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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2357034 No.2357034 [Reply] [Original]

State your age, your net worth and how you got there. I'll start.

Age: 23
Net worth: $68,512
How: Programming hundreds of sites while in college.

>> No.2357060

what programing language?

>> No.2357076

>net worth: ~$30,000
>How: investing in cheap ETH

>> No.2357077

>keeping your entire net worth in your paypal account

>> No.2357091

age: 23
net worth: 10k + 5k crypto
how: parttime programming job + some odd freelance jobs

>> No.2357098
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Age: 30
Net worth: $193,000
How: Wagecucking, being cheap, avoiding the roast, buying index funds.

>> No.2357099

Keeps the 0.74 in his Bank for an emergency

>> No.2357104

>not investing it
Not gonna make it at this rate.

>> No.2357112

did have over 12k after being in a sales job, telstra phones sales aus

>> No.2357116
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>> No.2357121

129k AUD
Bought ltc and btc in 2012

>> No.2357123

Dairy farming
18k (3k from work rest from crypto gains)

>> No.2357124

This meme life doe

>> No.2357129

Check this faggit Paypal lol
Fucking normie where you coins at nigger?
Poor fucking ape

>> No.2357141

C#, Python and some Java!

>> No.2357146

what were your jobs though?

>> No.2357165 [DELETED] 
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>Age: 23
>Net Worth: Like 10,000 in checking + bank and ~20,000 in a mutual fund
>How: Aggressive saving, having a real job and rich grandpa

wew lad. never even touched a crypto

>> No.2357176

Age: 24
Net worth: EUR ~1600000
How: At 19 created an online marketplace still up in and running (sold shares 2 years ago), then invested a little in cryptos back in early 2016 while creating a new company (tech) just starting up.

My parents are both working middle class jobs, I always dreamed to be a millionaire, I am on my way to have 2M by 2018, if my new venture works I can maybe reach a B in 7 years. I find having money not very rewarding when it is earned by pure speculation. I had so much pride creating jobs, starting a business from scratch to sell it for few hundred thousands. More than making over a million in cryptos.

I bought a house where my mom lives now, that was nice.

Spoiler : We are going to release one of the most promising token in a year.

>> No.2357195


>> No.2357199

wow, that's insane! when you say online marketplace, do you mean on tor for illegal drugs or what are we talking about lol...

also, u got a girlfriend?

>> No.2357223

buying around €7k worth of btc and eth last summer

>> No.2357225


I only do legal things, even paying my taxes. It is a marketplace in the real estate industry.

I have no girlfriend, I work a lot, surrounded by PhD's in different fiels that are 10 years older than me minimum. Trying to socialize is hard, I had to move for my new venture.

>> No.2357250

of course you gotta shill a shitcoin

>> No.2357252

Age 25.

NW EUR75k.

How: Mr Money Mustache method.

Got my husband on board too. Will pay for all our living expenses if we invest EUR500 a month together.

>> No.2357264


Ahah the token will not be on exchanges, a closed ICO for a few selected players relevant to the business, no point in shilling it anywhere.

>> No.2357297

>45k in crypto
>getting in early and recently using 1broker.cc to copy trades of others to make more BTC

>> No.2357313

do you know how to program? how did you get the capital to start the business?

and crazy to think there are young millionaire men on here that are single!

>> No.2357323

also where u from?

>> No.2357332

You sound like a girl.

>> No.2357352

Age: 25

Wagecucking but spend most of what I earn on rent/food/clothes/alcohol/gf

I have like 800 € now
Oh and 300 € in cryptos so thats pretty neat

>> No.2357357

maybe cuz i am? lol

>> No.2357372

Yea, trying to climb on a rich man's dick. What a slut.

>> No.2357380


See how they notice someone's a millionaire and get a little wet?

Remember lads: All women are whores - treat them accordingly.

