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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23569333 No.23569333 [Reply] [Original]

do you let your gf/wife/sister in on what you do? are they into it too? how much do you let them in on?

>> No.23569355

never told her a single word about it.
a woman wouldnt be able to handle seeing your portfolio crash with several thousands in one night

>> No.23569388

Sure, I sent a key signed summary of my holdings to her lawyer.

>> No.23569390

a women wouldn’t be able to understand or have the forbearance to deal with crypto

>> No.23569392

She trusts me and gives me 50% of her pay check to invest

>> No.23569397

Please explain how 'sister' fits within your criteria?

>> No.23569418

Never try to explain anything line this to a women. They have no idea.
New car, new this, new that

>> No.23569436

Yes. Only because we are engaged and living together, I wouldn't if you're just dating and don't live together. At some point I both felt like it'd be good to let her know why sometimes I just NEED to look at some chart all the time no matter what, and also to prepare her for the idea that I just might go completely broke at any moment because I'm all in on crypto and will continue doing that and hold to 0 if that would happen. She was actually really supportive which maked me like her even more. If she gives you shit and thinks she knows better what you should do with your money than that's also something to think about. Oh yeah I only mention amounts only when she asks, and always rounded down and when they're high I remind her that it's all paper gains and can be gone at any moment

>> No.23569467

> a woman wouldnt be able to handle seeing your portfolio crash with several thousands in one night

very much true. In my case she acknowledged that right away and she voluntarily stays the fuck away and rarily asks anything but if she wouldn't just make that decision for her and tell her to not ask and don't look

>> No.23569476

kek, youll find better anon
sure i get you but do you keep them 100% in the dark? not even a surface explanation?
you must be new here

>> No.23569542

checked trips cuck

>> No.23569619

based, all those fucking neets do no understand how to relationship successfully.

>> No.23569635

She knows I’m making money in crypto. She does not know what projects or how much. She never will.

>> No.23569819

i taught my gf how to trade shitcoins and how to use binance she went all in(500$ just 4fun and to learn something) into some fckn flat dead shitcoin with 300+ mcap i dont even remember what it was then she was swapping coins on binance basically everything that was going up at the moment then fckn eth when it was going to dump then she transfered last ~100$ to me and i bought linkies back in the time when they were at 0.7$

>> No.23569849

My gf knows I hold some Crypto, but she has no idea how much and doesn't have any interest at all in this topic.
I'm a 7k linklet btw.

>> No.23569863

lmao i watched that porn video. it's so shitty though

>> No.23569934

Got 6 figures in crypto while living below minimum wage, ain't telling my bitch anything until/unless I reach 7 figures then if she's still sticking with my deadbeat ass I know she'll deserve the princess treatment.

>> No.23569993

My gf pays all the bills and I invest my entire checks into crypto.
When we make it, getting married, buying house, having 10 White babies.

>> No.23570329

She calls it "my markets" and thats as far as she understands. Im just a wizard thats making money looking at graphs in her mind.

>> No.23570409


>> No.23570424

wtf you incest fuck

>> No.23570435

Then you have a stupid woman. My girl would never have the guts to tell me what i should do with my crypto, she has a deep faith that i know 10x better than her

>> No.23570477

this, me too

>> No.23570499
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I opened a wallet for the wife with some BTC and Link (I don't hold any, but who knows). She doesn't want anything to do with it. I show her number go up and she smiles and says I don't wanna know. My kid is way more interested that I make money whilst not really doing anything. I say hey kid, tell me the number for bitcoin, and the kid says happily it's going up fatha. Proud.

>> No.23570991
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I told my girl once i crossed $750k that I had $250k. We blew a bunch on cool shit. Now, she will nor anyone else will never know where I'm at.

Hoping BestSwap does the AZN thing like i think it will too. Wew. My only advice to you before I leave until 2023.

>> No.23571036

based af
I had 10k in savings in the bank and my ex left me after hyperinflation and I got flat ass broke
bitches be gold diggers

>> No.23571633
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my boyfriend knows way less about crypto and stocks compared to me but he knows im loaded from crypto+trustfund

i dunno if i made the right decision in telling him

>> No.23571702

tranny, fag or female?

>> No.23571735

Yes. If she asks to sell “No can do doll, takes a good four months to get it back to dollars”

>> No.23571745

>anime reaction image
Likely a tranny

>> No.23571806


>> No.23571900


I told people at first, but they don't care.

Wagecucking 40 hours a week until you die is quite popular here in the states and investing is seen as rich people stuff

>> No.23572058

I've been putting 400 into crypto every paycheck for 4 years. I would tell my partner but I don't want to hurt his ego. I'll let him know we can retire when we are 40.

