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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 845x314, ARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2359510 No.2359510 [Reply] [Original]

Is ARK going to fall on the 50% now?

>> No.2359533

How does fibunnaci work?

>> No.2359581


Teach us master

>> No.2359584


>> No.2359610


It really is looking like STRAT from a few days ago. Sell now and buy more off of panic sellers

>> No.2359613

the dips are artificial. it's a bot causing them.

>> No.2359645
File: 217 KB, 1978x876, Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 10.56.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice anything odd.

>> No.2359704 [DELETED] 

If it falls to 33 I'm buying

>> No.2359724

btc is mooning this weekend so I recommend you sell now and buy the dip

>> No.2359727


Yep. If not for the bot, this coin would be way up already. Fine by me, since it's a long-term hold. Most potential to reach ETH levels imo but that would take years. Too bad folks here are more interested in obvious PnDs like MOON and DGX.

>> No.2359740

lmao this is crypto, only meme triangles apply

>> No.2359741

Who runs the bots

>> No.2359766


>> No.2359771

guys with a lot of money. i've researched a couple of the available bots. they are pretty expensive, but these things are fully automated. you just set em with some numbers and let it run all night.

>> No.2359774

Its obvious manipulation. The bots are responding to interest and accumulation by us, otherwise it would rise too fast and whales dont want that. I think they want it at just about 1$ for a while. I got in at .79 cents so i feel good regardless.

>> No.2359788

>bought some at 0.36
>just bought more at 1
did I fuck myself over?

>> No.2359790

Whales. Almost every coin, or at least promising ones have whales manipulating them at the start.

>> No.2359807

got in at around 50 cents and sold because someone said it was a shit coin, now i'm back in about the same as you.

>> No.2359814

its the fucking devs i swear to god

>> No.2359846

Or the Bittrex team.

Expect some funny things once it's on Polo.

>> No.2359862
File: 22 KB, 768x240, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 10.57.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how the dips are all close to being the same size.

>> No.2359882

Wouldn't exchanges running bots and manipulating the coin fall under illegality? i hope they dont, that's rather cunty

>> No.2359893

Yeah. I would hate to see it lose momentum because of the stupid bot and just want people to understand the situation. It might rise or dip short-term but long-term it's one of the most promising coins I've come across. Wishful thinking but if it gains enough traction it might even reach ETH levels in a year or two.

>> No.2359915

the most recent low is exactly 35000
just so happens there's a sell wall at 37250, which i guarantee you when it gets to that point suddenly the price is going to drop back down to 35000ish

the bot must be configured to work in 2250 increments, which if you notice most of the up and down trends, that's the price range they tend to fall in.

>> No.2359947

looks like we're going to consolidate around 35 and then either crash or blast off

>> No.2360016
File: 20 KB, 768x240, memetriangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fags believe in memes?

>> No.2360029

if memes can determine the POTUS, memes can take ARK to the moon

>> No.2360092
File: 37 KB, 787x463, Capture d’écran 2017-06-09 à 18.19.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these perfect walls

>> No.2360095

what makes you think that? thought it was gonna dip

>> No.2360117

Another funny thing about Ark...
I follow a lot of influencial cryptotraders on Twitter and very few of them are talking about it.

It's like it doesn't exist to them.

>> No.2360133

Hyping fucks with fibu a bit.
Even fucks around with the bots.
I've got a tin-hat theory that is why the trollbox was removed on Polo.
At Yobits and saw a few times how bots were making piss poor buys.
Say what you will about hyping, it does not play in the veteran/botter's favor.

>> No.2360151

thats the best time to buy . its only 3 months old and we just started hitting front page of rex.

>> No.2360161
File: 100 KB, 640x532, monero scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh... Yeah... I guess it doesn't...

Fuck off shill. This coin is mooning sooner or later with or without your cockless twitter traders.

Watch them all suck its dick in a month.

>> No.2360189

ok we floored at 35000 for a bit, now time to goto 37250 and crash back down again.

>> No.2360274

scratch that, he's taking it lower.

>> No.2360312

might go down to 32000 before coming back

>> No.2360343

this whole whale bot thing has me interested. why's he doing this? is it to scare people into selling so he can buy more at a lower price? would that even work?

