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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 599 KB, 2000x1333, 15_20Central_20Park_20West_20Interior_20-_201.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2359565 No.2359565 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you need to buy an apartment like this? And will crypto get me there?

>> No.2359580

20mil and no

>> No.2359591

Those cost 25k/month to rent.

>> No.2359624

Why not? I have 20btc right now, and if nothing else changes but bitcoin goes to $1 million in a few years like lots of analysts are saying, I'll have $20 million. But then altcoins are going up much faster so I could get there a lot sooner.

>> No.2359642

>what are taxes
>what are building fees

>> No.2359644

it aint free lemme tell u dat

>> No.2359656

>but bitcoin goes to $1 million in a few years like lots of analysts are saying
top kek

>> No.2359668


>> No.2359691

Forget it. You need a couple of millions at least.

Most the time, such appartments are not even inhabited. Wait for the next bubble to burst an then you might get one for half the price, but otherwise these apartments are just objects of speculations (aka empty) or the second home of the kids of rich as fuck people.

>> No.2359710

No. These apartments cost literally $25mil average.

>> No.2359734


If you are happy with one without any view, the price drops considerably. Still expensive as fuck for small appartments, but still more possible than what OP posted.

>> No.2359770


Unless you're planning to live in it yourself, there's no point in renting it out. If someone can afford to spend $20k a month to rent, they'll be able to afford their own place to live.

And no- Crypto will NOT get you there.

>> No.2359791

>put $20k in STRAT ico 1 year ago
>it's worth $26 million now
Seems like it's possible to me.

>> No.2359805

Cool where's the time machine?

>> No.2359821

If it's happened before, then it will happen again. That's why I'm buying into all the most promising ico's right now.

>> No.2359822


Would you put $20k into MOON coin right now?

Because a year ago you'd be in a similar predicament with STRAT.

>> No.2359838

MOON is a meme coin though, whereas STRAT is a professional coin with an actual use. I did buy $500 of MOON at 3 sats though. Waiting for it to hit 100, even though I know it's unlikely.

>> No.2359855

Why didn't you buy STRAT then? Also why didn't you buy it when I made threads a couple weeks ago when it was at 8k?

>> No.2359869


Maybe MOON was a bad example as it really is a meme coin.

However, would you be willing to put $20K into ESPER2? They were in the same standing as STRAT a year ago.

The truth is, your hindsight will always distort your judgement.

>> No.2359873

Because I thought crypto was a scam back then. I also saw all the threads about ETH here a year ago when it was under $10 but I didn't listen.

>> No.2359875

what are you make threads about next anon? :^)

>> No.2359887

Also the will power to hold it past the first, second, and third rounds of major ups and downs.

>> No.2359888

I mean, I'm not saying that it's easy, only that it's definitely possible to do.

>> No.2359900



Its literally best to just buy and hold, or better yet; buy the coin, then get knocked on the head and into a Coma. Then wake up in 2021.

>> No.2359906

Well you probably missed my threads about Feathercoin from the past week.

>> No.2359913

Check the chart now. Literally zero responses in those threads besides fuck off.

>> No.2359935

Sell sell sell

>> No.2359942

Here's another one. Check out the great responses I get when not posting about whatever is being memed out the ass.

>> No.2359962

Teach me your ways anon

>> No.2359989

Step one. Get off /biz/ for investing advice. You're better off on twitter. You might think I'm kidding but you'll do way better following people you find on twitter. Otherwise you have to put in some work and scan the charts, read the news, and follow the bitcointalk.

>> No.2360004

Thanks. Can you recommend any twitter accounts I can follow?

>> No.2360052

Pick out your 5 favorite currencies. The ones you really believe in. Do a twitter search for the the symbols like $ETH or $BTC. Read through all of the posts as the come in and follow the charts. You'll find plenty of people and you can narrow it down by seeing who hit their mark. Those that regularly do, start following them.

>> No.2360130

just get a poster of the newyork skyline
and a home in north carolina
its way cheaper.

>> No.2360152


>> No.2360705

Get a Russian commieblock and get the same shit for 100k usd.

