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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 539 KB, 1905x1862, AE44CEB2-7C88-4EFD-BCC9-FE0ED0001478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23618521 No.23618521 [Reply] [Original]

Go all in on surf. I’m not playing. I don’t even know why I’m here telling you neckbeards this. Godspeed.

>> No.23618543

Tell me something I don’t know, nigger.

>> No.23618555

What do you know? The dev just said some very powerful statements.

>> No.23618596

as the owner of qurf I strongly recommend surf

>> No.23618604

Checked trips. If you want low risk, farm with a stable coin. Listen to me and your life will change for the better.

>> No.23618621

Do not buy. This is an pajeet shitcoin run by anonymous development. They pump and dump . They did hatch dao. Tide rider you are a big retard fuck you.

>> No.23618637

unironically all in

>> No.23618644
File: 106 KB, 998x1080, 3D47B1B2-7585-4D54-A03C-E0576E2A7FB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im beyond balls deep, i crammed my NUTS in too

>> No.23618647

Yeah my rug alarm rings whenever I feel the urge to join in.

>> No.23618668

Scam. >>23594927

>> No.23618730

kek shit attempt at fudding. It was at $1-1.1 at it's lowest and fluctuated between that value and now it's picking up again. It's steady.

>> No.23618749

Jk I just market sold on hotbit. Thanks for the free ETH losers.

>> No.23618761

I’m screencapping this so I can have more comedic material for when everything falls into fruition.

>> No.23618785
File: 359 KB, 732x822, B96A8EF2-46ED-4B74-AEC3-B3CCB91A380E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great. You’re so fucking dumb, and I don’t pity you.

You’ll fomo back in. Cap this.

>> No.23618804

>Tide rider you are a big retard fuck you
he is a gentleman of the finest esteem

>> No.23618820
File: 29 KB, 231x231, 1601140631901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not on Kraken I'm not buying

>> No.23618840

I’m not playing around. Wait for THE EVENT.

Then you must not want to retire early.

>> No.23618845

it's on hotbit so you know it's deflationary lmao

>> No.23618891

Is it actually worth farming with like 5-6 eth worth of lp or should i just buy and hodl/swing

>> No.23618922

Capped for when the rug is pulled on you dumb faggots

>> No.23618924

I wish you told us what you know but I see the vision. Proof is a fucking god.

Get as many surf as possible. Farm a stable coin pair if you want a less risky ride.

>> No.23618974

Contracts are open sourced and audited. Kys stinky pajeet.


Imagine missing this. Whoever sees this and farms surf will be much better off in the next month or two. You want to make it? Well here you go. There’s nearly 20k Eth in liquidity. That’s 5x the current marketcap. If you can’t see the potential of this than I don’t know what else to say.

>> No.23618976

>reddit spacing
I can see the tide comin in from here nigga

>> No.23619018

Nah, go in all BLOODY . Surf is literal nothingburger

>> No.23619053


>> No.23619157

Please keep these comments coming. I’m compiling them.

>> No.23619379

I put my life's savings into this and it's not even written in Vyper. I'm getting nervous.

>> No.23619552

You’ll thank yourself. If I’m lying then I’m dying.

>> No.23619657

Any insight into it?

>> No.23619718

So was harvest.finance. They got 25m stolen a week ago due to an Oracle bug.
Surf is susceptible to the same bug.

>> No.23619942

Completely false. Contracts cannot interact with SURF's Tito contract which eliminates flash loan attacks like Harvest had

>> No.23620408

all in $SURF already!

>> No.23620493

I hope so, unlike him I actually did that

>> No.23620519

>Contracts cannot interact with SURF's Tito contract
how do you explain the contract whitelist then you little bitch

>> No.23620590

You cucks need to do the math. The whirlpool is already almost 1 million. If it keeps on this trend it'll be worth well over 15 million. Now imagine earning passive gains on 1% of that by doing absolutely nothing but being in the SURF ETH pool.

>> No.23620784

I just want to know what comes after that.

>> No.23620850

what kind of timeframe are we looking at for SURF to start massively pumping

>> No.23620997
File: 77 KB, 500x604, 7FD94D01-EA0C-4903-8FC9-21A1A8194506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may actually be the one

>> No.23621132

how do you even do that? how do I get the 1%? stop calling everyone cucks instead of providing information you fucking nigger

>> No.23621559

You fucking stake in the whirlpool once open to get the 1%
It's in the WP

>> No.23622078


>> No.23622135

Lmao the event is when they pull the rug from under your feet, isn’t it? Anon devs, not even once.

>> No.23622998

well it looks like we're moving up again

>> No.23623427

thanks, they almost got me

>> No.23623629

1 bumperino coming up my good sires

>> No.23623683

another rugpull shitcoin.

>> No.23623730

yfcyclic got me with the "announcement" did a x2 shortly after, then they pulled it

>> No.23623826
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 1597227206891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are fudding to accumulate goy, stop.

>> No.23623907

yesterday a guy was saying ocean was the next ampl from june

this is the next ampl (geyser was what made it run) this is what yam shouldve been. 5000% fixed apy until full supply is minted idk if u guys understand that...

right now having 1% of the total supply (10k tokens of surf entitles you to 1% of 830 eth which will only grow by the second. so much game theory around this project the whales are just trying to keep the fish out until the whirlpool so they can feed on you.

just think what fixed apy means at low or high prices and then think about shilling or fudding

>> No.23624305

Yeah, the exact same fucking thing is gonna happen here.

>> No.23624345
File: 168 KB, 1002x1002, Asset 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe fish instead!? It's called Penguin Party Fish! You can see there are only 200k coins minted, everything happens in off-chain governance so no expensive stupid gas to make decisions. Anyone is free to submit ideas for devs to work on or hop on to work on the project as a dev by contributing to their Github repos. Dare I say it, is this anonymous as an investment collective? Is this OUR coin, anons?! We need to get in on this! It's totally community-run..

Only 200k tokens minted..Get in at the bottom..
You can buy it here:
Here's their MVP dapp:
Here's where to find more about the company:
Check the LP stats here: