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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.23610289

Chainlink already does this

>> No.23610322

chainlink is obsolete. iExec oracles are far superior

Gilles got stabbed today by an islamist RLC bagholder, it's over

>> No.23610347

iExec sure are apart of a lot of big name groups for such a small team......

>> No.23610352

It's mindblowing seeing a shitcoin (iExec RLC) on that list, and it's the only cryptocurrency on that list among others like the confidential computing consortium one too.

Is RLC going to be the next 100,000,000x?

>> No.23610378

>Is RLC going to be the next 100,000,000x?
downwards, yes

>> No.23610746

Compare the marketcaps my friend

>> No.23610776

This is old news, fren. iExec is listed there since V4

>> No.23611034

Yes much more money to be made with RLC

>> No.23611126

It was founded in August (after v5)
iexec was recently added

Nice try :)

>> No.23611190

People have no fucking idea how massive Iexec actually will be.
People ACTUALLY think they made a fully compliant AMF/SEC regulated token for no reason. Holy fuck.
Lives will be lost.

>> No.23611215

OCEAN (a product still in development) is being adopted as we speak and iExec (a finished product, Gilles himself said that) remains static. How do you explain this?

>> No.23611262

They were JUST added dumbass.
Sit on the sideline while we release the details on the Nvidia collaboration as well.
By the time eRLC is ate up by tech giants and the enterprise marketplace goes live, you'll be staring at the wall through teary eyes asking yourself why the FUCK you were posting dogshit memes about the next 1,000x.

>> No.23611304

I think you are fooling yourself into what adoption really means and will ultimately miss out on RLC and end up hanging yourself

>> No.23611316

kek they're just letting it bleed to 20c before buying

>> No.23611329

I really dont give two shits about Ocean. Ocean may pump nicely but RLC is set to absolutely detonate. Not really in the same league.

>> No.23611364

RLC is basically the next "world changing" tech like BTC/ETH. IYKYK and I hope you are filled. OCEAN is just another shallow shitcoin

>> No.23611560

If the Great Reset does occur, the entire market will collapse and Bitcoin will be the only asset that performs. This will attract the world to crypto and blockchain and allow for the introduction of a digital global economy.
At this time, RLC is digital oil, and you are the elite of the elite.

>> No.23611623
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>ocean is being use

>> No.23611673

woah, that's a lot of curry

>> No.23611753

Sir thats lot of recipes ok?? no laugh yes

>> No.23611804
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God its gonna suck for people that sold RLC for Ocean. Damn man

>> No.23611821

All they can do is join useless groups like these that do nothing just so their logo can appear next to real companies its so pathetic.

>> No.23611879

Oh yeah? Is that what theyre doing? They just made a fully AMF-SEC regulated version of the token for no reason? Fucking christ lmao what is this cope.
You choose to not hold now stand by your decision.
They're being little bro'd by the worlds elite companies. To include the EU. They've been invited into the inner circle. Enjoy life as a peasent.

>> No.23611921
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let the fudfags stay poor fellow RLChad

>> No.23612061

iExec is really cursed, I legit can't understand why it isn't on top 10 with all that has happened.

>> No.23612223

All the companies they've been working with can't use the marketplace without getting legally destroyed.
The Iexec Enterprise Marketplace goes online when 100k rlc gets swapped to eRLC.
It's coming. The floodgates are opening. That's why the time to buy is now or never. We're launching into the top 10 virtually over night

>> No.23612505
File: 36 KB, 687x500, 534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
