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23599456 No.23599456 [Reply] [Original]

And I can guarantee that every frugal faggot boomer on biz and the personal finance/frugal living subs will end up thinking the same things when they're dying...

>I should have spent more money to enjoy time with my friends and family
>I should have taken that girl out somewhere nicer
>I should have taken that summer vacation when I was young and healthy
>I shouldn't have revolved my life around clipping coupons and pinching pennies
>I should have been less fearful of not having enough

Don't be like these faggots. Enjoy every moment of your life and don't sit around abusing yourself waiting for that magic age of 60-65 when you're "retired" and finally free to do anything you want. You're free now. Do what you want now.

>> No.23599496


Stay poor fag

>> No.23599527

Cherishing time with family and friends is consuming? No. Stay lonely and unfulfilled, nigger.

>> No.23599536
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>This is biz faggot we don't retire with a fuckin' 401k at 65.

We are already retired before the age of 30 some 40 with big bags of Bitcoin, Gold and Real-Estate.

>What the fuck have you been doing all these years you incel wagecuck beta poorfag.

>> No.23599561

And people like you will be thinking nothing, reduced to an animalistic state by whatever STD you've caught, as you're gurgling out your last desperate breaths in the alley. But hey, at least you blew all your money on Instagram #experiences!

>> No.23599620

nobody has regrets when they're dying anon, regrets pretty much go away when you get old enough and you merely look back on your lifes choices without a worry. Because all the choices have been made and for better or worse you are where you are.

>> No.23599624
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>I should have spent more money to enjoy time with my friends and family
It doesn't take more money to spend time with friends and family. It takes more money to impress superficial assholes.
>I should have taken that girl out somewhere nicer
Impressing girls with money nets you a low quality, gold digging woman (99%) who will ruin your life.
>I should have taken that summer vacation when I was young and healthy
As opposed to retiring early and having a never-ending vacation while you are young and healthy.
>I shouldn't have revolved my life around clipping coupons and pinching pennies
No one's life "revolves around pinching pennies" that's just cope for people who spend every paycheck before they get it.
>I should have been less fearful of not having enough
That exactly what retiring early requires. It's the people who are afraid of not having enough that spend their entire lives wagecucking for Mr. Shekelburg.

>> No.23599629

t. Typical biz niglet obsessed with net worth and can't comprehend what really matters in life.

>> No.23599643

The trick is to save up enough for retirement AND an exo-skeleton so you can still do cool things like snowboarding when your 80.

>> No.23599713

Better yet, don’t spend your life shackled to a desk so maybe at 80 you’re still fit enough to enjoy what little life you have left

>> No.23599761

You don't need to be a penny pincher to have early retirement as a goal. Saving shouldn't be your focus, it should be increasing your income

>> No.23599812

>It doesn't take more money to spend time with friends and family.
Oh, so it's free to fly/drive to see my family? It's free to take time off work? It's free to pay for various travel expenses, food, lodging, etc while I'm visiting with my family? Not all of us still live at home with mommy and daddy. Some of us have to travel to visit with loved ones.

>Impressing girls with money nets you a low quality, gold digging woman (99%) who will ruin your life.
Being a cheap bastard and making the girl pay for half the McDonalds dinner you took to her to isn't great either. Especially if that girl could have been the right one. If you think women are going to like you for being a cheap loser who wants to stay inside all the time you've got a painful lesson coming your way.

>As opposed to retiring early and having a never-ending vacation while you are young and healthy.
Not an option for the majority of people so kys.

>No one's life "revolves around pinching pennies" that's just cope for people who spend every paycheck before they get it.
You're projecting here and I must have hit the nail on the head. Maybe you should try going outside for once instead of staring at charts and memes all day.

>That exactly what retiring early requires. It's the people who are afraid of not having enough that spend their entire lives wagecucking for Mr. Shekelburg.
Again, retiring early isn't an option for most people and not everyone has the intellect to work themselves out of a bad financial upbringing.

>> No.23599918

Just got in a big fight with GF over this exact topic yesterday. Both her best friends are dumb as fuck slampigs one dating a nigger the other a vet on disability (might as well be a nigger) and are on some vacation every fucking month with their gibs.

