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23609211 No.23609211 [Reply] [Original]

There’s nothing wrong with universal healthcare.
There’s nothing wrong with free college.
There’s nothing wrong with making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.

The fact that republicans oppose this just shows how backwards, misanthropic and absolutely owned by the rich they are.

>> No.23609252

theres nothing wrong with universal basic income
Theres nothing wrong with the government taking your guns and possessions
Theres nothing wrong with not having free will
>itt points women would make

>> No.23609273


I agree, any healthy functioning society should have these things

>> No.23609287
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>everything free

>> No.23609304

there’s nothing wrong with giving away your property, there’s nothing wrong with giving away your privacy

>> No.23609332



free at point of use, incel.

>> No.23609359 [DELETED] 

Back to /pol/ retard

>> No.23609376

I can't wait until this election is over

>> No.23609379

Woah this female is mad. Bros does anyone know any cheap tricks to calm her down like peekaboo with a child

>> No.23609381

One day when you grow up you may come to realize that you don't need or care about these things either. That, or you become a tranny and never learn.

>> No.23609392

>making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.

>> No.23609419


Yeah, no one needs healthcare.

>> No.23609468
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>There’s nothing wrong with universal healthcare.
They would be taking my tax money and giving it to niggers. We should make healthcare affordable by prosecuting anybody in the industry who raises prices to extort insurance.

>There’s nothing wrong with free college.
again. They would be giving my tax money to retarded niggers. Free college to the intellectual top 20% maybe.

>There’s nothing wrong with making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.

>> No.23609613

>There’s nothing wrong with universal healthcare.
there isn't but if we are going to keep 85 year olds alive at all cost and junior is going to the ER every time he gets a sniffle, they're paying for it, not me.
>There’s nothing wrong with free college.
there isn't, but if prof limp dick libtard and his even more useless administrative superiors want a 200k salary and the students don't object, they're paying for it, not me.
>There’s nothing wrong with making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.
there isn't and they typically do to the letter of the law. There are 2 tax codes. One fucks over hard work and the other rewards business development and investing.

>> No.23609662

Why is our board being filled with low iq REEEEEEE

>> No.23609667


Brainlet take. It’s like you actually have 3-4 talking points you just rehash every time.

>> No.23609683


>Yes please I would like to be in massive student debt and go medically bankrupt. It’s the only way; anything else is godless communism

>> No.23609710

Pay for it yourself, fat faggot.

>> No.23609743

just like you socialist fucks keep spouting off about muh free college, muh free healthcare, and no no no rich people bad? I think that's 3 or 4 talking points no?

>> No.23609812

Lets take a failed system and pour money into it.
Repeat after me: regulated profit motive

>> No.23609831

give free college to people studying in the medical field or something else worthwhile. Everyone else should pay but it shouldn't be this insane amount of money. These college loan offices shouldnt be allowed to fork over tens of thousands of dollars to an 18 year with no credit history or experience with money who will just go blow it all on beer and weed. And the kicker is they cant default. I paid mine off but the student loan bubble is gonna burst sooner than later. Just wait until people are forced to make payments again but have no job.

>> No.23609895


>let’s replace a failed system with something with a proven track record for 100+ years worldwide

Nice straw man though

>> No.23609917


Fuck off to the woods you fat Galt fuck. Even your idol rand Paul went to Canada for surgery.

>> No.23609970

>There’s nothing wrong with making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.

It's anti-semitic.

>> No.23610247
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What you don't understand is that there is a disconnect that exists between the market and the educational system. Whereas the market demands degrees involved with engineering or science, colleges are providing a surplus of low iq morons (see: the OP) who believe that a bachelor's degree in gender studies is going to lead to a comfortable life style. Hence, you complain about how unfair your life is that you are 90k in debt, because the majority of liberal arts majors overestimate what their creative pursuits will accomplish in the real world. This problem is further exacerbated by the Department of Education giving out loans to anybody with a pulse, and the profit-seeking colleges who happily give out garbage degrees for that sweet, sweet guaranteed government moolah. Making college free would not solve anything, other than adding yet another tax liability on the strained working class.

>> No.23610312

No clue what youre trying to say. Its as simple as this: any industry fully government run is a failure or will be. K through 12, roads, trains, usps, cops, military, and soon to be medical and college

>> No.23610393

Fuck you I paid for my college. Worked 2 jobs to graduate debt free. People are gonna go postal if they give free college to niggers

>> No.23610546
File: 88 KB, 736x555, tumblr_21f099a3ca15236e7530db6ac0bb960b_e3434d4a_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our modern centralized debt based economic system is rigged.