>> No.2360389

Yes, whales use this tactic all the time. When I was a newcoiner I fell for it after buying PIVX at 22 cents, the faggot whale crashed the price down from around 80 cents, I panic sold at at 44 cents. A day later the shit mooned to around $2 or something...

>> No.2360391

ugh I bought literally minutes before the dip

>> No.2360406

Yeah. Have seen whale bots like this do similar things before with other coins (that went up later in value). It might be irritating but as long as you hold, you're fine. I'm currently at a loss on this coin but I know that long-term I'd be glad I bought it.

>> No.2360415

buy more

>> No.2360470

Fucking whales man. Give it a few days and this will head to the moon

>> No.2360478

Bought in at 00041


Trying to recoup that loss eventually. But it's bouncing between and around 37 and 32.

>> No.2360502

thanks, hopefully this crap stops soon.

>> No.2360513
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 1493816471885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get how people here are complaining about it going lower. thats just means cheaper coins. this is a long-term coin. it will break into top 10 coins in 4-6 months when their smartbridge tech is ready.
this is all accumulating phase.

>> No.2360522

I'm all out of spare money to throw at it and it keeps dipping

>> No.2360534

Same here. But since it's got actual potential, the necessary volume and a good team behind it no way would it stay like this for long. Imagine buying a top coin when it's just come out. We're really early on this. It's definitely going to be added to other exchanges soon.

>> No.2360562

I have no idea whether I should put most of my fiat into Bancor or ARK. Difficult decision.

>> No.2360563

then wait for your next paycheck and buy in lower to lower your avg. buyin price. maybe use your already bought ARK to setup fake sellwalls to scare the normies to sell.

>> No.2360573


Give it time. Don't expect 200% gains in 6 hrs.

>> No.2360583

>missed the initial boom because coinbase was being a nigger for 3 days
>bought in at 40
>dips immediately after
yeah i'm a little salty but im fine with a long hold anyway.

>> No.2360601

come back in a week everything will be okay

>> No.2360658

if you're smart then you'll pick ARK

>> No.2360698

Depends on how much it is, I'd put most of it into a safe coin like ETH. Put 30% into a newer coin that you think is good enough for the long haul (I'd pick ARK). Maybe put 10% into medium-term investments that might have a higher return. Don't risk it on obvious shill coins like MOON and RBY and most likely you'd be much better financially next year than you are now.

>> No.2361157
File: 133 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170610-034812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck just happened. Is this the moon were waiting for

>> No.2361184

Not yet, just the whalebot relaxing for a minute.

>> No.2361229

If you can't write a python script, you shouldn't be trading with bots.

>> No.2361258

i'm working on a bot right now, using node instead of python.

>> No.2361833

For fuck sake, I know that the coin is going to eventually rise naturally but this bot is annoying as fuck. How long is it going to delay the price hike for?

>> No.2361885

Okok give me a minute to shut it down

>> No.2361909

Just buy and hold, ark is a solid long-term crypto

>> No.2361977

Agreed. I'd be worried about whales if I were day trading or if this were a scamcoin. This thing is going places. Ignore the dumb whale bot and wait for it to hit the main exchanges. I do have to admit that it's annoying though.

>> No.2361998
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>> No.2362015

Hopefully until next week when I'm able to buy it.

>> No.2362028
File: 5 KB, 446x21, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 2.01.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the bot, just try and undercut it... it's the order that chases the price down.

>> No.2362031

just moved all my ark from exchange to the wallet, time to stop this trading bullshit

>> No.2362042

The bot is ruining this coin.

>> No.2362060

Also, the whale is trying to make people panic sell. Don't let the bot win. It won't go up 200% overnight like a memecoin but it for sure top 10 material. Imagine selling a Top 10 currency because you were annoyed by a dumb bot.

>> No.2362068

So what's the "solution" to this bot? How does this coin get around it? Volume?

>> No.2362083

Yes, volume and holding when the bot wants you to sell. Also, when it gets added to another exchange (where hopefully the bot can't operate).

>> No.2362096

Use that ark to vote while you are at it.