>> No.2357387


>> No.2357391

Not sure if troll, but I'm >>2357252. Am female.
My husband's networth is EUR3k and he earns EUR300 a month

>> No.2357398

>holding 100% of your assets in a fucking paypal wallet

you really can't make this shit up


>> No.2357399

shocker.. woman love rich young men. i have a boyfriend and it just blows my mind that he'd be single. lol, welcome to the real world?

>> No.2357415

Why are you asking him where he's from then? Looking for someone better? Aww, are you fighting with your boyfriend like every whore does so they can justify cheating? You're everything that's wrong with the world. Go do drugs and kill yourself, you degenerate bitch.

>> No.2357416

lol exactly!

>> No.2357425

wtf i wanted to know what country he's from because he talked about all the PhD's he works with. you're bitterly single, wow.

>> No.2357431

wanna be my gf, i got a lot of MOON Coin ;)

>> No.2357441
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>i have a boyfriend

>> No.2357454

it's 2017 and woman can be rich by themselves. i know, shocking...

>> No.2357459

>25 or 26, can't remember
>£130k in crypto

>> No.2357463

I feel like building a marketplace is a very profitable route if you can make it work. Do you think it's still a good route in 2017? Did you build it yourself or assemble a team at first? Was it your first venture?

>> No.2357469

Dirty low life liar. You're probably a chink.

>> No.2357474

age 21
net worth 100'000chf
how: working job as a door to door salesman, selling drugs and some successful scams, and successful crypto investements. 100k isn't shit in switzerland I can't even buy a small 1 room apartment here though.

>> No.2357477

you literally couldn't be more wrong. you have so much hate in your heart, i pity u :(

>> No.2357480


And you'd be entitled to loyalty because you're not with him for his money.


This one deserves to be cheated on if she's lucky.

>> No.2357485

>not going all in on bitcoin and becoming rich

>> No.2357486

>Approx $80k
Most is in crypto, just because I believe in the technology. I got a late start with money because of legal troubles, but I have a decent paying corporate software developer job. All debts are paid off except my car that's has a laughably low interest rate.

>> No.2357497

250€ + 50€ crypto

i'm not talking about K here obviously

>> No.2357514
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No one knows aside my parents, my partners and a few childhood friend what I do, I also came to realise that the only people that talk about money are the ones that do not have much.

My networth is nothing, try creating a business, you will need and meet wealthy people, sometime just as young as you are, just born with rich parents, to them 2M is nothing.

I'd rather be single than having a vapid whore by my side. I love having money because I can focus on what I love doing, right now I am working on a new venture that I believe can really power circularity worldwide.

>> No.2357518

Nice larping faggot

>> No.2357542


It is profitable, not very inspiring (that is why I quitted). "marketplace" a such a broad term, hard to say if it is a good route or not, depends on the market. I assembled my team with a childhood friend and going to various events like hackathons etc..

>> No.2357552

>Age 28
>networth ~200k
>wagecucking since 16

>> No.2357555

Age: 27
Net worth: ~$300k
How: Made $10k selling stuff in Diablo 3 and bought BTC for them when the 2013 bubble was starting. I eventually took out my initial investment and enough to pay off my student loan, and left the rest of the profits in crypto.

>> No.2357560

You sound like a self righteous, conceited snob. But at least you know women are whores. Props.

>> No.2357573


This girl is such a slutty gold digger. I can tell just by the way she talks. She's probably cheated on her boyfriend(s) multiple times, and would divorce a guy as soon as she married him just to talk half his shit. I bet she sucks dick. What a slut

>> No.2357594
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>>my entire net worth is in paypals hands

bwahahahaha if true KYS now idiot

>> No.2357610

25k in the bank, 60k worth of crypto
Working since I was 18 pretty much

>> No.2357611

>18, ~$13k, wagecucking for my first 1k in savings then growing it through crypto, thanks to you anon

>> No.2357630


Self righteousness is essential for anyone wanting to build a succesfull company, you need to convince first your partners, then your clients and investors. All tech entrepreneurs are selft righteousness by definition. Conceited snob I don't think I am but who cares

>> No.2357643

Age: 24

Saving like a jew since i was a kid
Put it all in crypto a while ago, seen some nice gains

>> No.2357672
File: 214 KB, 1080x1920, 76dcb623-2ebc-4c42-bbca-1d035a6c80b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This + another 1.2k€ in savings...
>25, math student + part-time programmer + part-time tutor
>h-help me /biz/, you're my only hope...