The use of debt long term based systems, such as mortgages, loans etc has pushed up the expense of living because it allows people to live outside their means artificially. Yes, it does raise the short term traditional 'standard of living' as a $30,000 per annum earner can now have the lifestyle of a $60,000 per annum earner if he is willing to shackle himself to a life long debt, but it also has a knock on effect of making anything tied to those debts raise in price exponentially because people can now afford to pay more for them through said loans. Houses, cars, electronics, dental treatment, pretty much anything you can think of inflate in price infinitely while salaries stagnate.

This results in an unstable dip/peak economy with zero stability and one that eventually collapses under it's own weight as the scales balance higher and higher in to debt to unsustainable levels for the average man. This happens on both micro and macro level.

This also makes it almost necessary to be caged in long term debt as a normal earner as you must use the leverage given by the debt to afford to live in modern day society. This allows banks to create a monoply on loans with a never ending demand for them because they are mandatory. This monopoly allows the banks to create systems/raquets to keep this demand and monopoly such as credit checks, which ensure the only way you get these near-mandatory loans is by consisntently getting in to debt and paying interest. You have to roll over and prove you are a good goy.

In the long run this takes money from the general population and gives it to the hands of the banks. And people do not care because they get a shiny new mercedes that they have to pay off for the rest of their life.

All of the things mentioned in the OP are the government doing something similar but instead of you getting a new mercedes, tyrone gets to harvard to study his degree in post-race theory.

>> No.23610595

>There’s nothing wrong with universal healthcare
It cost money for the taxpayer and lower the motivation for working and entrepreneurship

>There’s nothing wrong with free college.
It cost money for the taxpayer and let the scam that is education a chance to live even longer when we should have moved on long time ago.
It also create a class of highly paid professors who get more respect than they deserve and who can basically afford being shit at their shit job without any consequences.

>There’s nothing wrong with making sure billionaires and corporations pay their share.
Agreed but if you want to fuck them over you don't make them pay high taxes you stop corruption and litteraly put them in prison if they try to lobby for anything. Or better yet you take as much power as you can from the politicians, hence resolving the corruption problem

>> No.23610603

Like every democrat you're missing the key point.

Government fucks up every single thing they touch (only exception is maybe our military). And on top of that every time they raise taxes or expand Government they just add more useless jobs and line their pockets.

So yeah great theory but democrats of the last 50 years but they always do what I typed above.

>> No.23610613

There is nothing wrong with being an incel

>> No.23610682

Even in America there is such a thing as a cheap college, expensive education is when you buy the prestige of a prestigious college, which is only prestigious because rich people go to it.

>> No.23610690

>It also create a class of highly paid professors who get more respect than they deserve and who can basically afford being shit at their shit job without any consequences.
>highly paid
>shit at their job

>> No.23610704

>he thinks billionaires and corps will pay for it
YOU will pay for it, the day you get a job

>> No.23610789

I was specifically thinking about public colleges since all colleges are public in my country, they get great pay but the service they provide is usually terrible, and most of them don't even put the course online so you are actually forced to sit through their monotonous lecture and take note so they they can have a public and feel their salary is somewhat justified, fuck that

>> No.23610862

if we didn't start importing nonwhites we could have all this.

>> No.23610893

here we go, another idiot, yes there's nothing wrong with free stuff. Just like there is nothing wrong with giving a homeless man a free home. So go sign over your deed to him as he deserves it more than you

>> No.23610920
File: 303 KB, 1267x957, Screenshot_2020-04-12 marrus1 jpg (WEBP Image, 1428 × 1077 pixels) - Scaled (59%).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s nothing wrong with FREE universal healthcare.
>There’s nothing wrong with FREE college.

But neither of these are FREE are they? Because you're paying for them forcibly for your whole life through taxation. Here in the UK we have something called national insurance, which is the bill for ''FREE'' healthcare that is forcibly taken from your pay cheque every month. It scales with your wages, so if you earn more you actually have to pay more from your wages for the exact same service from our national health system, which is mediocre at best and terrible at worst. This national insurance bill isnt cheap either. It probably comes out at around 5-10% of your total salary/wage that is FORCIBLY TAKEN from your wages to pay for a system that you likely use maybe 4-5 times in your life. With that money, even if you earned 22k per year, you could afford to save $1248 per year for a fund for healthcare or go private. The idea of individual responsibility has been phased out in society as techonogy has advanced to make group-think prevail over individuality.

200 years ago you were responsible for your whole family, their health, your posessions, your earnings, your survival etc.