>> No.2362130
File: 23 KB, 429x410, 1302545165002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gridcoin's PND group claiming ARK was just a PND

>> No.2362133

from what i can tell, the bot is in it's "collection phase" . it's not letting anybody make gains, it will constantly undercut anybody that places sell orders lower than it's own. this forces the price per coin down, allowing it to buy them from himself at a lower price. then, it lets the price rise back up and then dumps.

think about it, bot buys 100 coins at 50 sats, lets price rise to 100, sells 100 coins at 100 sats per coin while forcing price down. price gets forced back down to 50 again, if anybody buys his positions in the meanwhile it's still pure profit for him. once it's back down to his bots floor value, he rinses and repeats. he basically forces people to buy high and sell low out of panic.

>> No.2362270

Fine in my book. More cheap Ark for me

>> No.2362347

I've had that happen when converting BTC to ETH on Bittrex plenty of times. Keeps undercutting you to a certain point... frustrating as fuck... I think Bittrex should do something about bot usage like that. Selling and buying a set value is one thing... that is just pure manipulation.

>> No.2362450

Just saw they have announced a partnership with Coss. Here is their whitepaper.

>> No.2362544

It's over. Ark was way overpriced even before /biz/ started shilling it at a large scale

>> No.2362629

Maybe the bot is a 'feature'?

Price volatility of many existing altcoins is driven by speculation, whereas the lack
of liquidity makes keeping funds in cryptocurrency risky for users. The constantly changing
cost of cryptocurrencies, undermines the possibility of using them as a value storage."

>> No.2362649

Bitter No Arker

>> No.2362700
File: 91 KB, 425x300, 1327359280203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy those bags you shill

>> No.2362777

Value is rising consistently. Bot or not. Higher lows everytime. Have some patience. Bound to breakout sometime soon

>> No.2362780

If it did, I'd buy in immediately.

Imagine being able to get in on ETH, LTC, even WAVES at 5% of present value. That's the type of opportunity we're talking here, if you just have the patience to wait until the (experienced, solid, active) dev team publishes the functionality so teams can start developing on the platform?

Code for smart bridges gets released Q4, sidechains become functional before that. 2017 is all about ETH, 2018 will be all about ARK.

>> No.2362820

I'm happy I got out with a bit of profit, the volume is dropping like crazy... already down to 671. Not enough buyers to move past that sell wall... and it doesn't look like it's getting any better. Maybe things will change once the bot leaves, but for now, I'm going to be making money elsewhere.

>> No.2362844

Does it make sense for me to just sell at 37000 and buy back at 35000. I'm in front of my computer all day anyways. Seems very easy.

>> No.2362849

This dumb gutter nog will drown in the flood. You are not worthy of ARK.

>> No.2362881

That whitepaper then points to this coin

>> No.2362888

why are people selling? this is only after a couple days. it's gonna recover and gradually go upwards

>> No.2362950

It just went up from 0.33$ to 1.0$. I don't understand all these people without patience.. volume is dropping because people are putting all their ARK in their wallets.

Patience is key. It Will go up!

>> No.2362997

people just dont get that this is a LONG term coin. which will need another 4 months to really boom into 10$. all those pajeets only care for their fast 10% "pump" gain

>> No.2363316

i set buy order for 33500, faggot keep bouncing coin at 34k. i am expecting a jump in 2 weeks. this shit is crazy.

>> No.2363448

Does the bot's sell wall only appear when the minimum sell price gets to a certain point? Don't see any walls up there now.

>> No.2363463

I fucking hope. I need some cheap ARK

>> No.2364246

Where do I buy?
I will start moving my assets into various crypto including Ark

>> No.2364401

This bot is so fucking annoying

>> No.2364440

If a coin doesn't double within 5 minutes of buying it they get impatient.

>> No.2364446

Yeah. Although, it does allow more people to buy cheap ARK, which is good in the long term.

>> No.2364532

This, free ark is extra incentive to hodl.
We're probably over 400k ark in the /biz/pool by now. Over halfway in about 3 days, we have some momentum, and one guy with over 100k ark in his wallet. He turned down 90 ark every 3 days from his current delegate to go with ours.

>> No.2364833

thank you for your service, you will be rewarded in time

>> No.2365318

Checking the price history and there was a sudden spike to $1.40 on May 5. Anyone know what that was all about?

>> No.2365352

Maybe someone accidentally bought at that price

>> No.2365405
