want a partner to feel emotion with and have fun with and open up your life to possibilities other than just money and sex it's pretty great. You can plan things, go have fun together, talk and laugh. And honestly, if you're just a product of capitalism that can't think about anything except money, married men make more money on average anyway, go look it up. But that's because people who are healthy and well integrated into society can see the value in women and are willing to work for it, so you might not be one of those married men who make more money anyway unfourtunantely.

>> No.23646595


>> No.23646607

good thing that I'm an incel

>> No.23646611

Definitely not gay. But I might be autistic.
I have a dgaf attitude but it makes me look too aloof or like an asshole.

>> No.23646613

Yikes. Better man up anon. It's not about you anymore.

>> No.23646625

You are ugly

>> No.23646640

I would never be able to be a wagie without a gf. I would go full Elliot Rodger

>> No.23646692
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>> No.23646732
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I picked carrot...............

>> No.23646746

how do you not get bored of her? every girl eventually pisses me off and i want them to leave me alone

>> No.23646755

Same, and just as bad after marriage too. You can either have a gf or you can make it. I was putting everything in link before I met her. I stopped buying around 0.4usd because then it was spent on the long distance dating and bullshit. Only have 50k when I would have had 150k link at the rate I was buying before her. All in all it wasn't worth it but I do like blowjob and suck boob. She doesn't work and is the, worst cook I've met in my entire life so I make her do anal.
If you wind up following my path remember you can't change stuff. Has to be in a state with no common law marriage and you have to do a religion only ceremony. A surprising number of pastors object to doing nonlegal marriage because the, worship false gods and are going to hell. Be sure to find out there stance on the issue before paying the deposit. You have to be able to end things at any time cleanly. Registered mail notice that she has two months to vacate is all it takes, so long as you don't mix property. To joint bank accounts or anything like that. If renting you are the guarantor, etc.. Don't give them a case to force marriage after breaking up so that she can divorce seconds after the forced marriage.

>> No.23646766

We told you, bro.

>> No.23646774

I picked corn

>> No.23646791

i convinced my gf to go to nursing school. she's been bothering me to get married. i told her not until she finishes school and get a job. also i converted my loans to PAYE to REPAYE which is based on married income, so she'll also be paying back my student loans.

>> No.23646794

I love my girlfriend, she’s like a mirror of myself as far as our upbringing and morals go but maaaan you lads ever just get those thoughts “I can do better” when you catch hotter women mirin you in the gym? I recognize it’s probably just biology trying to get me to spread my seed to propagate the species but I always feel like I could find someone prettier. Hoping if I just get her lifting and eating clean like I do she will get prettier over time. Diet and exercise def helped me looks max, so I hope it will do it for her also.

>> No.23646838

Thankfully I live in a country where we have maids that are cheap to hire and they do everything.

>> No.23646857

Same, but with strippers

>> No.23646864
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>> No.23646872

same her, love my gf to bits but shit other women are attractive. Her body is fantastic but her face has major flaws that can't get better over time so fuck it. love her anyways.

>> No.23646898


>> No.23646939


>> No.23646958
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I picked carrot what the actual fuck

>> No.23646960

I feel it anon I think part of it is in genetics for my woman as well. Her body can def be improved and I’ve got her lifting and eating healthier and cutting out the booze which will in turn give her more self confidence and love but there’s a genetic thing or two I notice in her mom and Grandpa. As a high value male I catch other women mirin daily but I also recognize how much I hate “gaming” women and having to be the one that does everything. I just gotta remain grateful for what I have cuz she really does seem like a loyal and sweet girl with all the same tastes as myself which rare.

>> No.23646969

Best financial decision I've ever made:
If it floats, flies or fucks, it's cheaper to rent than to own.

>> No.23646977

Based cucumber bros

>> No.23647077

I just don't, I date for personality over looks. I specifically dated a girl who I could see myself being 70 years old with and still madly in love, someone who tugs at every part of my psyche not just my penis. Mind over matter helps too, if we have a "problem" I just stop viewing it as a problem and look for the good in the situation, and eventually I just stop seeing the bad.

>> No.23647129

What if your gf won't fuck you anymore? Cheaper to own?

>> No.23647295

I said lemon, nice try idiot

>> No.23647448

fucking piece of shit how did you know it?

>> No.23647499
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I waifu'd up and made more money in 2020 that I have in the last 10 years. Not even a Larp.

DMG was kind this year, still holding a shit ton too.

>> No.23647503

That's when you cut your losses and walk away.

>> No.23647537

let the winners run, cut the losers short

>> No.23647659


>> No.23647692

Nah women just pick stable men with high earnings potential to marry and have children with. The act of getting married doesn't make you a better worker.

>> No.23647722
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wrong i picked apple

>> No.23647753

Didnt think of anything

>> No.23647788

An apple isn't a vegetable retard. I picked tomato myself.

>> No.23647806

Not a veggie either. Why is /biz/ so retarded?

>> No.23647828

the joke has backfired.
my brain was still loading vegetable_chooser.c and therefor had not thought of a vegital.

>> No.23647841

Sex without condoms is the only pro of a long term relationship, but it does not worth the hassle.

>> No.23648009 [DELETED] 

What states have the most lenient child support laws for those with high networth but low income?

>> No.23648031 [DELETED] 

What states have the most lenient child support laws for those with high networth but low income?

>> No.23648054



>> No.23648122
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My answer was corn. What does that mean?

>> No.23648162

i picked SALAD you absolute BUFFOON

>> No.23648277

Yo wtf it was carrot how’d it know

>> No.23648287


>> No.23648313

i don't think you understand what your saying is saying

>> No.23648319
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>There are people on here oblivious to subliminal messaging

>> No.23648381

Getting a gf was one of the best financial decisions I ever made
>Pays for her own shit
>Doesn't like going out even to restaurants unless she feels like she's earned it in some way
>Have a companion to relax at home with
>She's paid to fix up things around my house (bought a washer/driver), and paid to remodel kitchen
>She just likes to read and listen to music, she pirates her movies/games
>She just as into stocks and crypto and has put me on to some great plays as well like an FB call at $200 that netted me 10K

>> No.23648440

the fuck

>> No.23648475

Where can I find such intelligent rational and manly women? Mine is from a rich family and compared to her I’m a poorfag and she has no understanding of worth of money, expecting me to pay for her life. I’m gonna dump her ass soon I fear bc she lives in a different Reality than me... REEEEEE

>> No.23648500

same. Looking for some cucumbers on the chart

>> No.23648510

The correct answer is cucumber.

>> No.23648512

Where/how did you meet her

>> No.23648604

I know a guy who dated a billionaire last year. The super-wealthy really live in another world

>> No.23648657

"Onion, shit, is onion a vegetable?"

>> No.23648698

Went to the same college and lived next door to each other in the dorms. Friend circles overlapped, so we used to hang out in the dorms and play ps3/do homework all the time. I noticed she never went to any of the parties, whenever her roommates would invite us out (me and the guys in my dorm unit) and she'd usually stay back at the dorm, so we'd just hang out, then one day we just started fucking and that was that. After we fucked she made it clear she wanted a relationship and not like some fuck buddy/one night stand thing. Worked out well looking back on it.

>> No.23648931

i need a pee

>> No.23648947

Sex is not worth what a girlfriend charges

>> No.23649645
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checked and sapiosexual pilled. Dating a hot bitch right now and she deserves the rope

>> No.23650002


After I dumped my girlfriend, My bank account grew. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.23650373

I said potato
I win

>> No.23650402