Now the government is responsible for all of those things and you have to play by their rules in order to get them.

The usual rebuttal to the above is the standard "ohh well YOU might break your arm one day or get cancer and if there was no universal healthcare you'd be sorry!"
Well yes, if i was a retard who squandered all of my earnings on shit and never saved for such events then yes i would. But it would be my choice to do so. Not the governent's boot on my neck making the decision for me. Responsibility is synonymous with power and if the government gets all of the responsibility for my choices then they also hold the power over me to make those choices. And to them i am one of 80 million in my country so why would they care if what happens to me is good or bad?

>> No.23610940
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>> No.23611121


If you want to live like 200 years ago then go be a semi literate peasant farmer who dies at 45. The rest of us are enjoying the blessings of progress.

>> No.23611180
File: 262 KB, 1200x675, image-placeholder-title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know that peasents in the middle ages worked only worked 150 days a year?

Did you know that modern man works 252 days per year?

See where your blessings of progress are taking you. Look at the world you live in.

>> No.23611292
File: 58 KB, 530x507, jew cut n suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to live like 200 years ago then go be a semi literate peasant farmer who dies at 45. The rest of us are enjoying the blessings of progress.

>> No.23611312

people's life expectency past infancy hasnt actually raised that much since the ages of cave men. People have always had a natural life expectency of around 70-80. It wasnt like in the middle ages 45 years old was seen as old age. Deaths in child births dragged the life expectency down. In fact, life expectancy past infancy has actually gone down a little bit in the past 20 years due to mass obesity.

>> No.23611325
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>Fuck off to the woods you fat Galt fuck. Even your idol rand Paul went to Canada for surgery.

>> No.23611375

>Why should I pay your healthcare expenses ?
>Why should I pay your tuition fee ?
>Why should competent people fund your miserable life ?

>> No.23611420


Idk man, I think electricity, the internet, cars, flight, movies, mass printing, modern healthcare and education, plumbing, central heating, etc are pretty cool.

>> No.23611435

>Why should I pay your healthcare expenses?
A healthy society is productive society
>Why should I pay your tuition fee ?
A educated soceity is a healthy productive society
>Why should competent people fund your miserable life ?
no one is. feel free to emigrate, use tax loopholes, become NEET to avoid it

>> No.23611454
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>I should be paid to study gender studies its thanks to billionaires that bernie sanders (pbuh) isnt president for life.

Get a job hippy

>> No.23611471

And yet you know nothing about any of that outside of consuming it. You're a poster child for free and on demand abortions and that's a good thing.

>> No.23611482


it is not free

someone is paying for it

>> No.23611516

I don't give a shit about society nigger. If you like it so much make a donation or something but don't try to gobble my cash.

>> No.23611539


Again, go live in the woods if you want to LARP your Ayn Rand fantasy and never use any service for the rest of your life.

>> No.23611636

1. You do not need to cut out all technology in order to understand what the industrial revolution has done as a system in order to fundamentally change society's fundamental structure and direct it away from a direction that benifits the happiness of humans.

2. You as an independent person being can have the majority of the more primitive things mentioned. Plumbing , heating, transportation if you work for them and learn how to be independent, but will also allow you to go through the power process, which is vital to becoming a happy and stable person. You only like the convenience these things bring. You're addicted to them like a drug.

3. You have no understanding that each piece of fundamental society changing technology has a huge array of knock on negative effects on human interaction that damages the human psyche, the environment, etc. For example, the invention and mass production of the car has created city and urban planning that makes travel near impossible without a car because cities are more spaced out to accomodate them, making you reliant on technology and the government in order to function. Or as another example, that the rise of the internet and mass communication has resulted in a huge spike in male celibacy as women's hypergamous instincts are now intertwined with near infinite choice of mates. Each introduction of technology is a 100 sided double edged sword.

>> No.23611701


>look Mom I just read Industrial Society

That’s cute.

>> No.23611760

>look mom i just did X!
Is there a more reddit level rebuttal?

>> No.23611773

I honestly wouldn't care about "free college" if it were done right, but it won't be
instead of all of us collectively chipping in to produce functioning members of society, we'd be chipping in to indoctrinate retards into marxism

>> No.23611792

>There’s nothing wrong with free college.
"free college" just turns into the required high school DLC

>> No.23612033

20% health tax
20% education tax
35% federal income tax
10% state income tax
4% sales tax
-3% interest rates.

Wow sounds great.