We went on a week vacation to the beach in August and everything is locked down anyways but there is no reasoning with these women even the slightly financially responsible ones see the 5 minute highlight reel of a persons life on social media and their lizard brain goes into rage and panic that they're not "accumulating experiences" as if sitting in a bar in Nashville is any different than any other bar.

>> No.23599950

I do understand what matters in life. Balance. I make enough to live the hedonistic life you espouse, but I live well within my means so I can enjoy life even more later.
It's Boomer as fuck, but the best things in life are cheap. Unlike you, I don't need to pay to spend time with sluts, I have a girlfriend to chill out on the couch with. Books are dirt cheap, video games are relatively cheap on the grand scheme of things. I spend $2000 every two years on a new gaming computer, but that's already factored into my budget. Not an impulse purchase.
Gym memberships are cheap, and I can cook better food than the trash most restaurants make. The money I save doing this gives me money to go to *good* restaurants with GF.
Stop consooming, you're not rebelling against anything. You're only damaging yourself by letting the media and corporations sell you happiness rather than finding it yourself.

>> No.23600040


Well done. How much do you sell your old gaming pc for? An eth?

>> No.23600049

I'm not espousing a hedonistic lifestyle you exaggerating commie nigger. I'm saying the cheap faggot boomers on here and r/personalfinance are going to die with regrets because they were too fearful of spending any money at all.
Stop twisting my words into "OMG WE HAVE TO CONSUME EVERYTHING!"

>> No.23600148

But i can't enjoy life if i know i'm wasting money

>> No.23600182

Lol cope. I’ll be retired at 40 at the latest.

>> No.23600214
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>Oh, so it's free to fly/drive to see my family? It's free to take time off work? It's free to pay for various travel expenses, food, lodging, etc while I'm visiting with my family? Not all of us still live at home with mommy and daddy. Some of us have to travel to visit with loved ones.
You moved away from your loved ones then cry about how hard it is to see them? That has nothing to do with retirement.
>Being a cheap bastard and making the girl pay for half the McDonalds dinner you took to her to isn't great either. Especially if that girl could have been the right one. If you think women are going to like you for being a cheap loser who wants to stay inside all the time you've got a painful lesson coming your way.
Another strawman. No one suggests even taking a girl to mcdonalds, just that taking her to Capital Grille on the first date so she will come on a second is a loser move.
>Not an option for the majority of people so kys.
Yeah, no shit, because most people think like you and can't control the money that flies out of their wallet at every opportunity.
>You're projecting here and I must have hit the nail on the head. Maybe you should try going outside for once instead of staring at charts and memes all day.
I don't get paychecks anymore, I get rent and dividends.I never made more than $130k in a year and retired in my late 30s. I lived like a guy who made $50k. It's not hard.
> Again, retiring early isn't an option for most people and not everyone has the intellect to work themselves out of a bad financial upbringing.
All this talk about most people. No shit most people will cuck for Shekelburg their whole lives. I assume that if you are here, reading this board, then you don't want to be like most people. If that is what you want, then go tell your normie friends how early retirement is a meme. I'm sure they'll all pat you on the back during break time. I'm here to tell people it IS possible. You just have to save and stop wanting so much shit

>> No.23600226

Too late I'm already old and my health is gone.
Best I can do is amass wealth so that my grandson can live the life I never had.

>> No.23600333 [DELETED] 

>You moved away from your loved ones then cry about how hard it is to see them? That has nothing to do with retirement.
It's called being smart. The alternative was staying in a small farming town of 8k people and struggling to make ends meet because there's no tech industry.

>Another strawman. No one suggests even taking a girl to mcdonalds, just that taking her to Capital Grille on the first date so she will come on a second is a loser move.
Your entire argument is a strawman because you're exaggerating and twisting my words around. I'm not advocating consuming mindlessly or trying to impress women with money. I'm only suggesting that the opposite end of the spectrum, of penny pinching and clipping coupons and scolding people who finally upgrade from a 20-year old Toyota, is also ignorant and misguided. If you don't fall into that bucket then shut the fuck up and kill yourself faggot.