>> No.2360724

>never getting over 5k
Wew lad

>> No.2360733

Found one for $7.7 million, but it's probably even cheaper because the zestimate is $5 million.


>> No.2360761

why the fuck would you want a cramped apartment in a big city filled with niggers and spics when you could have a nice big comfy hosue in the country side for 1/1000th of the price

>> No.2360805

So I can invite top tier models to fuck on a daily basis in my apartment. How are you going to accomplish that in the country hiding away from civilization?

>> No.2360814


Bitcoin will die, the titan will fall. Get out while you still can.

>> No.2360816

Might aswell just buy a hot gf to live with you and live comfy

>> No.2360852
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>limiting yourself to one pussy

>> No.2360865

there are millions of apartments like that in new york.

having one isnt going to get you a supermodel girlfriend.

sounds like you just want hookers, which you can still get in your comfy home outside the big city

>> No.2360890


>> No.2360935

>put an ad out for a $1000 adult photoshoot
>50 girls respond
>pick the best looking one(s)
>invite them up to my impressive apartment where one of the rooms is a photo studio overlooking central park
>film them having sex with each other + me
>it's not even illegal because it's art
How are you going to do that in a country house or even in the suburbs?

>> No.2360973

>Why not? I have 20btc right now, and if nothing else changes but bitcoin goes to $1 million in a few years like lots of analysts are saying, I'll have $20 million.

How fucking dumb are you?

No smart analyst is saying that kind of bullshit.

Bitcoin will probably not even be around in 10 years.

Fucking lazy fucks I swear.

>> No.2360990

Who the fuck wants to live in NYC? Its over priced, smells like piss, infested with niggers and gooks. Its filthy. For the price of that apartment you could buy a fucking mansion and lambos what have you.

Fuck a tenth of what that fucker costs will get you nicer elsewhere.

You think a semen demon will be more impressed with a small ass luxury apartment or a mansion on a few dozen acres?

>> No.2361026

You're forgetting the fact that almost all the attractive white women in the US are concentrated in either NYC or LA. Also, the upper west side is like 100% whites and jews.

>> No.2361176

>So I can invite top tier models to fuck on a daily basis in my apartment. How are you going to accomplish that in the country hiding away from civilization?

Ok, anon, listen hard to me now.
What I am going to tell you is the truth.

Remember, you will never be an alpha.
You will never have an apartment like that, you will just keep dreaming of it.
You don't have the connections, the guts, the smarts and the equity to even get to that level.
You will grow older and uglier. You will keep dreaming of models and jerking off to porn.

Eventually you will settle for a plain Jane and have kids with her. You will hate your life, but thats just the reality.

Guys who live the life you describe don't even know what 4chan is.

>> No.2361210

Answer honestly...are you a virgin?

>> No.2361220

Disagree. Texas and California.

>> No.2361239

>projecting this hard
You wouldn't happen to be a nocoiner would you?

>> No.2361247

OP, could you please post which alts do you think have the potential and why?

>> No.2361251

Buy a house on the Venice canals in California. Beautiful view, quiet neighborhood, blocks away from the beach and plenty of places to eat/shop.

Not to mention you get plenty of snapchat/google nerds to talk with about crypto but you also have a plethora of fine ass biddies my dude.

>> No.2361326
File: 1.65 MB, 3072x2304, artesian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick some decent virgin mail order girls
online and fly them out using your private jet from the money you saved.
Also can easily go outside and play with your ponies, you don't even need to stand next to any stranger creeps on the elevator.

>> No.2361365
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1496918196969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusting the MSM

>> No.2361443

there are maybe two or three people who put in 10k

>> No.2361459

Fuck off to r9k. This forum is for dreamers.

>> No.2361534

Someone give me cashing out ideas for early retirement.

Do I cash out say 1 year of expenses into a savings account, and keep the principal all in crypto, rinse and repeat? The only issue here is it might take more than a year to recover from a crash (like Gox) and I'd have to go back to work for those years.

>> No.2361625


Between 20mil and 100mil.

Fucking New Yorkers.

>> No.2362117

Why not just go to Ukraine flash $100 and have 5 blonde highschoolers jumping on you're dick