>> No.23612133

I'm ok with some of what you said, but free college is a bad idea. Too many people go to college already and just drink/fail out/are not ready/etc. College degrees shouldnt be required for jobs that don't need it. People should start their careers without degrees and companies can subsidize the education if their employees need it.

Better healthcare would be dope though.

>> No.23612230
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Fuck pol faggots

>> No.23612567

Universal healthcare is an illusion. Even from my country, who pretend to have such a thing like that, it only not work properly. If we have conditions to pay our own private healthcare, would not be necessary to steal from most rich peoples to most poor people, only to build such a failure.

Nothing is free, you pay it. Money doesn't comes from nothing to ordinary people like us.

You can tax more billionaires and corporations, but will you don't let them leave to other countries? If you let them be free, your taxes are useless.

>> No.23613269
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I agree. However the first world is not set up to make sure that all those who participate in society are actually beneficial. That means we offer a net drag on productive members of society with these things.

I think this is why I've realized I am lolbert only as a product of my society. Maybe I should just take the fash pill. There's no way out when the government is controlled by corporations. But it seems all free market roads lead here.

>> No.23613449
File: 26 KB, 750x403, BERNIE NOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s nothing wrong with universal healthcare.

I live in Canada and last year I buried my uncle.

He had a weird thing on his neck which, after waiting 3 weeks to get in to see the doctor, was told it was probably fine and to come back if it got bigger or weirder and they'll do some tests. So, after a couple of months, it was in fact getting bigger and weirder, so he made an appointment, and another 11 days later he got to see his doctor, who went "oh shit" and ordered some tests. The doc put a rush on his lab work, but he's 65 so even "rush" is low priority, so it took another week before he could get in at the lab. A week later he got the news that he sure as hell has skin cancer and they needed to book him with an oncologist. It took a month to see an oncologist.

By the time he got to see the oncologist he was stage 4 and they advised him not to seek treatment.

Didn't cost a dime! In the States he would've been at the lab the same day and he would've had a chance. Up here lab capacity is constrained, so doctors are discouraged to order tests unless they think it's really necessary, and after that triage gets done.

>b-b-b-b-but it's expensive

Pretty sure he would've loved the chance to be bankrupt and alive at 66, rather than dead for free, so doped up with fentanyl for the pain at the end that he couldn't talk when we'd visit.

You don't know how good you have it.

>> No.23613546

Lol I can write a book on why your ideas are retarded and gay

>> No.23613563

3 weeks is normal in the states too. It took me 4 months to see a gastro specialist. The level of care here in the US has declined a lot since the affordable health care act. And come on a few weeks didn’t contribute to that cancer. Personally I’d rather die than go bankrupt.

>> No.23613618

>But it seems all free market roads lead here.
You need a way to destroy corruption and you're golden, politicians who take brides from corporations should be punished in a harsh and humiliating way

>> No.23613643

absolutely seething

>> No.23613685

>And come on a few weeks didn’t contribute to that cancer.

He called the doctor in June, had his lab tests in late September, and saw an oncologist in early November

He could've had labs done that day in June, but doctors are discouraged from ordering labs because labs are always slammed.

That cancer got months to spread.

>> No.23613699

you know the student loan problem was caused when the government decided to fuck around with federally subsidized student loans, right?
Imagine you're a jew banker. if some 17 year old kid asked to borrow 100k, you're not going to give it to him right? why would you trust a 17 year old kid with that much money. colleges had to keep their prices low because people actually had to work to pay for it. now, the jews in government give students free loans, and since now every student has like 100k free loans, colleges start charging more because they can. the jews in government know that students can't go bankrupt and they'll be slaves to the government for the rest of their lives. the jews know that they can take all the students benefits. why do you think more government intervention will fix anything? it's literally the government's fault.

>> No.23613709


>> No.23613913

anon, an educated nigger cost less than a dumb nigger.

>> No.23614114


About why you want people to die and be uneducated?

>> No.23614135


That’s why you make it universal. No need for student loans since taxes cover it.

>> No.23614152
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Dude the education system is fucking useless

>> No.23614168


>> No.23614193

lol and then colleges will raise costs more because the taxpayers are paying for it, more poeple will go to college for lulz even though they didn't need to, and eventually the whole system will collapse.

>> No.23614194

UK has universal healthcare.
Everything is 100% free, you just have to wait a few years for life-critical surgery. Better how your tumor doesn't metasticize before then.

>> No.23614398

Slippery slope faggot

>> No.23614435

Probably a boomer take but reading writing and arithmetic are literally the only things that should be taught in school. Everything else should be taught in the home and through team sports.