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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23645750 No.23645750 [Reply] [Original]

>UK going into another lockdown
Just how fucked is your country /biz/ bros?

>> No.23645771

dunno. dont care. i hope your caliphate sinks into the atlantic ocean

>> No.23645819

as long as they dont close down gyms im fine
also wtf happened to rent
2 month ago cheapest 1 bedroom in london , atleast 1.4k pounds
low as 800

>> No.23645821

almost everyone in burgerland knows the virus is a scam and has moved on.

>> No.23645829

It's fucked. I'm escaping to Mexico.

>> No.23645851

Trump literally said that the virus has 99.7% recovery rate and he survived at his rally right now
he also said

chink virus over after election confirmed

>> No.23645878

And yet house prices continue to rise. This shit is rigged.

>> No.23645920

>tiny 3rd world flyover shithole going into lockdown
I can safely say that no one in the real world will be affected in the slightest by this. /thread

>> No.23645966

Never selling my linkies. South east london reporting in

>> No.23646044

>South east london
Move while you still fucking can dude, isn't it like 50% white now? Come up norf lad it's wonderufl

>> No.23646068

soft lockdown kinda thing in italy, probably gonna get fucked by tomorrow night or monday going into full lockdown again. talks in progress

have cash ready for cheapies, crash this shit economy to the ground

>> No.23646092

2 years ago there was about seven houses for sale in a fifteen mile radius of my place. Now theres 23k.
Fucking based.

>> No.23646115

They report that theyre rising but if you actually look they are falling. Incoming shitshorm is nearly here

>> No.23646135

Im a scouser, my body is ready

>> No.23646181

stay down there mate on second thought!!

>> No.23646264

Ive learnt new skills i can bring north from the big city. I will stop you all from starving

>> No.23646274

I agree with the other anon. Stay there or don't come anywhere north of Leicester. I still need to save up for the deposit and can't have you drive up house prices before I buy a house.

>> No.23646306

Haha fair play lad, I bet you can cook a mean curry now?

>> No.23646538


>£2 trillion in debt, probably more that isn't on the books.
>Bongland personal debt is over £1.6 trillion. >Non existent economy of run down housing estates with the odd kebeb shop acting as a waystation.
>All industry has been asset stripped and shipped abroad.
>Bank of england is probably going to print a bunch of money and cause inflation to go through the roof.
>Stock exchange hasn't grown in over 20 years.

But hey, at least your london masters are staying comfy asset stripping whats left of the country and running a massive network of overseas tax havens.

>> No.23646576
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Priced in.

>> No.23646604

England but its alright I dont mind

>> No.23646632

Move before the meteor hits you anon. At the moment London has nothing anyway, no businesses, no community other than knife weilding jihadists.

>> No.23646653

Italy here, they're already discussing on new local lockdowns on Monday, before probably going into full lockdown in few weeks.

>> No.23646675

ausfag in melbourne here. the worst lockdown in a first world country just ended and unfortunately got us to zero cases, so it's being used as a model for everywhere else. sorry about our faggot government bros

>> No.23646707


>> No.23647078

it's for your safety anon you don't want to catch the deadly pandemic virus do you?

>> No.23647609
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>Just how fucked is your country /biz/ bros?

The more a country obeys the Great Reset thing, the more is fucked up.

>> No.23647629

nobody is modeling shit after austrialia, lmao

>> No.23647714
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I want to see those cute goats taking over your empty town's again.

>> No.23647754

>tons of retail / hospitality places close
>European workers got no where to work
>Europeans go home to their country
>less people want to rent
>supply -gt demand
>price falls

>> No.23647756

bong on fags

>> No.23647805

“Got us to 0” oh anon you brainwashed roo fucker

>> No.23647808

>SE Londoner buys linkies
SW Londoner here, that’s two bad decisions you’ve made in your life already.

>> No.23647824

not too bad in Canada. Only "hotspots" are in lockdown, thankfully I live in Toronto

>> No.23647836

SW Londoner here, confirmed SE gay and shit

>> No.23647868

Malaysia here, the most basedest country in SEA. No lockdowns, just meme police arresting people in groups.

>> No.23647893


Rent is tied to actual wages while house prices are tied to borrowing and money printing

>> No.23647983
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>lots of business closed, lots of jobs losts (including mine)
>can't makeout if people are using masks cuz they're affraid of the virus (01% mortality rate lmao) or the fine for not using masks
>35 USD stimulus check
>local politicians trying to get a mandatory vaccine, Bolsonaro does not want that

I literally don't know how we will ever recover from this. Fuck the WHO, fuck China, fuck the masks, fuck the plandemic.