>> No.2357682

20 300aud crippling anxiety

>> No.2357700

Time-stamped pic or GTFO

>> No.2357702

How are those math helping you investing ? Been building some statistical model to boost those crypto gains ?

>> No.2357712

Man that must be hard to browse /biz/ with all those fucker showing their crypto millions while you have 300aud in the bank

>> No.2357730

100% agree

>> No.2357739
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>$102,000 in assets
>$20,000 interest-free loan to my father for my car, splurged on a super comfy whip
>Graduated with 0 dollars to my name and a comp sci degree
>Got a great paying job building financial apps for an investment firm

>> No.2357741

You are, and people do care, faggot.

>> No.2357754

>around 100,000k
>invested in crypto throughout college and masters degree, landed a job with a defense contractor
It's not that bad.

>> No.2357757

Nah. Statistics is pretty useless, I would say. Been thinking about diving into machine learning and try applying that, but I don't have high hopes for it working out, either, so I'll just hodl and add whatever € I can spare every month.

>> No.2357770

I have NEVER cheated, ever. This is such a disgusting stereotype, stop.

>> No.2357789

Building statistics models does NOT work for crypto.

t. me

I've tried them all nigger. ARIMA, exp. smoothing, etc. Plus data is a bitch to get. Better just to rely on pseudo science TA imo.

>> No.2357809

people get rich by asserting risk
statistics show people cheat more often
ergo rich people stop going into relationships

>> No.2357810

I'm 34, so older than most of you.

115k cash
30k car
Put 40k into crypto recently (hence down to 115k)
House worth 850k, selling would net me 500k.

I'm hoping my 40k in crypto will make me a millionaire in a few years by just hodling. I'm sick of my 150k/year wage cuck life.

>> No.2357811

Take your feminism somewhere else. I'm not stopping shit. Fuck you, liar.

>> No.2357812

Soft dev about to quit my job, how did you do this? Listings in your city?

>> No.2357814

I'm actually surprised these autists are biting your troll posts so hard.

>> No.2357824

Well machine learning is statistics. It's simply a fancy name for different models. Don't have much hope also, still I'm scraping as much data as possible since a week, and see if I can train some models on it. But my data is quite sparse, I don't have a lot of sources. If someone is interested, at the moment the most obvious correlation between the price and activity in the community of a crypto, is that activity grows with price, but there seem to be no delay. So no prediction power. Didn't went through more deep statistical tests though

>> No.2357833

>statistics show people cheat more often
Rich people cheat more often, or who?

>> No.2357841

>wage cuck

you're laughing in the face of actual wagecucks sir

>> No.2357843

Yes you were basing on the price, that's the mistake. The answer is not in the price, is in the network. If you take the assumption that a token has no intrinsic value, its price is only influenced by the number of participant in the network. This is where you need to look

>> No.2357853

Where do you scrap your data from? Any chance of gathering minute/tick data from some exchanges?

>> No.2357858

generally, its too risky to invest (time,money) into a relationship, so it is a logical conclusion to not commit and lose out on this aspect.

Espcially considering the commitment of marriage, where you face a potential loss of 50%

>> No.2357860

How the fuck do you autists define self worth

>> No.2357863

Nigger, listen to me. I've been there. I hunted for data. The best I bet you found is daily BTC closing prices. Forget doing models. I'm telling you. You will want to kys. Just use moving averages and other financial models on Bittrex. You literally cannot use stats on crypto (yet, anyways). You cannot put in your regression model, for example, Chinese whales dumping. Zero conditional mean, etc.

