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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.68 MB, 576x1024, 1599490064265.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23626512 No.23626512 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.23626593

what is that man doing on the floor? somebody help him, he might be having a heart attack

>> No.23626655

Omg this is priceless women are so funny

>> No.23627012


>> No.23627076
File: 198 KB, 1024x1535, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people prefer privacy to being a shameless THOT. For those ppl ARPA is good.

>> No.23627109 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ i literally couldnt finish the video, looks like im weaker to cringe than i am to gore

>> No.23627155


>> No.23627259
File: 453 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201030-131518_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23627268


>> No.23627373

go away pajeet we're busy making bank

>> No.23627382

that dad is so cucked

>> No.23627898

His chrum is turgid

>> No.23628186

what is this meme dance these whores keep doing?

>> No.23628771

>can't break 3.5¢
It's dead.

>> No.23628816

"Dang, my daughter sure can fuck! Hot diggity dang!"

>> No.23628818

Its the dance for the song WAP (Wet ass pussy)

Click if you dare.

>> No.23628854


>> No.23628997

no time. waiting for jusdefi

>> No.23629538

Can someone explain how the fuck can I calculate my earned fees from Blood/Eth uniswap pool? Been providing liq since 2 days

>> No.23629568

Price of the token is irrelevant if you're a LP since that's where the money is at. Only speculators care about price.

>> No.23629610

Look at how much liquidity you have now versus what you started with. If you put in more than $20 you're definitely making money.

>> No.23630166

so the gains are in the liquidity itself right? there is no harvest like rot

>> No.23630204

(CA *CP)-(IA*IP)=net gain/loss

>> No.23630233

fuuuck so bloody

>> No.23630301

Right. The more volume this has, the more you will make from the fees. So having speculators for buying/selling is a good thing for the LP.

>> No.23630640

Is 6% slippage enough to buy this? Since the medium says the spill is 'up to 6%'.

>> No.23630647

and how does the rebase works? do I have to do it manually when it's available in the web? I'm not getting that part, what happens if I don't make the rebase transaction?

>> No.23630815

Only 1 person has to hit the button

>> No.23631187

Check bloodyfi.org for the current spill rate.

You will need a minimum of that plus a % or two to cover price movements.

Right, rebase is done by someone so you don't have to hit the button yourself.


If the volume this hour is more than the last, it’s positive (you get more tokens). If less, then negative (your tokens rebalance to less tokens, but DO NOT lose value. REMEMBER THIS!). Very simple. Transfers are LOCKED for 5 minutes after each rebase, so check the site for the unlock timer if you're trying to trade.

>> No.23631203


>> No.23631229

Tim coded a neat bot in the TG channel.

Supply Stats:

Total Supply: 41753800 BLOODY
Total Spilled Supply: 11118150 BLOODY
Burned Forever: 5559075 BLOODY
Spilled to LP: 5559075 BLOODY
Spillage Rate: 11.1 %
Supply Burned Forever: 13.5 %

Trading Stats:

Volume 1hr Ago: 278350 BLOODY
Volume This Hour: 667950 BLOODY
Volume Difference: +140%

Rebase Stats:

Next rebase in: 21 minutes
Previous Rebase Was: Negative

Slippage Stats:

Recommended Slippage Small Orders: 13 %
Recommended Slippage Big Orders: 14 %

>> No.23631241

Jews are responsible for this. Never forget.

>> No.23631522


>> No.23631584

This shit isnt gunna stop

>> No.23631663

Make it stop, Make it pamp with this wet as Bloody. He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet as bloody. I want you to spill that big blood drop right in this little garage

>> No.23631847

Supply Stats:
Total Supply: 41742800 BLOODY
Total Spilled Supply: 11203350 BLOODY
Burned Forever: 5601675 BLOODY
Spilled to LP: 5601675 BLOODY
Spillage Rate: 12.5 %
Supply Burned Forever: 13.5 %

Trading Stats:
Volume 1hr Ago: 1334900 BLOODY
Volume This Hour: 99400 BLOODY
Volume Difference: -93%

