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23624393 No.23624393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so btc finally decoupled from the stocks or is it just a fake whale pump before the crash

>> No.23624482

I would pay 1 Bitcoin to bury my face into that sweaty ass

>> No.23624530

retard, you can do it for free if you're quick enough

>> No.23624653

has anything happened that would make bitcoin seem more valuable in the future? no. it's just people dumping money into it for short term hedging against an impending (((stock market))) downturn.

>> No.23624660
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>> No.23624799

how can your ass be that flat while being that big?
Yes obviously it decoupled or more likely never was coupled

>> No.23624809


>> No.23624813

it's 'berry'

>> No.23624838

Fomo and sanctioned countries like Iran and Venezuela have jumped in with both feet. Bullish and bearish cases to be made on that one

>> No.23624959

It’s not fair that I can’t get this.
I renounce God, I renounce the blood of Christ, I renounce my faith. A loving God would not trap a man in a shell and make him see others flying freely like eagles and expect him to believe that He is just. No, fuck that. You suck.

>> No.23624967
File: 33 KB, 618x387, amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that smell
>that shine
tether bro

>> No.23624999
File: 51 KB, 700x750, A2EDD4A8-BFFB-4AF2-BAA2-BCFD1F1C646D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renouncing the possibility for eternal salvation for a sweaty ass you could probably rent by the hour. Whew. Engage in sexual intercourse

>> No.23625007
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>> No.23625022

Thats why you are poor.

>> No.23625241

There will probably be this bullshit in heaven too so fuck that.
“Oh, you get to live forever but only guys with BSH (Big Shiny Halos) get access to the best pleasure as often as they want. Oh and by the way the need for that satisfaction is just as strong as the vast that of the majority of heaven people but you don’t get access to it. Sorry all part of my plan :^)”
It’s not just about pussy.

>> No.23625287

look what happened 2 days ago
does it feel decoupled to you or fake?

>> No.23625320


>> No.23625357

>has anything happened that would make bitcoin seem more valuable in the future?

Yes. Institutions are now buying BTC to hedge against inflation.

>> No.23625366

Christcucks go suck jew king dick on a different forum

>> No.23625383

Read about Pascal’s wager retard

>> No.23625395

>falling for the institution meme in 2020

>> No.23625397
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I'm going in!

>> No.23625399

In every Christian is a jew - the pope

>> No.23625410

Yeah because inflation can make you lose 50% of your dollar value overnight

don't be retarded

>> No.23625467

I’m agnostic, my point was simply that to throw away the possibility of salvation, however remote, for a sweaty flabby ass seems a bit short sighted

>> No.23625513

i don't believe it. BTC is too intertwined with USD, it's a poor hedge even if you ignore the volatility which makes it even riskier and pointless for hedging.

>> No.23625517

>has anything happened that would make bitcoin seem more valuable in the future? no.
WTF. You are not paying attention:
Square investment
PayPal adoption
Iranian adoption
How the fuck do you not know that?

>> No.23625532

Agnostic lol. You sound like youre trying to save someone to me on a business forum

>> No.23625602
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daddy chink coin pumps during us market sell off, hmmm let me think

>> No.23625628

post the webm

>> No.23625631

That’s gay too. That thought experiment assumes someone can just choose to not have any doubt about God so they can maybe be saved.

>> No.23625669
File: 134 KB, 1200x675, 57844516-10FE-4302-9EF6-9756CD668674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Salvationpilled

>> No.23625688


>> No.23625754

Not really, just suggesting that if his balls are that blue he should just fuck some whore

>> No.23625774

Ok thats more like it

>> No.23625858

I think it’s less about not having any doubt and more about living your life as though you don’t have any doubt. That’s one problem typical of philosophy: not terribly practical

>> No.23625954


Lol if anything, those (((companies))) are looking for a price to sell their bags to you guys lol Can't believe my eyes that you guys are too gullible and easily fall for this meme. Did 2018 never teach you anything??

>> No.23626699

Christ's philosophy and discourses are anti semitic

tfw you realize Christ was right as we can see the protocols of zion's manual manifesting

>> No.23626806

Judeochristianity is your religion. Ill admit the worst part of judaism is in the talmud marrying and fucking 3 year olds and oral suction, neither of which the christians do. But youre the biggest defender and try to normalize all their behavior because you unironically worship a JEWISH man.