I'm trying to save you the trouble.

>> No.2357866

I only scrape for social activity, not price. Bitcointalk, telegram, slack, and adding more sources when I have time

>> No.2357869

Price contains all relevant information though boy-o. You're right I didn't try with participants, but how can you really know how many participants are on a network?

>> No.2357884

Yes I am aware of that, but I'm not doing a model for short term trading. It's a model to detect cryptos which have feedback loops leading them to long term grow. I don't care about a spike in the price

>> No.2357892

i hope i never get to the point where i look at marriage as a logical statistical loss. get it together bro

>> No.2357896

That's the hard part, but there is a lot of thing you can learn from the number of transactions, etc

>> No.2357898

Hmmm interesting then. You should make a trip to keep us updated on the project.

>> No.2357921

4rth year uni student, programming full time for a year, 21k in savings and 7k in crypto. CAD

>> No.2357922

you lookin for a PM ?

>> No.2357928


What a bizarre LARP:





Why do people even do this?


>> No.2357947


>> No.2357983

I tought /biz/ is where the money is, but seems you are all just larping faggots

>> No.2358035

Just post your tits or fuck off.

>> No.2358043

So more like $0 because you haven't cashed out.

>> No.2358094

So that means, OP is a faggot?

>> No.2358114

It doesn't count as cheating because she was drunk at a party and the guy "took advantage of her." Also, her and her boyfriend were going through a fight.

>> No.2358280

Age: 33
Net worth: -18,000
How: took out a loan to buy shitcoins and got beat by the pump and dump scams

>> No.2358302
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oh anon

>> No.2358316

thanks, people like you are the ones who give us profits

>> No.2358359
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I will never make it out

>> No.2358383

Age: 24
Net worth: -$30k
How: Autism

>> No.2358385

How did you find people to make sites for?
Been trying to get into this game but can't find anyone..

>> No.2358445


It / He / She hasn't we confirmed OP is a faggot:





> /biz/ is poor

>> No.2358478

Age: 18
Net worth: $1,523,003
How: Put $3,000 on Stratis last summer.

>> No.2358484


60,000$ total / 28k crypto, rest inheritance

>> No.2358505

Age: 21
Net Worth: $30,000
How: Mostly by trading crypto, a little from working at my job as a consultant for 6 months

>> No.2358521

Age: 69
Net worth: 2.5 billion
How: Fucking your mum

>> No.2358532

Yeah right

Age: 18
Net worth: $40,000
How: Crypto

>> No.2358579

>900e fiat
>500e crypto
>no debt

im seriously so fucking poor for my age should I kys asap? I'm going to do a masters in int. tax law next to wage cuck and get a shot at having money in life (entry level jobs are 40-50k year)

i work as a freelancer - i translate and write content for -50% the price compared to "professionals". I literally have 400-500e after rent every month.. been like this for the last 3 years just kill

>> No.2358590


what do you think about Swarm City?

>> No.2358687

Age ~ 33
Net worth ~ - $260,000 (mortgage, student loans, car)
Cash ~ $15,000
Crypto ~ $14,000 (all house money)
Get a $32,400 commission check today for a real estate sale

>> No.2358691


Age: 18
Net worth: ~$3.000
How: Saving and wageslaving while studying


If real teach me your ways senpai, how did you got started?


What do you mean by MMM method? I've been reading for quite a while and cannot think about any specific method, are you referring to early retirement? Please elaborate.

>> No.2358699

>60k on paypal
have fun with your account locked and "under verification" xD

>> No.2358740

Age: 18
Net worth: £3500
How: internet things, no money from parents

>> No.2358763



>> No.2358787

Can I fuck your mom for a Digibyte?

