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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23606142 No.23606142 [Reply] [Original]

>mid 6 figure hell

>> No.23606331
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it's not hell, it's just treading water. at least you're covered for emergencies and shit. and you don't need to take wild gambles, you can just make bigger plays on blue chips. it's fine, people would kill to be where we are. especially with the mother of all bulls next year

>> No.23606418

net worth or income?

Hoping that a little over 200 ethereum helps get me from 180k net worth to quite a bit higher.

What else are my mid 6 anons looking into for wealth building?

>> No.23606440

>200 eth
i'm so, so sorry.

>> No.23606456
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>> No.23606492
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I'm putting $50k to $100k into The Graph, depending on how hard it pumps out of the gate. A cooler launch without instant mooning gets the $100k.

>> No.23606497

You don't need to apologize to me lol. That shit is up 2x for me.

inb4 "but I 10x'd on CREED"

>> No.23606593

Meh, most of your early career will be in the six-figure net worth range. That's just life, barring luck early on (windfall, wealthy parents) or significant risk (starting a successful company, yoloing on options).

If I hit 7 figures by 35, I'll be in good shape. It took me 7 years to hit 500k, will probably take 3-4 to hit 1mil.

>> No.23606606

I have $5k :))

>> No.23606670

Wtf why are Americans so rich
Most people here have negative net worth at 35

>> No.23606829

How the fuck do you faggots have positive net worths in your 20s? I started off with jack shit and never got help from my parents and my early 20s have just been digging myself out of the hole created by "pulling myself up by my bootstraps" aka living in abject poverty while working every day to finally make it above 15 bucks an hour. I'm 24 and making like 50k and just bought my first house but I will not have a 6 figure net worth until I'm 40 probably

>> No.23606930

how join graph ico if im a burger?

>> No.23606963

ico is done, token launches in 30-60 days

>> No.23606991

how acquire GRT right now ser?

>> No.23607014

You are making enough money that if invested wisely you can have a high net worth as well. Don't whine. Decent people are working for 300 dollars/month in large parts of the world.

>> No.23607042

I'm not trying to whine, me situation is very comfortable now. It just seems like most people on /biz/ are lying about their incomes or everyone here works in a HCOL silicon valley meme position

>> No.23607226

kek don’t visit /r/fatFIRE

>> No.23607294

That's enough to start building retirement level passive income in real estate

>> No.23607467

same, only make $140k/yr and want to die

>> No.23607497

>especially with the mother of all bulls next year
too soon junior

>> No.23607503


>> No.23607579

Yep. For years now. Stuck in between 300,000 and 800,000

>> No.23607610

>Wtf why are Americans so rich
It's smart people, not americans

>> No.23607620

How much can you save each month? Because i can't understand shit from the USA wages

>> No.23607633

What country?

>> No.23607649


most people in the US also have a negative net worth. this is biz though so we are either geniuses or larping