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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 35 KB, 512x278, Stratis_Logo_Gradient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2358034 No.2358034 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this shit at 10$

>> No.2358313

Stratis to 100$ in 2 months

>> No.2358335

Why? its a clone of an already useless coin.

>> No.2358357

it was 10.70 today

so you're just retarded

>> No.2358374

agreed, at least 50-60ish

>> No.2358381

Bought at 3 4 5 and 7.watched everybody go crazy these past couple of days and laughed my ass off

>> No.2358394

I bought some strat at higher price. Not worried. It is going up mega fast and is accumulating now.

>> No.2358499

bought this at 1 dollar and this shit is just resting. moved 8 dollars in less than a week.

>> No.2358501

bought most of my Strat below $3. haven't even considered selling any of it.

>> No.2358615

Do you guys have any predictions ? Could we get to 50 by the end of the year or it's too optimistic ?

>> No.2358629

Holding since 60 cents.
Not selling a single STRAT until it's 3 digits.

>> No.2358638

Think 25 would be reasonable

>> No.2358663

Damn.i wish I would have hopped on the train that early.still I'm ok with my 1075 strat

>> No.2358725

Next year I guess we ll see two digits.anyways the breeze wallet launch is gonna take it to 15 easy

>> No.2358785

Sell then you uninformed cuck. STRAT is one of the few coins that you won't loose on in the long run.

>> No.2358842

>breeze wallet launch

Do we have an estimated date for that?

>> No.2358869

>next year we'll see two digits
We'are currently at two digits.

>> No.2359029

Between one and two months.

>> No.2359238

Sorry I meant to write three

>> No.2359546

Just look at their milestones , this is going triple digits before october, screencap this

>> No.2359622

Why isn't this getting the hype that ETH got?

>> No.2359630


>> No.2359641


>> No.2359650

sold most of my strat, just keeping 8 just incase....

>> No.2359713


I mean Statis hasn't done anything significant yet. Wait for them to start hitting milestones on their roadmap before expecting anything to really jump at this point

>> No.2359917

STRAT ain't DGB nigga

DGB is nothing compared to STRAT

>> No.2359943


>tfw its almost down 40% since i bought in

The downfalls of having iron hands

>> No.2359951


Enjoy your coin ran by a Londonistan Nigerian dude. You seen the UK lately? Wouldn't trust anything out of there.

>> No.2360003


>> No.2360026

I told you fags to sell at .038.

>> No.2360038
File: 167 KB, 1200x829, easy way to survive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 80% of my holdings are on these 2
end my suffering

>> No.2360054


What, did you get into STRAT thinking it wasn't a long-term coin?

>> No.2360094

Don't get me wrong, I'm a holder, and so far I have nearly doubled my money in 10 days so I'm not too distressed

But I was just watching coinmarket cap and nearly every coin was 10%, while my 2 major coins were actually down.

It's pretty stressful, I feel like I could be making way more gains.

>> No.2360169

the pink whale tried to tell us, but we didnt listen

>> No.2360298

sh-should i put my money into stratis? it's so fucking low

>> No.2360350


uhhh no, you see the volume on this coin? This thing aint going anywhere.

>> No.2360368

literally doesnt matter
market is so volatile
dgb goes from 1600 to 2300 in a week

>> No.2360385

i def would if you can get in at like 315-320. this shit cant go any lower than that

>> No.2360466


Saturday everyone is going to dump this coin, look at the sell orders compared to buys. Last week when it was sliding, there was 700-800k strat for sale with like 1000-1500 BTC buy orders. Now it's 1070k sell strat with 600 BTC buy orders on POLO. Downtrend.

I'd say the buy target for this coin is 25k. Maybe the sliding will stop then. Start buying at 27k and buy on the way down to 25k.

BTW volume matters a LOT. DBG can go from 1600 to 2300 in a week because it's top 3 in volume. STRAT is behind STR volume, a scam coin based on ripple.

>> No.2360514

>a scam coin based on ripple.

U wot m8

>> No.2360611


Just joking around. My point is STRAT has zero support at this level, look at the 1 month chart. It's nearest support is 24k. I wouldn't want to pick it up here and then watch it slide to 24k this weekend.

>> No.2360663

Went all in on sia at 651

>> No.2360774

Sold ZEN today for a 50% loss fucking hell

>> No.2360839

Fuuuu I have 200 shares. Damn I pulled 50 coins out of Waves 2 days ago. Fucked up

>> No.2360863

I know this feel oh pee. I'm patient though.