>> No.23626898
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A Jewish man who rejected the Jewish faith, at least ostensibly. Even niggers can be smart sometimes, nothing is black and white

>> No.23626950

and yet half your bible is their holy text. Why share bibles? Im not falling for your christ or creed.

>> No.23627049

Dare I say, BASED.

>> No.23627054

Once again, I’m agnostic and just try to read as much as I can to try and understand different perspectives. You must have to admit that the Old Testament is more entertaining. Fire and brimstone and all that good shit

>> No.23627202

i dont admit to liking anything about the blood cult. I'll say the jewish ethnicity isnt inherently bad, just the practice of the occult and ritualistic religion of judaism

>> No.23627240

Their Bible includes the oral tradition which expands the text greatly. Our bible is the New testament with the Old being supplementary for context but not something to rely on because we do not follow it.

Salvation initially was for the true people of Israel but Christ never said to keep it in these borders he taught the opposite, to travel and spread the gospel, and if it is not welcomed he taught to retreat. NOT to create wars in the name of God.

>> No.23627431
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ass Ass ASS AASSS!!!

>> No.23627479

>the jewish ethnicity isnt inherently bad
You're in for a rude awakening

>> No.23627582


>> No.23627607

That's a dude

>> No.23627615

Imagine cutting a deal with the jews to let you into heaven, the cost? Essentially allow them to practice. It is because of the christians the jews can practice oral suction out in the open.

>> No.23627638

my point is while the israeli culture and Jewish religion both suck, my problem is not with the born jew or children in general of any ethnicity or race

>> No.23627668

And btw christians still wont get into jewish heaven. Trust me rabbis do NOT think youre in

>> No.23627674

checked my christian brother

>> No.23627813

It's inversely correlated with DXY

>> No.23627836

Have you ever been to an israeli club? They breed like rabbits

>> No.23627871

god I wish I was her

>> No.23627944


>> No.23627963

>mole on her left buttcheek
Fucking disgusting, no thank you

>> No.23628007

I have 1.25 BTC either way I am fine with. I am happy to ride 1.25 BTC to whatever end. If there is a big dump I am buying more. I think there will be a pullback, but not to march levels or anything. I think maybe there's a 50/50 chance of a pullback or correction. But maybe only a 1/10 chance that it's anywhere near march levels. I am happy either way. Having cash on the side to buy every mother fucking did is the only true hedge.

>> No.23628025

Iran. Paypal. JP Morgan flipping stance. New law allowing bank custody of BTC...

>> No.23628082

ill berry my dik so far in ur ass ull need king arthur himself to pull me out

>> No.23628145

>bank custody of BTC

>> No.23628370

if not BTC then whats your hedge fren

>> No.23628640

Ok here is the long and short of it, the incoming system the (((4th Industrial revolution))) or blockchain needs a familiar face for normie acceptance BTC is the face of blockchain acceptance currently, once adoption of the whole space occurs, BTC will moved aside and whatever banker coin will take its place. All the global enslavement tech that we will all enjoy is built on the blockchain (LINK, TRAC & LUKSO especially LUKSO who will use NFTs for identity analysis, all the fud (((they))) said about BTC will now be sold as benefits and features, de-centralised like gold etc. What you feel about it is neither here nor there, charts don't lie, its not going anywhere, so buy some and stop being a cunt.

>> No.23628650

This is actually the best thumbnail in this board of retards.

>> No.23628740

makes sense desu, but each country will have their own currency

>> No.23628832

>judeo-christian values
The best

Really says everything you need to know in America lmao

>> No.23628889

Also here is a big fucking tip, make sure you tether up before the election result, as the market does not like uncertainty. Then only buy the coins that are on the floor, don't be a fanboy and fomo into shitcoins that have already peaked, remember these coins are just (((investment vehicles))) once you have made your money from them, you move on to the next investment opportunity whether thats in crypto or something else, tired of seeing pink wojaks.

>> No.23629595


>> No.23629837

Countries will indeed create their own digital currencies, but you are delusional if you think they won't be pegged to bitcoin. They will offer instant and free transactions through centralization and user data harvesting, which is the only way you can actually scale in the first place

>> No.23630128

why do you think they will be pegged to bitcoin and not "USDcoin" ?

>> No.23630467

Because no country will trust usdcoin after getting fucked by it the past 50 years

>> No.23630528

but dosent china own most of the bitcoin through their miners, basically pegging btc to chinks