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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 105 KB, 596x596, swarm_city_yellow_sticker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2358784 No.2358784 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys ready for the Boardwalk launch?

The SC github has been on fire the last couple of days!

Here's the announcement video to get you in the mood!


>> No.2359280

I'm hyped

This shit's gonna m00n like crazy

>> No.2359304

Currently holding 100 tokens, hope this shit will moon. Besides Ark and ETH the only promising coins tbqh senpai

>> No.2359412

Stop shilling this dead coin


>> No.2359426

get the fuck out of crypto, dude


since you OBVIOUSLY don't know, swarm city is basically the craigslist of bitcoin

>> No.2359450

>dead coin


>> No.2359455

>dead coin
actually lunching something
already made mad gains in the pas week
are you retarded my friend ?

>> No.2359462


Everything made gains in the last week, swarm city doesn't mean shit

>> No.2359577

Looks how aggressive the shills of this dogshit coin are. Do you know what that tells us?

Their bags are getting heavy rofl

>> No.2359599

holy hell dude you're a fucking moron

>> No.2359632

>Their bags are getting heavy rofl

I've made 50% profit in 4 days you dumb brony.

>> No.2359817
File: 163 KB, 445x465, 1496922069570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just to let everybody know what's going on:

>it's always the same couple of FUDsters who just show up for the swarm city threads
>mfw when I realize swarm city is worth the effort to spread all this FUD
>mfw when I realize swarm city triggers people who coordinate shit coin pump and dumps
>mfw when I realize they feel threatened by legit projects because they know they can't compete (they repeatedly claim they have more respect for people who invest in meme/shit coins)
>mfw when I realize they're spreading all this FUD because they don't want their shit coin party to be spoiled
>mfw when I realize this solidifies that swarm city is the real deal

>> No.2360384

I just put 1 ETH in SWT.
Looking promising, tell you that.

I could spare the ETH; it was made by profit from holding it anyway.

Let's see. I have a good hunch.

>> No.2360792

shit man just read the boardwalk overview, the t release (storefronts) which is after the boardwalk is what will bring us passed the bitch ass moon.