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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 483 KB, 320x240, bloody-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23631280 No.23631280 [Reply] [Original]

Add #BLOODY Uniswap liquidity to claim 50% of all spills. When #BLOODY transfer volume increases, #BLOODY spill rate increases. bloodyfi.org

>> No.23631715

This is the one ,just got in this shit and makin money already

>> No.23632219
File: 179 KB, 346x403, poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 2 days in on this and with the LP I am around 3x. Looking great going into Halloween.

>> No.23632330

Keep selling pajeets, the best money maker I've had.

>> No.23632854

Now I can watch my gains grow AND sleep

>> No.23633058
File: 950 KB, 240x208, bloody-poppy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23633139

LP has only negative rebases.

>> No.23633441

Love this shit making money while we sleep $rot $bloddy

>> No.23633861

Tim projects are the only legit moneyfarms in crypto with an actually based dev that won't rug

>> No.23633879

Should I ape in now or am I late by 3 days?

>> No.23633992


Can anyone explain why I have lost money if I have been providing liquidity since yesterday?

>> No.23634128
File: 80 KB, 593x563, 1601421831452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Add #BLOODY Uniswap liquidity to claim 50% of all spills.
>mfw I put $2000 into LP yesterday
>mfw I have LOST $300

Are you guys memeing me? where the fuck are my "50% of spills" then

>> No.23634285

lol just hodl for a few days, you'll get greatly rewarded. took me 3 days to get profit since i ws in ROT/BLOODY and ROT went down. I also went in on a negative rebase. either way. your LP tokens don't lose value, you'll get everything backl in a few days.

>> No.23634356

Tim has made a perpetual money machine and now it's up to us to figure out the best way to make money off of it. We can use MAGGOT to buy NICE/BLOODY to burn more hence creating more volume and getting more rewards. then before the next NICE inflation we all buy with NICE with our profits and start farming through Deflation phase, we harvest all our nice and burn 20%, that farmed nice is reinvested in Bloody. etc etc. there's prolly people with a better understanding of tokenomics than me who can figure this out.

>> No.23634394

what prevents me losing even more money? At least with rot farming I was getting steady rot and only losing if the price went down. Yesterday there was a lot of volume and didnt make shit, today Im already losing almost $400 and volume keeps dropping. Seems like once again this was only for those who got the airdrop and everyone else is getting fucked

>> No.23634432

bro chill out. wait a bit, patience is the name of the game...

>> No.23634528

Anon you are not losing money if you put in that much.

You need to look at your total liquidity and not the fees gained on the Uniswap page, that's wrong. Then you can figure out how much you have if you were to exit and sell the tokens.

Also this needs more volume. More volume = more spillage = more fees sent to you for being a LP.

>> No.23634913

I did check my total liquidity, down $380. Seems totally worthless since I could have farmed almost anything else with that money and not lost as much

>> No.23635769

Eazy money here anon

>> No.23636605

I CAN'T STAND these BRAINLETS, last time I spoonfeed you :
- 13% of the supply burned already in not even 3 days.
- LPs gets the rewards.
- ~600k MC

Why are you getting murdered on the rest of the market, when you can literally sit comfy in these pools while Bloody reaches NICE token levels of price ( same dev, check the deflationary aspect on the medium https://thetimtempleton.medium.com/what-is-bloody-6fd151386c6 , after ROT and NICE, I just instabuy whatever he puts out then figure out what its about.)

last point, I literaly bought 1 yfi with 1 NICEtoken, Guess where this coin is headed?
Stay poor.

>> No.23636884

he understands

>> No.23636890

No u can still get in for sure

>> No.23637016

I literally cannot purchase this shitcoin

>> No.23637122

yeah it's not for dummies lol

>> No.23637289

round numbers

>> No.23637420

>LPs gets the rewards.
Stop lying to me I just checked again and im down even more money just by having it all on an LP