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23604577 No.23604577 [Reply] [Original]

being lonely is worse than being rich can confirm. i would trade alot of money to just have a small group of friends and a comfy gf. im now too autistic to go out and meet new people from the years spent in my room staring at charts. please help me

>> No.23604615

Checked. What are your interests, anon? Maybe we could be friends

>> No.23604619

just get out more.
you have to start somewhere.

>> No.23604635
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I'll be your fren, fren.

>> No.23604646

yep, this world is getting more and more isolated, but it's only up to you. If you really want to start socializing again, you will find a way

>> No.23604654

pay me 10k/mo and i will guide you with an earpiece every time you go out

>> No.23604683

Ill do it for 8k a month

>> No.23604761
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You guys are assholes. I'd do it for one LINK

>> No.23604789

Get a dog, yeesh

>> No.23604793

based surrogate

>> No.23604845

Aren’t we all anon?
I’ve been here since the /g/ days, already made it years ago, even if you account for aggressive inflation. But nothing changed. I’m still a miserable NEET feeling it’s too late to make friends. No one wants to or is looking for new friends and connections in their thirties. I’d trade away my wealth for human companionship any day of the week.

>> No.23604893

I’ll be your friend anon do you have discord?

>> No.23604936

Seconding this guy

Share that discord baby boi

>> No.23604970

Pay me and I'll play steam games with you all night

>> No.23604994

How did you guys get rich? Buy crypto and hold?

>> No.23605018


I've been in a similar situation when moving countries, minus the money. I'd happily give you guys a few tips and try and work through a few issues for a bit of dosh.

But socialness happens all at once, you can go months or years with nothing. Then you get on with one person who introduces you to others and bam.

>> No.23605077

Pay me and I will be your social life finder/friend/wingman

>> No.23605091

>But socialness happens all at once, you can go months or years with nothing
Not sure what this means, but I can got social for a day or two, then it stopped for about several weeks. And then the cycle restarts again.

I don't know why this happens, maybe I just enjoy spending my time with myself at home doing programming and looking at charts.

>> No.23605099

>being lonely is worse than being rich
apparently being retarded is worse than both

>> No.23605127

I'm in my late 20s btw. Stuck on 4chan since the boxxy era. I think shit can got worse when I browse pol.

>> No.23605150

really for $81k dude

>> No.23605165


Most people are boring normies. I was miserable and alone for a couple of years, managed to make some friends and did nothing but party and drink. Eventually it got boring and I was just as happy chilling by myself. Grass is always greener. But humans are animals and we shouldn't be in boxes for too long especially alone.

Also most people are lonely these days even pre-covid so don't feel there's something wrong with you.

If you're feeling generous:


>> No.23605231

all i ever do is trade futures, lift and read sometimes. but most of the time i'm here refreshing 4chan every 5minutes.

>> No.23605243

If you accumulated a certain amount of wealth from this, then I can be your social buddy and we can take a trip to Europe (as long as you pay the Trip and Hotel) and in return ill be your wingman, also have some friends in Europe already, we will meet people and make some friends, hmu anon - Im dead serious. Also, If you have some sense of preservation and have taken care of your diet a look midly decent, I can make it happen, I just want to get out of the states to be honest, prefer it in Europe.

>> No.23605256

Go live in Thailand or something - changing countries can really change things like that
>t longterm expat

>> No.23605284

Gross. No begging you dirty fuck.

>> No.23605338

>I would rather be rich ahhaha I am lonely anyway bro!

>> No.23605365

The audacity

>> No.23605393

THAILAND OR PHILIPPINES MY FRIEND, go fuck your brains out and help the poor locals along the way, make you feel better

>> No.23605422

btw if you also mentor me in how to accumulate wealth and make money, that is definitely a plus, I am looking or someone like this, download an App called LiveMe search TheGentleman[top hat] let me see what im working with.

>> No.23605627

I hate being lonely and not sure how to fix this, why the fuck I am like this

>> No.23605726

exactly, im actually 28 almost 29 and the few friends that i had from uni drifted apart when they started families n shit. they think i'm some loser bumfuck and probably look down on me.

>> No.23605778

f off pajeet beggar

>> No.23605867
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Lol 1 XRP it is then.

>> No.23605919


>> No.23605922

big sad

>> No.23606003

Heh almost 29 as well. It’s the relatives that give me the most pathetic looks like I’m some sort of a looser. Broke off all connections from uni and other friends by 21-22 itself.

>> No.23606681
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I have two girlfriends and too many friends to count, yet I am alone because nearly all of them are idiots; it's not bad, however, because I know that loneliness is merely a symptom of unrequited oxytocin dependency.

It is far better to be lonely than to subject yourself to fools' banal inanity. I am far more comfortable with my thoughts uninterrupted.

What keeps me going? Simple: our struggle to exterminate the God-damned synagogue of satan and all who adhere to it; it is by hate & hate alone with which I draw each breath, and it is sheer anger which keeps me warm inside. I abhor usury & perfidity, and, therefore, all who practice both.

Give yourself over wholly to the cause, and rest not until the last jew is killed, for there is no higher purpose than the extermination of the devil's minions.