>> No.2360883


Honestly I switched half of my STRAT to Bitshares. Gonna sell off that the moment it stagnates and hold BTC until I can buy STRAT even cheaper

>> No.2360974
File: 33 KB, 575x556, CMAOk-AWwAEjxbH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw dgb, sc, and strat
my money peaked two days after i bought it, filled me with confidence
ever since then it's been struggling to reach that same number

>> No.2360978

hahahha, you and me both buddy

>> No.2360995

holding CLOAK since 2cts

>> No.2360998

stratis is following the route of ethereum. eth dipped from 10 to 7 dollars too and then went straight op to 16.

pack your shit folks, this ship is floating away.

>> No.2361012

hodle is the key answer.
just sit through it.

>> No.2361020
File: 210 KB, 395x387, 1408585288756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I bought in at 85 cents

>> No.2361023

im doing my best
its been a week
sucks seeing all these people making gains while im not
but everything else ive abandoned, ive regretted. even fucking bitbean.
spending a week without technology next week, thatll be fun.

>> No.2361063

i don't think you'll have to wait long. Stratis breeze wallet comes out this month. will give it a nice upwards boost.

>> No.2361125


>i bought at 50 cent
>i sold at 11$
>made profit with dgb
>made profit with lisk
>i'm back to stratis
>i laugh, you cry

>> No.2361159
File: 157 KB, 746x982, 1494214971594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No gains in almost a week now

This blows, strat is 80%+ of my portfolio worth so it basically holds my portfolio hostage. Doesn't matter too much, it's just looking at the blockfolio graph that depresses me. I've been in on Strat since $1 though so I will hold this shit for a long time.

Sucks to know that traders more daring than I have made bank off these daily $11 to $9 dips

>> No.2361181

>traders more daring than I make more than I do

>> No.2361187

yeah i sank like 5 grand into strat, when it was like in the 4200000 range. im at a big loss right now. I honestly cant bring myself to sell it though. itd be too heartbreaking for me.

>> No.2361293
File: 849 KB, 3055x2400, STRAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the exact same boat. One day this will pay off, one day.

>> No.2361324

That day will be sooner than you think, breeze wallet is just around the corner.

>> No.2361338

XDN. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

>> No.2361364
File: 20 KB, 412x351, p3mcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt know anything about trading
>heard crypto was making people millions
>believed moon mission meme
>decided to put $50k into crypto
>heard yobit was the place where low sat coins were making people tons of money
>saw a ton of activity on a coin called JACK (didnt realize it was a just a bot making minimal purchases)
>honestly thought this was my chance to make it big, finally
>had no idea it was a p&d
>put everything i had into it at 1 sat
>my boss saw me doing this while i was supposed to be working
>i was promptly fired

>mfw ive been holding my life savings worth of this worthless shitcoin for months, hoping SOMEDAY ill at least break even but deep down i know i never will

>> No.2361407

I hold 21 bags right now and the only bag I'm down on right now is XEM at 9k sat. It's my 3rd smallest bag, though, so it's basically nothing.

lol, sure!

>> No.2361455

I bought eth at 15€ and btc at 90€
No lambo, I bought a gtr, I keep a low profile.

>> No.2361464

this have to be a pasta

>> No.2361467


idc if this is true or not, it's a beautiful story.

My heaviest bag is ETC. I have watched so many other coins moon while this giant anchor of lifeless ETC-- 5/8 of holdings-- keeps me down.

But my day WILL come... it will... it... will... it... will it?

>> No.2361519
File: 38 KB, 667x694, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feel free to help buy my bags, boys

>> No.2361579

That is the saddest thing I've ever seen

>> No.2361587

Yeah, right, you decided to invest $50k at work, in a random coin you didn't hear or read shit about, without a website or anything, on one of the shittiest exchanges there is, all at once

ok XD

>> No.2361592

>bought into Wocket hype
>uplisting to nasdaq exchange from OTC
>Think an uplisting must surely mean growth expected
>even planned on purchasing Wocket for myself

>Wocket flops
>reverse stock split
>company acts as if Wocket had never existed
>96% loss

I only hold on to it now because I'd have to pay the commission fees to sell. I keep it also to remind myself never to blindly jump into a stock solely off of PR. Noob mistake for sure

>> No.2361641


well its a little more complicated than that, but that's the gist.

i had done some research beforehand and knew all about bitcoin. i just hadnt bothered looking into altcoins. it was the beginning of the altcoin boom and i felt i had one chance to get in on it before the market slowed down and it was too late (like it felt it was with bitcoin, at the time)

my decision was basically a 100% gamble. the coin was getting tons of activity (by a bot, unknown to me) and so i thought "fuck....this is my chance i have to take it!"

i guess its like a casino...some people nickle and dime the different machines, and play all the different games and then at the end may have won some and lost some. other people just put everything on red at the roulette wheel and cross their fingers.

i put everything on JACK and lost :( now that ive actually spent months researching things and watching the markets i know better...only problem is that im also broke.

