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23566654 No.23566654 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone successfully gotten by with stable investments living innawoods/on the fringes of society/in a super low-cost area?
To keep up my “normal” lifestyle in a major metro on 4-10% returns long term I would need $1-2M+ (before taxes), but if I bought some shack in rural NH I could get by on dividends from ~$500k.
Is this worth doing or would I turn into Ted Kaczynski?

>> No.23567004

I have a house in Washington. It's nice. Winter is comfy. I light fires and read about BoringDAO, unironically.

>> No.23567844


just lend your stable coins and live off of interest

>> No.23567874

God I wish that were me.
Yeah something like that and/or dividend stocks is the dream.

>> No.23568064
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Yeah, 4% rule from index funds is also an option
>figure out how much money you need per year, lower your expenses as much as possible
>have 25 this amount invested in low cost diversified ETF
>even in the worst possible times you'll be able to safely withdraw 4% as per trinity study
>enjoy life

>> No.23568073

>I wanna live in the woods!
>So cool and hip!
>Nature everywhere, no neighbours!
Then you start crying because the grocery store is 25 miles away, your cabin is cold as fuck because you ran out of dry wood, the blizzard cut off the roads, there's no pizzerias and craft beer pubs next to your home, your internet connection is shit, and you have to do all the maintenance yourself.

Just do yourself a favor and stay where you are. Cityfags always ruin everything

>> No.23568082


implying there's no way to manage these "problems" easily and optimize your lifestyle, living on the countryside/woods has never been easier than now

>> No.23568104

get a grip beavis

>> No.23568147

I grew up in the country. I just came into the city for work.

>> No.23568499

if you're prone to depression or loneliness the house will become a dump pretty quick

>> No.23568534

My city house is already a dump
At least in the country no one with butch about the smell...

>> No.23568541

how do you even spell that?

>> No.23568560

If you have to ask then this lifestyle is probably not for you.

>> No.23568564

Ironically it's much easier to be completely disconnected from people in cities. Out in the countryside everyone tends to know each other.

>> No.23568632

A worrying amount of my life history mirrors his own, so I’m overly familiar out of fear of becoming like him.
Seriously. I grew up in the country and was friends with all the neighbors. Now even people that live in the same building as me, that I exchange emails with about building maintenance and shit, I never talk to when I pass in the hallway. It’s creepy and alienating.

>> No.23569092

You could always move to a small town in the countryside near nature. That way you get the best of both worlds: having a social life with access to nature and without the stresses of city life. Pretty comfy desu.

>> No.23569207

>buy frozen pizza, cheaper anyway
>stack craft beer in yr extra fridge
>pay someone to plow
>watch youtube videos to do maintence
>buy 3 years of seasoned wood before you start chopping
>get satalite internet

you serious bruh

>> No.23569232

oh forgot
>this crazy thing, you push a bunch of buttons on yr phone and pay a little extra and habib comes to your house with pizza
>buy 2 months worth of groceries at a time


>> No.23569389
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I'd like to know why so many people have this idea of living a private, secluded life? Its either somewhere in a lodge deep in the woods, or living in some super guarded fortress in a third-world country. This seems to be a common trait with people here on /biz/

>> No.23569480

>autists have autism
?????? ??

>> No.23569512


I'd like to do it, but im too worried I'd get got by bigfoot, a crawler, goatman, etc. Too many spoopers out there.

>> No.23569516

because society is full of retarded sheep and its way healthier for you mentally and physically if you get one of those places. you get some animals and live off them unless you're some pussy that wants everything handed to you easily which in turn doesn't lead you to self improvement

>> No.23569522

I don't think it's as much about seclusion as it is about self sufficiency and independence. The cabin in the woods meme is that you have almost no overheads, maximum freedom and are able to extract resources from nature without having to pay a cut to the jew or roastie.

>> No.23569977

4% doesn’t work if there is a major market correction at the beginning phase of retirement- Sequence of Return Risk.

The original Monte Carlo simulation was to narrow.

>> No.23570810

unironically, the jews want you to live out in the woods

>"yes, goy, leave the city life to the niggers. they will earn the big bucks and we will continue making nigger media for them to consume! You can just go off into the woods and die."

>> No.23570848

thats the most retarded thing I've ever read on here

>> No.23570927
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>become self sufficient and niggers will earn the big bucks

>> No.23570960

>dividends from ~$500k
use leverage to your advantage. buy a few rental properties within driving distance of where you want to live and manage them yourself.

>> No.23570978

>thinking anyone does uber eats in a small town

>> No.23570979


>> No.23571014

if you have 100k in cash you can live and retire in Lebanon easily

>> No.23571619

I'm to pussy to live in the middle of nowhere alone.
A friend of mine grew up in the country before living in the city. He went out alone to some lake to go fishing and saw someone else across the lake with him. He told met there's not a soul for miles, though he felt it odd this guy happened to be there to,watching So he's fishing and he waves at the guy. The guy doesn't wave back but just stares at him.

This guy is just staring at him. Not fishing, or doing anything. As he's fishing the guy in the boat reaches down and grabs something but hides it and slowly makes his way to my friends boat. At that point my friend dropped everything and got as quick as he can out of the lake. The guy is doing the same trying to get to him, but he makes it to his car first and gets as fast as he can towards the main roads. Hasn't been back since