>> No.23648044
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only 1 week left in Wales

>> No.23648097

checkmate lol

>> No.23648152
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>Be Swede
>Tegnell gives a soft recommendation to avoid gyms.
>Just came home from the gym

Being Swedish is fucking baller.

>> No.23648196

if anyone didn't get why I said checkmate, the country is in turmoil
and people giving zero fucks about COVID-19 cause bigger problems rn

>> No.23648254

Are west London girls really the best?

>> No.23648322

US is good. I think people realize nothing is really happening and that it'll drop out of the public conscious after Trump wins.

My state is the only one in the union thats fully green for cases too. Life's pretty much back to normal here. I really don't like seeing friends in other countries going through lockdowns and shit its so useless

>> No.23648786

Ik loop menk in de byenkorf

>> No.23648950

i need a poo cum

>> No.23649012

Why do you niggers care about the lockdown so much? Are you normalfags who party every day? Personally my life has been changed minimally since pre-corona, if anything I view it as a positive as old "friends" or relatives doesn't pester me as much

>> No.23649060

We need a peer to peer market place pronto. Otherwise we have to rely on Corpe Tech to keep linking us up with Eats and Books. Technically uniswap is this. Such as, i mint a NFT that represents the ability to have the item shipped to you, where you buy it on the uniswap market and then redeem it on the user UI or some built in to the blockchain protocol would be easy enough to make as well. I wonder if Judge Forrest will lock up Hayden like Ulbricht. We technically now have an unstoppable peer to peer market place

>> No.23649120

West is best, but anyone who lives above the river is either a psychopath or braindead

>> No.23649133

He says that schools are still going to be open.
How is a lockdown going to work, when we have hundreds of kids and young adults going into a single building, possibly get or infect other people, who go home to do the same to their family, contain a virus?

>> No.23649163


because it is bad for the economy and therefore also bad for the companies I own.

>> No.23649177


It works if it slows down the infection rate. Getting rid of the virus is impossible without vaccine.

>> No.23649184

Is it too late to short FTSE?

>> No.23649196
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We dont have a lockdown we have a "wave breaker"

>> No.23649221
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the real fucked ones are the US when trump is going for 4 more years under Corona....thats literally civil war time

Trump Scenario=

Virus nearly wipes out 40% of Population of US in Trump 4 years.
Civil riots begin as China drops Petrodollar and dollar literally becomes Zimbabwe Schilling
Trump gets coup'd from the army. Peacefully.


Corona wipes out 20% or Population of US.
Civil riots begin as right militias hunt libtards and niggers.
China opens for US trading, Petrodollar stays dollar stays #1 currency.
Oil companies begin to suffer
Biden dies the last year , Indian subhuman Pajeet woman gets in oval office. stays lame duck for 1 year
Green deal fails and Biden is under the ground.


>> No.23649235

It's going to be hard to slow down the infection rate when the protests start rising all over in England when this becomes official.

>> No.23649238

What, so Battersea & vauxhall?

>> No.23649307

You think they care if what they're doing "works" or not? lol.

Also, they can just do less tests and/or lower the amplification cycles and claim that it worked. Then later they can increase testing and increase the cycles and claim use that to justify another lockdown.

It's all fucking bullshit.

>> No.23649352

we must flatten the curve until everyone takes the vaccine ...

>> No.23649593

Sitting comfy here in Wales, we'll be out of lockdown next week

>> No.23650190

even coronachan finds emu-botherers unappetising. how tf can you have 0 (ze-ro) cases? chinks are up to something

>> No.23650207

Who cares just buy AVAX

>> No.23650263

it's a frackin pandermicerino

>> No.23650264
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the globalists really doubled down on euros. forced vaccinations? hopefully you guys can avoid that somehow.

>> No.23650296

They're helpless to fight against it (and they will argue that's a good thing without a hint of irony)

>> No.23650305

Gyms are closing.

>> No.23650325

gyms are too heckin dangerouserino you should only be allowed to go to Walmart

>> No.23650728

Just the gym really. Im about to get on test and if the gym closes I'll have to do fucking faggy calisthenics.

>> No.23650729

melbournefag here, been in lockdown since march, its fucking sucked, but we've had 4 days of zero new cases this week. it works.