>> No.2358799 [DELETED] 

>What do you mean by MMM method?
Only spend money on things that improve your life.
So I'll be spending $1.2k to visit my husband, but clothes don't bring me joy, so I wear hand-me-downs. My jeans are $3 or free and my stockings (= bring me joy) are $45. I have a $600 cellphone to use apps & have a mobile camera, but no data or phone number. I spend money on skin care and bodylotion, but not on make-up. I go to the store on foot, yet I hire someone to do small chores. I abuse my earphones and buy a new pair every month, but I refuse sedation in hospitals to keep costs down (bonus: people get impressed by this skinny girl who doesn't cry while doctors are pushing her bone back in its socket).

Lots of tiny decisions that made me save up 75k, while my sister (similar education/earnings) is constantly broke.

>> No.2358855

Lol you gotta be kidding me.
You actually held?
Don't let it go to your head, don't buy a lambo, dont marry a gold digger. You won the lottery but you didnt show any skill for it, go develop a skill something you like you got the freedom to stop caring bout money.

Me: 28
How: Half crypto, 15/15/15 work/parents/investments

>> No.2358867

>What do you mean by MMM method?

Only spend money on things that improve your life.


I spend $1.2k to visit my husband, but clothes don't bring me joy, so I mostly wear hand-me-downs.

My jeans are $3 or free but my stockings are $15 each.

I abuse my earphones and buy a new pair every months, but I refuse sedation in hospitals to reduce cost (bonus: people are impressed, lol).

I spend money on skin care and body lotion, but 0 on make-up. I do buy the cheapest body lotion I can find, but I spend lots extra for silicone based lube.

I go to stores on foot, yet I'll hire people to do small chores that I don't like.

My wedding ring is a $20 tungsten from Amazon, but the lawyer costs for prenup + wedding + immigrations are around $4k by now. (awesome lawyers though, def worth the money)

Hundreds of these tiny differences made me save up to EUR75k while my sister is broke, despite similar life circumstance.

On the fence about health insurance though. Might get it.

>> No.2358931

age: 20
net worth: 180k

How: health insurance, stocks, crypto currencies

>> No.2358946

27 human years old
$110,000 in bank accounts
$250,000 in my houses equitiy
$25,000 in investments.
Is about $385,000

I'm a saver and didn't spend money when I didn't need to.

>> No.2359023

net worth: 40k
how: diversifying my investments and wage slave.

>> No.2359040


Got it. Makes sense, MMM is heavily based on mostly savings for early retirement, thanks.

>> No.2359085
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Age: 35

>> No.2359128
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>> No.2359191

Any ausfags here? I've got about $2000 in a superannuation account that the government forced me to fund while I was wageslaving. Is it possible to withdraw and invest it in cryptos? I don't know much about the law regarding superannuation, and I suspect there are probably rules so people can't just withdraw it and spend it on baubles

>> No.2359248

You're me a few years from now.

300k in a house with 100k equity
50k in retirement accounts
30k in stocks
Setting aside 20k for crypto

I'm always grateful for what I have because of growing up poor, but goddamn do I hate being a wagecuck.

>> No.2359252

Haha dont us humans always say it that way?

>> No.2359281
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wow man thats fking amazing, mine is at 1000k....
care to donate to a pleb?

>inb4 banned

>> No.2359342
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>debt because college dropout
>slowing slipping into suicidial depression

>> No.2359501
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Age- 24
Net Worth: $175,000
How: Using saved Birthday money from youth and small savings from a $30,000 Geology job to buy crypto, and ultimately bitbean for the big gainz. Currently down on stocks (MGT at average of $1.20, put $12,000 into that)

>are you kidding/ shilling?

No, I am not.

