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23586810 No.23586810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vote for Trump

>> No.23586826

Will he pump my shitcoins?

>> No.23586830

trump hasn't done anything for me, he couldn't even cut me another lousy 1200 while canadians and euros got 2k USD every month since april

>> No.23586837

no thanks
also wrong board

>> No.23586838


>> No.23586882

>not wanting the markets to crash
fuck you i need this

>> No.23586952
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>> No.23586970

>100 dollars have been deposited into your account

>> No.23587027


>> No.23587044

No, I'm not a racist idiot.

>> No.23587051

>vote for orange man
fuckin why? to own the libs? right wingers want better leadership

>> No.23587137

Eastern European didn't get jackshit. >:(

>> No.23587197

I would probably vote trump but im unironically not risking getting covid for it, sorry. My state will go blue anyway doesnt matter

>> No.23587198

Wtf are you talking about, I'm getting some taxed 100eur bonus in my paycheck since June. That's about it.

That being said, lmao don't care, not my country, different color candidates, same shit

>> No.23587211

Biden’s gunna tax your shitcoin gains 50%. Think. Use your fucking head.

>> No.23587259
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fuck off kike

>> No.23587290

no fuck off

>> No.23587296

you think these faggots pay taxes

>> No.23587306
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Nah, I'm ridin with Biden.

>> No.23587320

Are you really this stupid? Trump may be a jew puppet, Biden is literally a jew with a jew vice president. Remember the pope declared in every christian is a jew, last i checked Biden believes the pope.

>> No.23587329
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seethe harder kike

>> No.23587347

No that’s what trump did you assfuck
At least know what you are talking about before you vomit shit out your mouth


>> No.23587365

Why did Biden pick an indian woman who married a jew as vice president?

>> No.23587372

What will he give me? Biden’s got free health care and college.

>> No.23587390
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why is Israel so desperate to push for Trump, eh kike?

>> No.23587437

Youre clearly the jew here calling constant names when im providing clear information which you ignore. Israel is a puppet for the blood cult. Most of israel isnt even jewish you dipshit.

When biden dies of covid youll be left with a woman puppet whos husband a jew will rule this land. Your candidate picked a jew for vice president for the first time ever

>> No.23587458

And im sure theres 3 pictures of jews voting biden too. This has to be a joke

>> No.23587512
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You aren't even good at your job

>> No.23587529

Hahahah trump hates btc fuck that bastard

>> No.23587538
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are you really that dumb or just pretending? those are paid shills by Israel shilling for Trump not Trump voters

I love how much Jews are seething now that their little puppet is gonna lose. Can't wait to see you kikes froth in a week
keep seething kike

>> No.23587550
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>> No.23587556


>> No.23587559

that's what they said until Obama passed FATCA

>> No.23587581

Do non jews break glasses at their wedding? No this is a jewish ritual

>> No.23587583
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hey kike, how are Trump's jewish children doing? why are those kikes in charge of US policy, eh kike?

>> No.23587610

i agree Trump made israel happy by naming jerusalem the capital and marrying his daughter to one plus giving her husband a fake job. Minor appeasements compared to what the catholic will do. Maybe you dont know any catholics? They LOVE jews

>> No.23587632

no one said im pro trump. I just see Biden as much worse because hes far more jew loving