Rebase Stats:
Next rebase in: 39 minutes
Previous Rebase Was: Positive

Slippage Stats:
Recommended Slippage Small Orders: 14 %
Recommended Slippage Big Orders: 16 %

>> No.23631955

Bloody IDs check

>> No.23632336

Finally got in here and glad I did for sure

>> No.23632513

Supply Stats:
Total Supply: 41706550 BLOODY
Total Spilled Supply: 11239550 BLOODY
Burned Forever: 5619775 BLOODY
Spilled to LP: 5619775 BLOODY
Spillage Rate: 12.5 %
Supply Burned Forever: 13.5 %

Trading Stats:
Volume 1hr Ago: 1334900 BLOODY
Volume This Hour: 378500 BLOODY
Volume Difference: -72%

Rebase Stats:
Next rebase in: 1 minutes
Previous Rebase Was: Positive

Slippage Stats:
Recommended Slippage Small Orders: 14 %
Recommended Slippage Big Orders: 16 %

>> No.23632632

Supply Stats:
Total Supply: 41730200 BLOODY
Total Spilled Supply: 11239600 BLOODY
Burned Forever: 5619800 BLOODY
Spilled to LP: 5619800 BLOODY
Spillage Rate: 9 %
Supply Burned Forever: 13.5 %

Trading Stats:
Volume 1hr Ago: 378800 BLOODY
Volume This Hour: 378500 BLOODY
Volume Difference: 0%

Rebase Stats:
Next rebase in: 54 minutes
Previous Rebase Was: Positive

Slippage Stats:
Recommended Slippage Small Orders: 10 %
Recommended Slippage Big Orders: 12 %

>> No.23632866
File: 733 KB, 701x895, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit scam. Literally takes coins out of your wallet and rebase solidifies your losses. ITT: Retards who cannot explain how to make cash with this because it's a loss pit.

>> No.23633043
File: 2.45 MB, 320x275, bloody-it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23633150
File: 62 KB, 680x661, Ah+you+think+the+dankness+is+your+ally+you+merely+_6d9ffe34c6dd6d2ed25ec15bdd85877c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Omg this useless woman is so funny

>> No.23633341

What? It isn't a scam. What did you do, put in $10 and expect $100 each rebase?

>> No.23633548

You guys keep checking your Uniswap earned fees which is WRONG.

You need to look at the liquidity numbers instead, and keep in mind when a negative rebase happens the token amount decreases but the VALUE stays the same. You can verify this by going to buy the amount of tokens from Uniswap, the cost is literally 50% of your liquidity you provided.

And if you wanted to cash out, you withdraw liquidity and sell your stack, so in essence you get double of what your other token is (ETH for example) minus the spillage cost.

You earn extra from the spillage when you're a LP. This is not hard to grasp, stop worrying about shit decreasing or seeing red because this isn't your standard LP pooling.

>> No.23633644

I figured the negative fees is some bugged bs but still make me jump lol

>> No.23633676

Exactly. You got these idiots in the telegram that think they owe Uniswap fees now because their earned fees are negative. The fuck are they going to do, send repo men to their house to collect?

>> No.23633715

Supply Stats:
Total Supply: 41713750 BLOODY
Total Spilled Supply: 11260800 BLOODY
Burned Forever: 5630400 BLOODY
Spilled to LP: 5630400 BLOODY
Spillage Rate: 6.2 %
Supply Burned Forever: 13.5 %

Trading Stats:
Volume 1hr Ago: 105500 BLOODY
Volume This Hour: 186200 BLOODY
Volume Difference: +76%

Rebase Stats:
Next rebase in: 36 minutes
Previous Rebase Was: ------

Slippage Stats:
Recommended Slippage Small Orders: 7 %
Recommended Slippage Big Orders: 8 %

>> No.23633751

Holy shit

>> No.23634331

*hits pipe*

>> No.23634435
File: 870 KB, 1440x1434, DMG_Burd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this shit?

Don't rug yourself, look into real world assets like DMG. I'm basically preventing you KYS.

>> No.23634477

Fuck off to your own thread.

>> No.23634696
File: 1.09 MB, 2939x1744, Whirlpool infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys want a non-bullshit coin
discord gg q76mKUx