>> No.2359530

just assume that for every thread

>> No.2359588
File: 3.21 MB, 3150x1186, pills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 28, college student
Net worth: $3,319,042
How: Investments, various pills

>Late 90's early 2000's: conscious experience dot com bubble, just a kid, trade Pokemon cards
>Mid 2000's: finish high school, work two jobs, have $10k
mid-late 2000's: Get into precious metals, collectors coins, mining stocks -> $50k
>2010 now in college, get into automated trading, find out I will probably never become really good it since I don't study CS, and lack the quant background but my results are still "ok".
>2012: $65k
>2013: Get into crypto, huge swings in portfolio
>2015: Decide that crypto is going to be the Dot-com bubble of our generation, go all in Altcoins
Strategy: Value investing in Altcoins + actively managing positions after they have mooned.
>2017 Hope for the best

>> No.2359620

You're right. It's so much better to be madly in love and then blindsided when you find out that she's fucked all of your friends

>> No.2359637

Just get a prenup.

I don't get why Americans see prenups as a bad thing. I got applauded for it in my home country (fun fact: people don't even know I have savings)

>> No.2359660

age: 24
50k in stocks
how: working while living with parents plus 25k inheritance which got me started

>> No.2359977

I also grew up very poor. I was the first person ever to breach the 100k net worth barrier.

>> No.2359993

grandpa style, absolutely zero crypto holdings, kiss my ass cryptocucks

>> No.2360019

Gaypal is gonna lock his shit down for no reason.

>> No.2360024

>Age 22, Graduating in December
>NW: ~0 with student loans included
>How: Parents & Government Grants & Crypto

Hopefully I can make six figures out of school working for the family business. I'll be putting 70% of my after tax earnings into stocks and 30% into crypto. I have virtually 0 expenses.

>> No.2360030

We're all going to make it senpai

What are you hodling?

>> No.2360059

Nigga, crypto is the real pre-nup of the 21st century. No court can garnish your crypto!

>> No.2360068

Age: 28

Networth: Almost 7 figures.

How: Trading in legacy (7 years) and crypto(years) markets.

>> No.2360083

4years crypto

>> No.2360101

I was hodling ETH but I realised it won't allow me to escape wage cuckery. I'm old and I want to retire. I need some of dat fuck you money. I'm going all in with (((bancor))). I'm going to turn off my laptop and check back in 12 months. Hopefully it's mooned like 50x.

>> No.2360143

Age 25:

1,600 USD.
Zero debt!

I avoided working, hid from reality, stayed at my parents house for too long in the suburbs, spent a FUCK TON of money on gender transition, and now I have a great life but I'm fucking poor :(

Trying to get a job is near impossible, because I'm an editor and fiction author and the prices came crashing down for my skill when the markets I used to advertise on opened up to India.

>> No.2360163

Age: 24
Net worth: $1.6m
How: Bitcoin mostly

>> No.2360223


I just wanted to say i am SHOCKED at how you are treated just because you R a girl.
Wow, wtf man!
This is really horrible. I can't get my head around it. :( :(

I never experienced such hatred around me. If you talk to women I know like that, they would just pull you some teeth out. And I would too.
I hope those assholes never get a gf until they get better. Wow, what the hell?

Besides: I also like rich girls hahahha xD

>> No.2360257

>The only people that talk about money don't have much

Welp I guess every multi billionaire just happens to not think about money at all nice LARPing faggot

>> No.2360335

oh damn... OP; what do you do? What CAN you do? Workwise.. anything counts, music too. Maybe /biz/raelis can help you out :)

>> No.2360338

neg $45k
fuck crypto

>> No.2360342

>some real state + not shit car + 100k+- bank + 30k a month + 12k crypto
>currently working 2~4 hours a day + a couple more watching screens with graphs

>> No.2360351

>0 24hr change

>> No.2360365

That's not true. Just do it. Try it out, don't give up. Only the mindset counts. You can do stuff. And learn stuff, come oooooon

>> No.2360373

AGE: 31

Net worth: i think between 30 and 40 mill someplace atm.

How: Sold World of warcraft legendary staff for 23000 bitcoin in 2010.

>> No.2360409


>instant gratification

5 years from now (when you pay off the debt), you will be laughing at the memories