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File: 19 KB, 460x259, 201026114606-01-macron-muslim-reaction-1025-turkey-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23628158 No.23628158 [Reply] [Original]

What country should a Muslim with fuck-you money move to?

>> No.23628174

Try staying in your own shithole roach-infested country. thanks

>> No.23628184


>> No.23628187

Fuck yourself in your own country Mohammad

>> No.23628197


>> No.23628212

yes, that's what I'm asking retards

>> No.23628241


Sweden. You get a harem of blonde sex slaves for free if you are Muslim.

>> No.23628262


>> No.23628268

Move to the ocean and live with the fish. You're the plague of human civilization

>> No.23628278
File: 23 KB, 455x287, Dua-for-wealth-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah, brother. Go where Allah's will leads you. Don't forget to donate at least 2.5% of your wealth for zakat.

>> No.23628296

>Don't forget to donate at least 2.5% of your wealth for zakat.
I already do, thanks for the reminder

>> No.23628302

You can also move into a Chinese reeducation camp, that would be an improvement to your current situation. Also it would help my Chink stocks.

>> No.23628312

India, united Emirates, Istanbul, Chechnya

>> No.23628367

I actually was thinking about Turkey, I just worry that it's corrupt like Eastern Europe.

>> No.23628615

You're leaving la grande nation?
Good man.
Emirates probably.

>> No.23628627

>was thinking about Turkey
>I just worry that it's corrupt
lmao. Roaches are so head-fucked, they manage to be major league Muslim persecutors while being comprised 99%+ of goat botherers. You got fuck-fuck you money, Swiss, otherwise, Southern Yurope. But you don't. If you did, you wouldn't need to ask

>> No.23628648
File: 11 KB, 460x276, basedpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What country should a Muslim with fuck-you money move to?
>yes, that's what I'm asking retards

You don't even know what you're trying to say, goat fucker. Fuck your pedo god.

>> No.23628730

No one wants muslims anymore we've seen how bad your religion is. As bad as the jews, pedophiles

>> No.23628786
File: 11 KB, 280x285, lawful-wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great, anon. I can see why you were blessed with wealth.

>> No.23628793

Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Emirates, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Turkey,
These countries are muslim, safe and secure. At least more than Western Europe. Some of them are extremely prosperous, some are more third worldy but this gives you more freedom as a richfag

>> No.23628842

as a "muslim" with a fuck you money from saudi arabia
go to UAE best option for muslims

>> No.23628886
File: 121 KB, 500x441, allah-is-gay-no-hate-only-love-allahus-31565639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23628908

Sorry but all flights are cancelled and will remain cancelled for the foreseeable future. You're not leaving France.

Your next destination is a gas chamber.

>> No.23628925

Whatever country you are from.

>> No.23628944

maybe a poor country so you could be way richer than everyone

>> No.23628985

If you're going to be leaving France, you're going to have to find a smuggler on the way back, or you'll have to cross the Mediterranean. All Border crossings are closed right now. They won't open, you're already fucked and you don't even know it. Tell your friends and neighbors as well, let them know what's coming :^).

If you don't well I'm afraid you have to catch a train ride to the next furnace.

>> No.23629016

id cross out the ones in the desert
i think signapore/malaysia would be worth a try

>> No.23629508

Xinjiang, China. I hear the Uyghurs love it there.

>> No.23629621

well youd probably want a place with low living costs, a place that isnt too cold either.... spain.... spain is the perfect place for fucking everyone, but yet no one goes there, they all come to the uk, the highest cost of living place on the planet with the shittiest most miserable weather... this is the thing i dont understand about migrants when they choose the uk, its a shit hole and people here want to get out of it but cant because they are locked in poverty by this place, but yet everyone wants to come here and be miserable too? lol

>> No.23629736

Whatever country you're race is from, a muslim has to be close to his blood.
If the country of your people isn't muslim go for whatever muslim country who won't steal all you money.

>inb4 there's no muslim country
Don't be autistic, as long as the women dress modestly and the adhan sounds 5 times a day the country is muslim enough for the needs of a normal man

>> No.23629790
File: 13 KB, 276x183, brk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should construct a nice lodge/guesthouse in the mountains of west Kyrgyzstan (the muslim part), and rent it out every blue moon to whatever western travelers make their way there

>> No.23630071

same as the Prosperity Protestants
i have nothing against Muslims in particular, but a massive portion of people living in 3rd-world conditions are devoutly religious
in any case, do good and live in peace brother

>> No.23630315

behead yourself lol

>> No.23630631

>spain is the perfect place for fucking everyone
youth employment en Espana was 30%+ in 2019. And I doubt that figure will have improved any lately, somehow. Its got great weather sure, but probably not unrelated, near fucking zero entrepreneurial culture. Or willingness to even stay awake longer than necessary. Mainlands probably better but used to live on the islands. Try getting a Spanish plumber. 'Manana..' Holy Fuck, I hate that fucking word. Refugees at least got some get up and go, they want *the opportunity* to create a better life. And regardless their delusions over Bong - and here I'd entirely agree, they mostly are such - Spains probably too close to home, in more ways than geographically.

>> No.23630653

Probably Morroco or Dubai, but the cost of living there might fuck you. Maybe Thailand?

>> No.23630863

The berbers needs to get their shit together and conquer al andalus once again, the spaniard will then have to become hard working again in order to pay the jizya

Dubai isn't worth it if it's for the long-term and you're not native. Moroccans are more accepting of strangers but he'll never get fully accepted. Best bet for OP is to got into whatever country his parents are from

>> No.23630906

I heard they have nice integration camps there.

>> No.23631141

the country of TOMO will yer probz