>> No.2361675

This is pretty accurate considering that it's the space shuttle and it was only used for deliveries and low earth orbit mission. Then it would come back down the earth over and over again mission after mission.

>> No.2361709

>Buying a scam coin
>expects it to moon
What kind of drugs are you on Anon? I want some of that

>> No.2361767


If you are smart you cancel your sell wall, wait for some people to pump the coin and then slowly sell. People even pump dead coins now.

>> No.2361780

No, it's hardly a casino right now, as literally every coin on poloniex is worth more than a couple months ago.

You just happened to blindly invest 50k into a random shitcoin, which some teenager probably made at home as a school project and got listed on Yobit with a couple of votes.

Weren't you alarmed by the fact that it had no buy offers, unlike most other coins (even on yoshit), and it cost as cheap as BTC's decimals allow it to be?

Fuck, I still won't believe this without seeing the order history, but even that can be faked, I guess

>> No.2361786
File: 423 KB, 600x600, 5f0b8f34a5b09967343fc1e366a0f5e7aa67aa8a5fc429e0b9d8220d12d65aec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You certainly got left with JACK

>> No.2361819


ETC has been disappointing, but if you think it's a "scam coin" you need to read more and post less.

>> No.2361822


Waiting for Bancor to rocket and Im hoping for this shit to raise with it but right now it's literally fucking tanking

>> No.2361830
File: 656 KB, 1637x2295, Apollo Saturn V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this

>> No.2361957

Exactly same boat but I'm chill.considering making a move when it gets to 15-20$

>> No.2361971

do this, nobody will buy a shitcoin with 170btc wall at 1sat

>> No.2361996

I got into this watching ethereum and "imagine investing in it".the pattern seems really alike

>> No.2362000

i bet this poster is happy now

>> No.2362054

There would only be a 140 btc sell wall left!!!

>> No.2362112

Unironically pic works.

>> No.2362168
File: 1.03 MB, 1588x1191, blackjackcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2362273

Lol at that faggot who posted about Stratis a few weeks ago, saying last chance to BUY THE DIP. Yeah I member, faggot.

>> No.2362311

Funny how things change so dramatically in the course of a week. I'm balls deep in strat and sia, and last week I was praising strat as the second coming, and cursing siacoin. Now the roles are reversed

>> No.2362498


how the fuck did you buy in that cheap? doesn't polo usually take forever to list coins, by which time they're already somewhat inflated in value?

>> No.2362523


same here. bought it at the peak of its uptrend. it doesn't matter, like some anons pointed out stratis has strong fundamentals, and circulation comparable to eth. it'll reach triple digits mid/late 2018 no doubt. just gotta hang in there and not get too salty at all the pumps we miss out on.

>> No.2362691

Bought at 130k sold at 445k ;)

I'll get back in sub 300k

>> No.2362940

Margin traders are hurting strat. That's what the problem is and why it doesn't want to go back up. Every dip margin traders go in, buy a metric fuck ton and dump it on the tiny peaks.

>> No.2362972

literally all im doing for easy money

>> No.2362990

Maby ill drop a couple mill of my coin's during the next couple dips and watch you margin traders spaz out kek

>> No.2363273

i put 1 btc in that shit nigga :D im just fucking praying for a revival right now lol

>> No.2363344

Bought BAT at 15$ and DGB at 2300

reaaaly fucked it on dgb all the hype had me thinking 3000 was a thing

>> No.2363488

Exactly what I'm thinking .the thing is I already doubled my money-a fair amount - and I'm just patient.next year is gonna be great for strat

>> No.2364141

what does DGB even offer? if all it is is a faster bitcoin with extra ways of mining, i don't think it's all too innovative

>> No.2364171

go ahead i'll buy them up too

although i think your full of shit anyway

>> No.2364181
