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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23631307 No.23631307 [Reply] [Original]

>just start your own businesses bro
is there an easier way to spot an underage nigger?

>> No.23631329

I'll buy a pair of sneaker once I make it

>> No.23631351

I opened up my own business. Business of buying a fuckload of Chainlink in early 2018

>> No.23631576

i hate people who say this, when you ask them if they have a business or what general ideas they have they dont say anything

>> No.23631977

You're an undisciplined retarded nigger and you will stay poor. Now, keep buying your meme token s that get shilled and hope for the best

>> No.23631996

dropshipping is not a business and you are not white

>> No.23632045

I don't dropship, I'm day trading to get money to start a business idea I'm passionate about. Day trading is something I LEARNED and tried and failed until I succeeded, that's how I know I will make it and you won't. Also, I'm pure Aryan genetics retard.

>> No.23632472

so you dont have a business

>> No.23632490

I'm 21 and I own a business. 350k revenue. No excuse

>> No.23632529

sure you do
useless statistic way to out yourself faggot
only profit matters

>> No.23632554

if you think about it trading is sort of a business since you buy and sell digital goods to others

>> No.23632564

What is it fren assuming you aren't larping?

>> No.23632600

>have an LLC
>collect corona SBA gibs
>buy Chainlink with it
It was this ezpz newfags

>> No.23632640
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Let me guess. You're a 'consultant'.

>> No.23632684

You and I think alike.

>> No.23632690

50k profit and I pay myself 30k on top of it.
Custom screen printing and embroidery. No one young wants to do anything offline.
It's a physical job. 10/12 hour days.

>> No.23632709
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Why would I want to gamble with crypto when I can just pay zuckerberg $500 in ads and my website shits out $3500 in profit?

(I also took 100k out of my business this year which is an “expense” in QB)

Id rather invest in my money machine desu

>> No.23632785
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I fucking buy the domain and hosting and set up my first website idea. Play with everything and learn to streamline the process for more websites in the future.
I will fucking do it. I know the host site, I know coding, I know design, I know my subject, I know how to set up affiliates, I know how to get Google ads, I can write out shit at an alarming rate. I am just a lazy piece of shit who doesn't get around to it.
Ty for inspiration anon. Any wisdom you can empart would help, but you already did enough.
Fuck lads. I'm going for it.

>> No.23632817

So no business.

>> No.23632851

Still more than what you're doing

>> No.23632899

>dude just wageslave for 50 years, maybe you'll be able to start your own biz once you retire

>> No.23632961

ideas are cheap anon
I have fuckin loads, just need initial capital for security and to have more options down the line

>> No.23632978

none of this happened

>> No.23633071


I sell antiques to boomers. I just use a simple lead generation funnel and release my product via email making the boomers scramble to call fast to buy.

However once I learned to launch my product via text message then it was like discovering a marketing nuclear bomb.

It still blows my mind that I can make 100k in a month (45k in profit).

>> No.23633138

Seethe more wagecuck, if you look in warosu you’ll find more of your kind while we were doing it

>> No.23633160

What kind of antiques anon? do you hold any inventory?

>> No.23633207


nice. but you probably got into it with the help of your family.

>> No.23633253

Where do you get the inventory? Estate sales?

>> No.23633354

but i did. i sell t-shirts with pop culture shit on them and make 8k a month. i used ig to market and grew my account with a targeted bot that actually got real people in my demographic to follow/buy. i gave it up and just do it small time on etsy now while wagecucking. might get back into it, i still have the ig accounts and domain

>> No.23633494

i started a car dealership boi..... came from the ground up started as an automotive technician. dont let anybody say shit to u but put in that fuckin work or u aint gona be shit

>> No.23633542

You aren't trading a "good" you're trading shares, or in the case of crypto, you're trading tokens.
That's not a business.

>> No.23633571

Where'd you get the designs? Did you make them yourself or hire someone to do it for you? I have some scrub-level art/design skills and have thought about doing this before.

>> No.23633793

Yes I have a semi trailer full, but I make boomers give me $2,000 down just to get first look at my upcoming products. I basically copied Supreme’s sales process.

Ebay, CL primarily. But now Ive basically cornered the market anyone that attempts to sell one one ebay I immediately buy it. Plus now people hit me and bring them to me because because I pay top dollar for them.

>> No.23633850

Nothing wrong with not being white you faggot

>> No.23633871

>Also, I'm pure Aryan genetics retard.
You're an unmixed yanmaha steppnigger from the neololothic? You came from a time machine?

>> No.23633893

How do you make the tshirts?

>> No.23633916

Yeah that's why asians want to commit suicide and when designer babies come they'll make them pure caucasian and I mean pure, not the american muttbreeds, not even the british genes.