>> No.23650733

tbf, choice was either hospitals overflowing with critical coofers or streets full of hobbyless homos

>> No.23650779
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This is a bong thread. Fuck off to your potato general

>> No.23650864

Because the mentality is "housing prices always appreciate". Reality will set in eventually. Think of all the broke millennials that have to get into this market. That combined with boomers dying adding to the supply side. 40% correction in the next 10 years.

>> No.23650903

Nuke melbourne, you cunts suffering under that lockdown was well deserved punishment. Pretty sad its over.

>> No.23651004

What's going on there? Was that where that huge explosion happened?

>> No.23651395

It is good for you bevause you get to buy more of these companies before you get priced out forever thanks to massive asset inflation
Just workout at home. I have been doing it for almost a year and it works perfectly fine not to mention I don't have to pay some faggot gym owner every month. With test you would get probably 90% of your gym results.

>> No.23651595

Not that fucked, when Biden wins we'll be in good shape.

>> No.23651984

its shit
economic collapse, hyperinflation, banking restrictions and illegal capital control, no electricity etc...

>> No.23652476
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Aus chad here. just got out of 6 month lockdown. freedom feels good bros

>> No.23653407

Oh yeah really looking forward to the Dark Winter and the mandatory lockdowns/masks until 2030

>> No.23653438

those are asian nipples,

>> No.23653566


>> No.23653627

Finland here, literally nothing happens
Only recommendations because actual rules would be unconstitutional

>> No.23653674

what makes malaysia the most based? SEA country rankings please :)

>> No.23653685

calisthenics does work, just pretend you are in prison

>> No.23653993

>Only recommendations because actual rules would be unconstitutional

based as fuck.

>> No.23654418

It’s just England, noone cares. I love being insulated from their retardation.
>t. Scot

>> No.23654715

Nicely done Ahmed.

>> No.23654739

I live in Japan. We're good. I'm only 20 and I feel great about where things are at. Sorry your all so dumb to not wear masks.

BTW - ARPA ... look into it. Asian recover is not a meme. Bella Protocol gibs are just the start.

>> No.23654799

I don't wear a mask when out. When I'm confronted I tell them the governor lifted the mandate so they can't do anything about it now. I did not wear one before either but would just ignore when confronted. Insane how pissy people get over a piece of cloth. If they are worried they should wear one. I don't see how me not wearing one suddenly makes their mask stop working.

>> No.23654831

I'm fine. Tomochain's privacy ensures I will be fine.

>> No.23654879

Fellow Cucktorian here, you just know this isn't the be-all-end-all for lockdowns here. All I want is for masks to be not mandatory anymore.

>> No.23655391

You need to go back

>> No.23655632

Slàinte Mhath brother.

>> No.23655280


>> No.23655318

this has to be bait lol

>> No.23655320

I just like being able to breathe. The common cold wasn't that bad and it only gave me a headache. Nothingburger. If you're are fat then you deserve it anyways. I'm not inconveniencing myself for a fatty's sake.

>> No.23656091

ni hao

>> No.23656155
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kids in school
wife and i moved into a 4 bedroom house
both just got new jobs.
fucked rating- 0

>> No.23656165


I'm all in all the time, no money to buy dips.

>> No.23656266

pretty hard lockdown
everything is closed except for supermarkets and pharmacies
you can buy food from restaurants to go or order it online
curfew at 9 pm

I already tested positive for covid so I don't give a shit
not much to do except to work and study for my working certification
I work a lot less though and spend more time talking with colleagues

>> No.23656267

Don't care. Got my HEX2T stack and moving to Argentina to live with the Hitlers.

>> No.23656284

>zero cases to begin with
>zero cases now


>> No.23657127

I love all the hate for London, by people who only come once a year and are scared by brown people
> muh over priced
Yes but also over paid
> muh expensive houses
Yes we buy expensive things so we can sell the, for more profits
> muh jihadists
As if asylum seekers aren't housed in every town across the land.

In answer to your post op every country in Europe will have the same over winter. We're all fucked till there's a virus for the fake China virus

>> No.23657303


you have to go back

>> No.23657442

How is your xrp bag doing?

>> No.23657562

valuable insight into the mind of 'London property only go up' tard tho

>> No.23657726

Getting rid of the virus is literally impossible. Once a coronavirus passes a threshold (which covid passed in fucking April) it becomes unstoppable. It's going to cycle through the population again and again for decades, slowly becoming less deadly as the vulnerable just die off. People are going to shriek about it the whole time.