>> No.23600373

>I should have saved some money so my kids/grandkids don't have to struggle so much
>if only I hadn't spent my money so recklessly I wouldn't have needed to work all the way to old age
>I could have spent more time with my kids if I had sorted out my finances early enough
it goes both ways
you're gonna have regrets anyway, just pick whichever you want

>> No.23600815

im a 30y/o boomer and have already won the game of not cucking myself to death with pointless busy work, I have also already won the game of not being in a bunch of student debt / home loans.

I'm not bragging, just saying that many of my friends and others who go straight from highschool to college to work don't really even have time to stop and think about their life in a meaningful/philosophical sense because they're too busy graduating and desperately seeking stable employment so they can afford to pay back their student loans and live in an apartment. Young men should be encouraged to learn a trade skill along with financial literacy, and if they aren't planning to marry young and start a family - go on a journey for your twenties, a debt free, boss free, co-worker free journey. By the time you're thirty you should just aim to have about 100k in the bank and no debt or serious addiction issues.Then start thinking about buying some land and planning a construction there for your permanent dwelling.

Unless you have some high ambition to reach the top of a professional industry like doctors/lawyers(they're all narcissistic pyscho's btw), or to make way more money than you need(real estate, sales, etc - again filled with egotist narcissistic fags possessed by demons), then there is really no excuse to get tricked into wasting your youth in a simulacrum of debt and "work".

Learn to work with your hands(cars, carpentry, whatever), learn to be independent without riding on debt, and invest in crypto(though the window of opportunity for investing in crypto will inevitably get smaller). There is really no excuse to be a cucked wage rat in 2020 if you have access to the internet, an able body and a brain capable of comprehending this post.

>> No.23600879
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I haven't twisted anything around, I quoted you verbatim. I have yet to see a single serious "coupon clipping" post on biz, nor anyone scolded for buying a new car. You seem to have this resentment for an invented life that only exists in your head, of people utterly consumed with not spending any money so that they can retire at 62 instead of 67. The truth is something much more reasonable.
Some people curtail their wants so that they can retire 10-20, maybe even 30 years early. That means driving a 20 year old Toyota that still runs good, even if you could buy a Porsche outright. Part of making that decision is understanding that past a certain subsistence level, the only purpose for spending more is to garner the envy of other people. The envy of other people is of little tangible value. So you can spend your paychecks on a Mercedes payment and $18 cocktails at the trendy club, or you can drive a 20 year old Toyota and barbecue in your backyard. The former will net you some really great pictures on social media, but the latter will allow you to stop wagecucking.
Maybe other people see it differently, but to me, nothing was more important than throwing off the chains of a 40 (or 50-60) hour workweek. It dominates your entire life. People think they "work to live, not live to work", but the truth is everything they do is arranged around work.
Retiring early is possible, without being some kind of obsessed freak. I just want people to know that, with discipline, you can do it too. I never clipped coupons, or avoided spending time with friends. I drove cheap cars and lived in cheap houses. In those cheap houses I rented rooms to people I knew. The houses I now rent out are far nicer than the house I live in. No one is impressed by my lifestyle; I don't even have social media. I have enough to enjoy my hobbies and interests, and even to take a few trips a year. And, most importantly, I will never wagecuck again.

>> No.23601319


Congrats, few secure the opportunity to truly live free. A modest life without chains is all I desire, but my path there is very difficult and I am losing hope I will ever achieve it before I am old and useless. I was a damn fool and went into IT, a career where I can be called at any hour of any day and I've spent evenings literally in tears on how close I have come on multiple occasions to changing my life with one missed shitcoin pump because I chose A instead of B. I will never give up, but my life is abject misery. I probably bet way too hard on crypto but at this stage in life it's my only realistic chance. Be blessed.

>> No.23601336

if you're in software, work is so fucking easy the whole idea of retirement seems retarded. i can code a few hours a day, remotely, for the rest of my life and not really care. it'll probably be good as an old man to keep my mind sharp, really.