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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 99 KB, 888x499, 4k7y18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23596875 No.23596875 [Reply] [Original]

>KP3R clone
>Fair launch
>TG blew up to 1000 people in 12 hours
>Influencers already hyping it up

We are going to blow up with or without you. You missing another one annon?

>> No.23596959

Fuck, I was in there last night and it was popping off with no info given. Grew 5x from there, this will be big

>> No.23596968

what is the tg?

>> No.23597006

Literally just the name

>> No.23597071

Thanks, I will wait for more info but glad to see it isnt a dead tg

>> No.23597099
File: 138 KB, 511x671, surfer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay OP you have one chance. why would i invested in pajeet clone of andre shittoken instead of chilling on the beach with surf?

>> No.23597120

Ya, it is a really good sign, not sure why there is so much interest when there is so little info out but who am I to question the hype? Just got to ride the wave brother

>> No.23597155

That shit already pumped man, don't buy someone's bags. KP3R popped off after giving a bunch of insiders super low buys compared to the public, these guys are doing it right with a fair launch.

>> No.23597271

He needs you to buy his bags

>> No.23597377

look at the price goy, what a wave to surf on

>> No.23597429
File: 213 KB, 730x860, 1601847003977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things don't go up forever, I aint buying no top

>> No.23597500

exactly man, buying anything up that much is asking to be dumped on. Gl if you are in but I would rather buy Chad bottoms then Melvin tops

>> No.23597534

I know these guys quite well, I was involved with several of their projects. They have rug pulled the last 3 projects, and kicked me from their discord for exposing them and questioning their motives. Watch out, this will be a huge eth grab and they will delete and run.

>> No.23597577

OK who are they then? You got to give info with that kind of accusation

>> No.23597625

Then sit out and watch. If you don't have any more info then go jerk off to our gains

>> No.23597626
File: 137 KB, 962x739, surfer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont even need to buy. you can stake with rebasing 5000% apy or 1000% on secondary beaches. at current price it will take month to hit max supply and the the real game begins with whirlpool contract.

>> No.23597705

Take a second and ask yourself if 5000% any is legit. Now go home and think about what you did

>> No.23597812
File: 11 KB, 183x275, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not missing this

>> No.23597861

>No site
>No medium
>No info
>Devs probably don't even know what kp3r does
>People got added in the telegram, devs probably paid pajeet tg groups that sell members

This is going to be the biggest rug of the month

>> No.23597918
File: 85 KB, 636x467, 1601847755896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything is a rug incel. Also the TG is filled with actually talking, you should of seen it last night. If you don't have anything constructive to say then just sit down and miss another one. We don't want retards in on this coin

>> No.23598038
File: 23 KB, 444x268, Screenshot_2020-10-29_14-55-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual talking like asking every 10 minutes about airdrops

>> No.23598042

Stay poor fag

>> No.23598067

I f you are scrolling through the entire TG and that is the worst 4 lines you could find in a row I think we are good

>> No.23598099

Giving a heap of pajeets free tokens to shill to whites, to then dump on listing, yeah na

>> No.23598135

That is unironically the worst attempt to fud something I have ever seen. Your mom must be proud

>> No.23598275

Thanks annon, I will be watching this closely

>> No.23598622
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for that green dildo tonight

>> No.23598816

May it ram up all bearish assholes

>> No.23598934
File: 1.83 MB, 1242x1802, 5DF1A6BB-370F-4B7A-A203-E7293DCD2893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh baby it’s fork season!

>> No.23598956

gonna need these gains to feed that bitch

>> No.23599032

She even has Rankesh in the background looking disgusted

>> No.23599040

My gf is pretty fat but the gov pays for her food, which is based

>he’s this new
you can stay poor

>> No.23599229

based, getting those government gibs while making them crypto gains

>> No.23599262

I hate pajeets so much at this point, there is no point even noticing them anymore. They will be where ever you go

>> No.23599319

All they want is that $20 airdrop.

>> No.23599408

Fucking pajeets. Every fucking chance they get they shit up the place looking for free shit and it’s getting old

>> No.23599610

Little patel needs to eat

>> No.23599740

i dont care if a street shitter needs to eat, they shouldn’t have access to the fucking internet

>> No.23599915

jeets are fucking niggers. not as bad as niggers but right up there with them.

>> No.23599944

I'm ready, the dev needs to hurry the fuck up

>> No.23600047

they said it’s happening tonight chill

Airdrops ruin communities. They attract every breed of poo

>> No.23600139

damn man, I just don't want to miss out because he releases everything while I am taking a shit or something

>> No.23600187
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 63BC9FF0-EB4B-4EE9-B72E-684A2FA74BC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23600201

When is this shit releasing?

>> No.23600254


>> No.23600324

Bitcoin back up, markets are primed for this release today

>> No.23600329
File: 736 KB, 1242x997, 7E6041D0-FAF3-4F1D-AE6F-86CA13680A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my DD today and I’m going to triple it tomorrow on Keep3r forks this week. Let the games begin!

>> No.23600417

what is tripple a DD?