>> No.23657911

It's full of dirty Muslims, who blame all their failures on the more successful Chinese minority.

>> No.23658013

in Germany our new lockdown is starting tomorrow.
I moved to a new city and the university is 99% online and I have no friends here.
So I dont care much.

>> No.23658060

Go back to where buddy? I was born here :)

>> No.23658113

This. Only thing I miss is the gym but I've bought some weights to use at home.
Fuck normies

>> No.23658133
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UK has been a dead shell of a country for the best part of 15 years now. Zero empathy.


>> No.23658217

I'm in Portugal, and I got covid at my gym. I just got discharged from homr confinment but I'm going back. Fuck normalfags eho infected me, I need to get my gains back.

>> No.23658219

We good, no one cares about the flu anymore, everyone has seen how harmless it is. Uncertainty is falling, optimism is growing for 2021. Get in on state backed airlines and recreation while its literally handed away.

>> No.23658575

>Go back to where buddy?
Holy shit go back immediately.

>> No.23658599

Unrelated but i dream of moving to Portugal when i make it, but i still have no idea which region to choose. If you were to just move to portugal as a young man now with a fresh start, where would you go?

>> No.23658625

>Burgers are so unhealthy they only got 99.7% recovery rate

>> No.23658636

Because the virus is literally just the flu and 99% of people survive it.

>> No.23658730

I'm glad you Melbourne faggots suffered, although the fact that you'll be talking about your "hardship" and how no one else will ever understand is going to be a pain.


>> No.23658761

>subhuman vics will be released from their cages soon
There's already too many sub human vic numberplates up here. Heard stories about their homes and cars getting vandalised just prior to the hard border closure. Hopefully you and your family have violence directed against you very soon!

>> No.23658765
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to r eddit

>> No.23658796

Freedom is important you stupid communist

>> No.23658850


t. Incel

>> No.23658859

piss off amerishit

>> No.23658908
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i literally just got a graduate analyst job at capita in london (wfh for now). should i be worried about my job security? pic related is capitas share price

>> No.23658922

go to twitter and search #wewillnotcomply

>> No.23658932


you'll do exactly as you're told, exactly when I tell you to do it

>> No.23658955


Yes. You should always be worried, or at least aware, that no job is secure. The rug could get pulled at any time. Look at Lehman Brothers, Monarch, British Leyland etc. Loads of people who thought their jobs were secure. Nothing is secure in life, there is no security.

>> No.23658988

You’re a full on retard if you think you’re fine in Toronto. Prepare your anal o-ring for some deep penetration from your friend bud Doug Ford as he sets up lockdown for the province. Closing gyms and fitness centres is a “great idea” but let’s keep the number one vector open, schools, open... fucking kids almost got me sick.

>> No.23659098

I hope you aint getting paid in options
thas (charts..) a fucking car wreck

>> No.23659131

>doxxing yourself
Well done, as other Anon said nothing is secure in life, read Alan Watts or don't fuck do I care

>> No.23659247

Only low IQ low skill bennis parasites are fucked
Actual business is booming, car sales are through the roof, house sales record high, high demand for engineers, Amazon type stores hitting record profits
Literally a bull run if you have any actual qualifications and not memes like gender studies

>> No.23659518


Imagine thinking these things can continue when primary industry fails. Enjoy eating dirt anon.

>> No.23659827

tack bror

>> No.23660086

>Just how fucked is your country /biz/ bros?
Its finished because it reached critical tard mass with brexit, coronavirus is just pissing on the turd before its flushed. The UK won;t exist in a few decades. Newsflash, counties don't last forever and the UK is well beyond its expired date

>> No.23660099


>> No.23660111

>Its finished because it reached critical tard mass with brexit, coronavirus is just pissing on the turd before its flushed. The UK won;t exist in a few decades. Newsflash, counties don't last forever and the UK is well beyond its expired date

>> No.23660271

Oh, much clearer. Thanks for expanding on your earlier platitudes. Was hoping for some critical insights and you definitely didn't disappoint

>> No.23660952


>> No.23660956

I think he's saying all countries have a life cycle and UK has reached its natural conclusion.
I would wager critical mass means like a combination of vampiric factors that sickens and destroys the civ - blacks, immigrants, gays, feminists, trans, welfare, regulations, high taxes, inflation.

>> No.23660964
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I'm Belgian

>> No.23660968
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I'm for which ever option gets us to mass bloodshed sooner. In Minecraft.