>> No.23633933
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>Can't reply to multiple posts at once
Yep. Non-white detected.

>> No.23633964

The hardest part isn't making the money, it's finding competent people willing to work for cheap. I sure as fuck will not pay some Californian or New Yorker who make 3k a month or some swedish fuck who makes 7k a month.

Bloody retarded to pay 1500$ for a Bejeweled game or a game like Among Us when faggots do it in their spare time. Like paying 15000$ for a flash game on Armor Games.

>> No.23634015

Business idea:
Every massage therapist out there fills some physical aesthetic.
Hot women, Big hunky men, Strong Swedish women, etc.
if I become a licensed massage therapist, I can charge extra because I will be the only ugly lanky massage therapist in the world.
It's that Scarcity factor

>> No.23634045

Cope, Whites have high suicide rate too especially the northern variety, the soft spot for race is mediteranean/north african : better looking dark caucasian features, low anxiety because evolved for the fairly forgiving med climate and thicc cock from the slight negro admixture. High group preference an nationalism too while northern euros love to cuck themselves while having one of the lowest fertility on the planet

The only advantage of the northern races is high production of genius but their discoveries are profitable for all of humanity so it's pretty much useless to be the race who produce them except for winning good boy points on mongolian cartoon imageboard

>> No.23634059

Isn't that what marketing is for?
The main way video games can be profitable is that you don't lose product when you sell the game to 1 more person because it's a code that you just copy and sell to people.
It's all about selling enough of it to customers at a price they will buy it at.
You can't do that with something tangible like breadsticks or cars.

>> No.23634076

It's slightly harder to do that while phoneposting and I'm low in industriousness

Indeed I'm Med not wh*te

>> No.23634077

>immediately starts talking about cock
Mutt's law

>> No.23634078

post today's longs
minimun 10x or you are a faggot

>> No.23634095

Very nice id btw, I'm sure you read tons of bOOKs, nerd

>> No.23634108
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>Bro just work 30 years for someone everyday until you die
Do you seriously op?

>> No.23634112

>collect welfare
>pay LLC fees
makes sense

>> No.23634148

holy shit this is cringe

>> No.23634219
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Seeth more whiteboi

>> No.23634240

those are some pretty good arguments, but you're still not white

>> No.23634720

Haha based. Called it

>> No.23634737
File: 725 KB, 1106x1012, 1596441469197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting your own lawn mowing business is easy. Just mOW

>> No.23634740


>> No.23634833
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Cope & seethe

>> No.23634842
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I don't believe you

>> No.23634917

Those derogatory things in the top paragraph are due to increasing genetic load since the industrial revolution, which means whatever shithole you come from will experience these problems soon enough when your population builds up enough spiteful mutants.

>> No.23634980
File: 8 KB, 179x282, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He works 10-12 hours a day for 30k yearly returns

>> No.23635353

What type of antiques? Must be high end to justify a 2k boomer up-front investment. How long did it take you to build inventory?

>> No.23635497

Wagies are insufferable. You'll bitch and moan while you try to hold everyone else back who would rather not up until the point where you can bitch and moan about them being lucky. Drown yourselves.

>> No.23635615

>day trading to get money to start a business idea
Day trading is a business itself. If you have money to actually day-trade, you would have the money for the business idea. Stop LARPing.
On top of that, you're starting a "business idea"??? So you're going to use your LARP money to start a business or start thinking about what the business is going to be?

>> No.23635796
File: 40 KB, 600x584, 1566525613213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard about this theory too my jolly friend but I won't be so sure about it, european med countries are as industrialized as northern countries if not more and yet they aren't remotely as feminine and cucked. Plus even with industrialization, highly religious and patriarcal cultures of MENA and some part of subsaharan africa still keep the age of breeding fairly young. And it's not like going to the exact same industrial phase as the West is some kind of imperative, if so called third world shithole play their cards half-right they might have the best of both worlds while the west crumble unto itself.

And you're wrong to think that all your problems are due to mutations, some of them have always followed the nordcucks, their is ancient texts from both the arabs and the freaking vatican (Italian med people so not fullbooded wh*the) talking about how much the celts, the franks and the rus were absolute cuckhold. I can't find anything about ancient suicide rate but logically you'd expect hight anxiety and depression among people evolved for very harsh winters, while black people were always known to be very joyful and fun-loving (no winter so no need for anxiety about the future), and brown people being basically white with some subsaharan admixture usually combining some perks and some defects of both races (but more perks due to ongoing natural selection)

The world have changed and the winter is irrelevant, your genetic history is obsolete in the environment you created, mutt people shall inherit the earth