>> No.23600427

of markets keep pushing up this is going to be a really good short term play. everyone wants a price of cronje

>> No.23600450

think he means triple his direct-deposit

>> No.23600545

oh, thought he meant boobs

>> No.23600691

Everything we do is for boobs, you cant be blamed

>> No.23600777

DD tits aren’t patrician desu anon

>> No.23600902

man I just enjoy all boobs. No need to complicate shit

>> No.23600908

I need my gibs to hit my account, still nothing :(

>> No.23601087

I got mine last week. Ready to go

>> No.23601292

Trump better deliver or I’m going to DC to sort this stuff out

>> No.23601598

Poorfag detected

>> No.23601658


no pajeets will forever be the first movers on new projects. they’re just more hungry than you

>> No.23601756


>> No.23601835


>> No.23602054

why is this shit getting hyped so hard in Twitter? i need to move some eth to metamask if this keeps up

>> No.23602134

A few big telegram shills are pushing this I’m not sure about twitter tho

>> No.23602205

I always keep some ETH loaded on mm. You never know when an opportunity will drop

>> No.23602498

Smart man. 5% is my gamble stack, the rest on my ledger

>> No.23602526

guardian will be my best investment right now

>> No.23602566
File: 197 KB, 1680x1260, 34435DBA-B5E1-450B-9BEF-8033C4E36DA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya the telegram is ridiculous right now lol im actually getting bullish

Keeping eth on deck is honestly something I need to be doing now that we’re in a bullrun

>> No.23602755

hey hey i always follow the hype and do gainz with fomo
i'm gonna get in on this since it looks like a guaranteed pump

>> No.23602883

things move fast in a bullrun. Need to always be ready to keep up

>> No.23602892

not seeing the value behind this hype is short sighted and small penisec tbqh

>> No.23603152

I need that big pp run

>> No.23603208

I always have my eth tied up and that it’s some thing that needs to change

>> No.23603475

you're right fren, i am the bearer of a huge penis

>> No.23603533


>> No.23603595

Pajeets working extra hard today

>> No.23603685 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger

>> No.23604039

Found the incel

>> No.23604050

Good god, who is this??

>> No.23604062

shut up nigger you're incapable of eyeing good projects

>> No.23604385


>> No.23604621

Why the fuck are you incels racist?

>> No.23604848

race is an imaginary construct created by niggers to keep the white man down

>> No.23605180


>> No.23605187

nigger lover

>> No.23605239

ive only 2 eth chillin. feeling good about my bags tho, might dip my toes into this tonight if it really takes off

>> No.23605383

Do that and your 2 ETH will be 10 ETH

>> No.23605433

Unironically will be tonight, the tg is insane lol

>> No.23605449

i want to get in. this is my first crypto investment, whats the best way to buy some of this? coinbase?

>> No.23605489

hop in the telegram, everything will be revealed shortly

>> No.23605605

i so have to buy etherium and use uniswap to buy it? how do i buy etherium?

>> No.23605854

Coin base?

>> No.23606007

the telegram is looking a little swarthy ngl. i feel like im in one of those 3rd world facebook groups

>> No.23606140

yes very moon! see you 10x very good!

>> No.23606585

with money

>> No.23606810

Swarthy = greasy = money

>> No.23606922

wait coin base take 1.5% of your money when u cash out to dollars? wtf is that shit

>> No.23606977

use pro

>> No.23607341

I missed enough ty

>> No.23607588

Then get in

>> No.23607749

Or just sell to people you know

>> No.23607952

that works too

>> No.23607953

I don’t know anyone with cash who wants to buy crypto

>> No.23608158

Make some friends? >>23607953

>> No.23608365

when you have a lot of crypto they will find you

>> No.23608395

The rich get richer

>> No.23608832

They got a list

>> No.23608956

Of what? Fuck this board is retarded

>> No.23609151

this is honestly what scares me... oh wait they can’t track me through crypto. fucking retard.

>> No.23609324

he doesn't know

>> No.23609439
File: 59 KB, 1280x855, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen logo
Terrible website with default font
This keeps getting funnier and funnier

Keep covering your eyes and ears though!

>> No.23609670

The ui looks fine to me?

>> No.23609698

Cry more incel

>> No.23610226

looks good to me, you coping hard kid

>> No.23610232

fudders gotta fud

>> No.23610304

may just throw 500 bucks in this. lots of hype. il sell my bags to 2x and call it a day

>> No.23610427

Make sure you can afford to lose that Patel

>> No.23610433

Seems like a pretty conservative move

>> No.23610695

Don’t waste your eth idiot

>> No.23610872

you will lead this poor young man to ruin.

>> No.23610879

poor fag here

>> No.23610962
File: 973 KB, 696x651, guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i was gonna do it but they banned me from the telegram for making a pajeet poo jokeabout airdrops lol. il watch the price from the sideline like keep3r

>> No.23611044

HAHAHA, that K guy is in all the worst tokens imaginable, even Sloth.

>> No.23611349

watch all that trash 100x and that retard becomes richer then all of us

>> No.23611508

pain awaits you

>> No.23611624

Admit it, you deserved the ban

>> No.23611631

Plz airdrop sir

>> No.23611694

can someone post the website plox?

>> No.23612050
File: 10 KB, 618x323, 6C6E9926-0E48-4227-8A14-28CA23424229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google the guardian

>> No.23612188

thats a news site

>> No.23612189

this is a news coin?

>> No.23612334

It’s a meme brainlet

>> No.23612447

Honestly the coin is
just look at the telegram members lol

>> No.23612489

is it though?

>> No.23612648

???? Speak English Rakesh

>> No.23612712


>> No.23612725

whats the contract address? apparaentuly u seend some secrete contract address code to even view the ticker on uniswap

>> No.23612848

have you guys not learned from the yf clones? same shit scam teams from yfbm, yfmb, myfi all that garbage now copy pasting keep3r

>> No.23612881

lmao the telegram is closed

>> No.23612894

And the coin is delayed until "sometimes next week". The show's over fellow scammers.

>> No.23612938

They rugged our time

>> No.23612960

Anddddd they’re gone, well done fags