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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, TomoLITTTTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23590355 No.23590355 [Reply] [Original]

Nothin' personal, kid.

Tomochain should be in the top 50. Just saying.


>> No.23590461

oh damn nice merger. Lition was shilled so much on these threads. I reckon TomoX gonna be the next big biz fomo thread

>> No.23590492

Whatever will the /Lit General/ fags do now that they're literally owned by Tomochain? TOMO deserves more chatter on this board so I suppose they'll have to jump ship.

>> No.23590584

Do under water Lition holders get free Vietnamese visas now? KEK.

>> No.23590961

Lition bros BTFO

>> No.23591044

tomo is gook shitcoin eth killer and its founder got kicked out of NEM for creating manipulative sock puppet accounts.

>> No.23591048

Lition is dead, sell.

>> No.23591053

i will now fomo into tomo

>> No.23591143

Just an unnecessary blockchain buying another unnecessary blockchain. Not news.

>> No.23591523


>what is privacy and 2% of the cap of XMR

>> No.23591956

Tomochain bros will make it.

>> No.23591990

High IQ's understand that this was a shit deal for TOMO, if they really believed in the project they would've created their own layer2.

Now their token is literally useless as all transactions on their blockchain goes through the LIT sidechain.

>> No.23592357

It's peanuts, desu. The acquisition. If Lit even brings 5% of their marketing / holder base over and literally does *anything*, it's a good deal.

>> No.23592534

says the faggot in pink. Tomo will be worth 2 dollars next year

>> No.23592541

*kills your token*

>> No.23592559

this is good for both coins. Lition is going to drive activity on tomo

>> No.23592648


>> No.23592771

Lition is on life support now. Go ahead and get into TOMO

>> No.23592797

Lition.io was BEFORE the acquisition on life support you fucking brainlet. They were not able to gain usecases alone and now can provide a L1 solution to their marketing package.

>> No.23592916

Yep. This was done for survival. But if it works, it will be enormous, not just mere survival. This was necessary and right.

Or not.

>> No.23592935
File: 132 KB, 1235x597, tomo-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23592961

Holding LIT is like holding BAND when Chainlink exists. See ya!

>> No.23592970

yes, and if this happens, what do you think will moon harder? the chain who's doing it, or the tech that the chain bought?

hint : it's tomochain

>> No.23592992
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1594182726188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is LITs Chainlink in your equation? EWT with their PoE concept and their PoA "blockchain"? HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23593388

That’s true

>> No.23593403

more like homochain haha

>> No.23593656

TOMOCHAIN! (mashes forehead)

>> No.23593825

Based retard. I have no words how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.23593867

Lition is dead?

>> No.23594015


>> No.23594220

Very dead. It's dumping as we speak.

>> No.23595248

Isnt it bullish for lition?

>> No.23595287

they will cry and cry and not even know about the real upgrade to a superior project.

>confirmed TOMO BRO

>> No.23595613

no haha

LIT is now dead. The Lit blockchain will be worked out in facour of the TOMO chain.

This is obvious anon.

>> No.23595810


Ok guys, so lition and SAP was a meme.

UBT have actually already done it all, released their product on SAP market place, and have clients (coca cola) who are going to use their SAP integration. Did I mention that Baseline Protocol is also GDPR compliant.

Jump ship while.you can, and get on a project that actually delivers working products!

>> No.23596447
File: 805 KB, 1440x900, 1603917850318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of the organized fud, everyone is posting the "5 word comments" that is 100% non productive and offers no information what so ever.

This is bullish for Lition, just scroll through yesterday's Litgen thread. Absolute retards.