>> No.23572147

show portfolio + booba

>> No.23572183

My girlfriend thinks I’m a regular ass PhD student, she doesn’t even know what link is let alone the fact I hold 30k link

>> No.23572190

Ya, my gf is super supportive and actually has a pretty decent eth bag (she unironically has a decent shot of outperforming me in the next year or 2 because of how many shitcoins I'm in). Nobody in my family cares about crypto except my dad, who is like a full on libertarian anti-government, anti-bank idealist who's in it just because he hates institutions/establishments (pretty based desu). He did shill me cardano at $0.02 though, and I think also has a sizeable bag of monero

>> No.23572222

I just tell her the basics.

>> No.23572439

It's crazy isn't it. Tell someone you want to make millions and quit working and they look puzzled and tell you that you'll get bored and be right back working even though you don't have to. Wtf is wrong with these people?

>> No.23572556

No. My fiance could care less but she knows about it due to her being laid off because of covid and we're stuck in the same house now since March....every single day.

>> No.23572624

never help women make money

>> No.23572698

Not worth the drama, for starters I when I started to make money I would go like "look honey, today I made 700 dollars" and this is just fine as she start to think about all the ways she could spend your money
. Then she starts to ask when you are cashing out, then you say "look honey today I lost 500 dollars" and she starts to rage like a rabid monkey and there is no option left but to slap her idiotic face and have no sex for 1 week or 2.

>> No.23572979

Well, I won't let her in on me investments. However last week she unironically asked me about investing in NEC

>> No.23573079

Look at her face. Bitch would leave him in a hot second.

>> No.23573282

shes a pornstar anon ofc she will

>> No.23573346

lol, check the pixels behind her back

>> No.23573441
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>> No.23573546

girls in their 20s have 0 savings and are in debt, they dont understand investing at all. its like telling them you are learning chinese.

girls in their 30s start to figure out, ok investing is money

>> No.23573676

I got my husband into it. We treat it like a game. Have our own accounts and long holds, and smaller stacks we day trade with for fun. It's competitive, and sexy too, lol. It's really great to have a shared hobby. We're very blessed.

>> No.23573732


>> No.23574150

That’s a man

>> No.23574332

so many simps here

>> No.23574458

I'm completely honest about it with her. She eventually got interested and started investing too. Was going fine for both of us until Chainlink cucked us both. We're holding bags now.

Nothing bad happened regarding this.

>> No.23574625

Your gf is either clinically retarded or 5 years old.

>> No.23575010
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How much ALGO for Eva Elfie?

>> No.23575048

I fucking love thots with big noses and large faces

>> No.23575210

Is she really a jewness?

>> No.23576069

>life in the third world

>> No.23576636

>telling women anything about money
literally told my sister i made 300 dollars on a bet and she was telling me my mother wanted a new ipad

>> No.23576668
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And yes, I told my Waifu to buy API3 just like I'll be doing.

>> No.23576674

Checked, don't tell anyone anything. Wife, gf, sister, mother, father. Don't tell anyone ANYTHING.

>> No.23576677

kek, maybe you need to man up like OP and fuck your sister

>> No.23576701

bad sucks a dick yet board, zero

>> No.23576715


>> No.23577381

My wife doesn't give a single fuck what I do, as long as we have a house, a car, and food. She's good.

>> No.23577400

What do i do faggot? You dont know shit!

>> No.23577705

>10 Caucasian babies

dont use the slave name for your race

>> No.23578193

What the fuuuuuuck, man. That woman looks more masculine than the guy.

>> No.23578414
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should i watch YuruYuri i keep seeing it everywhere.. but im a dub chad and cant find a dub so..

>> No.23578615
File: 113 KB, 1400x1050, zelda-wind-waker-hd-screencap_960.0.1488156434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fiance has held 2k Link stack for 2 years, and some Ocean Protocol since I told her to buy it on its way up to .30

>> No.23578643

She knows I'm doing something but doesn't care.

>> No.23578665
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YES! If you don't watch Yuru Yuri, you forfeit your right to post here!

>> No.23578756

The correct name would be his actual heritage I.e German, French, Russian, etc you mutt

>> No.23578777
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>> No.23578782

>That’s a man
this is your mind on /pol/

>> No.23578799

someone please check em for me

>> No.23578828

This, my goodness 4chan is filled with simps that will learn the hard way.

They unironically believe some Jewish fantasy where they can just lay on their woman’s lap and just lay down all their burdens

>> No.23579188

Lmaoing at all these people in this thread who are worth 200k at 25 thinking they're hot shit and have to hide their wealth

>> No.23579377

europe should unify. those differences and in fighting weaken us. if it wasnt for ww1 colonialism would have continued and Caucasians would be ruling the world. remember that next time you harp on some Caucasian for some trival thing while giving orcs a free pass on violent crimes and rape.